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Posts posted by meyori

  1. Thank you for all your reply/comments. YES. I know Google and did search before asking this question on this forum. Because I could not find, I asked.


    It is dark brown and I think it's cooked with coconut milk. I only find this beef curry at market and already made food places. I am a Japanese and FOR SURE. It's not a Japanese curry. Small eggplant meant to be pea size / bitter one ( not that I like). It's not as thick as massaman. I would say as same thickness as green curry and it can be spicy, but not extremely spicy.

  2. Hi, I'm looking for a recipe for Thai beef curry. The color is very dark brown and normally it's cooked with beef & very small eggplant. It's NOT red, panang nor massaman. Do you know recipe and how to make it?

  3. Hi, My dog and I were attacked by a dog last September. I had 5 rabies vaccine and 2 tetanus vaccine so far and the last tetanus vaccine schedule is coming up soon. I'm wondering how important to keep this last vaccine schedule is. With the current Coronavirus situation, I prefer not to go to a hospital if I do not have to.
    Do you know if it's OK to delay this last tetanus vaccine? (I had tetanus toxiod 0.5ml on 14th of Sep & 14th of October, 2019.)

  4. Thank you for all your comments and suggestions. I got two Rabies shots already and three more are scheduled. And I got one Tetanus shot and two more are scheduled. Cleaning wounds everyday at a hospital, but I was told today I do not need to do tomorrow. So wounds are healing well. My dog's wounds look much better and appointment to see a vet on Sat.


    I take my dog to different directions each day. The area the attack happened has a few good dog friends and my dog wants to see/play/walk with them. YES. You are right. I could be carrying a stick at least. Now I do. Other online forum related to dog suggested that I carry a spry or squeezable bottle with 50/50 mix water/vinegar. I'm preparing this one as well. 


    It looks like there is no one can do about such dog except us to prepare to protect by ourselves/avoid. ( Tessabahn......I will try & thanks.)

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  5. Hi, Last Saturday, while I was taking my dog with lead for a walk in the morning, this dog came from nowhere and attacked my dog. I tried to help my dog and in the end, I got bitten more than my dog by this dog. Both of us are on antibiotic and I need to go to a hospital everyday to clean wounds and get all kinds of shots. This incident happened about 600-700 m away from where this dog normally is. Attack by this dog had happened before, but this time was the worst. My dog really did not do anything, no barking, nothing. 

    The other day, I finally got a chance to talk to people (Burmese/Thai construction camp people) whom I thought they are the owners of this dog with a translator. At first, they said the dog would not go out that far and it can not be the same dog (I'm VERY positive. It's that dog). And then they said that they do not own that dog. The dog comes and goes and they are not responsible and do not care what happen to the dog.

    Do you know if there is anyone/any organization who can help to deal with such dangerous dog in Phuket ?

    • Haha 1
  6. Thank you for your reply. I am really not good at IT things and sorry for more questions. But from your replies, am I understanding right that "Wireless router = repeater" should work for our home ? If so, is setting up wifi repeater simple/easy for someone like me can do successfully ?

    At this moment, smart tv gets very weak signal which is not even good enough to update software of the smart tv.

  7. Hi,Hope someone has a good recommendation. We just got 3BB internet at home with hope that we can use the internet connection to both laptop and smart TV.

    Our house is three story building plus single story room (it used to be our business office in the past which is attached to the main house with about 2m wide passage.) Our smart TV is on the 2nd floor and laptop is preferred to be used at the office room.

    The 1st technician from 3BB came to install lines. We told him that we would like to use both smart TV and laptop. He told us we can put the router any place in the house. So we chose the office room.

    As we had a problem connecting internet, even for the laptop at the office room, the 2nd 3BB technician showed up. He fixed a problem with line and internet started to work for the laptop at the office room. BUT still wifi signal would not reach to the smart TV.

    This 2nd technician suggested us to buy a wifi repeater. We went to Banana IT to buy one. They sell the product, but they can NOT install. So we went back to 3BB to see if any of theirs can help. The lady at the office gave us a phone number for one of their staff who will do after-work job.

    He came to our house and told us that wifi repeater will NOT work and need to connect landline to the smart TV or we need to move the router to by the smart TV.

    We really do not want to have lots of lines go around the house and make drill holes on the wall. Is there any good solution for this ?

  8. With my knowledge and experience by some one who did recently, you can continue on and SS draws payment off your bank account every month which is 460 Baht currently. I think by now every body received a SS card for 2015 and you can keep this one when you need to go to hospital etc. (You can only do this, if you worked (paid SS) longer than 12 months and apply this within six months after you finish working.)

    Old age lump sum is paid according to how many months you have worked and only paid once you reached to 55 years old.

    Additionally, you can apply for unemployment benefit.

  9. We have been using web hosting service from out side of Thailand. It's been on/off problem over few things and we are kind of getting a point that we may like to change. The biggest reason is that if there is a problem, we can not just call because time difference and e-mail respond is obviously delayed. Do you have any suggestion in Thailand, possibly in Phuket and why ? you think your suggest is good.

  10. My mother visits me here several time a year. Each time she brings suite case full of goodies (dry/packaged foods) for her own use and for me. Last few times, she was taken to the side at custom and told that she can not bring ANY food to Thailand. With very little English ability she has, she tried to say that she had no problem in the past and Thai embassy at her own country also said no problem to bring those kinds of foods to Thailand for personal use without paying any duty.

    In the end and cut story short, she was basically asked to pay money under the table and could go through. Has any one have same/similar experience ? And any solution ?

  11. Thank you for your reply. And from all comments, I guess other than slippery/non-slippery, color, design and size, there is not really quality difference then ?

    I would also add to make sure you get a coarse finish for the bathrooms or anyplace which will get wet.

    Highly polished tile is very slippery when water-covered.

    Depending on where the tiles are for, the OP may wish to consider non slip tiles.

  12. Thank you for respond and yes, it's our bouilding permit.

    Did you mean "Re-done" as do apply it again ?

    Assuming it's your Building Permit that has an expiry date (ours was 1 year) providing you start before that date I don't believe there is an issue.

    Even if you let it expire (our did due to financial problems) it's a simple matter to get it re-done.

    Of course, things may differ in your area so YMMV.

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