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Posts posted by Britannia

  1. Are they seriously expecting the driver to come and testify in court and exposing himself to reprisals

    and vindictive actions by the accused?

    without immunity and protection, no one in his right minds will come to give evidence as they know very well

    what will happened to them.....

    Disappear or wake up dead in the morning U mean

    Yet to see someone wake up dead

  2. What is wrong anyway with Muslims in our countries as long they are willing to be integrated and follow our laws?

    sorry ... most don't want to intergrate, they will relocate and say they like their new home and agree to follow the local customs and laws but in reality this is only said to ensure they can stay. Then the cousin will be told to come and the brothers family and so on ....

    most hate Christians, they will join together and dispel and christian values, they can't be trusted and as the koran states that we are infadels and non believers.

    That's what's wrong with them in any other country but a Muslim country .....

    Have you ever read the Koran?? And where does it say that?

  3. Here is a link on Thaivisa under business opportunities, I do not know if it is you or your wife's kind of thing, I do not know the quality of the product but their presentation is very good and if the product is as good as they boast, then it is something that could make very big in Thailand and long overdue.

    They state 20,000 a month but I would think that is for just one outlet they are also stating they would consider sole distribution rights to the correct person that seems to me capable of making a lot more money than that. I would assume you don;t need to own a bar or other establishment to sell and distribute the product

    Here is the link: Good luck with whatever yo choosehttp://classifieds.thaivisa.com/business/opportunities/make-extra-money-from-your-bar-or-catering-establishment-360415.html

  4. This is not about what the father wants, its about the happiness and heart of the girl, if he has been a good father and she loves him as being the only one that has taken care of her and wants to be with him, then that is what should be, if not then again her wishes. The lady claiming to being the mother should pay something for the lost 10.5 years not in monetary terms but in duty and now is her chance, If she is a hoaxer then she has made her own Karma


    As a Thai citizen, I assume the girl has the right to stay in Thailand.

    Strange story with few facts or details about anything.

    Where does it say that the girl's Thai?

    Someone in a previous thread said they know them, daughter half Thai, Thai mother disappeared long ago (as they do).

    It appears to be a SS grab, rather than a mother/father custody battle.

    Let's face it, in the UK men are considered evil (by the authorities anyway).

    Yes Council authorities are very much over the top. Reading all, then only question is: Does daughter want to stay with father or not, that should be the deciding factor

    "Yes Council authorities are very much over the top."

    There is a difference between a British Council and British Consul.

    The former has to do with education, examinations, etc.

      Council!!! Devon Council as in Council child protection, always over the top

  6. Thais dose not have the 'ear' for other languages and they slow and easily intimidated by learning another

    language plus the fact that they asking themselves why do I need this? not as if I'll be conversing

    in English anytime soon working in the field or a factory right?.....

    The only segment of Thai people that comes in contact with foreigners should heed the PM advice,

    the others, will be a waste of time unless you practice speaking English often.....

    There are many uneducated Isaan Bar ladies that speak a lot better English than most college students, you can lead a horse to water you can not make it drink. the desire to learn is 80% to being successful

  7. ^^^ A very typical attitude (maggusoil) on display here. Like many true believers in obsurdest theories and religion he is quick to attack the non believers and reverts to name calling and ridicule of the individual instead of offering any proof for his obsurd beliefs.

    Where is this "well documented psychic research" ? Do you mean the research done by the KGB and CIA that found no evidence of psychic or esp abilities in humans? Or the countless revelations of fraud by psychics and those that claim to communicate with the dead?

    Skeptics are open minded as we are open to any real evidence and would love to be proven wrong, it would be fascinating if humans had these magical powers claimed by the charlatans, scammers wooists. That is why we ask for real evidence, test and studies.

    Since after all these years and so much debunking of woo, it is now much more interesting to study how and why people can believe crazy shit than what it is they believe. Michael Shermer has written on this subject.

    Yes, Thais sometimes believe in ghosts and reincarnation etc. as they are taught to believe at an early age and offered no alternative or critical thinking in school. For this reason they get a pass.... westerners (?) ...have no exscuse.

    As I stated before: negatives cannot be proven, only positives can. When asked by an aspirant explain God to me, the Guru replied “when you can explain the color red to a blind man who has never seen, then I will explain God to you, for if you do not have the tools you can never see” Religions are dogmatic created by man to keep man in control.

    No one can prove these things to you, they are free from exhibition. Even spiritualist are wandering in the dark not knowing where the gift came from. The only way to prove it, is to prove it to yourself following the instructions of Buddha or a true Guru not a phony as there are many of these

  8. He did not attempt suicide...he merely wanted attention and help...probably thinking that now his gf will see how much he loves her...

    whiny little piss ant...

    Agreed, I'd also hazard a guess that the real reasons for this nonsense were a combination of losing face and losing access to her income (the two main reasons for any ridiculous behavior in this country), possibly with the addition of alcohol, etc thrown into the mix.

    ,Quote: I'd also hazard a guess ??? It means you know nothing so put your Ego aside and admit you don't know

    Quote: whiny little piss ant..Negative people keep the human race from progress, Judges everyone, instead of condemine those less fortunate, try being graceful and thankful your Karma is a bit better, UP TO NOW

    I know that an ATTEMPT at anything involves TRYING to do it! This was NEITHER.

    Also, if you were serious about topping yourself, why would you choose to jump off a bridge that isn't high enough to enable success, in probably the busiest part of town?

    Attention seeking, simple, or the reasons I have already provided.

    The torment is in the mind and torment in the mind can be more devastating and painful than physical torture. wanting to die becomes a mental reality, something inside even stronger pulls people out. It is pure bull-shit, people who say suicides that fail are seeking attention. Nobody actually wants to die, would it not be nice if we were all the same, clones of psychopaths with no empathy and no compassion

  9. As a Thai citizen, I assume the girl has the right to stay in Thailand.

    Strange story with few facts or details about anything.

    Where does it say that the girl's Thai?

    Someone in a previous thread said they know them, daughter half Thai, Thai mother disappeared long ago (as they do).

    It appears to be a SS grab, rather than a mother/father custody battle.

    Let's face it, in the UK men are considered evil (by the authorities anyway).

    Yes Council authorities are very much over the top. Reading all, then only question is: Does daughter want to stay with father or not, that should be the deciding factor

  10. He did not attempt suicide...he merely wanted attention and help...probably thinking that now his gf will see how much he loves her...

    whiny little piss ant...

    Agreed, I'd also hazard a guess that the real reasons for this nonsense were a combination of losing face and losing access to her income (the two main reasons for any ridiculous behavior in this country), possibly with the addition of alcohol, etc thrown into the mix.

    ,Quote: I'd also hazard a guess ??? It means you know nothing so put your Ego aside and admit you don't know

    Quote: whiny little piss ant..Negative people keep the human race from progress, Judges everyone, instead of condemine those less fortunate, try being graceful and thankful your Karma is a bit better, UP TO NOW

  11. Human nature is a wonder, I hold a British passport, he holds an American, he a Canadian, He an Aus, He A German, He a French and on and on and we all think we should be entitled to go wherever we want. But him, him, him. him, they should stay home not be let out, There was a flying swami, who made his own passport, called it Citizen of the World. and you know what? he went everywhere with it, including USA, BrItain

  12. No information at all regarding circumstances, no mention of Mother or anything. Only clue " took her from their Exeter home and flew to Bangkok in November without permission" Permission from who?

    Sad when a father gets parted from his offsprings, been there, heart breaking but there is a right and a wrong way of going about things

    Wish them both well and they both get what they want

    Chiang mai Consulate closed more than a year ago


    Brilliiant. A plot straight from the x-files or Sleepy Hollow. People with no idea how this works will howl their dogmatic contempt from the bleachers of angosticism, or narrow mindedness, but I find this very re-assuring that the illusion of our oh so concrete reality, can be split apart.

    Go talk to Billy Fingers.

    Onward psychic soldiers. biggrin.png

    Most likely, the relative was tipped off by someone that knows the perp and the ghost story is being used to protect their identity. Or is it "narrow minded" to use logic ?

    Its a good slant for a sleuth and logic can exhale its cold breath on any window to cloud the view.

    You see? Window pane. Nothing beyond it! However, I have the "sight" myself and use it often.

    Superstitious bunkum can exhale its cold breath on any window to cloud the view.

    She was tipped off by someone, simple as that. Rather that then the dead victim talked to her in her sleep giving her the address details of the murderer. This is not a Patrick Swayze movie.

      The negative can never be proven, only the positive can ever be proven, if I keep on walking, I will fall of the edge of the Earth and the Sun goes around the Earth, two negatives?
  14. Brilliiant. A plot straight from the x-files or Sleepy Hollow. People with no idea how this works will howl their dogmatic contempt from the bleachers of angosticism, or narrow mindedness, but I find this very re-assuring that the illusion of our oh so concrete reality, can be split apart.

    Go talk to Billy Fingers.

    Onward psychic soldiers. biggrin.png

    Most likely, the relative was tipped off by someone that knows the perp and the ghost story is being used to protect their identity. Or is it "narrow minded" to use logic ?

    Intellect, Reason and logic are above instinct but lower than intuition, very few can use intuition, what is above intuition? logic will keep you trapped in a 3 dimensional universe, are there other dimensions apart from the 3????

  15. This sort of thing really does the image of the idyllic Thai island no good at all.The brochure pictures of the sunsets and the starlit skies.Smiling Thai people with their heads bowed and their hands pressed together in a submissive gesture.Pictures of beautifully painted resorts and glorious swimming pool's.The snaps of the nightlife down town area's with tourists wandering around looking i shop window's and buying souvenirs. People laying in sun drenched beaches buying fruit and seafood from the happy,helpful beach vendors So some French people who were looking forward to the holiday of a life time end up in hospital.The women having to suffer the indignity of a rape kit.What heart break! When its all over and they are back home,how ill they answer the question 'well!did you enjoy your holiday in Thailand?'Every time they see a tv programme about the land of smiles,those two girls will relive it in their minds,time and time again.Will the holiday shops advertise Thailand as the jewell of Asia? Yeah 'come to Thailand and watch your wife get raped by scumbags'The following depression and memories of that night will last forever.This has also been the end of many marriages,in the long run.The physical pain alone,that the girls suffered will remain with them.What will happen to this happy band of traveler's? will they stop seeing each other due to the embarrassment.

    Thai,Cambodians,Burmese,it doesnt matter,because these pissed up scum have not only ruined a holiday,they have possibly ruined lives.

    To us reading this,occurrence,its only words on a screen and all the would be punishments posted will not make a difference.

    They came 8000 miles only to have their lives ruined.The repercussions of this will eventually destroy them.


    Well said Dave.

    Tourist destinations that are generating $$$ should have some form of security. The locals making money of tourists should put some of that money back into the tourists otherwise they might stop coming in the future. It's basic economics

    Unfortunately. two words Thais do not understand Basics and Economics

  16. Let me get this straight...

    5 small Cambos, already half-drunk, wet, cold and tired after working all day and swimming ashore...

    We're able to overpower 4 well-fed French farangs? What kind of weapons did they have? Couldn't have been a gun--the ammo would have got wet.

    Wait. I forgot they were French. With all due respect to the French people, America had to pull their ass out of the fire. Twice.

    Never mind.

    Good to hear at least one of them was good at sprinting, though.

    If you're going to hang on a beach on a Thai island at night:

    * Don't be wasted.

    * Run faster than your attackers.

    * Have a big piece of driftwood, a club or big stick handy--just in case.

    * Be a trained martial arts artist.

    * Have an "equalizer", if you're not--a stun gun or pepper spray.

    Be prepared. Think. And ask yourself, is it really worth the risk to come to an island in Thailand?

    Why not stay home on the beach. I hear San Tropez is very lovely this time of year...

    A lot to learn, question is! do you have enough time left to learn it?

  17. This is one thing Thailand gets right at least, illegal- kick 'em out back to where they came from with no human rights or court appeals nonsense with translators and lawyers paid for by the tax payer.

    Hmm A humanitarian!! I can go wherever I like on my passport, everybody else should forced to stay put. This World belongs to me alone

  18. The Anti T lobby it really huge on Thaivisa, no idea why. Here is a proven leader simply saying there may be economic troubles ahead, I think he is right.

    A university undergrad who keeps up with world economic and financial news would tell you the same. No need for a 'PhD' holder to parrot this fact.

    Lee Kuan Yew had once said, 'Many can criticize, but very few who can offer solutions'. Perhaps Thaksin should keep these words close to his hearts.

    Academics are Chauvinistic bigots who know everything but actually have never done anything. What a shame that new knowledge in Science, Archeology, History and Geology is proving they actually know very little.

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