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Posts posted by robert00

  1. The Australian government is insane, and the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing, so ignore them if you want to save your own sanity. As for the others, I can't comment.

    Why is the Australian government insane?? It sounds like really sensible advice. Not that it would stop me from travelling to Thailand, but it's a pretty responsible and accurate judgement of the situation.

    I fully agree, it's good advise as we have seen in the past, anything can happen, just dont screem help when it is to late. If some of you dont want to take note, it's up to the induvidual, good luck.

  2. Cmon TAT, wave your magic wand over this one. Anyone in the government listening?

    Thailand's tourism reputation is being dragged all over the internet and NO ONE is doing anything. Is a metered Tuk-tuk system impossible to achieve if that is what is needed?

    Gouge the tourist, he backs out after realising the rip off, whammo........

    Something is wrong in this country at the moment. There is too much biting of the hand that feeds. Tourism in Thailand will continue to suffer if these things are not sorted out.

    Something Wrong??? Mate you are not kidding.

  3. Except those few men with a personal fetish, farangs just like women who are attractive. It doesn't matter what colour or skin tone the woman has: black, white, golden, freckled, pink or red, it's all the same to most men. If she is lovely outside and within then she'll attract the men. If she's a shrew then she'll push men away no matter how physically beautiful she might be. Some of the most attractive women I've ever known would not match up with the common characteristics associated with beauty.

    You are dead right, it's not always the outside that counts, but the caracter of a person.

  4. Travel2003 came closest to the truth.

    Dark skin, as in tanned, connotes and active and healthy lifestyle for a Westerner, running, playing, athletics, hiking, all outside.

    Dark skin for many Asian cultures I've been exposed too indicates lower level, labourer lifestyle, poverty, etc.

    Pale skin on the other hand for a Westerner suggests much time indoors: rich snob? superficial?

    Pale skin for many Asian cultures conveys high society, educated, rich, etc.

    These cultural dynamics are always at work, right or wrong.

    Yes, rich and stupid. :)

  5. It is very tragic and sad. My thoughts to his family.

    Two (2) farangs die of electricution in Phuket in 5 days, farangs bashed by tuk tuk drivers is this place really safe in any aspect.

    Mate, Phuket hasn't been safe for donkey years, just go back a few years and count the amount of Foreigners murdered in Phuket, just for greed to either get to the guy's insurance money or jealousy of owning one bar to many. Thais act first and think after. This can also be applied to the safety standards in this country. RIP.

  6. A situation that could have, and should have been avoided.

    As tourists they should have taken the guy's word and found another parking spot. You don't go to someone else's country and do what's you think is right in your country.

    This guy who beat them is still a piece of human excrement and should be thrown in jail but I put some blame on the tourists.

    Mate, I think you missing the point, there was no NO PARKING sign and so every one, TOURIST OR NOT has the right to park there. This scum Tuk Tuk drivers have been around as long as I can remember and the Local Authorities will not do anything about it when it cuts into their pockets until there are no more tourists around to fleece and I do hope it happens soon. I am sure this French family want be back so quick and the word will spread, God willing, Thailand needs a lesson on how to treat visitors that leave Millions of Bath here every year, and I do hope this will come to a closure sooner then later.

  7. This is typical Thai again, overreacting and blowing things out of proportion, I be quite happy to go to Cambodia and have a nice holiday, the Cambodians must be laughing theyr heads of, I am sure Cambodian Newspapers will run comic strips on this issue.

    Next the going to tell us, they have started to shoot Thais in the streets. As far as I know Cambodians are not as hotheaded as Thais that do things first and then think. :)

  8. I'm currently renting a bike by the month but have decided to take the plunge and buy a new machine. I've driven both manual and automatic before, but my other half prefers an automatic so I'll probably go that route. I won't need anything over 125cc, so a scooter type effort will do. The bike would be used daily for short journeys around town, so mileage would be relatively low with an even mix of both one and two people riding (say 150kg combined), in addition to some occasional shopping on board.

    I'm looking at Honda Dream 125, Honda Wave 125i and Honda Click-i Forward. Can anyone recommend any of these (or not) or any others given the above.

    Thanks in advance


    Can you tell me a good place to rent a bike on a monthly basis, thank's

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