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Everything posted by rockyysdt

  1. These are from the "four immeasurables" Metta (Pali) loving kindness or benevolence (Sanskrit = Maitri) Karuna (Pali & Sanskrit) compassion. The desire to remove hark & suffering. Mudita (Pali & Sanskrit) joyous empathy - to feel another's pain as if it is yours. Upekkha (Pali) equanimity ((Sanskrit = Upeksa) impartial serenity. Unshakeable evenness of mind.
  2. If your love has strings attached, then lack of awareness might have a significant affect on the feelings you experience.
  3. To me, generally love has strings attached. I ioved her until I found her with another man I loved Coke until I learned it is unhealthy to drink. I prefer: Metta (good will) Karuna (compassion) Mudita (Empathetic Joy. These are unconditional.
  4. Not just greed. Many are deluded, & others suffer from aversion. One Example: Many who make offerings, will almost always offer to a Monk, over one who is destitute. The belief is that if you make merit to a Monk, it has greater kharmic value. Greed, as they are seeking to maximise the value of kharma. Aversion, as they fear the results of poor kharma Delusion, as their actions are based on custom rather than reality. One thing that needs to be said. Suffering from Greed, Aversion, & Delusion is universal. Having said that, afflictions can be shaped by culture and tradition.
  5. Well, at one end you have "what the Buddha actually taught", and at the other end "what humans believe it to be". These are not synonymous (antonymous). 1. Belief is not always fact. 2. Humans are affected by Greed, Aversion, & Delusion.
  6. This reminds me of a Roman Pope who was keen to explore meditation. He complained about the chattering bird life in the Vatican Gardens which were disturbing his concentration practice, and had them killed off. Sadly he missed the point. The Buddha came up with Monkhood, at a time when rural life entailed grueling daily routines in order just to survive. We are now in the 21st century. The Monkhood freed adherents from the shackles of the need to provide for themselves, and offered access to teachers. You now have a Government pension, and a plethora of teachings via the www. . What we need to do is practice daily Mindfulness for our entire wakeful day as well as sessions of sitting Meditation. Creating an artificial environment misses the point. We need to work towards achieving silence of mind regardless of our environment. We need to be present in our thoughts, our feelings, our awareness, and our surroundings. You said you are in your fifties. Overcoming habits and/or achieving change is your biggest hurdle and will only worsen with age. It's now down to you to overcome your preconceived ideas, thoughts, and conditioning.
  7. When you post the passport & documents is there a post office box number for the Sydney Embassy or do you post it to their physical address?
  8. Your situation fits into their mould. For many tourists, traveling to discover means that you won't know where you'll be or for how long. Tying yourself to 60 days of pre-booked accommodation would be extremely restrictive (almost like a Chinese package). Not to mention, shopping around for better accommodation once you're on the ground adds to your experience, not to mention hunting down a condo deal.
  9. Do they need two documents showing the address? Isn't the address on the passport copy sufficient? When they pre-approve do they send an email with a reference number? Do you include the reference number when you post the documents?
  10. When you posted your passport for stamps did you need to include the application form with the photo? I know you need to upload a copy of the application with photo affixed. Do you give them Visa Card account details with the upload to pay the $60? Did the Embassy use registered post to return the passport?
  11. The issue is that visa exempt entry requires you to enter with a return air ticket for no more than 30 days. I was told some are asking to see your airticket???
  12. Hi. Hoping for some assistance. On the Canberra website, for a single entry visa they are asking for proof of booking of place where the traveler will be staying. We have bookings for the first 3 nights, but the whole idea of tourism is to explore. Is this a deal breaker or will they issue the visa without proof of booking for the entire trip? PS: 30 non visa entry is insufficient as trip is for 6 weeks. thanks
  13. Hi Vinnie. Apart from escaping, what do you want to achieve?
  14. At the highest level this phenomenon is due to the 3 poisons. Greed Aversion Delusion The people need Wisdom, Generosity, & Unconditional Love to overcome these poisons. Things that are close to impossible to acquire.
  15. I suppose there is only one way to attempt to find out. Follow the 8 fold path and attain Awakening before death. The unanswerable questions I have are: There's rebirth, but if we are impermanent, conditioned and subject to death, who/what is reborn? If, through the quenching of desire, there's cessation of suffering (Nibanna), who/what no longer suffers? If who/what doesn't exist then if the cycle of rebirth ends then isn't this akin to annihilation? Conversely if who/what exists, the who/what is who/what doesn't exist? If there is no permanent who/what, then the cessation of rebirth isn't desirable. Living includes suffering, but also good moments (positive karma & negative karma). Cessation of rebirth can definitely end suffering, but then, there will also no longer be one reborn, eliminating the opportunity to enjoy positive experiences.
  16. Hi K. I guess I'm asking, does stopping the final rebirth by Awakening, result in the annihilation of that which is common to all rebirths associated with a lineage, and what becomes Awakened, if the lineage ceases?
  17. Whilst chatting with a proclaimed Buddhist the topic turned to "that which is born must die" & "cessation of the cycle of rebirth once quenching of desire & attachment takes place". His firm belief is that once quenching takes place (awakening) then this is the last birth cycle and as we are both impermanent and conditioned then upon cessation there is nothing more . I tried to explain that the Buddha would not be drawn into Nibana other than its a state, not a place, and "that which was never born can never die - deathless", and that being fixed on any view is attachment. He became agitated and reinforced that it was very clear to him. Basically he was saying, in different words, that Awakening leads to annihilation. I said, why would someone devote their life or lives living an ascetic life with the reward resulting in your final incarnation (rebirth). Then if awakening results in annihilation then surely wouldn't a procession of rebirth birth (even if it includes suffering at times) be preferable. My contentions are "what is common between all (countless) rebirths", "what is awakened", and "that which was never born can never die". He said that I am quoting English terms, and that he was suggesting mistranslation, as the Buddha used Sanskrit. Looking for your thoughts.
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