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Posts posted by moldy

  1. Ah well David S, then you may have hayfever. Get checked straight away as I previously advised. Older style HCI drugs will work and perhaps some of the newer ones too. You really need to get on this. The problem here is that after a few days of runny nose bacterial levels might build up causing you to feel hot, tired and a bit sick. Is this happening at the mo?

    It has been particularly troublesome lately, which is what prompted me to post the question about Clarityne.

    As I mentioned, exposure to cigarette smoke troubles me the most, and if it is a bad spell lasting 3 or 4 days, then yes, I do feel sick and generally out of sorts. But it has been clearing up with Clarityne.

    Today for example, (have not been near a smoker since last Saturday), I just keep sneezing and have irritated nasal passages that have me snorting away to get some relief. Yes, there are lots of trees where I live, but they are pretty much past peak flowering season, so I do not think that is the issue. House was just mopped clean yesterday afternoon, so that should not be it either. I know if I pop a Clarityne, I will feel better, but I am trying not to take that stuff every day.

    General dust in the air, because Bangkok is just such a dusty city? Possible, though there is much less dust here as compared to when I lived in Ekkamai.

    The last time I saw a doctor about it, he had me on antibiotics, had me take Clarityne for 2 weeks in order to get rid of the problem completely, and prescribed a steroidal nasal spray. I used the spray for a few days, then stopped. The other meds I finished.

    Back to square one now, so other than money changing hands, nothing much changed really.

    There are certainly similarities with my own story.

    Basically, if I stay indoors for a good few hours my nose is fine. I had a minor illness at the start of the month which confined me to bed for a few days and end of nose prob. full stop.

    When I go outside for a while my nose starts to run or gets congested, after a few days it feels bruised and I experience a sort of sulphury/ammonic taste, I frequently sneeze and my eyes can itch. In the evenings I get a second reaction and usually a sneezing fit. Yes I experience the worst bouts as 2 or 3 day affairs too. I sometimes get infections too and blocked sinuses.

    I had an allergy test which showed a reaction to common dust mite and that was it, but it can't be this as I'm ok indoors. The doctor advised me to limit journeys outside. She explained that she had lived in Bangkok all her life and never went outside walking for more than 5 mins and then only wearing a mask too. She said it was not an allergy so much as just toxic poisoning.

    Last week I went to Pattaya on holiday. The prob. cleared up although I still had the odd sneezing bout or two when we went in to town - the whole problem seems directly related to car exhaust fumes. Upon returning to Bangkok it was back to the usual within a few minutes. I live in Fortune Town by the way, which is heavily congested. (as my nose often is too).

    You mentioned an allergic reaction to pollen earlier, which makes me wonder if you have hayfever too. Allergy tests are so simple, it seems a sensible first step.

  2. it appears that more water was the answer - i drank a lot more water for a few days and everything seems to have cleared up - thanks for everyones help and advice

    Great news. :o

    Yes, just substituting 10 glasses of water for 10 glasses of strong ale can make an incredible difference :D

  3. Both Chris Lawrence and geriatrickid. It's the statistics that get me more than anything. Like most people I suspect the science is wrong but obviously can't prove that. But when I look at the context of HIV in my life I have to cry foul and can state with personal experience that I think something in the theory is very wrong. I unwittingly had sex for a long time with an HIV pos girlfriend, met others in the same boat, and then loe and behold found stories abundant with the similar scenario. Some years later I read a famous paper (Padian et al) where not a single male sero converts during the active part of the study. I come to Thailand and find people up to all sorts and years on ( a decade ) perfectly healthy. I talk to nurses who red facedly and coyly admit that it's 'very difficult to get'. Then I finally get to here of someone who is HIV and in the next sentence am told that he takes drugs and has a gloriously camp lifestyle. So what exactly am I to think ? How many have a similar story to tell?

    Please don't get me wrong incidentally I support all people with this wretched disease regardless.

    I've met those ppl and heard the stories too. The figures from Who and others are suspect, this is logical as it's all related to funding. One poster said that the viral load is high after initial infection and then drops, I thought it was the opposite? I knew someone who's partner had full blown aids. It was only when she got TB (and a few other things) that the found out she was HIV+. He was tested and was positive also, he'd been with the girl less than 12 months. I always figured he'd contracted it as his partner's viral load was high.

    But who knows what their lifestyle (is) was? Mind you the important thing is the AIDS, if one has it I suppose it matters not a jot whether it's viral, or what the causative factors are.. Thank God for the drugs, they are undoubtedly saving lives and I understand there is now a new generation coming along that are thought to be less toxic. I'm not sure that the drugs are anything more than a mild form of chemotherapy.

    But certainly, wrap up, until the truth of transmission is known.

  4. My symptom is an allergic type reaction when I come in to contact with traffic fumes, but I have to spend some time out on the streets, and around areas like Pratunam. At best it's inconvenient, at worst I can get ill and even suffer sinus pain for long periods of time. My nose seems to take the brunt all the time and sometimes I get a bacterial infection too. My chest and throat are clear. I have seen various doctors and had allergy tests, the consensus is non allergic rhinitis.

    I don't think there is a medicine that can help this type of problem- am I right?

    I don't think I can really get rid of the bacteria in my nose without resorting to long term use of antibiotics- is that right too?

    So I need a decent mask, of the sort used by cyclists I guess. Anybody know where I can find one in Bangkok?

  5. just a general word of warning: for those with allergies, bees pollen can kill......or at best make the allergy worse. my kids got propolis as an additive for 'strenghtening' their immune system... it actually exarcerbated their asthma and caused my eldest to sneeze constantly. we stopped the propolis and voila, back to regular allergic normal...

    saline for the nose helps clean out the pollutants, and keeps nasal passages moist and flexible so they can deal with pollutants better...

    and if pub smoke bothers u, then, obviously, dont go... if the pain is worse then the 'fun' that is....


    Moldy, thanks for the sincere advice.

    Bina, Much appreciate this warning. I do have a pretty severe reaction to pollen, as I discovered in Europe a few years back when I was outdoors and the trees were in full bloom. Felt as sick as death, though I did get over it within a few hours of getting back to the city. It did cross my mind about the effect of ingesting it, as compared to breathing it in.

    Ah well David S, then you may have hayfever. Get checked straight away as I previously advised. Older style HCI drugs will work and perhaps some of the newer ones too. You really need to get on this. The problem here is that after a few days of runny nose bacterial levels might build up causing you to feel hot, tired and a bit sick. Is this happening at the mo?

    I on the other hand, most definitely have a chronic runny nose and sore eyes cused by vehicle smoke, I don't think there is any medicine that can help this, anybody know any different?

  6. The slipped condom / split condom can be a nightmare situation, some of the 'fun' girls may have a grudge and may try and take the 'armour' off deliberatly without you knowing!

    Another problem is that Thai condoms are of poor quality compared to British ones, Thai ones are more likely to slip.

    This aside its 3 months for waiting out any possible HIV virus. Although I have heard of this '1 week after' test from bumungrad.

    Some say 6 months to wait but this was before improved testing came along.

    For future reference if you get 'exposured' through unprotected sex...

    Clean your 'gonk' thoroughly in the shower as soon as your finished with your girl.

    If you are uncircumcised you can 'cheat' circumcision by exposing your foreskin and putting up with a few days discomfort. This will make infection and absorbtion less likely.

    Take some antibiotics (doxycyclin) for a few days, walk tall, stand proud and wait out the 3 month storm.

    If its any consolation I had my 'armour' slip back in January and have just had the 'All Clear' having waited 4 months (to test for the pox as well). During this time I asked about all the stuff I'd need to know if I tested (God forbid) HIV +.

    If the sum of all fears actually is that you have 'the virus' then see it as something that your body needs to fight not as a foregone conclusion! So take your medicine! Its two tablets a day for the rest of your days. In your country of origin this medicine is normally free.

    In LOS I think its 1000 baht+ a month?

    A buddy of mine was sleeping with his gf of six months, had loads of sex etc. Only to discover that she had HIV+. He went for the test... all clear, waited 3 months... all clear. He told me this and I wouldn't believe him at first. But he explained that if it was made common knowledge how tricky it can be to catch HIV+ from women via sex then it could cause a rise in promiscious behaviour.

    Whether he's right or not I don't know but stay safe out there!

    LOL. Welcome to the Land of the Enlightened. As you now know it's not that easy to get- Google Padian et al or see my pinned ref. What you've discovered might just be the tip of the iceberg although I can not tell for sure- who really can?

    I agree- stay safe until the all clear siren goes, and even then plenty of other nasties around.

  7. just a general word of warning: for those with allergies, bees pollen can kill......or at best make the allergy worse. my kids got propolis as an additive for 'strenghtening' their immune system... it actually exarcerbated their asthma and caused my eldest to sneeze constantly. we stopped the propolis and voila, back to regular allergic normal...

    saline for the nose helps clean out the pollutants, and keeps nasal passages moist and flexible so they can deal with pollutants better...

    and if pub smoke bothers u, then, obviously, dont go... if the pain is worse then the 'fun' that is....


    Moldy, thanks for the sincere advice.

    Bina, Much appreciate this warning. I do have a pretty severe reaction to pollen, as I discovered in Europe a few years back when I was outdoors and the trees were in full bloom. Felt as sick as death, though I did get over it within a few hours of getting back to the city. It did cross my mind about the effect of ingesting it, as compared to breathing it in.

    Ah well David S, then you may have hayfever. Get checked straight away as I previously advised. Older style HCI drugs will work and perhaps some of the newer ones too. You really need to get on this. The problem here is that after a few days of runny nose bacterial levels might build up causing you to feel hot, tired and a bit sick. Is this happening at the mo?

  8. OP doesn't suffer hay fever does he? So what's the point of advising medicines for this?

    The SAME response mechanism is responsible for runny nose/teary eyes whether it's from pollution or pollen.

    The body detects something it doesn't like and produces histamines - which result in secretion of mucous and fluids.

    Anti-histamines shut down that process. As well does anything that inhibits the histamine-producing mechanism.

    Again I'm not quite sure it works like that with the antigens that cause non allergic rhinitis, which unlike pollen are not harmless. Certainly the new style medicines don't work full stop, which is why he had no joy with Clarityn. Steroids would probably help but as I pointed out that still means he is wandering around with sulphuric acid, benzyne or whatever in his nose. My best advice is to immobilise any vehicle that falls with the range of sight, :o . Perhaps it is a habit we all need to learn and then we might have a world left in 50 years.

  9. Thank all for the advice.

    If a natural treatment can boost the body so that it can better cope with the muck in the air, I am all for it.

    Since everyone in the same area faces the same air-borne irritants, and not everyone has the same reaction to them, I would agree that there is something that can be improved in my ability to cope.

    I don't think it works like that David. All people react to air borne pollutants, some more than others. From your description you slot in to the group that reacts more forcefully, probably due to sensitive nasal linings, nothing more nothing less. The only things you can do are wear a mask and avoid exposure where possible. Nasal rinsing may prevent bacterial build up. Perhaps a steroid would be useful but that's really masking the problem. Don't think bee's wax or hanging a lizards's gizzard above the door will help a jot, lol. I really think you need to come to terms with this problem in a sensible manner.

  10. Moldy, I invite you to volunteer at one of the local hospices for those afflicted or at an outreach clinic. At the very least it will change your views forever. It is very easy to discuss these ideas from the safety of our laptops, but it's quite another to hear the stories of those that have contracted the virus. It is even more heartbreaking to sit with HIV+ adolescents and listen to them. Once I thought I knew it all. I had aced my coursework, winged the seminars and figured only druggies or perverts contracted HIV. 30 minutes of sitting next to the nurse practioner as she took case histories impressed upon me how little I knew and that there were people presenting that could have been me or my friends. I also came to understand why health care providers have to put up an emotional wall. If you don't. the stories and circumstances eat your heart out.

    Consider that you dodged a bullet with your lifestyle experience. You can play russian roulette and live to tell about it. There are people out there that despite months of copulating don't get pregnant and then there are those that are hit the jackpot after a quick tryst. That's part of nature.

    yes thank you geriatrickid. I do see that you and many others have altogether better credentials and experience.

    Well I shall certainly digest all this, and will completely review my understanding I promise, but I feel my own point needs to be taken on board for the good of all: namely that the evidence is thin as pointed out by a growing number of respectable scientists and health professionals. I am not for one moment saying there is not a dreadful syndrome, merely commenting that in my view it is overstated and possibly multi factoral. The role of toxins has been too easily overlooked in my view.

    Needless to say, I have the fullest sympathy for those effected, support the idea of a national health service, and have no truck with those who seek to minoritise others by way of the illness they may contract. I think that's something the good people of these boards all agree on.

  11. Moldy. I met a guy HIV+ who fathered two children; wife and childern were not HIV+; et al womans weekly oz about 1992/93? No but seriously I did met him and talked to him about this. What came out of it was that when the virus is new in the body the viral load will be higher and gradually tapers down for a period of time. He spent 6mths in goal, didn't share needles or have sex in goal. He was unable to say the source of infection.

    I do know of people that have had the disease transmitted by sexual contact (Hetro), blood transfusion, gay sex and IV use.

    I think you are a very fortunate man, but I would not advocate reckless abandon. You just don't know. You might have an infection in your bladder pass blood, the partner may be still spotting, sounds like a loaded gun. I think the message is better to be cautious than to take risks that may be moderate to high.

    My only point was that the main groups were risk is higher do not get the treatment they need because of stigma associated with the lifestyle. My parents gardner was in a car accident that saw child die and wife serious condition. She had a blood transfusion and returned HIV+. Without the blood transfusion she would have more than likly died. Every year she made beautiful christmas cakes. My parents would not eat so I got them. A very incridable cake indeed. When I spoke with this woman she had a very enthusiatic tone to her voice, never met her but always had a good conversation. She died quite a few years ago. Its sad but people would say how unlucky she was and deserved good treatment, but wouldn't eat the cake. I just thought what a lovely person.

    Its like that cospiracy theroy posted as a topic. It just lessens the message. These types of things do need to have stats to show evidence. Your anacdotal experience has some credit but would need to be backed up with more stats. Anyone can publish an article and now the net is global, yes u can say what ever u want. But it won't be creditable until you have the stats

    Anyway off topic again, but it was nice to remeber someone.

    No it's not off topic it's an interesting posting from real life.

    The stats are there in the studies, one of which I mentioned. I don't like to leave links.

    Regarding the guy with kids, my conclusion would be that he does not have HIV at all, or that to some extent we all have HIV, just like Tommy Morrison the boxer. You see another frequent criticism is the test is non specific. The dissident logic is that it is an antibody test for a virus that has never been isolated, it's also not a pure test far from it. So at some level we would all be positive. The mainstream argument is that the test is 99.9 pos, and a pos test hits you like a truck. There is a general agreement that the antibody test is a general predictor of future health problems no mistaking, but that does not necessarily mean HIV is the cause. The HIV in this instance then might just be a marker (rather like a smoker has yellow fingers).

    My feeling is that there must be some contagious/infectious element but that the primary thing here is the breakdown of the immune system by a coalition of factors, toxins and other illnesses and virus' for instance. Since when has a syndrome ever had a single cause anyway ?

    Yes, taking risks is a no, no for me now and condoms are freely available anyway. I would urge everyone to take care after all there are all sorts of other diseases and conditions.

  12. A friend of mine used to swear by bee pollen. She claimed that her allergies completely went away after about 3 weeks of taking it.

    I know you can get little jars of it in Carrefour, etc. If it works, it would probably be comparable in price to Claritin. But it would be natural.

    I don't know at all, but I think we need to differentiate betwwen non allergic rhinitis (a runny nose in a city typically) and an allergy proper. The former is not an allergy at all but a reaction to irritants in the air, there is no magic pill because we are dealing with a corrosive poison really. Let's not confuse issues here.

  13. Both Chris Lawrence and geriatrickid. It's the statistics that get me more than anything. Like most people I suspect the science is wrong but obviously can't prove that. But when I look at the context of HIV in my life I have to cry foul and can state with personal experience that I think something in the theory is very wrong. I unwittingly had sex for a long time with an HIV pos girlfriend, met others in the same boat, and then loe and behold found stories abundant with the similar scenario. Some years later I read a famous paper (Padian et al) where not a single male sero converts during the active part of the study. I come to Thailand and find people up to all sorts and years on ( a decade ) perfectly healthy. I talk to nurses who red facedly and coyly admit that it's 'very difficult to get'. Then I finally get to here of someone who is HIV and in the next sentence am told that he takes drugs and has a gloriously camp lifestyle. So what exactly am I to think ? How many have a similar story to tell?

    Please don't get me wrong incidentally I support all people with this wretched disease regardless.

  14. I am thoroughly aware of Peter Duesberg's work, as are all professionals in the field, and equally aware of the extensive research which has disproven his various claims (ditto).

    BTW, his main support base is social conservatives who like the idea that drug use and promiscuity are by themselves the cause of AIDs...fits their idea of divine retribution. Unsound science, tho.

    To save time, since I have had to write all this out before, I will now pin a notice on the subject so in future I can just reference it.

    Now since you want to know which facts I am questioning, here they are, your statements being highlighted in bold

    Doctor Robert Gallo...has since been accused of professional misconduct, his test has been exposed as fraudulent, The "professional misconduct" Gallo was accused of (not in legal proceedings, just verbally) was stealing the credit for the discovery of HIV from Montagnier (see below). His test was not "ëxposed as fraudulent". This is a distortion; what happened was that a subsequent analysis was done to see if the sample of the virus he discovered might have been swiped from Montagnier's lab. The validity of the test in terms of accurate isolation of the virus was not in doubt, it was a question of whether or not in achieving this he had piggy-backed onto someone else's work. As for "two of his laboratory executives have been convicted of criminal offences." he does not own a laboratory, he works at the Institute of Human Virology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. And – despite arguably bad form in trying to grab all the credit for the HIV discovery – he remains an eminent researcher who has gone on to make many further important discoveries and is very well regarded scientifically. This statement makes it sound like he's been scientifically discredited. Anything but.

    vitamin C is able to reduce the replication of the HIV-Virus by more than 99% and that this fact is well known to the industry.

    Absolutely untrue. There have been numerous studies on the effect of Vit C on HIV as well as its interactions with HIV meds. And I wish I had a nickel for every AIDs patient I saw die who took megadoses of vit C to the bitter end (this being back in the 90's before the triple cocktail was invented...they don't die like that anymore thanks to it).

    Where this myth comes from is that Vit C does inhibit the virus in test tubes. It does not have the same effect in the human body. It is however generally recommended that people with AIDs take it along with other nutritional supplements since it has an overall favorable effect on the immune system. Will not kill off the virus, tho, and is certainly no substitute for ARV.

    Luc Montagnier, Gallo's partner in the HIV-causes-AIDS theory, admitted in 1989: "HIV is not capable of causing the destruction of the immune system which is seen in people with AIDS"?

    Far from being Gallo's partner, Dr. Montagnier and Gallo were competitors in research and had a long legal tussle over which one of them first isolated HIV. (Montagnier did, but Gallo -- who was clopse behing him in the race to find the virus and had done a lot of the initial work which paved the way -- tried to take the credit...long story). Dr. Montagnier most definitely has never said or implied that HIV is not the cause of AIDs; in fact to this day he is actively engaged in research to develop a vaccine against HIV. I don't know the source of the quote you attribute to him but I do know that he has never stated anything if the sort so it is either made up or taken out of context. If you would like to read a full transcript of an interview with him (conducted by one of the "HIV is a conspiracy"groups), see this link http://www.virusmyth.com/aids/hiv/dtinterviewlm.htm

    "the major pharmaceutical companies were accused of Genocide at the ICC in the Hague in 2003"

    Anyone who wants to can write a complaint and send it to the ICC. That is not the same as being accused by or standing trial in the ICC. A man named Matthias Rath, who believes that vitamins cure all diseases, filed a somewhat incoherent complaint with the ICC containing a mixture of complaints against the "pharmaceutical industry"(in general) for all of the drugs it produces and against the war in Iraq (connection to the pharmaceutical company unclear). He sent this in 2003. The ICC, which gets more than its share of crackpot communications, did not accept the case. The statement is thus incorrect.

    Regarding Gallo vs Montagnier, I think you are missing the point Sheryl: the contention is that it is not an either/or regarding discovering a virus, so much as a NEITHER. At the very most didn't they just discover the antibodies thought to be associated with the alleged HIV? and then under rather dubious circumstances? None of us really knows, including your good self, but the fact that a number of nobel prize winners and eminent scientists have cried foul must raise eyebrows. Certainly things seem a little unconventional. By all means clear the matter up for us if you are able to. But please be fair in what you do and do not allow to appear on TV.

  15. OP. In all honesty the risk of a male contracting HIV through one heterosexual single sex act with a person of unknown status is very small, even in Thailand we are talking a lot of 000s in your favour. You shouldn't really be getting het up about it although I realise that this is a subject area full of paranoia. IMHO condom use is mandatory for casual sex though, because of the dangers presented by other nasties.

    As other posters have pointed out there is some controversy surrounding the hiv paradigm full stop. Now, there really should not be that is the only mystery, as retro virus are a well researched area. The trouble is one can not speak too much about it as postings may get deleted, which is rather sad really (actually TV is a more tolerant place than most). But the dissenters do include a growing number of credible scientists, doctors and health professionals and the number stands at around 2500 and is ever gowing. Basically the arguments concern an alleged lack of specificity, and quality of evidence, as well as exagerration regarding statistics. Certainly it would appear that the virus has not been isolated in a conventional sense, and a primary critic of PCR detection is none other than the person who invented the machine in the first place. As regards figures, again the vindication has recently come with a massive resizing of the figures, down a staggering 30% by WHO own estimates. If one cares to research the area one is immediately struck by some staggering inconsistencies.

  16. It's a familiar scenario and the air quality has been paricularly bad lately.

    Increasingly sounds like air pollution is your problem. When you go to town wear a mask.

    Yes, get allergy tested at any big hospital, eg, St Louis.

    Good idea to have a check up anyway in case there are any bacterial issues.

  17. Since I quit smoking a couple of years ago, not only have I become allergic to cigarette smoke, but dust and pollen trouble me more easily than before.

    I go through a box of Clarityne a month easily. A friend suggested that long term regular use of this medication is not advisable.

    I do not want to use steroidal nasal sprays, because of the thinning of the nasal lining these cause. No luck finding non-steroidal sprays at Boots.

    Anyone in the same boat can share their experience?

    Yes pretty much in the same boat. The bad news is that I don't think any of the new anti-histamines are much use for runny nose allergies, and I don't think there is any pill that will give you the quick fix effect anyway. In fact long term use may be counter productive.

    But the older HCI ones will help and will certainly provide sedation. I use actifed, now and then to good effect. It's not a good idea to use drugs more than a week or 2 really.

    It sounds like you are not getting to grips with the main cause of your allergy. In this instance then your nose is likely quite agitated and you'll be susceptible to just about any irritant. Perhaps a first step is allergy testing. It's quick, cheap and painless.

    You don't say where you are, but if you are in a big city then general air pollution must be ruled out before all else. And I think this applies even more so if you live in Bangkok or Chiang Mai for instance.

    There is of course no substitute for the word of a trained medical professional standing right in front of you, but I'll be brave and guess it's persistent non allergic rhinitis based on traffic fumes, with the complication of minor allergic rhinitis too (hey fever). In this instance then you should cut down on the amount of time you are outside for sure, and also wear some form of mask. Adequate rest is essential. You might want to rinse your nasal passages 2 or 3 times a day, and take lots of steamy showers or use steam tents ( just hold your head over a bowl of hot NOT BOILING water with a towel draped over your head). When the essentials are in place you might then want to experiment with various antihistamines and nasal sprays for temporary, minor relief..

  18. Thanks Moldy. Do you know much about the other two namely Samran Place and Grand Watergate Inn?

    No I don't know names, but I Know that there is quite a nice hotel in soi 12 that tends to cater for up market backpackers. Moving down the road there is also one in soi 21, I think you turn left past Robinsons and walk down 200 yards or so.

    But incredibly. The best value in my opinion is the Playboy Hotel MAIN BUILDING. This is an infamous drive in short stay hotel. But the main building actually has some very nice rooms. It's off Nana soi3, near The Grace. Make sure you go in to the main reception. Any tuk tuk driver should know it only too well. I stayed there a couple of years ago for 700 bt.

  19. I just went through something similar, all the way down to self-diagnosis with the help of friends and Sheryl, and it hit me exactly on New Year's Eve, and I am just feeling 99 percent better this week. It was hel_l, and lasted a very long time.

    However, all of my symptoms were very consistent with bronchitis, but I believe my allergies may have helped it morph into a case of sinusitis at the end. I waited a full 4 weeks before getting antibiotics, but with the sinusitis symptoms I couldn't stand it anymore. My friend who is a doctor prescribed my a course of amoxycillin, 3X a day, for 10 days. I finished it on Friday. I am finally feeling better. At one point, I was worried that I had pneumonia. Apparently, there is also some kind of superbug going around that starts like a simple cold, ends, and then reappears weeks later as the horrendous virus that sucks all of the life out of you, for a full month or several weeks. I believe my illness started as a virus, and became bacterial.

    My symptoms:

    At first - slight chills, exhaustion, dry, hacking cough, very sore, dry throat.

    Progressed to deep, wet coughs, green-yellow sputum with streaks of blood, extreme fatigue, - the life sucked out of me. This lasted for the better part of January.

    In the last weeks: very, very dry throat, post-nasal drip, gagging, hacking and throwing up the stuff - yeeech! Red, puffy eyes, headaches, could not eat without gagging, and bringing that stuff up. Pure misery.

    Finally feel up to 95 to 99% better the last few days, so from Jan. 1 to about Feb. 9th - so that is five, frickin' weeks!

    Good luck to you. I drank plenty of water, had garlic, oranges, ginger, nutrition - none of my usual tricks could beat this one back. I needed the antibiotics.

    Yes I believe this is a very worthy posting.

    URTIs are dismissed as a low level infection, but the misery they cause is obvious enough.

    Sinusitis is a vague illness with a big effect.

    It also shows the real value of antibiotics, when used sensibly.

  20. Bendix: Samran Place is situated in Phetburi Road I believe. Thai House Inn are charging 700 per night.

    I basically have three Guesthouses which were suggested to me. Thai House Inn, Samran Place and Grand Watergate Inn (I think that's what it is called). No doubt we will be out sightseeing most of the day/night we're just looking for a clean room with ensuite so therefore 1200 and under per day would be ideal. We are also looking for something that is relatively close to the Skytrain.

    Well it's just not a nice area to stay to be honest. This area is jokingly called Whore Central.

    For character try The Atlanta in Soi 2- although it's usually fully booked you may get lucky.

  21. How can I put this politely? It's a dump.

    I haven't seen the rooms, but it's the place which is located in a gruesome side alley between soi 5 and soi 7. The alleyway is right next to the Beergarden so for a start it's infested with Bangkok's ugliest hookers at all hours of the day. Worse than that, the alley itself is filthy - swarming with waste water when it's raining, food waste on the floor and the resulting rats.

    During the morning, you'll find a couple of night revellers sleeping outside the hotel. Dodgy farangs are sipping large beers at a filthy foodstand. Usually there is an open-sored beggar (old lady) waving her stump at you.

    It aint no place to stay, believe me.

    Of course, it could be lovely inside.

    It depends what you are after I suppose. Perhaps the owner will be along later to take you to task. :o Must confess he's an old mate of mine.

    But at 600bt or so, you get a safe, cleanish room with ac, tv, fridge, and hot water shower. In the lobby there is free internet.

    You can get talking to all sorts of interesting travellers, as well as the owner himself.

    Walk up to Foodland for a cheapish but nice breakfast with sensational coffee.

    It's good value and interesting.

  22. Buzzcocks said it the best:

    well you tried it just for once found it all right for kicks.

    but now you found out that it's a habit that sticks.

    and you're an orgasm addict


    I can't believe someone would set up a group like that HERE...surely the first step would be to move FAR AWAY from LoS


    well I hope it's not a mixed gender group- the mind boggles.

  23. Post nasal drip: I have had sneezing and a runny nose, consistently for weeks. Not everyday, but say, 4 times per week.

    Can dust in my apartment cause this also? I am allergic to house dust.

    Well sure, if your apartment is particularly dusty. If you feel dust mites are an issue, you need to have your apartment cleaned (with you not in it). In addition, you should wash and air your bed linen on a regular basis.

    If what you are experiencing is worse than you experience in your hoime country then it's a good bet we're looking for another cause, and inevitably the finger points at traffic pollution. It really is insidious and the effects often felt later in the day. The effects are also cumulative.

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