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Posts posted by hp8000

  1. Sorry if I looked a bit harsh, but be careful in Isaan. Even the girls there don't understand most of the bad tricks some people can use.

    Sometime they engage in some crappy deal even an 8 year child would refuse in Europe, just for the face.

    Itś your money you earn from your hard work, keep it safe. Cheers.

  2. I'm just stunned. What is going on in your head..? ohmy.gif

    I don't think it's worthwhile to risk your visa, trouble with local people and headaches for peanuts. Coz you'll get only peanuts.

  3. Blizzard is right. You will loose.

    Would you lend money to perfect strangers in your homecountry ? No. So why here knowing that it can be used for gambling, drinking or ???

    Keep your money and let the bank deals with such business.

  4. Look on the bright side - You've bought a fabulous machine, perhaps a tad more expensive than you thought at the onset, but at least you haven't bought a Windoze PC.

    You'll come to appreciate that more and more as time goes by.

    Excellent, now the OP bought an already overpriced computer (Apple) and has been ripped VAT refund and that's fine for you ?

    I guess you're kidding. :o

  5. Incredible how farangs can be easily milked by their girlfriend's family. Is it a new national sport in here ?

    I married 10 years ago and the family would have been very bad advised to ask me for one satang. I met my wife in my homecountry, we married there, I've never see her mother and father and don't want to. She support her divorced mother with the money she earn from HER work and that's fine.

    And we choosed to live here in the north to be as far as possible from the family.

    No ATM machine here for the lazy mother, brothers & sisters.

  6. My 2 cents. Same as Tywais I make compressed images of my partitions (both windows C: and my GNU/Linux) after a fresh install with all the drivers, updates and main apps. I use the partimage utility contained in the SystemRescueCD LiveCD. It's similar to Ghost but in GPL and free.

    I save these images on another partition or on a second harddrive. And I repeat the process at every important update or at least every month, after having cleaned the systems, and I delete the old images. If I need to reinstall any of the 2 OS, the image restoration will simply overwrite the partitions without any need to format. And I get a clean, updated and running machine in less than half an hour.

  7. I played WoW for more than 2 years on a french server from Switzerland (5 lvl70 characters and some others). When I'm in Thailand (most of the year) it's very difficult to play du to a high latency between 600-1200ms as Monty said. If you play a caster like a shadow priest, warlock or mage it remains playable but forget the warrior, rogue and other classes.

    I think you can play on US servers from here, I've tried last year but the latencies were not much better than on european servers. Now my account is frozen due to these problems and also coz I've far more interesting things to do here than sit in front of the computer and lay WoW. The sun is shining outdoor. :o

    PS. I even succeeded to play under wine in GNU/Linux but had low fps rate, should be fixed though.

  8. hp8000, do I have to actually wear a helmet here while driving a car??? :o

    It could help :D

    It was intended to all of us who are riding motosai, and a lot are; and I see so many foreigners not wearing any protection.

    If I can write these lines it's because in Europe, riding big bikes my life was saved 2 times by a helmet. So...

  9. What were you expecting from people who can simply buy their driving license on roads where there is no other rule than money bribing ?

    My rule, eyes wide open and see all other drivers as potential danger. AND WEAR A HELMET.

  10. The official Fedora 8 Live-CD ISO comes with Gnome windows manager

    It's exactly why I wrote: "Fedora 8 Live KDE i686.iso", it was to give a try to Fedora & KDE.

    But as I said I'll stick to Ubuntu as they have a very helpful french website and forum. And if I cannot find any help on this website I can always have a look at the official (english speaking) forum.

    After all, the distro is not very important, all of them are running a linux kernel under GNU environment. I was in a hurry at the moment, really bored with the Microsoft OS installed on my laptop, so I decided to install the easiest one. And everithing worked out of the box 25 minutes later.

  11. OD on anti-depressants, does that mean one would go out on a happy note ?. Sad, agreed, but I think one would most likely know the risk u take ( besides maybe being imprisoned ) when u do stuff like this.

    Sorry, I feel sorry for people who lost their lives for other reasons ( even suicide i.e. depressed and jumping off a bridge), but find it hard to find sympathy for such silly cases. ( teenager who did this, maybe, but at the ripe age of 26 !! )

    I agreed.

  12. I just downloaded the "Fedora 8 Live KDE i686.iso" 2 weks ago through bittorrent. Like ~6 hours to complete the download.

    But I didn't install it, I don't like KDE so much so I keep with Gnome on Ubuntu. Fully configured to suit my needs and the nice compiz-fusion window manager with all the funny graphical effects. :o Really awesome.

  13. I just switched to 1024/512 Premier from Indy two months ago and I'm very satisfied with it.

    The last two years I had the usual 1024/512 (not yet called Indy but Maxnet"@home") ans It was really a pain in the a** surfing european websites and anything related to streaming. I had also to reboot the router many time a day. The speed was not so bad but very versatile connection.

    Now everything run smoothly, no more router reboot or very few (not everyday), acceptable streaming, most websites open quickly and the down and upload speed of torrents is very good when sufficient seeders. The only problem I can see is a latency of ~700-100 in such games as World of Warcraft as I played on a french server (no really a problem as I don't play anymore). On freenode IRC (GNU/Linux channels) the latency is very low at 1.2, and downloading softwares from website is OK.

    I have to admit that I don't have many neighbours connected to the net here in the sticks, so it should help.

  14. For me it has never worked so smoothly, and the up and download speed seems to have improved :o

    Maxnet 1024 Premier is ok for me.

    But one funny things happened to me about 10 days ago. I wad updating a fresh installed GNU/Linux distro when suddenly the net stopped. Not like when you get dropped, it just completely stopped, no ADSL and PPP light on the modem; like they have cut the line.

    I couldn't remember if I payed the last bill so I phoned to the local Maxnet office and they replied that everything was ok. So no connection for an afternoon while they checked any possible problem, and me pushing them by calling every 30 minutes.

    At the end a technician came at home and when I told him at what time the conection disappeared he reminded that at the same time he had installed a new connection for another client. And it was my line they gave to him. Never seen that. :D

    He ran back to the other place and 15min after I had my connection back. TiT.

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