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Posts posted by ludosiam

  1. That's more or less what I wanted to point out with this constructed case: if foreigners do work for the Thai government they actually do not fulfill the requirements for a visa sooner or later. Will they be kicked out after they retire then? If we're looking across the border, for example Singapore, a permanent residence and even a citizenship does come with time severed in this country, not with pockets full of money. In my opinion these requirements do lack any moral and ethical aspects. Another point that came up here so far is the fact that the people who make us feel welcome in our daily life have elected a government that seem to have an opposite opinion about foreigners wanting to live in Thailand. Aren't a good share of the government that "invented" these new regulation descendants of migrants?

  2. Very interesting opinions and facts so far, thanks a lot for posting. 2 ironic facts have come up so far here: foreigners employed by the government actually very often do not qualify for the visa requirements set by the government as far as I understand. And the very people who do welcome us in our daily life have elected a government that seems to have an opposite opinion regarding foreigners.

  3. Just curious how other board member feel!
    They just want to get rid of the trash,what's wrong with that? :o:D:D

    A constructed case that could happen easily: foreigner was teaching at a local university for, let's say, 15 years. Now soon he will be retiring and getting a pension from the Thai government. This pension will sure be less than 40.000 THB a month. According to the new Visa requirements he isn't entitled to get a Visa anymore. Is he trash now?

    LOL ... not a likely case .... but

    That would assume that he is NOT married .... has not gotten PR ...... etc etc etc oh yeah and that that is his only income and he is under 50 ... all not likely

    Let's assume he is married, supporting his wife from reasonable income and he is of course not 50 but 60 (pension age). To get a visa he will require an income of 40.000 THB a month, isn't he?

  4. there was another thread not too long ago with the same poll that made the same mistake you have. Neither made a distinction between feeling welcome by the current government or feeling welcome by the people.

    I still feel welcome by the thai people i am around and most others. I do not feel welcome by the government.

    I think you should have this poll deleted and start a new one with the proper distinction of who you want to know we are getting the negative or positive feelings from.

    I hope this hasn't been misunderstood - I had clearly stated in the header Visa requirements and therefore meant the Government who is responsible for this, sure not any Thai in person.

  5. Just curious how other board member feel!
    They just want to get rid of the trash,what's wrong with that? :o:D:D

    A constructed case that could happen easily: foreigner was teaching at a local university for, let's say, 15 years. Now soon he will be retiring and getting a pension from the Thai government. This pension will sure be less than 40.000 THB a month. According to the new Visa requirements he isn't entitled to get a Visa anymore. Is he trash now?

  6. Ludosiam, here is the fear: Consumer spending is down and exports may weaken. The only way to counter this is for the government to spend, spend, spend, and they don't want to do that. Instead, they have been cutting project spending. Hence, if the BOT cannot find a way to fight off speculators trying to get the THB to appreciate, exports will tank and the economy will head in that direction. If that happens, the THB will weaken because economic fundamentals will be awful.

    If you think you have sleepless nights imagine how tough it is for the BOT Governor?

    OMR, i fully agree that BOT faces a complex problem to solve and I have to admit that I am not that bright in financial mechanisms as I am an engineer "forced" to run a company. But it should be possible to control speculators somehow, maybe just start to look who would benefit most of a strong THB. If I remember well there is a certain person that has plenty of THB sitting in Thailand but needs foreign currency to pay for his round trips. With the huge gap in on / offshore market's yesterday and rumours (just rumours) about 2 planes full of suitcases leaving Thailand last year, that would make a huge profit overseas!

  7. TH,

    that was actually a little sarcasm, of course I don't expect anybody to compensate nor would I blame a politician if I made a wrong decision based on his / her comments, it's up to ourselfes to verify facts before deciding.

    Actually I wrote my comment out of frustration when listening to politicians in general painting a rosy future while knowing the opposite could happen soon. And this isn't a Thai - specific problem, politicians are very concerned about party and themselves, so warnings about future downslopes are very rare these days.

    Anyway, I'm getting too far from the actual topic i believe, haha. The Baht got a little better today, so let's wait and see - hoping I'm not allowed anymore by my customers, told me to stick to facts :o

  8. You got that right. I am a small exporter also and most of my customers are complaining. i haven't changed my prices in several years and the revenue department still doesn't understand why profits are down.

    will be interesting when this years annual visa extension comes. In theory a company must have the amount equivalent of 1 year's salary for every foreign employee in cash. If we continue like this we won't.

  9. I'm just curious what you expect Khun Tarisa to do and why it is her fault?


    I'm not saying that it's Khun Tarisa's fault - I believe there are several and knowledgable people doing decisions and the money market react's on several economical facts.

    But it's no help if decicion maker are trying to avoid reality by giving unrealistic statements, better prepare for consequences caused by changing conditions.

    We have had too many decisions made and scrapped within days regarding the financial and investment sector, most companies cannot react on such a short notice.

    The way i see it Thailand's time of cheap products and labour could soon be over, so the only way out is producing value added, high tech goods for which we will need better qualified employees, for which they need to have good education etc....

    Another amazing aspect is that fuel prices haven't dropped in the last few days!

  10. As a small business owner doing export it's amzing to hear people like Khun Tarisa Watanagase telling me not to worry about the exchange rate, glad to hear she's in full control of everything.

    However, maybe she will compensate for the almost 20% reduction in profit we have to bear? Profitable business with 50 people working has turned into net loss now, negotiations with customers aren't that successful yet and there's a possibility of closing down soonest.

    And I am pretty sure that this isn't a single company that has been hurt, there are thousands of jobs at stake here in Thailand right now. Increasing prices is an easy answer, but the easy reply from customers will be reduced purchases and searching for other options in the region.

  11. Do you know many of that tourists? Usually if I want to go to that big trip - I buy tour or tickets like


    Why me need to use Thailand like hub in this situaton? Only if visa trip.

    actually, yes i know 'many of that tourists'.

    i was one about 3 times (a long time before coming to bkk). my first visit to thailand was so miserable i wouldn't have come back at all if not using it as a convenient hub for other destinations in the region.

    also, i have friends coming in november (all women, not sex tourists but real, bona fide legit tourists) who are only coming for 2 weeks but would LIKE to use BKK as a hub and see myanmar, vietnam, and cambodia. lemme see, arrive bkk, 1 entry. go to cambodia and return, 2 entries. go to vietnam and return, 3 entries. go to myanmar, you need a visa. absurd. incidentally, they'd still follow a similar itinerary if they were *not* visiting me, it's fairly common, given that it is MUCH cheaper to buy regional air tickets in bangkok than in, say, new york.

    on one hand, if the plan is implemented as described, it could be a big boost to an airport as a SEA tourist hub... KL. on the other hand, the people backing the new airport are NOT going to be happy with that situation, and given that it is a question of POLICY not LAW, it may not be implemented at the airport as described or can change suddenly. that's speculation, true--but we've already seen things change very fast. expect that to continue, imo.

    As far as I understand the policy is not to issue more than 3 consecutive Visa on arrival anymore. But your friends could still apply for a multiple entry visa in their homecoutry and leave / enter Thailand as they wish....I guess

  12. There are a significant number of people living in Thailand who do not seem to qualify for any of the visa options UNLESS they are going to permit endless tourist visas. What visa would you suggest a 40 year old retired American apply for who is not married to a Thai and does not wish to work or do business in Thailand?

    If a 40-year old American is truly in position to spend the rest of his/her life in a foreign country as a true retiree - he/she must have sufficient money for those investment related visas still avaiable ... The "cheapest" (in terms of how much must be put on the table) would be to form a company, which employs you as some kind of director for a salary sufficient to get you one-year extension of you permitted-to-stay-stamps. Of course, you'll have to pay tax of that (maybe only on paper) income --- but why not, if you like this country enough to want to stay here for good? ... Well, I gues the company also needs to do some sort of business to remain an acceptable entity - but if you're only 40 years old - no symphaty from here if you feel too old to trying comply with that ...

    If applying common sense a 40 year old american who does have enough money (income) to live in LOS should be able to stay here as long as he wishes if funds can be proofed. Forming a company just to stay here is expensive (I have done that, but with the purpose of working and make a living, costs around 12.000 THB / month)

    At the end I believe all the fuzz is about paying tax which I think is standard requirement in most countries, if you're choose to live here you should also pay tax here. Ask if you can declare your income here and get it taxed, I don't see where the problem is.

  13. well, Khun Thaksin and friends have been there quite a few times recently, seems they didn't had any problems at all, hehe.

    Mahasarakam, local politician from the middle of nowhere! and expecting a special treatment - sorry. If the purpose of his visit was an official one, he's right to complain. If not - shut up and go in the queue.

    I am currently in the progress of renewing my one years visa, coming from Korat. 8 hours travelling just to hear what I know already - papers not yet approved, please come back next month. I can't complain about it, it's the way it goes.

    Another assumption: maybe has was drunk when applying for the visa? :o

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