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Everything posted by john11k

  1. Why ware something worth that much anyway , Not just pattaya , but many places around the world Kinda asking for trouble. !
  2. Like most other countries, it will be forgotten about after a week , until the next attack. !!! RIP, Sir
  3. All the foreigners/ expats living in Thailand are spending all there money in Thailand , Chances are they will now leave and spend it else where. I’ll never get over the thinking behind these sort of brainless laws,
  4. Don’t make you aware , ! But next morning or when you wake you’ll rember, some of the time also when your alive and sleeping the brain is still electrically aware. when your dead , there is no electrical stimulation, Or awareness. !!
  5. No’ 1. Why on earth would you carry that much around with you , Anywhere. !! and 2, Walking out, and forgetting it , Can’t teach stupid. !!
  6. It’s very simple. ! if they have evidence Deport him and never let him in again
  7. Who ever fault it was , no need to put a guy in icu , obviously drink was a part of it,, foreigners wonder why they get a bad name. !! It’s guy / guys like this is the reason simple at the end of the day , your a guest in somebody else’s country behave abide by there rules !! they simply should be banned from the country for ten or so years.
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