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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. Goal is 70% vaccinated by end of October. We all know that means diddly-squat. How many goals were set this year, and how many of those were actually reached?
  2. If you don’t have facts/truth on your side, you just start making all kinds of stuff up and accuse your opponents of lying, trying to discredit you or spreading fake news. Worked for Trump, so why not for Prayuth?
  3. Maybe you shouldn’t call someone “buddy” like that, pal. Most people probably don’t appreciate that. Unless that’s what you were going for….
  4. Honest Anutin. “Cross my heart and hope to die”. Wonder how many ministers would be left if they all said that.
  5. Somehow I don't think I'm the one who posted a daft argument here.
  6. Imagine it was your child getting sick and dying of covid. Would you still feel the same way then?
  7. Unfortunately, it’s not just Phuket (although they do seem to take it to the next level there), it’s the whole country, the government ministers leading by example.
  8. Look at what’s happening in Florida, kids as young as 3-4 years old are getting sick with the Delta variant and even ending up in the hospital and dying. Plus data suggest that when you’re vaccinated, you’re less likely to contaminate others. Plenty of reasons to start vaccinating kids and teenagers as well, me thinks.
  9. I really hope things will change, but corruption is so omnipresent in Thailand, so much money involved, and therefore so much at stake for all those involved. Changing that would be a Herculean task.
  10. When will this man learn to keep that big trap of his shut? So many Thai ministers, including PM Dear Leader, absolutely love the sound of their gums flapping. Do they really think people are still listening?
  11. No bail? I’m shocked. I would think there are people higher up who would want this guy in Dubai or some such place as soon as possible. Or in the ground.
  12. And since they have the most to lose, they will fight the hardest and do literally anything to keep the status quo and keep the gravy train rolling. So I don’t expect anything to change - not much, anyway - any time soon.
  13. This is not really news, is it? I mean, everybody knows that the RTP (and pretty much every other government agency) is rotten and corrupt to the core, and that they don’t have a very good track record when it comes to treating people they have arrested. People get shaken down, injured ‘accidentally, they ‘commit suicide’, or they just disappear without a trace. This Joe Ferrari guy and his mates were just stupid (or arrogant) enough to do their crime in front of a camera. His superiors must be fuming, I can tell you that much, because now they are forced to start this whole police reform charade and maybe they are going to end up losing a sizeable chunk of of all the kickbacks that move up the chain.
  14. “PM confirms police reforms ongoing” Yes, instead of brown envelopes being passed around to get a promotion, applicants now must buy their superiors at least a Ferrari.
  15. I hope so as well, but don’t hold your breath…….
  16. "Ex cop "Jo Ferrari" swears on his amulet it wasn't about money - just protecting the public" Of course it wasn't about the money! He was just conducting a friendly experiment with a volunteer, to see how long they could go without oxygen with several plastic bags over their head. And of course he was just protecting the public. How stupid does he think we are? What a douche!
  17. I remember a line from an old movie called ‘Running scared’: “he accidentally stabbed himself in the back six times”.
  18. That would be suicide. And if Joe Ferrari knows what’s good for him, he’d better not get caught, otherwise we will soon hear about his swift demise.
  19. And everybody knew that he had that mansion and all those expensive cars, and no one bothered to ask how he could afford all that? I would really like to know who he paid off to be left in peace and continue to do what he was doing, but I’m sure we’ll never know. Hopefully police chiefs (and other crazy rich so-called ‘civil servants’) all over Thailand are getting more than a little worried now. But the system of corruption is so deeply rooted in Thai society and also mentality that I doubt very much things will change any time soon. Too many big fish have too much to lose.
  20. Exactly. Many cops/people must have known about this, but nothing was done until after the video came out, and now all of a sudden the whole police force has sprung into action to capture the culprits, which they could (and should) have done much earlier. Hypocrites.
  21. This whole thing stinks to high heaven. It’s impossible that this dude could have required all that wealth without protection from (and large kick-backs to) persons in a position of power much higher up. But let me guess: no one is ever going to go after those people.
  22. What image? That of a lethargic, boorish, greedy, totally amoral and sadistic bunch, who will only get off their backsides when there’s money to be made? Pathetic excuse for a police force.
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