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Posts posted by robert00

  1. Just out of curiousity - why is the Thai Gouvernment so "Anti Long Stay Tourist" ...... I know alot of guys that work in the UK / Europe for 6 months during srping / summer, save up alot of cash, then go to Thailand for the autumn / winter (6 months) and spend all that cash...... I'm talking like 10 grand...... as in half a million Baht..... surely that is a good thing for the country? I can understand why they would want to stop foriegners buying up land & houses, pushing up prices etc., but what is wrong with people hanging around spending what is locally a hel_l of alot of money..... this money is filtering back up the entire country one way or another..... the typical long stay tourist is not exaclt a burden on the state?

    Just seems pointless to me........... could some one fill me in?

    Beats the hel_l out of me, I have spent 1.5 million on my house, with other words I have employed a dozend men making a living out of me and all that with a higher price as we farangs always get overcharged, no matter what we do, then comes the furniture, the car, the monthly shopping. I for one can not understand the Thai government, all we farangs do is spend money, wether we are living here or are just tourists. I often wonder what would happen if we would all pack up and no tourist's would arrive, this country would be stuffed.

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