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About malt25

  • Birthday 10/25/1948

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    Sakon Nakhon

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    Sakon Nakhon city.

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  1. "As the situation unfolds, it poses questions about the challenges expatriates face in navigating local laws and the consequences of flouting them." Utter nonsense ! Your IQ would have to be similar to the temperature to not know about what is & not permitted re working.
  2. Ask Mr. Google. Plenty online. Not BKK but a good alternate.
  3. Maybe I should have been more clear. I didn't mean debit card. All nationality visa or master cards are able to be used internationally. I use my Aussie bank visa card in every country I visit. Why would I need a Thai credit card ?
  4. Why would you, anyone need a Thai credit card ? Visa & Master cards are accepted all over the world.
  5. This is just my experience. I have been bringing in meds, 6 month's supply, twice a year for over ten years. Carry on, never have checked baggage. Have never been stopped or asked anything. In my opinion you could bring in a corpse, as long as you don't declare it !
  6. Get a white mini van. You'll be in Pattaya in bout 60 minutes, or less. You may need treatment for shock & heart attack, but you'll make your appointment.
  7. It's extremely poor in every way. One has to use half the roll to effectively clean fingers & mouth, lips. I'm in the habit of taking a couple of pieces of kitchen paper towel, folded in pocket, when I go out to dine.
  8. "Man Arrested for Attempting to Stab Municipality Officer in Pattaya" Being stabbed in Pattaya can be extremely painful.
  9. Was it fast or not ? FFS, what part of "great service" don't you understand ? "I've used b4 with great success." FYI, I've used it twice in recent times & works a treat. No queue. No waiting. Straight to an end kiosk, nod to the "unofficial helper" from IM officer. Took about 20 seconds all up.
  10. So, what exactly is confusing about my reply ? It's pretty much logic to me. If you want a quote or an idea of a cost of a service why not ask the provider ? If you are still confused let me know & I'll spell it out in single sylable words for you.
  11. I'm at a loss as to why anyone would be confused with my answer to the OP. Maybe I'm missing something ?
  12. If I were in the OP's shoes I'd be contacting a few dental clinics for details & costs. But hey, that's just me.
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