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Posts posted by sayitaintso

  1. i was at a Samui family mart this morning and as usual, some thai girl walks right up to the counter placing her items directly in front of me expecting to be checked out. i usually have a few words with the mongrels that behave like this but before i could tell her off, the man behind the counter reached for my items and rang me up before her and without giving her actions a second thought.

    i thought the end of the world is near.

    reading the OP, i am now certain of the end. if relevant thai authorities make any changes to the FBA today or suddenly announce that farang can own land i will expect the world to be consumed in flame by nights end.

  2. the purpose of this thread is to encourage discussion of topics unrelated to this thread.

    if there are more than two consecutive replies that mention or discuss the same topic, this thread will be considered to have gone On Topic , and you will be warned. :o

    So, to start off, how about todays announcement that the 30% foreign currency reserve will be rescinded over the next few days? anyone not want to discuss that?

  3. Some interesting aspects in this article:
    The investment has followed the spiralling number of tourists visiting Koh Samui. From 937,763 visitors in 2004 to 1,030,623 in 2006, the number is expected to reach 1.5 million this year, ...
    Almost half a million more than 2006? Good joke! :o Would be interesting to see how Samui's roads cope with that.
    Up to 80 per cent of tourists who visit Koh Samui are foreigners, mainly from the United States, Europe, Oceania, Asia, the Middle East and Africa, ...
    That doesn't leave out many places - except Canada where definitely a sizable part of Samui's tourists/residents come from.
    So when the population of Koh Samui district doubles, from only 50,000 people to 200,000 ...
    Very interesting mathematics indeed.
    Satirapong says the island's waste-treatment system has the capacity to clear only 70 tonnes of waste a day, but the local and visiting populations create more than double that amount.
    Is that really true? If so, I would really like to know where the other half goes (do I have to digg under my house to find part of it?), seriously!

    Alltogether quite a confusing article, half of it seems to promote real estate business as Claude states, but the rest would shy away potential investors (bad infrastucture). Or is it a plea for more money from the Surat Thani Provincial Administration, just to let it dissapear in the potholes and various pockets again?

    take your motorbike down the laem din market road ten minutes into any good rain and you will have direct contact with a portion of the other half. :D:D:D

  4. i have no problem with women (or men) cleaning out the john while i'm in there. having a man walk up behind me and start rubbing my shoulders while i'm taking a piss is a different matter entirely.


  5. I just had my first brush with the USA PATRIOT Act complications. I predict this is going to be a hot topic. I am now awaiting info from USA to try and formulate my plan. Have any of you experienced such a wall of restrictions that you cant not do business as usual? Bank restrictions etc? Or other restrictions? :D

    i typed a rather long response to your post but when i hit the reply button, my computer froze up and a black helicopter landed in front of my office. i escaped through the back door and am responding now from a top secret location underneath big buddha. lkjfaosdfdsase...............

    Sayitaintso,,, we got you on tape.

    i would never wear a turtleneck!


  6. I do a lot of editing for Thais and based on what is written by the OP this is what I would edit/translate it to:

    The nose is filled with mineral notes-smells like dirt/maure". "The attack is deep really stinks and well sculpted has great legs while the evolution reveals tremendous balance bubbles all over the place when you open the bottle ". "The vintage is remarkably dense year it was made they goofed up and it has the consistency of syrup and unctuous darned if I know what that word means.

    Ah; yes. I remember a particular Tiger beer vintage afternoon of the 8th. It had a malty bouquet and was very effervescent, wet, aromatic, clear and the bar lady was well sculpted.

    I remember being with a wine snob one day at a fancy restaurant in China. A waiter asked him if he wanted some ice in his wine and he looked at the waiter like he was some dog $hit that he just scraped off his shoe. I of course asked for two cubes :D !!

    Is it me or this all just pretentious codswallop? :D:D:D


    i don't know how pretentious it is but it certainly is pompous. i think the same people that wrote that pompous crap are the same people that said this..."My four-year-old has been discussing the differences between Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism and we were mulling over the Mahasaṃghikas and whether the split was before or after the Third Council..." , this is certainly not the table talk over a few tiger beers, that's fo'sho'. dam_n i feel sorry for that four year old. i hope they named him Sue because he's in for some beatings.

  7. I just had my first brush with the USA PATRIOT Act complications. I predict this is going to be a hot topic. I am now awaiting info from USA to try and formulate my plan. Have any of you experienced such a wall of restrictions that you cant not do business as usual? Bank restrictions etc? Or other restrictions? :o

    i typed a rather long response to your post but when i hit the reply button, my computer froze up and a black helicopter landed in front of my office. i escaped through the back door and am responding now from a top secret location underneath big buddha. lkjfaosdfdsase...............

  8. So many people take cleanleyness to extream this day and age.

    We used to eat dirt as kids playing in the back yard and never got sick.

    I often in the toilet wonder how many people wash their hands after have a pee. I never or rareley do.

    The way I figure it is that I have only touched my penis and nothing or noone elses so why should I need to wash my hands, it is not dirty.

    Do I have to wash my hands after I scracth my balls also, or my nose or ear or head ?

    i think it's reasonable to ask that you wash three times before posting, i am about to wash my eyes after reading your last post.

  9. Remember folks:

    The only experience of Thailand you are allowed to have is that sanctioned by Maigo6

    The only views on life in Thailand you are allowed to express is that sanctioned by Maigo6

    The only justifiable reason for being in Thailand is that sanctioned by Maigo6

    Makes one wonder, given his fixation with how other people feel about Thailand and his apparent need to instruct others on what is acceptable, where on earth he gets time time enjoy being in Thailand himself.


  10. Sorry, but that "debacle" has everything to do with politics (with a high dose of How long it takes will be the $64,000 question...

    At this rate, the USA may start changing the phrase to the $30,000 question.

    I'd like to hear more from the posters on ThaiVisa who said the dollar would now be near 40 or even 50 baht to the dollar. :o

    when i got here it was 40 or 39 so in my case it would be the 75 or even 80,000 dollar question as it takes more dollars to purchase an equivalent amount of baht.

  11. Completely agree.

    Worst still is he's travelled, and should know better, just imagine how ignorant the Septic Tanks who haven't even travelled out of the US.

    great, another one. i'm sure jolly ol' has never spent an unspoiled pound for the greater good either. you two should get together and scrub yourselves with bleach, maybe after a few years of this you can wash the farang off.

  12. when you can point out a group of thais that have travelled to under priveledged nations around the world and spent billions upon billions of us dollars building schools and providing medicine without a thought of profit i will eat my keyboard.

    OMG, now you're gonna tell me that America built a few schools and gave aid in Asia cos they wanna help .... :o

    Next you'll be saying that they went to Iraq to help the people of Iraq. :D


    Always guaranteed a laugh on ThaiVisa.

    Cheers for that, slow day in the office. :D

    Self-hatred, self-loathing, also sometimes autophobia refers to an extreme dislike of oneself, or being angry at oneself. The term is also used to designate a dislike or hatred of a group to which one belongs. For instance, 'ethnic self-hatred' is the extreme dislike of one's ethnic group. Accusations of self-hatred are often used as an ad hominem attack.

    The term 'self-hatred' is used infrequently by psychologists and psychiatrists, who would usually describe people who hate themselves as 'persons with low self-esteem'. Some people think that self-hatred and shame are important factors in some or many mental disorders, especially disorders that involve a perceived defect of oneself (e.g. body dysmorphic disorder). "Ethnic self-hatred" is considered by some people as being a cultural issue, to which psychological theories have limited relevance.

    pretty much sums you up maigo and you didn't even have to pay a therapist.


    Ministry to probe sex claims


    The Foreign Affairs Ministry is to investigate allegations that a Thai diplomat in Vientiane sexually harassed Lao staff.

    Permanent secretary for foreign affairs Virasak Futrakul said the husband of a Lao woman who worked at the Thai embassy submitted a complaint to the ambassador in Vientiane, Viboon Kusakul, last Thursday.

    The man alleged his wife had been sexually harassed by a Thai diplomat.

    Mr Virasak said a panel would be set up to look into the complaint.

    Meanwhile, the Women Friends Foundation yesterday submitted a letter of complaint to Foreign Affairs Minister Noppadon Pattama about reports that an unspecified number of female Thai diplomats had been harassed. Mr Noppadon said he had no information about the reports, but told the activists they should send the information to him.

    The sexual harassment allegations involving diplomats comes less than a week after a top official at the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration was accused of graft and having affairs with his sub-ordinates.

    However, Interior Minister Chalerm Yubamrung took the allegations lightly, saying they were only a rumour and there would be no action against the official if there is no solid evidence.

    In what was meant to be a joke, Mr Chalerm said it was not unusual for senior officials to have a gig _ Thai slang for mistress.

    -- Bangkok Post

    luckily for this thai diplomat he only had to travel to laos to sexually harass his subordinates. if he were a discontented farang he would have had to travel much much further, right maigo?

  14. you know those dam_n farang, always going to take advantage of the poor prostitutes around the world, never stopping to help the sick, build schools and homes and try to uplift.

    maigo i think you are thai, at least you are short sighted so you are almost there.

    No, I'm not Thai, do you think Thai people are short sighted ? OMG More generalisations from a discontented Farang! :D

    Yes, Farangs do build homes, then spend the rest of their days moaning about the fact that they cannot own the barstewards! :o

    Do Farangs come to poor countries for self gratifying reasons? You tell me.

    thais are possibly the most short sighted asians. it's a generalisation because it is generally true. i am sure you can point out one or two thais that have an idea what tomorrow is or what future means but they are the exception, not the rule.

    i'm not a discontented farang by any stretch. i didn't come here to take advantage of the oh so poor bar girls and i haven't built a house here. i have lived in banana republics and impoverished nations around the world so i was fully aware what to expect.

    do thais go to america and the uk for self gratifying reasons? you tell me.

    when you can point out a group of thais that have travelled to under priveledged nations around the world and spent billions upon billions of us dollars building schools and providing medicine without a thought of profit i will eat my keyboard.

    you can't because they haven't and won't, but i'm sure you'll post start a post now saying that the only reasons thais haven't done this is because the bad farang man come here and take advantage of poor thai. poor poor thai.

  15. they don't need to travel,

    Exactly, but Farangs do have to travel, and they do so willingly.

    To reap the opportunities they find in poorer countries. Self serving in most cases, or do Farangs go to Poor countries to help the poor without any personal benefits?

    If Thailand was as economically sound as Japan is and as expensive, we would not be having this debate, cos 99% of the Farangs wouldn't be in the country.

    you know those dam_n farang, always going to take advantage of the poor prostitutes around the world, never stopping to help the sick, build schools and homes and try to uplift.

    maigo i think you are thai, at least you are short sighted so you are almost there.

  16. :o
    yes because of course there are no thais that encourage the present conditions to exist and even if there were (which of course there aren't, right) they would never try and exploit them. :D

    They don't travel thousands of miles by choice to get here.

    If Japan was in the same situation as Thailand a Forum would exist were Western men would be tellling tales about how bad Japanese women are.

    they don't need to travel, they've created exactly what they wanted and the fact remains, thais are the main exploiters of poor thais.

    and if japan was in the same situation and that forum existed, there would be a western born and raised japanese apologist blaming westerners for all bad things in existence.

  17. No problem, I'm quite sure that if Thailand still has poor people and westerners can see an opportunity to exploit that, there will be many stories to tell.

    You never know, maybe these Thai girls that rip Farangs off are reincarnated Farangs that got stiffed in a previous life. :D

    yes because of course there are no thais that encourage the present conditions to exist and even if there were (which of course there aren't, right) they would never try and exploit them. :o

  18. The dollar will get much stronger after the Thai government totally runs the country into the ground.

    they've been running thailand into the ground forever and it hasn't made much difference, same as italy really. completely ineffective however italy gets to mooch off of its more successful euro neighbors while the thai baht gets stronger because of the lack of stability in ANY of its neighbors. vietnam is poised to take a lot of wind out of thailands sails in the future. just having a democratically elected gov't there would probably cause a sharp drop in the baht.

    thai interest rate cuts this week might cause a small blip as investors look for a higher interest rate elsewhere but the u.s. fed is set to keep cutting rates stateside for the until sometime after the election so there won't be any benefit there.

    probably one of the best things that could happen for americans and their purchasing power here is the continued growth of vietnam.

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