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Posts posted by Britannia

  1. Thaksin has the support of the masses, regardless if they are blind or not, they the poor are the masses and they the poor are looking for someone to guide them out of that poverty, to say they are not educated and should not vote (have opinion) is Arrogrance.

    Taksin take off your shoes, donate or give up your money, use all your intellect, wisdom and cunning, and walk among those that support you, do all the things that you have ability to do, guide everyone of Thasiland without harm or condemnation to anyone or any group, and you will be immortalized in Thailand. .Look at all the money you have and still you are not satisfied, more money will not make you happy, close the ego and open the heart, then contentment will flow in

    Before comment, ask yourself, am I the slave to my mind (the thoughts that come from where?) and straight out of my mouth or hand, or is my mind my servant, under my control, who’s every thought that enters him I shall question and truly evaluate before comment

  2. Even if he comes back in some form or another the people are not just going to breath a sigh of relief, their going to expect results and I have no doubt that if they don't get them they will continue to seek them by whatever means they chose.

    I can't say with any certainty that Thaksin will fix everything, but he will buy some breathing room and he is probably the best guy to "convince" the real power in Thailand that they need to "share the wealth." I'm a poker player not an intellectual. I look at the odds and the best odds for stability is the reds getting a shot. Conveniently it is also the most likely outcome.

    I think that many of you are basing your views on what you have been taught to think; that democracy is good, socialism is bad, etc. If you think objectively you must see that democracy is a failing social system because it cannot react fast enough to the changing times.

    " I'm a poker player not an intellectual............... democracy is a failing social system............"

    The greatest minds of the last 20 centuries have decided that democracy, while not perfect, is the best system devised so far, but we should take your word for it that it's stuffed. And as

    "The most money I ever made was from a series of pyramid schemes............" I gather that you're not even much of a poker player. You do seem to have an affection for criminals though.

    I would just like to know who those greatest minds of the 20th Century were, that would be interesting: Names please

    I do not read anything in the posters post ,that suggest he has an affection for criminals, am I missing something or is this just opinion?

    I actually wrote "of the last 200 centuries." Aristotle, Lincoln, Churchill as a spread - but I'm sure you can google too. I personally like Denis Diderot's bon mot, but not on this forum.

    Try "man will never be free......"

    Thank for your short list of names Churchill and Lincoln are differnt from the norm, maybe they were great minds because could be revered for their action and success rather than their philosophy.

    I wonder if they would have been considered great minds if they had lost, Well Aristotle who could doubt. but plato his teacher never believed in a democracy has it was democracy that had killed his teacher socreties

    Great minds come from men of peace without care of wealth, see if you can think of some

  3. I would just like to know who those greatest minds of the 20th Century were, that would be interesting: Names please

    I do not read anything in the posters post ,that suggest he has an affection for criminals, am I missing something or is this just opinion?

    Pyramid schemes are illegal. Thaksin is a criminal.

    You can do your own research on democracy :)

    Rather an emotional reaction, the man talks a lot of sense, everybody can talk but very few can listen, perhaps we should do away with ears, they are never used, The man comments his statements are from his own observations, that is commendable as most people get their opinions second hand.

    The whole insurance business, banking business communication business is immoral, but legal, why are imoral things legal, simply because imoral people make the laws, Does that make it right because its legal? Further I have had my own interpretation of democracy for a long time: My opinion but only my opinion. Democracy is where we are all freely allowe to vote for whoever we want to dictate to us for the next period 4 - 5 years

    Change yourself do not try to change others

  4. Even if he comes back in some form or another the people are not just going to breath a sigh of relief, their going to expect results and I have no doubt that if they don't get them they will continue to seek them by whatever means they chose.

    I can't say with any certainty that Thaksin will fix everything, but he will buy some breathing room and he is probably the best guy to "convince" the real power in Thailand that they need to "share the wealth." I'm a poker player not an intellectual. I look at the odds and the best odds for stability is the reds getting a shot. Conveniently it is also the most likely outcome.

    I think that many of you are basing your views on what you have been taught to think; that democracy is good, socialism is bad, etc. If you think objectively you must see that democracy is a failing social system because it cannot react fast enough to the changing times.

    " I'm a poker player not an intellectual............... democracy is a failing social system............"

    The greatest minds of the last 20 centuries have decided that democracy, while not perfect, is the best system devised so far, but we should take your word for it that it's stuffed. And as

    "The most money I ever made was from a series of pyramid schemes............" I gather that you're not even much of a poker player. You do seem to have an affection for criminals though.

    I would just like to know who those greatest minds of the 20th Century were, that would be interesting: Names please

    I do not read anything in the posters post ,that suggest he has an affection for criminals, am I missing something or is this just opinion?

  5. Wow, a lot of passion here for a bunch who can't vote.

    I started out thinking that Abhist was my preference because he's a pretty smart guy, but it is clear that he is not acceptable to the majority of Thai's. Furthermore I think he botched the red demonstrations in BKK and his lack of leadership facilitated that terrible outcome. It's great to have intelligence, but politics is a dirty business and it's about using power intelligently. If his inability to control the red mob in BKK is any indication of his abilities what will he do with the social unrest that will occur if he is elected?

    Thaksin is a bad guy, but he has a proven record of managing things that need to be managed. I think that foreign investors won't care who is elected as long as the country doesn't explode into chaos.

    Bottom line; I don't care who gets elected as long as they keep a grip on the country's stability and keep things rolling along.

    I spent my passion on Obama and he's been a disappointment.

    I agree, but for me after living here as long as I have, I just cannot help myself from spewing a few lines on TV, Abhisit I believe can achieve certain goals and for all of his faults, I believe he is the better choice under these current circumstances. Someone once told me " A perfectly believable falsehood is more useful than the inexplicable truth"

    Inexplicable truth? do I not see pictures of Genash and Siva, are they not the inexplicable truth?

  6. Sad scenes at the court I am sure.

    14 month old baby, pissed off parents, disappointed wife, "thai lawyer"(defending you but needs interpreter), bored judge and all these for a lousy 53gms of ice and sweedish snitch?

    Stay off drugs, and guns and marrying bar girls, at least while in Thailand

    Or the flip side is "Show me how to make class A drugs in a country where they sentence you to death for doing it". Taking this into account do you think the guy is just plain dumb or as guilty as they come? I would go with the latter especially as he has countless other convictions for doing funny enough the same thing....

    Sorry not up to date on this; " countless other convictions for doing funny enough the same thing...." ? A quick TV search, this is just someone who has been drifting around the drugs subculture, prat idiot, call him what you will,someone who needed the assistance of a "undercover Swedish drugs chemist"...you not smelling a rat by now ? 53g of ice...100 cops in the raid, 1/2 gram per cop. That would tell anyone who knows anything about drug production in LOS or anywhere else that its a kitchen sink method using ingredients available for the most part in any pharmacy, or even 7-11.

    Does help to take the focus of the countless meth labs that operate in industrial quantities with ingredients that are not bought from a pharmacy or 7-11 however and are not raided by 100's of cops.

    I'm sorry but where he got the ingredients, how he produced it and in what quantity, and how many BIB were involved in the arrest are completely irrelevant to the charge. I also believe that he confessed with some lame excuse. Yes, he's an idiot, but gaols are full of them.

    Arrogance prevails in Thailand. And Buddha’s compassion can be found nowhere

  7. Gender notwithstanding, what can we see in most world leaders, and specifically those on offer in Thailand?

    It seems to me we have a new type of leaders, people with a particularly frightening mental illness. People with this illness were termed psychopaths. (The term nowadays is anti-social personality disorder.) These are terms for people who are smart, personable, and engaging, but who have no consciences. They are not guided by a sense of right or wrong. They seem to be unaffected by the feelings of others, including feelings of distress caused by their actions. Straying from a decent way of treating people, or violating ethical codes causes no anxiety, the anxiety which is what causes the rest ofus to moderate our more greedy impulses. If most children feel anxiety when they are pilfering the forbidden cookie jar, psychopaths feel just fine. They can devour the cookies, shatter the jar as evidence and stuff it in the trash can. When accused, they can argue with apparent sincerity that the cookie jar has been missing for at least a week. There suffer no remorse, no guilt, no shame. They are free to do anything, no matter how harmful.

    Psychopaths can be very tricky to recognize. As psychiatrist Dr. Hervey Cleckly wrote in his classic The Mask of Sanity in 1941, psychopaths are not technically insane.They don't have a psychosis, like schizophrenia. They are experts in appearing normal. They can act the role of a caring, concerned executive, even though they actually do not seem to experience such feelings. If they hurt somebody,they don't modify their behaviour.

    In any country in which much of human culture has been rendered into machines for the manufacture of money, psychopaths are the ideal leaders. They are very focused.They are outcome oriented. They are frequently charming, and usually very bright and able. They can be impressively confident. Psychopaths can be dynamic leaders of enterprises,but are handicapped by their lack of feelings for relationships. They may be accomplished captains of industry, or parliamentarians or surgeons, but their families are frequently abused and miserable. Most psychotherapists have seen as patients the wives or husbands or children of such accomplished people.

    Since psychopaths are usually very smart, they can be quite competent at impersonating regular human beings in positions of power. Since they don't care how their actions affect people, they can rise to great height in enterprises dealing with power and money. They can manufacture bombs or run hospitals.Whatever the undertaking, it is all the same to them. It's just business.

    Thaksin obviously fits this description, does Yingluck? Does Abhisit, Newin, Sondhi, Sonthi and anyone else you can name, I believe so.

    First class post: summed up politicians precisely, maybe exceptions Gandhi and Mandela. The rest are all ego, and deserve nobodies vote, brilliant post

  8. Unless your lieing to your embassy its a non issue ??

    All thats happening here is they want to see that what you claim is reality.. If no ones telling porkies then I see no issue.

    Apparently, once again, people from Immigrations have been reading ThaiVisa message boards to find out which loopholes are being exploited. Many times when someone has posed a question on this board about proof of income or meeting the minimums, someone has responded that if you're an American (or someone else whose embassy uses sworn statements) that you can just say anything you want.

    Same was true back when people were shifting bank balances around and Immigrations then decided to require money to be in your account for several months. The geniuses posting on TV would brag about how clever they were and that loophole was closed.

    Anyway, as someone else said, the financial requirements remain the same, but because of a few dishonest people we will all have to provide more documentation that we meet those requirements.

    I don't see the relevance of the comparison of a supposed average Thai salary of Baht 8000 to the Baht 65,000 requirement for retired farang. It may hurt your feelings to face the fact that Thailand is not providing a refugee camp for impoverished farang. We're welcomed here if we are going to spend money to boost the economy. Very sensible. Not sure what other countries are laying out a big welcome for foreign welfare cases.

    Er - That would be Britain....

    Yes indeed Britain, land of the free (Thai) Free for all but the British it would seem, Now there is a humanitarian country, takes care of everyone but its own, heard the Thais were thinking of imulating the system, wait a year or two or 10. Nobody is a refugee here except those that are cast back out to sea. All Farang wether rich or not contribute to the econmoy by taking care of wife (girlfriend) family and his/herself, with his own money (big or small). Sick of the us and them attitude from ones own fellow countrymen, its not west and east that causes them and us its rich and not so rich. Discrimination is not always raciest but always blind

  9. Have these people never been on a Thai road?

    I agree that Thai roads are, lets say, not the safest place to be compared to the roads in other countries on account of the fact that there doesn't seem to be much in the way of laws and rules here in Thailand (not those that are strictly enforced or adhered to, anyway).

    However, if you were to visit hospitals or study the general health of those smokers (coughing and spluttering their way through life) then you would see that deaths and injuries from road accidents would pale into insignificance compared to the number of deaths and illnesses caused by smoking. There's secondary smoking issues as well don't forget!!! Fortunately, this has improved a great deal as smoking in public places (and areas) is largely banned throughout the civilised world now.

    Cigarette manufacturers are not the only ones losing out because of these bans in public spaces as washing detergent and shampoo manufacturers sales must have dropped also because it is unneccesary to wash your hair and clothes after every night out at the pub. You could say "eureka that you don't wreaka" now after a nights enjoyment chatting to your mates and downing a few pints (also accumatively more endangering to your life than driving in Thailand) - unless you do BOTH one after the other that is, whereby the danger is multiplied several times!!!

    You have probably guessed that I am, and always have been a NON-smoker due to the risk that it poses to my health and life whereas getting into a car in Thailand doesn't cause me an anxiety attack relating to concerns of whether I'm going to get back home in one piece after a long (or even relatively short) journey - that's the difference!!

    Somehow I think you missed the point, regarding Thai roads, I am not sure but I think the author was not refereing to the acciident rate but rather to the pullution rate. Th carbone monoxide distributed by Thai tuk tuks and songtangs is somewhat equal to 10,000 smokers, Have you ever sat at a traffic signals waiting for the go signal? the pollution from the motor bikes that just happen to jump in front of you is staggering, Well I suppose that if you are in a car, then it does not effect you, but I think we are talking about, illness caused to Thais by smoking, I would think more vehicle exhuast fumes than smoking, it's probably the case throughout the World, but Governments will not admit it as it becomes their responsibility, rather than personal responsibility

    Also, everyone seemed to have missed the headline, smoking 3rd most risky factor behind death

  10. I will be very happy to see him back.

    This government has done nothing for us. I think that corruption is the number 1 problem here from small time street vendors right up to Government officials and Army allowing drugs to come into my country. When they let them in, they get richer. The way to stop or at least begin to stop corruptin in Thailand is to give good salaries and so people can live good life. This way there will be less chance of corruptions. When my childrens come from University they can only get low paying jobs. If children can finish University and get a good job that give them enough money to live a decent life then it will help their journy in life to take the middle path and go away from direction of corruption.

    I am 50 year Thai and think government must start with:

    1. Education at International standards for ALL Thai. Not only rich. English language must be good.
    2. Good health care for ALL Thai people.
    3. Thailand MUST have good internet if we want to compete Internationally.
    4. Labor standards to be set so people can be to make good money for future
    5. Stop corruption in Thailand at the same time as raising salaries.
    6. Stop drugs here and even if people need to die. The drug dealers will know a law and if continue then they know have death penalty.
    7. Have better anf fast system set up to help victoms of disasters because it seems to happen more these days.
    8. Make peace with our neighbours even if it mean to give temple rights away in Cambodia and allow access for tourist.

    I also have many foreign friend who complain about the visa rules etc so maybe if government can take the fee for visas and apply it direct to Education or war on drugs then the foreigner can feel good about where the visa money goes.

    I know in the world all government have corruption but when Thaksin was our PM he did not hide it like many other governments. I can accept this. Maybe if Abhisit have more money and experience he could have done the good job but it is proved that he did not and he have his chance already.

    "The way to stop or at least begin to stop corruptin in Thailand is to give good salaries and so people can live good life. This way there will be less chance of corruptions."

    Having money doesn't stop corruption. It actually helps corruption since people have more money to pay for it.

    The only way to stop corruption is education and prosecution.

    I don't have enough time to comment on the rest of your points - some are good, but some are ridiculous.

    Well everyone is entitled to thier point of view, but I think if 80% of Thais had his insight we may be seeing a totaly improved Thailand. If your knocking Taksin it's because your ignorant or self righteous or egoistic, or to damned rich to care about anyone but yourself

    Or maybe he lived here throughout that administration. Say, Mr. Brittania, how long have you been here? Just askin'.

    Not to long only 11 years,however the time factor is not relevant, only that all politicians are corrupt, only some do good for other whilst they are doing better for themselves and most do nothing but come out smelling of roses. When you are all judging Mr T ask has he done something no matter how much for te poor. If the poor are so unimportant then God can never help- you

  11. I will be very happy to see him back.

    This government has done nothing for us. I think that corruption is the number 1 problem here from small time street vendors right up to Government officials and Army allowing drugs to come into my country. When they let them in, they get richer. The way to stop or at least begin to stop corruptin in Thailand is to give good salaries and so people can live good life. This way there will be less chance of corruptions. When my childrens come from University they can only get low paying jobs. If children can finish University and get a good job that give them enough money to live a decent life then it will help their journy in life to take the middle path and go away from direction of corruption.

    I am 50 year Thai and think government must start with:

    1. Education at International standards for ALL Thai. Not only rich. English language must be good.
    2. Good health care for ALL Thai people.
    3. Thailand MUST have good internet if we want to compete Internationally.
    4. Labor standards to be set so people can be to make good money for future
    5. Stop corruption in Thailand at the same time as raising salaries.
    6. Stop drugs here and even if people need to die. The drug dealers will know a law and if continue then they know have death penalty.
    7. Have better anf fast system set up to help victoms of disasters because it seems to happen more these days.
    8. Make peace with our neighbours even if it mean to give temple rights away in Cambodia and allow access for tourist.

    I also have many foreign friend who complain about the visa rules etc so maybe if government can take the fee for visas and apply it direct to Education or war on drugs then the foreigner can feel good about where the visa money goes.

    I know in the world all government have corruption but when Thaksin was our PM he did not hide it like many other governments. I can accept this. Maybe if Abhisit have more money and experience he could have done the good job but it is proved that he did not and he have his chance already.

    This seems to be the common feeling of most Thais I talk to in my area. Thaksin was self seeking but effective, Abhisit is simply ineffective. Thaksin got things done because there was money in it for him, he ran Thailand as a business. Abhisit simply has no ability or buisness acumen and further is at the mercy of the army.

    Slander Taksin because he is all things you can never be. He is a natural leader, those amoung us that are stronger, all those that are weaker can only whisper in the darkness how bad he is. what good have you ever done for the underprivalaged, so he makes billions, that makes you envious but at the same time he does good for the poor. have you ever done good for the poor?

  12. I will be very happy to see him back.

    This government has done nothing for us. I think that corruption is the number 1 problem here from small time street vendors right up to Government officials and Army allowing drugs to come into my country. When they let them in, they get richer. The way to stop or at least begin to stop corruptin in Thailand is to give good salaries and so people can live good life. This way there will be less chance of corruptions. When my childrens come from University they can only get low paying jobs. If children can finish University and get a good job that give them enough money to live a decent life then it will help their journy in life to take the middle path and go away from direction of corruption.

    I am 50 year Thai and think government must start with:

    1. Education at International standards for ALL Thai. Not only rich. English language must be good.
    2. Good health care for ALL Thai people.
    3. Thailand MUST have good internet if we want to compete Internationally.
    4. Labor standards to be set so people can be to make good money for future
    5. Stop corruption in Thailand at the same time as raising salaries.
    6. Stop drugs here and even if people need to die. The drug dealers will know a law and if continue then they know have death penalty.
    7. Have better anf fast system set up to help victoms of disasters because it seems to happen more these days.
    8. Make peace with our neighbours even if it mean to give temple rights away in Cambodia and allow access for tourist.

    I also have many foreign friend who complain about the visa rules etc so maybe if government can take the fee for visas and apply it direct to Education or war on drugs then the foreigner can feel good about where the visa money goes.

    I know in the world all government have corruption but when Thaksin was our PM he did not hide it like many other governments. I can accept this. Maybe if Abhisit have more money and experience he could have done the good job but it is proved that he did not and he have his chance already.

    "The way to stop or at least begin to stop corruptin in Thailand is to give good salaries and so people can live good life. This way there will be less chance of corruptions."

    Having money doesn't stop corruption. It actually helps corruption since people have more money to pay for it.

    The only way to stop corruption is education and prosecution.

    I don't have enough time to comment on the rest of your points - some are good, but some are ridiculous.

    Well everyone is entitled to thier point of view, but I think if 80% of Thais had his insight we may be seeing a totaly improved Thailand. If your knocking Taksin it's because your ignorant or self righteous or egoistic, or to damned rich to care about anyone but yourself

  13. You own the land because you sign a piece of paper for it (and part with something material like cash)

    Many are blind but their eyes work perfectly well, they are blind in ignorance, for they can not see things as they realy are

    Accept things as they are and not how you want them to be, Fore you can never change that which is

    Ohm Shanti to you all

  14. How can you own a piece of land? The land was there long before you were borne and shall be long after you have gone. The land can never belong to you, for it feeds you, you do not feed it, it is the mother, for a brief time you may be the keeper, the one who takes care. The land ask nothing of you, most surely not that you should kill for it, For it is the mother of all

  15. I am bemused that two Nations that both call themselves Buddhist, can result to killing over a temple, A temple of Buddha,

    The temples are Hindu.

    Buddha himself was a Hindu, Buddhism did not exist before Hindu, The path of Hindu gave birth to Buddhism, the teachings are the same, the first percept still applies in Hinduism

    But still my point is the same, How can a Buddhist or Hindu kill over a holy site, hypocrisy when they bow before the image of Buddha, Siva, Vishnu, Brahma, Krishna, Ramah, Christ. Politics, Politics Ego Ego

  16. I am bemused that two Nations that both call themselves Buddhist, can result to killing over a temple, A temple of Buddha, Have they all forgotten the first percept. Like the Christians who killed in the name of God and the Muslims that kill in the name of God. Political always Political, Shame on the leaders who bow before a Buddha image and call themselves Buddhist. The World of the Blind egos leading the blind.

  17. And where exactly is the difference between giving one million students a new tablet, and a bribe? Every student in Thailand will try to influence the votes of their friends and families because of a TABLET, not because of their political opinion. I don't care what anyone thinks that is, but for me that's clearly a bribe. Are we now going to see the Thai students on the streets rallying for the red shirts instead of the taxi drivers?

    :hit-the-fan:This is just wrong! ... but maybe they put at least a Thai - English learning software on it.... that would better many things in the land of the smile.

    The whole of politics is a bribe, all politicians offer people what they want, in order to get the vote. Lower Taxes, More Law and order, better education, they are all incentives to vote for me. Name me 3 honest straight truthful politicians anywhere in the World in any age of history. I can think of just 2

  18. "... 100,000 visitors this year, who are believed to have generated income of Bt120 million..."What they each spent 1.2M Baht each? The hub of useless bulls*it statistics!
    Sorry, but Bt 120 million divided by 100,000 is 1,200 baht per head.....
    So they were all cheap charlies

    then? 1200/visitor incl accomodation, food, pleasures etc. Something does not add upp here.

    TAT------TELL A TALE-----------the best story teller since Enid Blyton :lol:

    1,200 bhat a head, well that;s 2 night in an average guest house in Chiang mai. or 6 nights in a doss house, eqating what? drinking what?

  19. Yes have to admit I was taken in, The irony of it ,which got so many people up in arms is that it did not suprise anyone. Not one poster said: No this can't be true, even though a few did see through it as an April 1 prank. The thing is people believed it, me included. It just goes to show that a lot of people expect the rediculous to happen here in Thailand. Anyway good fun and did stur up a lot of emotion. :whistling: :whistling: :whistling: :whistling: :lol: :lol:

  20. "Many older foreigners seem to marry Thai women so they can stay in Thailand under less strict requirements. Instead of needing to meet the requirements of 800,000 baht in the bank they only have to show 400,000 baht a year when married to a Thai. Additionally, many of these people seem to come to Thailand simply to marry much younger girls. In many cases they are old enough to be their father. I am concerned that these people are attempting to circumvent the rules by marrying innocent Thai women. If these people don't have enough money to retire then they shouldn't be here and become a burden to Thailand," Tawatchai Suksoom of the Ministry of Interior stated.

    This is just wrong on so many levels.

    Don't they know that getting married will cost a lot more than 400,000 baht. So reducing the financial requirement would hardly be valid reason to get married. :(

    Don' they also know that in many cases they are old enough to be their grand father. :lol:

    But the main reason it's wrong - "Innocent Thai Women" :huh:

    Another nail in the coffin from a Nationalist, raciest Government and society.

    There must be over 1 million Thai ladies and a substantial amount of family members that are being taken care of by Farang, that have married the Thai lady, does this mean that the Government is going to take care of these people? How much money is invested in Thailand from Farang over the age of 50? Does anyone have an idea this would be quite interesting to know.

    With respect to the comment on being a burden on the Thai state, I would like to know just how many Farang live of money given by the Thai state. Regardless of how much they contribute, they are all bringing in foreign currency to Thailand and supporting (normally) poor Thai people. Just how much do they bring in, in total?

    So now lets demolish the (very little) protection a Farang has on any investment made whilst being together with Thai lady, the 50% rule gets lost, just put everything in her name, if it goes wrong, well this is Thailand, F off home your money has gone.

    One rule for them another for the Farang, no one can refute this is a definition of racialism. Just look at the Thai Soaps on T.V. one man (over the age of 50) living together with 4 now 5 wives, just because he can afford them.

    Forget the sanction of marriage, lets just accept that Thailand is the Worlds biggest Whore house, not because of Farang but by culture. And keep your money in your pocket.

    Wonderful Thailand, I have seen 9 Farang return home in the past 2 weeks, all married all been here a long time, that does not take a lot of thinking about

    And whilst we are at it, why not drop the dollar to 15 and the pound and Euro to 20, after all Thailand is rolling in money, they just don’t need us

    Back to the stone age

  21. Sorry guys, I cant believe this question, asking for fish and chips in Thailand? Give me a break. What about german sausages, french baguette or greek meza? This is Thailand, can't you really accept thai kitchen with all it's varieties? Have you tried it? Fish and chips is soooo cheap and unhealthy. I know all my brit friends love it, but why?

    Ok, I'm fat myself so I cannot be an example. I don't want to criticise as I have many UK friends, just wonder why one would like fish and chips in BKK


    Some of us live here and eat Thai food every day for years, is it really too much to ask to want to eat western food once in a while and not be criticized for it by a Thai apologist? :o Unbelievable :bah:

    Just found this one in Khon kaen, seem to have a lot, is it as good as they say? www.rashers.co Farang food at it's best, well

  22. Funny... he kills a Thai and is sentenced within weeks. He kills a Canadian and two years later still hasn't gone to trial.:annoyed:

    Yup. Clocked that one. He attempted to murder the Canadian lads friend, so it's not as though there isn't a witness.

    Keep it up. Along with the rest of the place rinsing Western firms out, Western people out . . .

    Eventually I feel this country will isolate itself from the rest of the world with it's behavior, which will be a shame for all the good Thai folks, of which there are so many.

    Yes he attempted to murder the Canadian lad;s friend who is a substancial witness but as the police say the witnesses refuse to turn up. So I guess he has abandoned his late friend in support of the BIB.

    Think about it: His friend probably couldn't afford to live here for god-only-knows-how-many-years while waiting for the justice system to do its work. Probably had to return to his work/life in N. America.

    Just for the record folks, his friend was a female and she was in a pretty critical condition after they were both shot by this drunken off-duty so called police officer

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