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Posts posted by sayitaintso

  1. I have Netherlands nationality but I have never lived there and I was a resident of Andorra( a small tax free principality between Spain and France). Tax residence is not established on Nationality but on where you are physically present most of the year or where you perceive income or work.....thank you for the insight.

    unless you are an american or eritrean, as those lucky to be citizens of either of those two countries are taxed based on citizenship rather than residency.

  2. i understand the surgery you will need to achieve this is not too difficult here however getting the farang men to believe you are thai might be a bit more tricky.

    I guess I'll have to wait for my reincarnation then. :D

    try to remember us here in this forum if it all works out, i'm sure it will make for one hel_l of an interesting read. :o

  3. just another example of what happens when you forget some of the basic caveats of playing with the girls in LOS.

    It would probably apply to women of any other country under the same circumstances.

    Guy 20 - 30 years older than Girl, Girl pretty and in her teens early 20's, guy old fat bald and well past it, and maybe like many Farang in Thailand, as miserable as sin, always the victim etc etc........

    If I was a Thai girl, you think I'd put up with that crap for nothing, would you if you was her ?

    Reverse the situation, remember back to when you was a Teenage guy ( I know, it's a long time ago ), or even in your early 20's, and you are pizz poor, some old woman travels 1000's of Miles from a far off land to flash her cash to attract younger guys, you telling me that you would stay with her for no return, you gotta be kidding!

    This don't apply to all, but lets be realistic when talking about many relationships between people of such age differences.

    yesterday you posted that you wanted to be reincarnated as a thai girl so that you could marry/divorce a rich farang and then go stay with your thai boyfriend and now today you are back on the "if i was a thai girl" theme.

    i understand the surgery you will need to achieve this is not too difficult here however getting the farang men to believe you are thai might be a bit more tricky.

  4. the dollar acts (by going down). the fact that other currencies have therefore a higher value per unit vs. the dollar canNOT be called a reaction. is it really that difficult to understand? :o

    at first i thought you were joking, but after you just contradicted your own argument with this jewel i have to say that you are either being intentionally obtuse or just argumentative.

    if the dollar acts by going down (or up for that matter), how can any other currency have a higher or lower value without reacting to the dollar. is it really that difficult to understand???

    do you think every other currency in the world changes pip for pip with the fluctuations in the dollar? the currency changes because people find value (or lack of value) in all currencies BASED UPON the value or lack of value they find in the u.s. dollar. different currency pair , different value. the fact remains that all currency pair values are judged on the current value a trader finds in the u.s. dollar.

  5. the u.s. dollar must still be pretty might in that every single other currency in the world reacts to the dollar and not the other way

    that's a matter of perspective. one might also say the dollar reacts to (nearly) every single currency and not the other way round :o .

    around. there are other options for american expats...

    unfortunately there are no options whatsover for the chaps who have no savings, receiving their income in us-dollars and spend their money as it arrives.

    while i understand the premise, in actual fact, every other currency in the world reacts to the u.s. dollar. it's not an issue of bias but rather one of circulation. the u.s. dollar is the go-to, or default, currency. even the now seemingly mighty euro was established to be the anti-dollar, since there weren't any other legitimate currencies available to go short dollar. short of a catastrophic collapse of the u.s., i believe the dollar will be stronger than ever in another 3-4 years. i get paid in baht here so i'm looking for opportunities to go long dollar.

    in response to your second point, i agree completely, if you have no savings and rely entirely on social security then you ran out of options long before you came to thailand, and long before the u.s. dollar started to decline. however, it's never too late to start investing some of those now devalued dollars into say a mutual fund, and earn back some of your dollar exchange losses every month.

  6. .


    Feb 2008 31.536

    wow, thanks.

    the u.s. dollar must still be pretty might in that every single other currency in the world reacts to the dollar and not the other way around. there are other options for american expats, unless of course you are the kind of person that just likes to complain. loads of people can't make it through the day without complaining about the price of oil but did they ever buy a single share of stock in an oil company and make the inevitable profit when the price went up? no, they just sit around and complain. even today, oil prices will still go up and oil profits will go up and there are still the complainers.

    agree with Heng, it'll be fine for those who are prepared for it.

  7. anyone have a link to a good free usd/thb currency chart that goes back several years minimum?

    i can find all of the major pairs through other sources i already have but this pair is a minor one at best....

    any help appreciated, i get paid in baht so i really want to chart this pair

    Be careful not to get a source (such as Yahoo) that uses the offshore rate, which is like 30:1 right now. You only need to go back 13 years, since before that is meaningless.

    ya, i don't think anything exciting will be happening with this pair anytime soon. appears to have developed a trading range between 30 and 33.

    IF i was an american expat on a fixed income i would only start sweating if the dollar goes below 31ish since that appears to be the cellar door. just using yahoo finance chart for lack of a better immediate option, the 5 yr chart shows a recent higher high and higher low so if the dollar stays above 31 and goes above 33 it looks as if it can go to 35 again without a hitch. since this is a very minor pair in the grand scheme of things, and again if i was an american expat on a fixed income, i would watch the price of gold first as gold and the euro are the anti-dollar. they will tell you where the dollar baht is going well before the guy at the western union converts your money.

  8. No real rules, AFAIK. Stay away from the police. Stay away from drugs. Stay away from Canadians! (a la "The Jerk", which we are all capable of being, I think)

    Oh shit--my brother and wife, from Vancouver B.C., are arriving for a month's stay with us in Chiang mai in 1 week--anyone selling any secondhand body armour?

    tell them to sew american flags onto their backpacks

  9. former owner of several cj-7's checking in.

    greatest thing about the jeep was that you could take the crap AMC engine, tranny and suspension out and replace them with quality chevy and ford parts.

    i am looking for an old cj5 or 7 here as well. would consider toyota parts for this part of the world.

  10. Well, the way elephants are generally treated in Thailand (see this National Geographic article) I hardly blame them for getting a little revenge from time to time... If these monks were really innocent, then it's sad though.

    BTW, I turned in a couple of mahouts at Ton Pariwat Wildlife Sanctuary (Phang Nga Province) a couple days ago for killing birds in the sanctuary with slingshots. They looked rather pissed off at me when I showed up with a couple of rangers. I've seen mahouts with slingshots the past three time I went there. I scolded them previously, but I'm going to let the rangers take care of it from now on. I reckon I need to be careful the next time I go there. :o

    i guess they need to respect your authori-thai :D

  11. Does anyone know where I can watch UFC 82 in Chiang Mai? And while I'm at it just for future...does anyone know where to watch 83 in Bangkok? Thank you :o

    there are no ufc ppv's here in thailand. you either have to download the event or wait for the dvd.

  12. Agree about the hippy backpackers. I think what this little debate is missing is the distinction between hippy backpackers with no money living off others and gap year & other backpackers who have money and bathe. I prefer the later.

    maybe if dirty stinky hippy backpackers were only allowed to live off gap year "LL Bean" backpackers we could do away with all the dirty stinky hippies.

    anyone else struggle to resist taking some dirty stinky hippy backpackers "dreadlocks" and wrap them around his neck, choking him unconscious?

    nothing makes me angrier than a pacifist

  13. Having FUN and a GREAT TIME is throwing water on moving motorcycles & watching the rider flip to possible death or maiming. NUTTY idea of fun to me. In most countries I know, this sort of crap would be illegal.

    that's a pretty distorted view.

    in most countries i know, fun has been made illegal and or immoral.

    happylarry-what banks are open on songkran?

  14. Thai immigration is an enforcement agency, not a service center nor a profit center.

    Is there anyone that seriously think the Thai Government care about the P&L of a consulate?

    Someone high up the food chain stands to lose a lot of money from what the consulate brings in so don't expect the new consulate to last long - one way or another.

    i read somewhere here that the penang consulate was processing 200+ visa apps per day. that's a lot of coin for the local guys.

  15. I have been reading very bad comments regarding the back packers who used to come here in their droves, unfortunately they returned to their home countries and told everyone how beautiful Samui "WAS" I did the same. But lets not blame them for what this Island has now turned into. They truely loved Samui and can not be held responsible for the replacing of coconuts with concrete. in fact they did very little damage to the Island and its roads, the greedy money lusting property developers must take the responsabilty for all that and the need for HEAVY construction vehicles on this paradise Island. You know who you are but stop looking down on Backpackers they did nothing wrong their only crime was to come here and enjoy it, not rape it of its beauty.

    Food for Thought

    The Eye of Lamai

    i, for one, place the blame for all that is now bad on samui squarely on the shoulders of the backpackers.

    backpackers are a blight, an eyesore, an odoriferous offense to all sensible hard working people and i hope they never come back to samui.

    good riddance backpackers!

  16. Dr. Griffioen is the fourth Canadian shot in Thailand in recent months. Despite the rash of violence, there is no need for tourists to avoid that country, said a spokeswoman at the Royal Thai Embassy in Ottawa.

    Source: National Post - 14 February 2008

    What else would they say.

    They could say that they are working on solving each of these and preventing future occurences and they have appointed Somkid Phumuang as the new police minister responsible for bringing those responsible to justice?

  17. FOX News just announced the arrest of the "Pony-Tail Bandit" - a Female Bank Robber.

    Of course.. she has been hiding-out in Thailand.

    Another example of how Farangs have been corrupting Thai society and another excuse for increased vigilance, lest Thai Morals and the Youth be led astray by all these Dark, Bad outside influences.

    Do I sense another Crack-down coming?


    *** PS: Yes, I know that watching FOX NEWS will rot my Brain, but it's all my building provides... I've learned to Un-Spin their "No-Spin" and find the truth out of what they say.. and of course it helps me formulate my opposition arguments.

    hopefully if they crack down on anything it will be the western, cnn watching liberal apologists that get the boot first.

  18. I only found Baan Suan Sook Villas, offering bungalows for 13.500 Baht.

    Does anybody have information about other resorts or houses?

    I only need cheap, clean accomodation for one month.

    Air con and television would be fine.

    pm sent. if that is your budget then the internet is perhaps not the best tool for you as the vast majority of properties in that price range do not have websites. also, the internet prices tend to be significantly higher than one would pay if they were to go to the property in person.

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