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Posts posted by Wuffy

  1. Typical of a propaganda machine.

    Forget those who are dead. Ignore them.

    Forget those injured. Ignore them

    Concentrate on a few people inconvenienced by losing some money - that sounds good and anti-reds, headline it.

    Sad people.

    The dead certainly don't seem forgotten.

    The government is organising aid for their families, private citizen are organising themselves as to support the injured.

    Of course it's not propaganda to walk into a discussion and try to derail the fact people aren't able to earn a living for themselves anymore, that many people don't feel safe going to work into that area but still do because they need to earn a living.

    I'm worried about how many more will die when these people who suddenly have no more income turn around and decide to take that out on the red's.

    Wait, what's this... multicoloured shirts attack reds? Hmmm could this be relevant somehow?

  2. A friend's girlfriend owns a couple of shops in that district. Fortunately, she just sold her condo and moved in with him. Otherwise, she would probably be unable to make this month's payment & would probably lose it. The big department stores can afford to lose a few weeks worth of business, the smaller shop owners are the ones who will really suffer. Another month or so of protests & she will probably lose everything.

    No wonder the multi-colored shirt protesters are so vicious and vocal against the red shirts now... can't blame them... their livelihood has been threatened... now let's see what is more motivating: bribing people with luxuries or survival of the fittest!!!

    I forgot the mention... Her workers aren't unemployed now, they were all offered 500 baht per day to join the Red Shirts. :)

    You have got to be kidding.

    "Hi, yea its our fault you can't work.. How about you join us we can pay you a couple hundred a day... But yea when it's over you still wont have a job... And we can't give you money for the days you weren't part of the crowd."

  3. I'm absolutly sure it takes only 2250 people to run quote "13 hotels, five department stores and 30 bank branches."

    And then there's all the stores inside Central world that hasn't opened since the red's moved in.

    Nice to see you laugh at a how many people aren't getting work and business owners losing money since they can't open their stores.

    lols!!!! Reality check, my friend... do you really think that up and down Rajadamri - four hotels + , four shopping centers, numerous office towers, that there are only 2,000+ people working? You are not serious, are you????

    You seem to miss the implied sarcasm there buddy.

    I was pointing out how ludicrous it is to think you only need 2250 people to run that many business'.

  4. Reading is fundamental .............
    Government spokesman Panitan Wattanayagorn said that 63,601 workers were temporarily out of work due to the closure of 13 hotels, five department stores and 30 bank branches.

    Hahahahahahaha....hihihihihihi ... too funny!!!! :)

    To get a number like 63,000 people not able to work ... i think they took an estimate for one day and multiplied it by the number of days ... then rounded up ... and then added 1 to make the number look more believable .....

    So not 63001 people unable to work but rather 2250 people unable to work for a month. Hihihihihi :D

    I'm absolutly sure it takes only 2250 people to run quote "13 hotels, five department stores and 30 bank branches."

    And then there's all the stores inside Central world that hasn't opened since the red's moved in.

    Nice to see you laugh at a how many people aren't getting work and business owners losing money since they can't open their stores.

  5. I can validate the story. I haven't been there myself but I know the "tall dark Farang" personally very well, I train and teach in his martial arts club and I have seen the security video cam footage. The video is amazing - it shows every details of the incident. As some already mentioned he is founder of the Boxer Rebellion martial arts club. Thos who don't believe the story are invited to show up at the martial arts club and see the video for themselves and maybe join the training in many different martial arts disciplines.

    C (I don't want to mention his full name here) is a professional and he knew very well what he was doing. He disarmed the guy safely, unloaded the gun, tossed the gun far away over a fence and out of reach and safely controlled the guy for 20 minutes until the police finally arrived. That is definitely a job for a well trained professional only.

    C has over 20 years training in various martial arts - Krav Maga and Kapap are part of his repertoire of fighting systems but not the end of his story. He also has got broad professional experience with different kind of weapons including guns too. He is a very nice, humble and gentle guy and when you meet him you would never ever guess his background.

    Now at those guys who want to talk about martial arts and how good is Muay Thai or Krav Maga and comparing pound for pound fighters... WAKE UP!! This incident is not about a fight in a ring and under controlled conditions and under strict rules! Krav Maga, Kapap and other systems including some weapons systems we teach at the Boxer Rebellion are meant just for self defense - for bare survival on the street. No one would use Krav Maga or a self defense system in an MMA fight - that's nonsense. And on the other hand no MMA oriented style or Muay Thai or BJJ or whatever teaches and trains you how to safely approach a gun wielding thug, disarm him safely, unload the gun safely and then control the guy without smashing him to pieces. Don't compare apples and oranges here. If you want to know more about it then you are kindly invited to join some free test training in the Boxer Rebellion Martial Arts club. We teach and train self defense (mostly Krav Maga), weapons, boxing, Savate (French Kickboxing), Muay Thai, MMA and MMA-oriented ground fighting (BJJ based, shootfighting and wrestling).

    Sweet. I've been looking for somewhere to learn Savate

  6. I find it rather horryfying the number of people saying they hope it follows them back to Iran and gets them stoned.

    Just because the state is highly religious and has strict religious laws doesn't mean they are strict believers.

    Since when are we subject to the laws of our 'home' country and the laws of the country we are visiting?

    I personaly hope nothing happens to them back home. IF they indeed live in Iran, since it jsut says they are Iranian.

  7. It is about time to stop these non senses. It has been 5 years and everyone has moved on and system seems to be in full control.

    I think the government need to deploy full force to insure they can stop any chaos and also like US charge the organizers charge the expense of these deployments. That should stop the organizers from destroying this country a bit at a time


    Could have sworn it was only 3.

    I agree These protests need to stop. ALL of them, not that people don't have a right to protest but's been done and gone. Can we please work on the problems of RIGHT NOW. Or even better the ones were preparing for TOMORROW?

  8. I'm going to hop in here right now and Agree with two previous posters.

    My earlier comments in hindsight (20/20) were callous when put in the context of this thread, that it is a horrible crime.

    Best wishes for the family.

    Apologies for having derailed the thread by discussing the pettiness of the actual type of crime and it's unlikely hood to be resolved.

  9. The Court of Appeals yesterday said Pichet or Thaksin Kaewsamduang should receive the benefit of doubt.

    and why should that be?

    Better question...

    Why is it only happened now? TEN YEARS after the event?

    Even if the police were slow to catch him and slow courts and appeals...

    ohmy.gif The outcome is the complete opposite of:

    Death penalty for Michael Wansley's murderers



    Holy crud... That's... an interesting outcome then.

  10. As California sets most trends for the rest of the world, wait five to ten more years and there may appear some more interesting and healthy variations on "American breakfasts'

    to wit: avocados, fresh plain home-made yogurt, a few blueberries/raspberries on the side. Baked home fries cooked with just a bit of oil. Plus breads that are bursting with flavor and nutrition, and are more like muffins than bread. Perhaps in 15 to 20 years, a few Thais chefs will be ready to find out about the amazing qualities and flavors of hemp nut items.

    Meanwhile in Thailand, a few Thai chefs are slowly waking up to the concept that bread is something other than paper white starch, and that fried eggs (including kai jiew) don't have to be smothered in 3 day old oil - besides under- or over-cooked.

    No Amer.breakfast in any Thai city comes within a mile of what I can whip up at home, and I'm not even much of a cook.

    of course USA is the leader when it comes to healthy food. the rest of the world just don't get it. you are so right.

    the few obese people have probably eaten foreign food products like french fries (from France), pizza (from Italy) or eat to much Hamburger (German Town) served at a Scottish restaurant chain Mcdonald's.

    the USA is also the nation that makes hemp cultivation to something sophisticated and progressive thing. without the 1937 Marihuana Tax Act and the war on drugs the counter culture or chefs de fancy cuisine would have probably much less interests in hemp products and consider it's usage not as modern, but backward and so yesterday.

    and to hel_l with all the rice eating habits, asians should learn to make real good american bread, bread that is not like bread but like muffins.

    Sorry to inform you.

    French fries are not 'French' Because of where they come from

    They are actually Belgian in origin.

    They are called French fries because the method of cutting is 'frenching'

    Hence why France was rather amused when America decided to rename french fries 'Freedom' fries as a "take that" to Frances comment on the idea of going to war.

  11. The problem isn't with the officers here (For once) It's that the crime is happening in a manner that leaves very little in terms of things for the police to do.

    People complain about how 'uninterested' the police look world around for crimes like this, Being pickpocketed many burglaries, snatch and grab in any country. It just doesn't leave them anythig to follow up on AND they have to deal with it day in day out.

    It's uncommon event for you, not them.

    To counter the above comment, the poor lady is now 'brain dead' , so this is not just a robbery, its a murder. and that, (when a falang is involved), is NOT something that the police have to deal with every day !

    That fact while rather unpleasant and a very unfortunate outcome for the family.

    Does not in turn generate any leads, or avenues to follow up concerning the crime commited.

    Police all around the world have to deal with horrible things every day.

    I'm sure in Japan the officers don't really react with too much shock when they hear someone else has tossed themself in front of a train.

    I'm not saying this is not a tragedy, but the reaction of the officers should not be a reason to condemn the police force.

    Much less imply that they would turn on you and ask you for some cash as was implied by a previous poster.

    I was commenting on the method of the crime and lack of recourse for the police.

  12. Well, I hate to inform some of you, but the removing of the belt started long ago, as did removing shoes etc. Long, long before 9/11, I was boarding a flight from Geneva, Switzerland (Around 1996), headed to another point inside Europe. I was told to remove my belt, watch, ring and shoes. I did and walked through the metal detector; it buzzed. Then I found some change in my pocket, but it buzzed again, so back out. I finally had nothing left to remove and asked how long did I have to continue it. I was told that until it quits buzzing, I would not be allowed to board. I ended up taking my short pants off. It was the metal buttons and the zipper that was apparently causing the problem. Walked through the metal detector with a bathrobe they provided.

    I might add that everyone boarding was treated the same, so it was a slow moving lane. I had never encountered anything like it before (or since). I have no idea what was going on, but I can only guess it may have been in response to a particular security threat.

    I had a similar experience flying from HK to BKK many years ago (pre 9/11). All foreign nationals were put in a different line and taken behind curtains and thoroughly searched--both men and women. All residents of Hong Kong were allowed to go through regular screening.

    When these things happen, they can feel very personal.

    Current metal detector technology has advanced, the incident you had sounds like a zealous bunch of guards with a detectors who sensitivity was turned up MUCH too high.

    Any kind of system that requires someone to be singled out will end up feeling highly personal.

    I had a very frustrating incident myself, I know what metal objects I wear will set off detectors (Namely steel toed boots) I know ahead of time to take them off and plop them onto the Xray.

    What frustrated me was that after going through the metal sensor I was then patted down by the on hand guard even though the sensor had NOT buzzed.

  13. you don't know the newest tool of the MICT. you don't know [sizefont="Arial"]GIN[/font][/size]. everything is possible with GIN and even much more.

    A very selective and misleading snip of an incomprehensible google translation article that has nothing to do with private companies like SC Asset.

    i suggest you take a second and closer look at the GIN device. that might give you the idea what the MICT is capable of. look and you will see: there are no limits! everything is possible and much more. unbelievable amazing.


    GINet is basically just a backbone internet structuring to allow government offices

    to actually communicate between each other. Connecting bureaucrats desks so

    they have a idea what's happening in other offices, instead of waiting for the mails to work.

    Incredibly sinister...NOT!


    " The government hub

    GINet (www.gits.net.th) stands for Government Information Network. As the name implies,

    GINet links government organization and agencies. GINet is under a semi-government

    organization called Government Information Technology Services (GITS). Apart from operating

    GINet, GITS is in charge of providing IT services to government agencies.


    Capacity. At present, GINet has 21 POPs all over the country. It provides dial-up

    and node services. On top of these, GINet has services such as Virtual Private

    Network based on L2TP and IPSec.


    Members. Currently, there are 30 government agencies connecting with GINet.


    Applications. Mostly, each government agency has its own applications that run

    on GINet. However, GINet also provides other applications such as web hosting, e-

    mail and digital signature.


    Future plans GINet is planning to upgrade its capacity to Gigabit at the backbone.

    For the access part, it will cover every province by this February. "

    So yet another attempt to make the government scary over computer technology.

    If you are going to try this disinformation act, try to have as clue about what you are posting.

    You really aren't that good at this.

    It really only takes one decent hacker at one computer to find out dirt from barely secured computers and networks here.

    MICT only seens to ban stuff based on tips from outsiders usually pols who's daughters ran across porn or wives

    across bad argments against... LM or Pols being dumb.

    Their active search is understaffed, and under trained.

    GIN... well I prefer Tangeuray or Gilbeys, and I only worry about GIN,

    when I have too much and need to drive home.

    Thanks for all the info.

    But the original poster was trying to make light hearted comment.

    He says look at the picture, because it looks like the people are gathering around a crystal Ball.

    Using a system called GIN (Djinn = Genies, Like from a Lamp)

    Of course the humous is now well dead since the joke had to be explained.

  14. ---

    For those who believe that it is nearly impossible to trace back email, I can assure you that you can use any account from Thailand, even a hotmail US account, modify or fake any part of it the way you want, traces of who was sending it are recorded, including the IP address you were using to send it. If you send it from home, your ISP will have the exact details of who is behind that IP address and the cop can visit you extremely quickly. Even if you send it from an internet cafe or a PDA using a wireless, there will be enough data recorded to identify you, simply because since the Computer Crime Act has been implemented, the person who provides you with the connection MUST record your identity and a number of other data to identify you. If they fail, they inherit the criminal responsibility of your act.

    I hope it makes sense and will stop some more naive people from believing that they can play with this, it is serious.


    Even with a proxy and a VPN with a 256 encryption?

    VPN and 256 bit encryption is Irrelevant.

    Those are designed to stop people from tapping into the transmission not obfuscate origin and end point.

    Proxy? Well depends what records the proxy server keeps and which proxy you used.

  15. Hello, my prayers to the victim and his family. Are there any laws to protect people from negligence or was this a result of poor swimming skills as he had free choice to be in the water? This is another reason I will not watch any reality shows, but I understand that people want a better life for their families so they take risks.

    He was wearing a backpack loaded with 15 pounds in it. It's a struggle for most people to swim with just clothes on as extra.

    I'm shocked people are even surprised he went under with that kind of extra load for a race.

  16. Terrible story, I understand these kinds of purse/jewelry snatches are getting more and more common. Sympathies to her family and here's hoping she recovers fully.

    Yeah My wife was mugged walking home from work on Soi 20(Sukhumvit) ,luckily she was only knocked to the ground and dragged for a brief moment though she lost her belongings and more importantly her love for the country.Sounds silly I know but it pretty frightening being pulled backwards along the ground by a thug on a motorbike!

    Made out a Police report but the lack of interest shown was disgusting by the police officer at the station

    Hope this lady make a speedy recovery.

    And if you had caught the guy and done a ground and pound on him, I'm sure the copper would have been quite interested then...in you....

    TIT Hypocrisy as usual

    The problem isn't with the officers here (For once) It's that the crime is happening in a manner that leaves very little in terms of things for the police to do.

    People complain about how 'uninterested' the police look world around for crimes like this, Being pickpocketed many burglaries, snatch and grab in any country. It just doesn't leave them anythig to follow up on AND they have to deal with it day in day out.

    It's uncommon event for you, not them.

  17. Could one reduce the possibility of snatch-and-injury by putting a handbag in a small backpack (rucksack, napsack) which one carries on the back with straps around both shoulders? Anyone know if the snatchers-on-bikes go for these too?

    THey probably don't go for those simply because they most probably wont come off if just yanked on.

    Which is what the entire trick is based around, the idea that if they grab onto it and keep speeding off it will come off you.

    Big packs ligke that are less likely to come off and certainly not if belted.

    So they wont go at you for it but not many people carry a handbag and a rucksac and if you live here, you don't usually carry a backpack.

    It's just vile, but then again most criminals don't care what happens to the victim or what their circumstances are.

    I hope she gets better and wish the two drink some whiskey when they next go for a ride hopefully tossing themself of the side of a bridge and into a Klong.

  18. Hasn't Thailand had some planes hijacked before or hijacked planes came through Thailand? How would you Brits think if someone flew a plane into Big Ben or Windsor Palace? How would you French think if they did that to the Eiffel Tower? This government official seems to think that he can change things. What would he say if they flew a plane into some revered landmark here in Thailand just because some screwball did not like taking off his belt or his wife's jacket? The Brits, the Spainards, and the US as well as other countries have had their share of terrorists? Does some petty government official think he can change it? If it changes, watch all flights to the US be cancelled or diverted to places that will do the security checks. What does that mean, higher plane fares? Longer plane trips to countries that do the checks? He seems to forget that for the one of the few times in US aviation history, all planes were grounded except for military aircraft. Remember the large numbers of people who could not get home, could not go anywhere? The times are gone where we could just show up for our flights and move right onto the planes without worrying about some nut job lighting his shoe, taking over the cockpit, cutting people, or any other stupid thing just to take over the planes. This guy should be retired to an inactive post.

    I hope this post is a Joke.

    The security measures currently put in place are an Utter JOKE.

    It's creating extra work, excess intrusion, ridiculous amounts of frustration and inconvinience for MANY people world wide.

    How many Terrorists were caught?

    Last I recall We had an article in the paper when One guy was on the plane and they had to turn it aorund because someone had gotten on with a knife and was using it to cut his fruit.

    He wasn't even TRYING to smuggle it he just got on with the dam_n thing.

    The guy who lit his shoes? He was spotted AFTER he got on the plane.

    The Chemical mixes using liquids brought onto the plane?

    Look it up the required cocktail mixing effort and organisation to make something on a plane would be well detected before it made anything explosive.

    And these are 3 incidents that went THROUGH security procedure, But instead of finding real thought and security they knee jerk and ban the object du jour.

    Here is an excersize.

    Number of flgihts Hijacked for 5 years BEFORE 9/11 and number of flights Hijacked for 5 years AFTER.

    Compared with the number of flights during that time.

    Anyone know how to collect those statistics?

    Edit: Spelling >.<

  19. People upcountry make little because they are small farm holders and it's hard to make money farming, especially on a small scale.

    But most families have members sending money home from the cities or abroad. Nearly all young people leave at some point as there's so little money to be made at home; but if you know upcountry you will know motorbikes are everywhere, as are TVs and DVDs, and in many ways people have a lot better life than in the cities with space and fresh air.

    In addition they can live on less, no rent, free water, rice and vegetables. Fish, frogs, shells are all free also from June to December for the able bodied. The main expense is school children- money for reports, extra activities, boy scouts uniforms, etc.

    Don't judge the happiness of people by only financial figures, there's a lot more to quality of life than that.

    I doubt many posters on here have any idea about how the upcountry people live or the poor urban workers for that matter. I doubt many have spent much time living in the villages in a modest farmers home. Unfortunatley the same can be siad of most polticians, media characters etc. For their perspective you need to talk to them and to appreaciate it at least spend some time in their communties and to get them to tell you what they really think you need their trust and that takes time effort. Unless of course you actually are from one of the areas and I understand that you are Siriporn so I always value your comments on these things.

    Just my opinion.

    That is a very good point.

    It applies to all 'democratic' countries.

    Many politicians or people in power have more availble to them and better ways and means then most.

    How can you expect fair and jsut policy from people who can dictacte where most everything go.

    In a country known for it's corruption every suspects anyone with an office or seat in most large bureaucracies to line their pockets at one stage or another.

    You ask someone with much personal wealth a budget to fly around and an account to tag various things as expenses then ask them to dictate policies for those with nothing in their pockets. Then some act surprised when the response is "If they don't have enough for themselves in the first place no need to give them anyhing."

    One thing I want to ask is why everyone MUST polarize their arguments.

    There are more then just two sides.

    If one dislikes Thaksin that doesn't mean he thinks the guys before or after him are any better.

    Saying one side is bad is not saying the other side is better.

    Too many posters seem to rebut arguments by saying "Oh and you think this guy was better?"

    the world is not black and white there's more then just two sides at play in any conflict.

    Trying to reduce anything, much less politics, to side A and side B is just as bad as the old physics joke.

    Physisist Visits a farm, trying to find a way to help the farmer increase his efficiency.

    "I have a solution." He declares. "But it only applies to spherical chickens in a vaccum."

    In the world we have today, with the technology and ability we have, we could go beyond simply voting for who we want to represent us, but also what they should be concerned about.

    Why we still rely on the old system of handing over all the reins of power to single person is beyond me.

    Edit: Quote cleanup

  20. i don't really see why they think alcohol is cheap in thailand, whisky is only half price of what i paid in belgium while beer is only 30% cheaper but the minimum salary is 8 times bigger there than here....

    The recent raft of tax rises on alcohol has certainly had an impact on the nightlife in Thailand; one of the big pulls for tourism. If the government continue these tax rises they will kill the golden goose, and the reason alot of people come here. I have certainly noticed its much more expensive than it used to be to go out (and I go out to Thai and farang places). I also notice people go out less and the bars and clubs are hurting! All I can say if they continue this, Thailand will become a deary and boring place and people will look elsewhere to enjoy this type of nightlife (Phillipines is very cheap compared to Thailand for alcohol, etc).

    PS: the country folks make their own whisky because they cannot afford the bottled stuff. Thus increasing taxes further will have no impact on these folks! In the country, before it was normal to buy three bottles of beer at one go; now folks can only afford a bottle at a time. Thus the government have already taxed out drinking of beer!

    This is why Taxes don't work as social engineering.

    I don't go out that often in the first place, and actually now that you mention this is exactly why, it's so darn expensive to have a glass of spirits it's unthinkable to have more then a few in an evening.

  21. Taxes should never be used for social engineering.

    This is utter stupidity, adding taxes on moral grounds just adds to the complication of getting anything done in the tax system.

    If they want people to drink responsibly, stop demonising the stuff, teach people what it is.

    What really makes my "BS" meter ding would be how they can look one way and say it's for social benefits, Oh and we checked it would raise our income by Bt30 billion..

    Yes... it's for the good of society...

    I'm sure that 30 billion wont even be allocated to any kind of education much less education about alcohol.

    The taxation system here on alcohol is actually pretty efficient and can be changed at the stroke of a hat.

    When the taxation system actually encourages the consumption of high alcohol spirits over lower alcohol products I think you can safely say, that a bit of social engineering to switch behaviour is actually a good thing.

    The wine issue has been used a good bargaining tool with the EU for years.

    I'm not saying social engineering is a bad thing. I'm saying using the tax system to implement social engineering is a bad thing.

    The hardest thing to make a government do is remove taxes because it brings in money.

    Now when they quote statisics saying it brings in 90 Billion with current taxes and that it will bring in another 30 Billion in taxes with the new system. It sounds more like they are Adding another tax which would bring the economic beer to be priced closer to the standard beer, which isn't really a good business model to have when talking competitive markets.

    If you want social engineering let people know the effects of drinking.

    I'm not sure if personal experience is valid but I grew up in a culture where drinking was something just done casualy with friends/company.

    I never went through binge faze that seemed to happen to most people my age when they could sneak out alcohol (Late teens)

    And only have a few glasses now when I do go out.

    Mostly I'm trying to say that social awareness should be everyone involved not just a government applying a tax to increase it's income.

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