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Posts posted by paal349

  1. If youre thinking about a "real" boxing match in a ring, you can probably contact Sasiprapa gym

    They have a ring, the owner is a certified referee, and loads of former champions have trained there. Dont know if anyone would go full-contact, or what the price of such an event would be, but worth a try as I have the feeling some of the non-thai students there would love to test their abilities. If it happens, be sure to post the time and date as two martial arts clashing would be very fun to see under controlled circumstances.

  2. Have yet to see the 8GB in Pantip. But 4GB sells for 12500 w/xp and office installed. If you search the forum, there is a thread about the upcoming Eee Pc 900 that is supposed to hit shelves in Asia in april.

  3. Last news are that they are scheduled for an early release in may, but it dosent say when it will be availible for Thailand. It would be great if the forummembers who frequent places like pantip would drop a line if they see it "in the wild". I have seen the prices for the 4gb w/webcam has dropped from 12700 to 9900 at pantip, so they may clear out the old ones before the new one arrives. Tried to ask some at the shops that sell them, but they had no answers.

    edit: This one tells of an April release.

  4. Well, Ive spent many hours connecting various machines to TVs, and sometimes it takes hours to get the right settings. My advice to you is to get into the "Advanced"-settings panel and muck around a bit. It is supposed to be plug-and-play, but never is. Good luck :-)

  5. How much do you know about computers? Some of the problems Ive encountered is that when you define the second screen (for dual view), both of the screens must have the same resolution. So try right clicking the desktop, choose settings, right click on the grey box signed "2" and check "extend my windows desktop onto this monitor". Then put both resolutions to 800X600. If the tv is compatible, you should get a picture now. From there you can play around with the advanced settings if you want to clone or whatever.

  6. Just bought an ee pc and changed the keyboard layout. But I would really like the right letters displayed on the keyboard. Do anyone know if there is a place in bkk which makes custom stickers of this sort?

  7. Ordered pizza from The Pizza Company and the bill was 370B. Gave the deliveryboy 400B and told him to keep the change as a tip. He looked at me puzzled for a couple of seconds and then smiled from ear to ear. In Norway the people who deliver pizza are one of the few who expect tips. Do you tip the people who deliver food, and how much?

  8. I am looking to buy a desk and a good computer chair in Bangkok. I live in Bang Kapi, but that is not relevant as I need to have them delivered anyway. Do you have any suggestions?

  9. I arrived in Bangkok 2 weeks ago with the usual 30 days tourist visa. I am going to study for 2 years at Ramkhamhaeng Uni beginning june, and were told there were no problem arriving 4 months early as they would give me the education Visa. But now as I am here they tell me they cannot give me the visa until the school starts. What are my options here? I heard that going abroad and entering Thailand again is no longer legal? But I also herd that I can get an extension of my tourist visa with an additional month? Any advise would be appriciated.

  10. Ah, so it is near assumtion. That makes it much easier. Do you guys got any more practical advice for somebody that has never been to Thailand (other than my friends: "Watch out for the ladyboys and the police, which I assume is good advice, but maybe somebody can give me some more?).

  11. First post here :-)

    Just got my confirmatin that I am accepted into ramkhamhaeng university, so I am moving to Bangkok next february from Norway. Must say I am looking forward to the sun and the weather in Thailand in opposiion to Norway with 2- celsius and only light from 9-3. My question is: I am confused with the size of Bangkok, and cant quite figure out the district the university is located and how much I must expect to spend on an apartment close to it?

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