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Posts posted by Motoon

  1. Either you don't read Thai or you are deliberately being misleading for some obscure reason. The sound "S" is of course well represented in Thai and many names begin with one of the Thai alphabet "S" variants.





    But then I expect you already knew that.

    Sorry for being obtuse. You are missing my point. The letter "S" only transliterates all of these sounds. So even if anyone took offence for being accused of having ill intent to the country, he didn't even name a letter that exists anywhere in their names. A very clever legal way of getting tongues wagging without defaming anyone.

    Unless Simon, or Sam, or Steve have any ill intent to the country.

    Obscure, but I see what you mean.


    The original Chavalit statement was made in Thai refering directly to a Thai letter. Therefore one has to assume that "Thai at heart's" statement is not obscure but illogical...

    • Like 1
  2. After living in Bangkok for 35 years I have seen many cases where Thai wives have hired hit men on their husbands but mostly in the Esan and Pattaya area. For all you guys considering marrying a Thai lady, choose wisely my friend. They might be a tiger in sheeps wool so don't be fooled by that sweet demeanor and smile. Always watch your back when your on the balcony of any high rise. The new trend is to have your ass thrown off the balcony and make it look like a suicide. Only carry enough life insurance to pay off the home, car, and yearly expenses...remember those large policies can get you killed through greed. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

    I would be very worried about your state of health with this post and living in Bangkok for 35 years,and you are a new member of thaivisa,very worrying

    Even with a bit of truth it sound paranoid indeed. Why bother living here if you have to watch your own back continuously?

    Exactly my thoughts...

  3. Thanks. Yep. Cleared the cache too.

    I'm looking for a solution that's more permanent. Is there some reason why this (not loading fully) phenomenon should start now? Is it an ISP problem? I recently switched to Wifi.

    It can be a problem in the ruter... some crappy firewalls are doing stuff like that for example the firewall in my old Belkin wifi router.

    It is not a good idea to give advice to turn off the firewall though, so I leave you there...


    I am getting the same thing started in the past few days and on two different desktops both using the same router connected to True. I would like to know from the OP if he is using True?

    I got the same issues since the last 2-3 days and I'm using True (wifi router). Pictures are loading slow or not at all. Generally speed has declined since week end.

  4. what you blokes are all not coming to terms with is that abhisit has to have an election at some stage....that is inevitable...and taksin's mob WILL win....taksin WILL be pardoned, taksin WILL return and lead the government...sorry silvertail ex-pats, you all live in your stupid dreamland thinking your tilac loves you cos you are old, grey and have a fat guts...look in the mirror and get REAL...

    sawasdee krap:jap:

    PTP may win a majority again next time round, but beware that the international community will be watching for 'irregularities'. K. Thaksin pardoned and returning? Just the way to start war among Thai, I think. Already his 'honest mistake' accepted 8-7 by a court in 2001 was a disgrace, a pardon now would just serve to show people you can get away with almost anything in Thailand. Forget democracy, just take what you want and do it now. Look in that mirror, I'd say.

    As for your last few lines, unnecessary insults. No need for that.

    Either way, nothing would surprise me although I also think that some PTP executives realise what liability T presents. As for ozzieal remark at the end, it is really just pathetic. This kind of generalisation is just typical self righteous bull...

  5. Hi,

    Some great responses above. I think that the basic letter of the law which restricts foreign ownership to 49% of a Thai company says it all. Anything that you attempt to do to lock in control of a Thai company would not survive the ultimate test of legality if it were challenged in court. 'Proxy' became a very dirty word here following the debacle concerning a certain telecom company here, so while it may be possible to get away with something like this, no plan is going to be watertight and I wouldn't bet your life savings on it if I were you.


    Fully agree with this assessment. Although proposed solutions are common practice they're not completely safe. If a court decides that the "Farang" does exercise control over the company, the status of the company could be rendered to an illegal status. I know of two actual cases where the court decided that foreign "control" is 100%, control was considered equal to ownership and the company was declared illegal since formation. Therefore there is always a potential risk. This is also the reason why the FBA is still hotely discussed in Parliament.

  6. Should Thaksin decide to comply with the law and abide by judicial decisions, he may find his problems resolved in a speedy manner. The King will reach his seventh cycle and this may be a good opportunity for the former PM to bury the hatchet. It should not escape Thaksin's attention that the royal birthday is an occasion for pardon reviews.

    I don't understand this part, is there something political that occurs to coincide with the 7th cycle? What do the cycles represent?

    I am not sure on the exact details, but in Budhism, a lot of things revolve around 12 years. (Being one cycle). I do know that every 12th year is special, and a time to celebrate. Typically His Majesty the King will pardon people on his birthday, but especiaaly on the cyclic years.

    Again, I belive that the 7th cycle is another special one, as will be the 12th cycle etc.

    Hope this helps and does not confuse

    The mentioned cycle refers to the Chinese Zodiac cycle which is represented by 12 animal symbols, one for each year within a 12 years cycle. Therefore the sign of the year you're born is repeated every 12 years, which makes it an auspicious year, as you have concluded a full turn of the wheel. Note that traditionally a Chinese Year starts between late January to early February, based on the cycles of the moon or lunar calendar.

  7. "In the current climate, cost is becoming more and more important, but cost can't be at the expense of quality.

    ....don't think Thailand is quite the right place, unfortunately. One of Thailand's chief attributes, in my estimation (having lived here for 4 years), is precisely the ability to accomplish all manner of things on a shoe-string.

    Bamboo scaffolding, workmen wearing flip-flops, rats-nest electricity wiring, no ground (earth) wire, Thais are the Irish of the East.

    Sure, big multinationals operate sucessfully in Thailand, for example the Airport Railway link is soon opening, engineered by Siemens, but the problems come when the work is sub-contracted out to Thai......

    Forget doubling their order book, if RR loose their reputation it'll be the beginning of the end.

    On the other hand you should go and visit some of the Top manufacturer in the respective Industrial Estates. You would be surprised to see that high standards and quality products are a daily occurence there. For example the electronic industry, which is at a very high level here. The issue is that a quality labor force requires also a certain willingness to invest, develop and maintain. If Thailand can overcome its political troubles it could resume a leading role; however at the moment they're losing that race against Malaysia.

  8. <br />
    <br />The army should stop importing C4. Then such thing will not happen.<br />
    <br /><br />The bomb was reported to be a M-67 shrapnel grenade modified with a timer.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    The army should stop importing M-67. Then such thing will not happen.

    What leads you to believe that the grenade was sourced from the Army?

    Why bother, Mick mate? This is the forums own "agent provocateur", same as "Rucharee" before that...

  9. Probably could have some benefits such as tracking a stolen car. However car thieves will be fast to adapt and remove the tags. I think it serves the authorities to identify if road taxes have been paid or for speed control purposes. What amazes me is that the authorities always push for new projects, when the basics (tollway tag f.e.) are still not there...

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