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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. What he said, at least most of it, is common sense. I think as we get older in life we see the mistakes we made when we were younger like maybe back in your school days. If you were not perfect everyone made fun of you Too fat, too skinny, too short, too tall, too stupid, or too smart. Most of us outgrow these misconceptions when we get older but some don't and this is where the problems may grow into more hurtful things. I am not angry , but I don't except the way that some people treat others.
  2. I am 74 but after taking the test on my mental age they say my mental age is is 34, I feel better already.
  3. The real question should be, what's your mental age? Be honest? this test might tell you something? https://www.arealme.com/mental/en/
  4. One would think they would have more chance of losing their gold in India, but maybe they don't wear it there. Besides travel insurance is cheap and it will cover your gold, real or fake.
  5. I will say a Hugh prayer for all you non-believers and remember, God loves you.
  6. It's simple math, when the baht goes down in value our prices go up, everywhere. So hold on to your gold and silver as they may be making a push to the high side very soon.
  7. The Russian people should turn the years to live to minutes to live. We can't let this happen so why is it happening? Do the the Russian people think this is a games, killing the Ukraine people and their own soldiers for what? Putin must go the sooner the better.
  8. A woman's lifestyle has changed a lot since I was young I remember when a kiss meant something, and a feel sometimes got you a slap in the face. Maybe if those days came back there might be far less abortions'
  9. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I am surprised they didn't say Detroit was number 1 due to the low crime rate. Really ,there are some very nice and well laid out city's in this world but none of the above gets my vote.
  10. Funny you should say that as I need to get a booster shot and I am of 2 minds. One just go get it or two wait for the new and improved ones coming in the USA. Some I hear are 10 times more effective on Omicron. I really don't want to be anyone's pin cousin.
  11. It's all part of nature. When I first moved into my house in northern Chiang Mai there were a lot of frog snakes on my property and yes a lot of frogs as well. You should hear the screams that the frog makes when in the snakes mouth, like a baby screaming. It really put me off but than I new it was part of nature
  12. Don't they know that the only way a casinos becomes legal is when the government's owns them. And that's in every country.
  13. That must have pre 1969? You poor guy. But that's the time when I came to Australia and lost almost 40% on the exchange rate , than they floated the Aussie dollar and it took a nose dive against the USD ever since.
  14. Yes, some will think that everything is back to normal, but these times are not normal just look at the cost of food and gas, look at Russia and China and the moves that they are making. Normal times, I think not.
  15. With the prices going higher and the Baht going lower this will have a huge effect on the Thai people that don't get a cost of living increases in pay. example, I get a cost of living increase twice a year on my pension.
  16. I will still wear the mask in shops where there are many people and on the buses where the smell of garlic is so over powering at times. This covid is not over yet so why take chances in crowded places?
  17. Come on, even the cavemen would be looking for the head , the legs and a butt. Breast alone, are just two lonely mounds.
  18. In Thailand they eat a lot of things they should not eat. One time a member of my family caught a Anteater, [one that does so much good for the country] and they were going to have it for dinner. Well it cost me 500 baht to save it's life. They all thought I was stupid, but I didn't care and I took that Anteater way into the woods where nobody would find it. And yes we had boring old chicken that night.
  19. It's painful for me to say this but when a baby is aborted the doctor sticks a long needle into the baby's head, than the brain it is sucked through a tube, than the rest is pulled out, the baby feels great pain if abortion is late. So within a few days there will be protest everywhere in the states but more then half the people don't even know why they are going, to protesting about what? Abortions will still be taking place but you may have to travel to another state. Maybe this will give them more time to think about the baby.
  20. These cases are rear but Yes as the baby can always be adopted out.
  21. Isn't it funny how all you Dems. stick together. To me Abortion is not killing a baby ,it's murder and it doesn't matter what party you are in murder is murder when there is a heartbeat.
  22. It's not a sad day ,it is now up to the states on what the people of the state want to do, not the federal government. What about the baby's rights once theirs a heartbeat.
  23. I have low hanging wires in many streets where I live and I am use to them. But sometimes a team of electrical workers are working on them and they go to lunch leaving a greater mess than before.
  24. Are you talking about us old timers or the low hanging wires?
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