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Posts posted by Britannia

  1. Thanks for your sensible reply JustinCredible and the info.

    Still cannot locate Rashers yet. Will keep looking. I take it Didine is somewhere in the centre of Khon Kaen.

    If you enter KKC from Mittraphap Road (Route 2) at Central Plaza you go under 2 Archways. The 2nd one is where the Temple is on the "Roundabout" area. Turn Immediately right after the 2nd Arch and the Firestation will be on your left hand side.

    Continue along that road and go past the turning (left) to Pullman Hotel, Kosa etc. and Didine is located on your left, about 50 Mtrs. after the turning.

    Great !! Thanks for the directions. I'll post directions for Rashers if or when I locate them.

    Just go on to Khon Kaen Forum. Look up either Places to buy from or Places to eat they will take you to the forum on Rashers, there is also a map, address and phone number. They are now advertising Sunday roast dinner, with dessert for 160 Bht and western and Indian meals all other days for 99 Bht

  2. We know that the majority of Thais do not even know that the rest of the world exists...

    Even if you were right about that, this has nothing to do with the rest of the world.

    The main sufferers from the police in Thailand are the Thais. This is one case that creates outrage - you could argue this way or that when the policeman - who was well known for being crazy in Pai - murdered Leo and shot Carly. But once he killed his wife it would be obvious to every Thai in Pai and beyond that this girl's death was directly caused by the Police protecting one of theirs (and making up the usual ridiculous stories along the way, stories that not even children would believe but somehow the Thai police thinks it's a good idea to tell them anyway).

    Much more outrage is needed - but one day, when everyone's had enough, the police will be reformed. It might take another generation, but I am sure it will happen eventually. The critical aspect to this is freedom of information, a free press. Clearly that's not yet happening in Thailand but when it does... things will change.

    I agree with you, I was not insinuating that the Thai people were at fault, I was just trying to reason why such a case in a different society would not be pushed under the carpet. The reason/? The senior police officer would know the International implications and would advise his officer (killer) your on your own, you f---ed up this time. but no in Thailand they think they are all above the law and International scrutiney

    I remember this incidenrt, was he drunk? was he off duty late at night? was he carring his gone whilst out of uniform? was he rushed off to Mae-Hong Song to be gotten out of Pai only to return when the heat died down? You tell me

  3. We know that the majority of Thais do not even know that the rest of the world exists, But how can those that are so called educated and aware of world opinion, not recognize that to the non third world countries, they themselves are nothing more than that. If you want the rest of the World to recognize you then you need to play by the Human rules. The days of the untouchables as far as law is concerned was left behind in the 18th Century. Discrimination against people now belongs to the third World

    I know this story and may the family get some justice from it

  4. Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

    Why doesn't that surprise me? Being a member of PAD I should imagine you are quite cut off from the rest of the world.

    Every decent Thai I know thinks he is the leader of the most evil government Thailand has known for decades.

    Don't think the rest of the world doesn't know what went on in Thailand in the last few days. All the manipulation of the Thai press and the take over of Thai Visa Forums will not suppress the truth indefinitely.

    The people of Thailand will learn the truth over time.

    However, I too hope for reconciliation and unity, but that won't come through people like you.

    Government officials in many Western countries have been interviewed since the Reds commenced trying to burn Bangkok to the ground and not one blames the present government. When the U.S. Ambassador to Thailand was asked if he thought Thaksin Shinawatra was behind the Red Shirts. He answered, "Yes I do. 200%. All the pro-Red Shirt bias, half-truths & lies put out by CNN & the BBC were corrected by their reporters toward the end of these riots, admitting for the first time that the Red Shirts were armed and in fact firing live ammunition, possessing Ak47S, M74 grenades & launchers, all supplied by Seh Daeng, stolen from the Thai Army. As the Reds arrested begin to squeal like pigs on who their financiers are in order to get lighter prison sentences, the whole world will know the whole story. As the huge stockpile of weapons that were recovered from the Red camp are shown to the whole work all will know they were terrorists working for Thaksin. You Red sympathisers will soon find that all that believe what you say are a buncy of brainwashed, uneducated peasants who will never be anything in their lives but followers, for sale the highest bidder, people like Thaksin.

    You really are a stressed out, angry, vengeful person with hatred very high on your emotional priorities, Have you heard of meditation? I think maybe five years booked in to a Wat under the guidance of a good patient Arjun is highly recommended

  5. Are all of you commenting completely clueless? You think any of your calls for "justice" etc are ever in a million years going to happen here? "Bring Thaksin to justice!" Man, you guys live in this country for years and yet know NOTHING!

    I'm so grateful we have someone like you that knows EVERYTHING. So, please enlighten us...but please keep it civil (i undertsnd that's hard you..........nearly forgot my manners!) Seriously, give us a concise rundown of what you know.....

    I don't know what he knows but I'll tell you what I know, No First World Country will extradite anyone unless

    • They agree with the charges
    • They agree that the sentence would not be greater than it would in the Country extraditing
    • That the Person would get a fair trial
    • And most important, that the Country the are extraditing to has a good Human rights record, with regards to prison conditions

    On the 4th issue no First World country will extradite ANYBODY to Thailand as the prisons do not meet Human rights conditions

    Regardless of what some of you think we are not all revengeful animals

    LOL - thanks Judge Judy. Wonder if you know just how many people have been extradited from "First World" countries to Thailand this year. I do.

    Please don’t call me Judge, I leave that to those that have obtained perfection, I really don’t have enough arrogance to judge others as I am not yet perfect myself.

    Those are the rules applied by First World countries, Might Just be that some such as USA Canada, choose a different line but I prostrate before your greater knowledge. Maybe you are indeed a judge


  6. Are all of you commenting completely clueless? You think any of your calls for "justice" etc are ever in a million years going to happen here? "Bring Thaksin to justice!" Man, you guys live in this country for years and yet know NOTHING!

    I'm so grateful we have someone like you that knows EVERYTHING. So, please enlighten us...but please keep it civil (i undertsnd that's hard you..........nearly forgot my manners!) Seriously, give us a concise rundown of what you know.....

    I don’t know what he knows but I’ll tell you what I know, No First World Country will extradite anyone unless

    • They agree with the charges
    • They agree that the sentence would not be greater than it would in the Country extraditing
    • That the Person would get a fair trial
    • And most important, that the Country the are extraditing to has a good Human rights record, with regards to prison conditions

    On the 4th issue no First World country will extradite ANYBODY to Thailand as the prisons do not meet Human rights conditions

    Regardless of what some of you think we are not all revengeful animals

  7. Now we're talking. Contrary to corruption charges, a lot of countries have the legal framework to arrest and extradite people wanted on terrorism charges. Thaksin can at least say bye bye to any first-world country for the foreseeable future - and maybe with a bit of luck see the inside of a jail cell very soon.

    You’re having a laugh aren’t you? Who’s going to arrest him and extradite him on Terrorist charges other than another third World Country.

    You really are eluding yourself

  8. The Nation story says:

    "By 4pm, a Dusit Poll revealed a disturbing figure: 51 per cent of respondents backed the military crackdown. It's not clear what the other 49 per cent thought."

    Disturbing to which side? I would think that adjective should be ONLY 51 percent backed the crackdown. It's a cr*p story at any rate, but if only that percentage backs its own government in clearing a mob engaged in a host of illegal activities it shows strong support for the underclass activists.

    as the guy said the other 49% is unknown but given normal stats it would be safe to say 25% for the reds which imho is a far cry from the amount needed to call the reds a grass root movement that seeks justice for all. now that bullets are flying the 500b a day reds are staying away, as they well should which goes to show if there is no money there is no honey. the reds have a cause but it has been lost in their own greed and lack of good judgment by it's leaders.

    How dare you use the word greed coming from one who probably has against those who definitely have not

    If I work and am a have and you want to take this from me, am I greedy or you?

    No for sure, all people are responsible for work, as all people are entitled to reward for work, and no one should rob you. But it is indeed a sad thing that those I meet who have done well in life would barter down, use, exploit those with little and then proclaim them greedy,

    TIT we are all being cheated all the time, because of the ignorance that we are all wealthy, indeed we are all elite

    Do not condemn a man for ignorance, weigh his heart instead and then whatever you find do not condemn him

  9. It's strange how the international media always seem to leave out the 'Thaksin link' when they report on this. It's such an important piece in the puzzle that to me it even feels suspicious that they don't mention this, almost like he's greased a few palms in the west (oh it does happen!). Instead they talk about the 'rural poor' versus the 'elite', and associate the word democracy with the very people who ruin the very idea by happily selling their vote fot the price of a couple of beers!

    I think that the bbc/cnn and the rest of these 'non-biased' organisations should get to the real truth which is far more interesting than the story which they're currently reporting.

    Why don't they ask the red shirts how much they're getting paid? Ask them why they think Thaksin is so great and what he could do for the country should he return. Ask them how they think that Thaksin, as a convicted criminal, could possibly plan to be taken seriously by the international community, should he manage to bully his way back into office.

    Ask them why they are using women and children as a human shield.

    Ask them why they risk their lives for a greedy evil billionaire?

    Why can't the press get an interview with Thaksin? A few well placed questions will simply destroy him.

    Why don't the international media do their job rather than appearing to be the heroes in the danger zone, reporting alongside the red-shirt 'freedom fighters'?

    My point? It appears that Thaksin has more than just a few red-shirts in his back pocket!!!

    The BBC is World renowned as being unbiased as they are not politically controlled and not owned by profit seeking investors, its where reporters can report without hindrance from upstairs, Does not make them right but makes them unbiased CNN probably the same, slightly different from THE NATION

    World renowned for being unbiased, not politically controlled - very funny. I take it you didn't follow the BBC's coverage of the UK election ? They are most certainly capable of being unbiased, however they are not beyond reproach. They are very capable of incredibly sloppy journalism at times. Often retracting sensationalist headlines and changing them the next day after being bombarded with complaints reminding them of the facts.

    So what in fact you are saying is there is no such thing as unbiased reporting, that should therefore result in those of us seeking the truth and not opinion to just simply switching off, if we do not see with our own eyes then everything is just someone else’s view which has no value as it probably biased. Sad World

  10. The soldiers seemed constantly caught off-balance by agitators showing a grasp of insurgency that may well derive from their time as army conscripts. They shot M-79 grenades, which can kill within five yards. They aimed slingshots with deadly accuracy. They let off makeshift cannons. Some blazed away with pistols. A Buddhist monk was seen to launch a glowing fire-lantern, normally used in religious rites, into the sky to ward off helicopters. Others fired home-made rockets at the choppers.The wildness was fuelled by more than fury. Crates of Red Bull, the energy drink, were by a barricade where edgy soldiers fingered their assault rifles. A mixture of cheap whiskey and amphetamines was said to be keeping many of their enemies on their toes.

    i don't understand. this is saying the former conscripts learned something the current conscripts have not been taught?

    they teach insurgency in basic training?

    thai army armed with slingshots?

    thai army buys makeshift cannon from us defense contractors?

    army conscripts taught to blaze away with pistols?

    but they only have slingshots?

    The quote is about the reds - a bit confused but ok - it is a known fact that a lot of the reds, if not most use Ja baa - every drug dealer must have rushed to the scene once it started to make a killing. The problem with amphetamines is that they give them a lot of energy and cause severe paranoia and delusions as can also be seen with the red supporters on TV. Another side effect is aggression.

    Basically the army has to deal with total maniacs

    Using ja ba or whatever it’s called? Who has not? that is the biggest problem in the World today. (Drugs of any kind) Even the Great USA President Clinton confessed, to experimenting or taking such substances. Tell me a leader that has not and I’ll laugh at your ignorance. My point is don’t try to make scumbags out of ignorant people, when the educated and high society is equally guilty (Discrimination is good when applied correctly)

  11. It's strange how the international media always seem to leave out the 'Thaksin link' when they report on this. It's such an important piece in the puzzle that to me it even feels suspicious that they don't mention this, almost like he's greased a few palms in the west (oh it does happen!). Instead they talk about the 'rural poor' versus the 'elite', and associate the word democracy with the very people who ruin the very idea by happily selling their vote fot the price of a couple of beers!

    I think that the bbc/cnn and the rest of these 'non-biased' organisations should get to the real truth which is far more interesting than the story which they're currently reporting.

    Why don't they ask the red shirts how much they're getting paid? Ask them why they think Thaksin is so great and what he could do for the country should he return. Ask them how they think that Thaksin, as a convicted criminal, could possibly plan to be taken seriously by the international community, should he manage to bully his way back into office.

    Ask them why they are using women and children as a human shield.

    Ask them why they risk their lives for a greedy evil billionaire?

    Why can't the press get an interview with Thaksin? A few well placed questions will simply destroy him.

    Why don't the international media do their job rather than appearing to be the heroes in the danger zone, reporting alongside the red-shirt 'freedom fighters'?

    My point? It appears that Thaksin has more than just a few red-shirts in his back pocket!!!

    The BBC is World renowned as being unbiased as they are not politically controlled and not owned by profit seeking investors, its where reporters can report without hindrance from upstairs, Does not make them right but makes them unbiased CNN probably the same, slightly different from THE NATION

    Good point about BBC reporters being less in thrall to their owners, but bias can be simply the product of one's background, context, identification with peers ("groupthink"), education, etc.

    We all see things from one of a range of possible perspectives. BBC and other western reporters tend to come out of a similar mindset. They are not intentionally biased (i.e. giving the boss what he wants), but they are biased nevertheless, as are all the rest of us.

    As you say, one can be conscientiously "neutral", but still misled and confused.

    I accept all you say, in fact reporters from other countries should only report what they see and what they hear (with discrimination). The problem always is that those with conviction are always biased, be they right or be they wrong, whichever way you see it, as always the ordinary citizen is dieing for the sake of those with huge ego’s that consider and acclaim themselves leaders. Shame on all those that would see others die for the sake of money or wealth but that is the way the World is run (in every Nation)

    Those that follow for a better life and who would deny them that? For the sake of those that are driven by ego because they have already passed the line in regards to wealth. Let’s hope that there are some reporters and media channels that would remain unbiased

  12. It's strange how the international media always seem to leave out the 'Thaksin link' when they report on this. It's such an important piece in the puzzle that to me it even feels suspicious that they don't mention this, almost like he's greased a few palms in the west (oh it does happen!). Instead they talk about the 'rural poor' versus the 'elite', and associate the word democracy with the very people who ruin the very idea by happily selling their vote fot the price of a couple of beers!

    I think that the bbc/cnn and the rest of these 'non-biased' organisations should get to the real truth which is far more interesting than the story which they're currently reporting.

    Why don't they ask the red shirts how much they're getting paid? Ask them why they think Thaksin is so great and what he could do for the country should he return. Ask them how they think that Thaksin, as a convicted criminal, could possibly plan to be taken seriously by the international community, should he manage to bully his way back into office.

    Ask them why they are using women and children as a human shield.

    Ask them why they risk their lives for a greedy evil billionaire?

    Why can't the press get an interview with Thaksin? A few well placed questions will simply destroy him.

    Why don't the international media do their job rather than appearing to be the heroes in the danger zone, reporting alongside the red-shirt 'freedom fighters'?

    My point? It appears that Thaksin has more than just a few red-shirts in his back pocket!!!

    The BBC is World renowned as being unbiased as they are not politically controlled and not owned by profit seeking investors, its where reporters can report without hindrance from upstairs, Does not make them right but makes them unbiased CNN probably the same, slightly different from THE NATION

  13. The Nation story says:

    "By 4pm, a Dusit Poll revealed a disturbing figure: 51 per cent of respondents backed the military crackdown. It's not clear what the other 49 per cent thought."

    Disturbing to which side? I would think that adjective should be ONLY 51 percent backed the crackdown. It's a cr*p story at any rate, but if only that percentage backs its own government in clearing a mob engaged in a host of illegal activities it shows strong support for the underclass activists.

    as the guy said the other 49% is unknown but given normal stats it would be safe to say 25% for the reds which imho is a far cry from the amount needed to call the reds a grass root movement that seeks justice for all. now that bullets are flying the 500b a day reds are staying away, as they well should which goes to show if there is no money there is no honey. the reds have a cause but it has been lost in their own greed and lack of good judgment by it's leaders.

    How dare you use the word greed coming from one who probably has against those who definitely have not

  14. She knew what she was getting into. Tough luck... Hang her! I certainly do not feel sorry for her.

    And let those among you that would be Judges of Men first be Judges of thy self.

    For you can see the guilt of others only by denying your own guilt.

    If you have never overindulged whilst looking into the face of the hungry and those that thirst, then you are indeed a rarity. If your mind is clear of all sexual depravity then you can have pity for those that lack strength. If you have never taken the first apple so that you are not denied for the sake of a less fortunate, then you have charity.

    If you are imbued with love, forgiveness, selflessness, strength, wisdom, and understanding, then may you be fit to judge others, for each time you judge another be aware that you also judge yourself

    So be aware in the knowledge, that when you depart this body, you will never take your house, your car, your money, your wife or your gold but maybe, just maybe you will take your charity, your forgiveness, your discrimination, your happiness your knowledge. Hold all these thoughts before you become judges of others. For all those that you revere have been judge by others, not worthy to judge

    6 billion faces on the planet, each distinctionally different, should we judge each by their beauty or ugliness? 6 billion minds each distinctionally different in thought and opinion

    Think about it

  15. Well if those are the coments coming from a foriegn Secretary, then the Gov is run by incompetence and someone who realy does not understand foreign policy.

    1. No Western Gov will arrest and extadite head of govt from another country that has been deposed by a Milatary take over
    2. No Western county will arrest and extradite anyone to Thailand because thierHuman rights with regards to Thai prisons is considered as non aceptable to send anyone back to

    Get him arrested in Dubai then...The Middle East has no qualms about human rights in Thailand..... :)


    Do a backdoor deal with Cambodia....

    Agree Human Rights is well over the Top. But you give up your Human rights first then we shall all follow. I am sure Taksin would not have to sit in Squala in a Thai dungeon, But Human rights is there to protect all. Those that would do away with it are normally those that would cry the most if they were denied it.

    Judge but dont judge, me hang him but dont hang me, :D let him rot but dont let me rot

    Its simple, Peace and blessings on all, even you :D

  16. Well if those are the coments coming from a foriegn Secretary, then the Gov is run by incompetence and someone who realy does not understand foreign policy.

    1. No Western Gov will arrest and extadite head of govt from another country that has been deposed by a Milatary take over
    2. No Western county will arrest and extradite anyone to Thailand because thierHuman rights with regards to Thai prisons is considered as non aceptable to send anyone back to

    So either they are totaly ignorant or promoting rediculous propoganda, anyway I don't think such criticem of the International powers is sane taking into account the situation

    Peace and Blessings to all that have to suffer by folloeing such fools (on both sides)

  17. I have a suggestion. Revoke all bail on those previously charged. Give them, and the other leaders of the insurrection 3 days to present themselves. Then charge them with treason. I include Thaksin as a leader.

    If they don't show up within 3 days, do one of 2 things.

    1/ Issue orders for them to be shot on sight, and declare anybody in the vicinity and/or assisting them will be considered aiding and abetting and equally guilty.


    2/ issue bounty warrants of B1,000,000 per leader and B10,000,000 for Thaksin. make it clear that no questions will be asked if they are worse for wear, up to and including dead.

    For anybody who has ever doubted the motivation of Red Shirts, gf's family firmly believe a payment of B100,000 will be received by every family that contributed to Thaksins re-instatement. If the motivation is money, use it against them.

    Joke surely! 1m &10m any assain wouldn't get out of bed for that, never mind hit or capture a World known target, been watching to much butch cassidy and still in the same time zone, loose change to everyone involved, get real :D:D:D:)

  18. state of emergency should not be used against the cornerstone of the democratic process - independent mass media.

    It is martial law. It is temporary. If this media is used to incite violent insurgency and promote a violent rebellion, it bloody well SHOULD be shut down. The speech from the red leaders became illegal speech. Not all speech is legal, even in the west.

    Utter UTTER nonsense - never happens in my country even when you get extreme Muslims saying death to Americans and Europeans - this is absolutely the last thing nthey should have done - muzzle free speach - everyone will see Abhisit as an Army Puppet

    I think you are lying, sir. If someone got in front of an angry mob and encouraged them to violently overthrow the government during a time of open revolt, I am sure there are laws in the UK (and every other country) to arrest them. Its the old you can't yell fire in a crowded theater situation.

    You are for sure not from Britain. There you can say whatever you like about whomever you like, insight riot, spread racisem demonstrate, But to qualify to do so you have to come from somewhere outside Europe

  19. I just counted 19 posts and not one supporter of Thaksin Shinawatra so far.

    Speaks volumes.

    A witch hunt, if ever I saw or heard one. No post here for Taksin, all his supporters are out on the streets, and probably don’t have access to computers and probably can’t write English (Like some on here). I wonder how many here have thought about those billions, with envy and hate, nothing like seeing the mighty fall (makes me feel good inside)

    I am not a supporter but obviously if he had not done some good, there wouldn’t be so many out on the streets shouting his name. Does not matter that they are uneducated (Opinion only), they are people, and all people have a right to voice.

    I read a lot here and never voice opinion but it seems all the intellect persons are very opinionated with blinkers (They THAT WILL NOT see) the sentiments of others :)

  20. The Dhamma is unchanging because it is the truth...the real Ultimate Truth (of which there can only be one)....natural laws which apply equally to all beings...whatever religion the profess ..... whether they believe in the Dhamma or not..understand it or not.

    But whilst beings are still stuck in Samsara they are subject to impermanence....so are the teachings about the Dhamma.

    This present Buddha's Dhamma teachings are predicted to last for five thousand years after his passing to parinirvana. So they are getting gradually altered and corrupted and misunderstood and misinterpreted...and when the end is near one will have to climb a mountain to find the last guy in a cave who knows the true dhamma since all that will be left are teachings of the false dhamma.

    Then there follows a long period of darkness, ignorance of the truth, until the next buddha comes and rediscovers the lost dhamma and teaches it again.

    This smacks of religious faith, not a provable truth.

    very little in matters spiritual is provable....... apart from to ourselves. If I see my past lives during meditation then my belief in rebirth would probably become unshakable...it would change from belief to certain knowledge, but I couldn't show these proofs to anyone else...

    paccatam veditabo vinyuhiti ..... to be know only by ourselves

    and you will always get the lazy ones who sit back and will not do the practice for themselves but taunt you with..."well I don't believe you...you prove it to me..."

    if they are too lazy to get up and practice then they are condemning themselves to being stuck in Samsara for a very long time....

    Belief has no value, only knowledge has value, Knowledge comes from within and is never subject to change, belief is like the wind and can change to any direction. The problem with many religions are they are a case of the blind leading the blind, thus,those that ask you to believe. God or Gods no God or no Gods all is one, therefore no dualism only self united with God, the universe, all others all beings. When you see things as separate, then the ego blinds you from knowledge (Teachings from Yoga or Hinduism) not so unlike that of the Buddha

  21. Unfortunately it are always the big bosses that escape prosecution.

    Very true a sad fact of life Mario.

    Although that is a fact, they (the bosses) are still not the ones smuggling it, and get caught.

    Im pretty sure all the criminals related to drugs here, are aware of the punishment if they get caught.

    It is a choice they take.

    Nomatter what level in the organization they belong.

    Sure agree with you but there is one difference. The bosses as we call them are normally very rich people who can not overcome their greed and quest for power. The smugglers normally have a need for cash (money) in their minds that is. Often the bosses are high ranking public figures, GREED AGAINST NEED. Who to hang?

  22. I wonder why they chose to execute convicted drug dealers rather than convicted murderers ?

    Hopefully, it will be the murderers turn next, in fact, they ought to expedite the deaths of all those on death row - once their appeals have failed of course.

    Once their appeals have failed of course" God you sound almost humain :)

  23. Thailand is a racist Nation always been, they want foreigners to leave money here and go away.

    Historically in Thailand they start with gray market stuff, big bikes, yacht, boats, import cars etc.

    Then they start chasing land, owned by Thai wife illegal unless she can prove all the money came from her own funding etc. Business owning land for foreigners etc. They reclaim all that.

    Then clamp down on work permits and more visa shit again.

    Funny part is there is less tourists to milk cash from now than in 49 years of history, Thailand is hardest hit together with South Africa in Expats moving away the last year. Virtually no foreign investment in new factories and businesses.

    So for the remaining lot of us expect more shit hitting the fan.

    The disturbing part is, if you are a Thai national going to a Western nation you may buy land, business ownership outright and all the benefits the Nation has to offer, here no way.

    Also due to the skin colour of westerners they get hit hardest every time, however the foreigners they have problems with taking over, take jobs, land etc. is and has always been majority Asians. 90% of the Westerners follow the rules here, and how many Western expats live here? So we're talking about a very small number of people pushing the envelope.

    They estimate 70% of all land is owned by Chinese, over 250,000,- Illegal Burmese workers, over 200,000,- Illegal Cambodian workers, Around a 100,000,- Laotians. Very high rate of Indians business takeovers and immigration. But every time they aim at foreigners they aim at falang who there are perhaps a few thousand who do not follow the rules. Many falangs who live here are retired or work offhsore, pulling in a steady stream of foreign currency into the country and securing a lot of jobs here. Another big group is business investors, or management for foreign corporations in BOI zones, they keep loads of Thai's employed, pull in currency needed and contribute to the society and get nothing back for it. Other runs small export outlets and so on... Are there falangs who is running around breaking laws yes there is, but is it worth chasing all the contributing people away for the sake of a few?

    Obviously so according to the way they do things. So the rank of falangs will thin out more, they will continue to cling by pegging the Baht to the dollar. By this they prove how good it goes, all I see is a complete new total economical crash coming up in Thailand, and as long as the news and government can blame the falangs and swine flu the people are duped. Keep the people worried and they cling to the government for support... Swine flu where did all the coloured shirts go? Dangers with foreigners, keep rolling the news and people don't complain simple as that.

    One day the house of cards falls, and I bet foreigners will be blamed yet again...

    Quote: Thailand is a racist Nation always been, they want foreigners to leave money here and go away.

    Wrong, it is exactly the opposite and many ex pats here, just don't seem to get the picture.

    Thailand is not a racist nation, but rather it is not a multi racial or multi cultural society. There is a difference between racism and culturalism.

    Also Thailand does want foreigners to spend and invest their money here, but not necessarily for them to go away.

    For example, all my income is obtained from the UK in the form of a pension, brought over to Thailand and spent here. Plus I have a substantial amount of savings from the UK, invested in Thailand with Thai banks. Meaning that besides any interest that I pay tax on from my bank accounts investments here, I have not even taken 1 baht from Thailand, but rather I am using money here solely obtained from abroad.

    The Thais are my hosts and permit me to stay in exchange that I give something back, so everyone's happy all round.

    Over step the mark and start over stepping the boundaries, than that is going to cause problems which will decrease tolerance levels the Thais have towards Europeans, because they view the situation as rich Westerners taking advantage of a third world nation whether this is fact or not.

    I sincerely hope that Farangs are never given equal status here and that Western influences will remain limited so as not to destroy the uniqueness of Thai culture.

    There are too many behind the scenes Farang illegal business and landowners who are using Thais as fronts for their activities, this is common knowledge.

    These morons who continue to disregard the Immigration, land & property ownership and prohibited professions laws are not doing themselves or people like myself and many other Farang ex pats here who are abiding by the laws, any favours, the results of which will only create more restrictions and tightening up of the Immigration laws for all of us.

    If Thailand is not a racist country, then I beg you to please define racistem

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