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Posts posted by teacherofwoe

  1. 2 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    But not under the terms of the nuclear pact. That said, it's clear that other signatories are giving Iran lots of latitude because they recognize that it's the USA that is the root cause of this situation.

    JCPOA provisions permit Iran to increase uranium enrichment for peaceful purposes beyond levels agreed on if other signatories fail to fulfill their obligations under the agreement. 
    That’s precisely what happened by Trump’s illegal withdrawal, along with breach of the agreement by Britain, France, Germany and the EU. 
    Uranium enrichment beyond the JCPOA-permitted 300 kg/3.67 level is Iran’s legal right because of the Western breach as stipulated in Articles 26 and 36. 

    • Haha 1
  2. 21 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    Arguably, no country has the right to dictate to any other country what they can and can't do within their own borders. All countries can refuse to trade with, or have diplomatic relations with any other country. But they have no right to impose their chosen actions on any others.


    The US, under Trump, apparently has no problem with terrorist nest Pakistan, ultra Hindu nationalist India, or secretive Israel having nuclear weapons. Just oil rich Iran!



    I think you mistook my statement. Iran has every right to increase uranium enrichment.

    • Haha 1
  3. 16 hours ago, beau thai said:

    I guess I lack your refined taste but Gekko food is ok. Unpretentious sure, but better than a lot of the more pretentious stuff served up elsewhere. , Good value. Varied menu, good promotions.  No reason to defame it....


    13 hours ago, elektrified said:

    I agree. Nothing wrong with Gekko. The menu is huge and both Thai and Western food is prepared well. The staff are very nice and friendly and the prices are very reasonable. Absolutely no need to defame it.

    Defamation is a serious matter in Thailand. If I have defamed Gekko, a moderator would have deleted my post. But they didn't because it's an opinion. I could suggest that you've both promoted the place and contact a moderator to have your posts deleted under TV rules, but you haven't because it's your opinion. In my opinion, the staff are friendly and efficient, the eating area is not clean, the food is clean in its preparation, but the quality of the recipes are very poor. That's my opinion which I'm entitled to am I not?

  4. 18 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

    You can bet your life they are. Along with a smart environment, smart economy, smart energy, smart mobility and smart governance etc.


    Smart people will instantly recognise the language as from the Smart Growth element of the UN Agenda21/Agenda2030 programme. This little-publicised plan seeks to control and manage all the world's assets - not least its people.


    Thailand is the ASEAN coordinator for the programme's so-called Sustainable Development Goals, of which the smart cities initiative is a part. Its implications go far beyond just burying a few power cables, laying new water pipes and fixing broken paving stones.


    This link includes a revealing video from the US, at the sharp end of the Agenda21/2030 global roll-out: http://iagenda21.com/



    If you're interested, there is a global petition to stop 5g. The Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki has just signed and endorsed it. Please take the time to read it (do your own research if need be) and share with everyone you know.

    Here's the link; it's been translated to over 25 languages but not Thai yet.



  5. 46 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

    You can bet your life they are. Along with a smart environment, smart economy, smart energy, smart mobility and smart governance etc.


    Smart people will instantly recognise the language as from the Smart Growth element of the UN Agenda21/Agenda2030 programme. This little-publicised plan seeks to control and manage all the world's assets - not least its people.


    Thailand is the ASEAN coordinator for the programme's so-called Sustainable Development Goals, of which the smart cities initiative is a part. Its implications go far beyond just burying a few power cables, laying new water pipes and fixing broken paving stones.


    This link includes a revealing video from the US, at the sharp end of the Agenda21/2030 global roll-out: http://iagenda21.com/



    Way ahead of you bro, but thanks for posting the link.

  6. 18 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    That's because 68 percent all land above sea level is located north of the equator. And these are all time records. So just wait until summer. But if you want a fuller picture here a summary of daily records and monthly records.


    All time records are less than 200 years old. Global temperature measurements started in 1850. That was at the end of the last ice age, so of course temperatures will rise until the next cooling period. How can you comprehend the weather system of the planet without looking at at least hundreds of thousands of years of data from ice cores and trees etc? All the hard facts are out there, see for yourself. 

  7. 15 hours ago, Dek Somboon said:

    Thank you! Denialist dummies should no longer be given a platform to spread their bullshit and the TVF moderator should have banned the poster’s nonsense!


    18 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    First off, everyone should not that as per usual the poster fails to include the source of his graph. I believe it comes from Dr. John Christy, who is an outlier climatologist on the question of global warmng.

    This is typical of the subterfuge that denialists use. In fact, Christy's methods and consequent claims were shown to be faulty the most important single reason being that he didn't account of orbital decay in the satellites.



    What follows are summaries of 4 evaluations of global atmospheric warming that use not only satellite data but ground level data as well. Readers will note that they show the highest temperature recorded occurred in 2018. What makes that even more significant is that 2018 was not an El Nino year unlike 1998









    There's also this:

    Satellite confirms key NASA temperature data: The planet is warming — and fast


    A high-profile NASA temperature data set, which has pronounced the last five years the hottest on record and the globe a full degree Celsius warmer than in the late 1800s, has found new backing from independent satellite records — suggesting the findings are on a sound footing, scientists reported Tuesday.

    If anything, the researchers found, the pace of climate change could be somewhat more severe than previously acknowledged, at least in the fastest warming part of the world — its highest latitudes.

    “We may actually have been underestimating how much warmer [the Arctic’s] been getting,” said Gavin Schmidt, who directs NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, which keeps the temperature data, and who was a co-author of the new study released in Environmental Research Letters.



    I love this graph. Start recording temperatures at the end of an ice age and hey presto... the temperature goes up. Who'd have thought? If you take the same graph and go back to the middle ages, you will see that it was hotter then than it is now. Have a look at graphs that go back millions of years and you will see a wavy line pattern of temperature changes which are natural to this planet. Or you can limit yourself to what The Club of Rome are pushing. 

  8. 1 hour ago, nong38 said:

    This is the problem and how to solve it. If you work for a company or the Government you cannot avoid paying tax, same as VAT but if you don't like small shops and independent street traders for example they don't fill out a tax return therefore they don't pay taxes and you can see why they don't fill one out they would be daft to. Mind you they would still like all the benefits as well. The Government have decide what to do in this case, they seem to have enough people on the payroll maybe they should send them out to get the tax returns coming in rather than sit there doing paper work by the ream which could be avoided with a more efficient system.

    Yes, you get taxed and your employer deducts every month, but you go to the tax office at the end of the fiscal year and claim the money back that lies under the threshold. I'm married and a father of two which means I can earn over B30,000 a month before I pay income tax. There are a few other bits and bobs that I claim for which takes my non taxable income to about B34,000 a month.

    Businesses that have a revenue less than B1.8 million don't file for corporate tax which covers the bulk of independent retailers, eateries, and mom and pop shops. I have a business that doesn't pay corporate tax (salaries yes) because it is cheaper to buy local products than to purchase from large companies and then claim the VAT back.

    Outside of big to med corp, I would wager that most of the country doesn't pay any Income Tax, or fiddles their books because the chances of a tax inspector turning up is unheard of. 

  9. On 4/30/2019 at 2:25 PM, rocketman777 said:

    They are not 'spreading' the disease


    This is all being hyped out of proportion.  Its not the number of cases that is important but the number of deaths and serious complications  that need to be considered relative to the death rate and complications from vaccination .


    Research studies and national tracking of measles have documented that:

    • 1 in 10,000 or 0.01% of measles cases are fatal
    • Malnutrition, especially vitamin A deficiency, is a primary cause of about 90,000 measles deaths annually in underdeveloped nations.6 In the U.S. and other developed countries, 75–92% of hospitalized measles cases are low in vitamin A.7,8

    There was prior to the introduction of the Measles vaccine a significant decline in deaths had already taken place.( see chart)

    But  measles vaccinations can also cause death and serious complications

    Serious complications reported by Merck in the ProQuad(MMR-V) product insert during vaccine post-marketing surveillance include6:

    • measles;
    • atypical measles;
    • vaccine strain varicella;
    • varicella-like rash;
    • herpes zoster;
    • herpes simplex;
    • pneumonia and respiratory infection;
    • pneumonitis;
    • bronchitis;
    • epididymitis;
    • cellulitis;
    • skin infection;
    • subacute sclerosing panencephalitis;
    • aseptic meningitis;
    • thrombocytopenia;
    • aplastic anemia (anemia due to the bone marrow’s inability to produce platelets, red and white blood cells);
    • lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes);
    • anaphylaxis including related symptoms of peripheral, angioneurotic and facial emema;
    • agitation;
    • ocular palsies;
    • necrotizing retinitis (inflammation of the eye);
    • nerve deafness;
    • optic and retrobulbar neuritis (inflammation of the optic nerve);
    • Bell’s palsy (sudden but temporary weakness of one half of the face);
    • cerebrovascular accident (stroke);
    • acute disseminated encephalomyelitis;
    • measles inclusion body encephalitis;
    • transverse myelitis;
    • encephalopathy;
    • Guillain-Barré syndrome;
    • syncope (fainting);
    • tremor;
    • dizziness;
    • paraesthesia;
    • febrile seizure;
    • afebrile seizures or convulsions;
    • polyneuropathy (dysfunction of numerous peripheral nerves of the body);
    • Stevens-Johnson syndrome;
    • Henoch-Schönlein purpura;
    • acute hemorrhagic edema of infancy;
    • erythema multiforme;
    • panniculitis;
    • arthritis;
    • death


    Although its hard to get solid data  between vaccinated  death rate relative to the death rate from the infection itself, the difference appears not significant.

    So get off your uninformed high horses , and take the time to question the matter and not just be influenced by the mainstream propaganda that get revenue from Big Pharma.






    According to your graph, could you tell us what caused measles mortality to drop to zilch three or four years prior to the introduction of the vaccine? Also, would you provide details from then covering the last fifty six years please? Thank you.  

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