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Posts posted by Jandajoy

  1. Borrowing the money is one thing, but you need to be sure that it was for a legitimate need, genuine desperation, and naivety etc - ie that the money is not to pay for gambling debts, drugs, other men, etc. Not trying to be a downer just realistic. Hopefully the loan is your only problem!

    What to do depends on how well you know her, and how much time/money you have invested in her, how much you love her etc. Only you know whether to jump ship or not. I'd imagine the advice you'll get here is "run for the hills", but weigh it all up for yourself.

    Makes sense.

    One thing is for sure though, if you do decide to bail them out you MUST get a clear understanding that it's a one off.

    Have you considered buying the debt? i.e. you pay it off but they must repay you, with interest. A reasonable interest. Make it a legally documented loan so they don't think you're just a easy mark.

    Just a thought. Good Luck.

  2. I try not to judge people. It was only in my job description as an IRS officer and as a teacher.

    I do object to whingers whinging about whiners who whine.

    Of course, as Ulysses has said more than once here, it is silly for a native speaker to dumb down their own language, even if you cannot speak the President's :o English.

    Nobody would wish to speak English, which the present, president, manages to mangle.

    I guess dubya's version, Engrish, is what PB calls English.

    English, the Ammurican style.

    English is English, the Queen's English, nothing else.

    Nonsense "English" - noun - is a generic term covering all variations of the original Chaucerian/Latin/French/Germanic mishmash.

    There is no "Queens English" and there hasn't been since the acceptance of "common usage".

  3. I try not to judge people. It was only in my job description as an IRS officer and as a teacher.

    I do object to whingers whinging about whiners who whine.

    Of course, as Ulysses has said more than once here, it is silly for a native speaker to dumb down their own language, even if you cannot speak the President's :o English.

    So, you do judge. Of course you do. You may maintain that you try not to but you do. It's human nature.

  4. I'll start;

    Judy Wallman, a professional genealogical researcher, discovered that

    Hillary Clinton's great-great uncle, Remus Rodham, was hanged for

    horse stealing and train robbery in Montana in 1889.

    The only known photograph of Remus shows him standing on the

    gallows. On the back of the picture is this inscription: "Remus

    Rodham; horse thief, sent to Montana Territorial Prison 1885, escaped

    1887, robbed the Montana Flyer six times. Caught by Pinkerton

    detectives, convicted and hanged in 1889."

    Judy e-mailed Hillary Clinton for comments. Hillary's staff sent back

    the following biographical sketch:

    "Remus Rodham was a famous cowboy in the Montana Territory. His

    business empire grew to include acquisition of valuable equestrian

    assets and intimate dealings with the Montana railroad. Beginning in

    1883, he devoted several years of his life to service at a government

    facility, finally taking leave to resume his dealings with the

    railroad. In 1887 he was a key player in a vital investigation run by

    the renowned Pinkerton Detective Agency. In 1889 Remus passed away

    during an important civic function held in his honor, when the

    platform on which he was standing collapsed."

    And that is how it's done, folks.

  5. Are you implying I'm bullshitting?

    I have always said I know I played my part in this disaster also. But at the end of the day, his drinking got out of control. He was drunk on a Friday night, he hit the door, his hand was swollen, I took him to the hospital, I spent the whole weekend making sure his hand would look nearly normal when he went back to work on Monday.

    He was drunk on another Friday night, he was roaming around Patpong, he provoked a few Thai men, he got beaten up, I spent the whole weekend taking care of the cut near his nose and his black eye, I babysit him, I lied to his then employer so he could take a day off or two, and he gave up his job. May I also add that his then work was probably the best in his field that he could ever get out here in Thailand?

    He was drunk on a Saturday night, he started yelling at me for hours because he was angry at one of his mates back home for not answering the phone, he insulted my family & friends & myself, he threatened to throw me out of the window - 6th floor - if I wouldn't let him go out to see his latest shag, I slapped him after being provoked for at least 8 hours straight, we split up. I still have a few sound clips from that night/morning when I was being verbally abused.

    That was how he and I spent our weekend.

    I am not without flaws. But if you saw the state I was in like my friends did, you wouldn't post a comment like that.

    Happy now?

    Nope, I'm not implying anything. I simply said

    "I just wish he'd get on the Forum so we could here his side of the story."

    I've every sympathy with your predicament and I'm please to hear that your getting out of it.

    I didn't comment on you or him.

  6. hey

    im flying from surat thani to bkk , and i have a 6 hours waiting ..

    could u please reccomand a nice place to stay at the airport ? or maybe a lounge room.

    thanks so much

    Check out the vip access link pinned at top of the forum.

    Where's that then? The VIP access link?

  7. I'm not an expat (well...not yet anyway...) but I think it's ridiculous that pidgeon English a huge complaint....

    My boyfriend doesn't speak excellent English...and sometimes its easier if I say things to him in a less complicated way. Also, I think its great if any person is trying to learn Thai, and I find it funny that some expats think that the foreigners who don't speak Thai well shouldn't speak it at all...speaking a language helps you learn it better...

    I think a lot of this is jealousy. Everyone does annoying things that you don't like...that's life. I have a roommate right now for example, and sometimes she drives me crazy. But do I let it get to me and start being all jealous and take my frusteration out on her? No....I think they should make expats live with one another :o That'd made a lot of you go crazy! But personally, I think it'd be amusing to watch.... :D maybe make a tv show....

    Great... The modern worlds answer to everything. "Make it into a TV show" Your vacuous statements epitimise the problem we're discussing.

    The whole point is that the arrogance and ego of a selected few dominate the actions and intercourse of the many through manipulation and propogation of blame and guilt.

    I'm intrigues to know where you're from and what you mean by "I'm not an expat yet"

    I'm assuming you're a student, in Europe, eastern europe, who has a plan to move out. More details please.

  8. Spot on. But......... If a society has come to the conclusion that it likes to venerate a mob of blokes dressed in orange sheets as a symbol of their beliefs, why not.

    If it gives my wife a nice warm feeling to put out food and gifts every morning, who am I to complain.

    In every society people have their crutches to lean on. I'm not going to knock it but I'm not getting up a 05.30 to put out a bowl of something. It's their busines and I say good luck to them as long as it doesn't harm anybody else.

    I guess it all depends upon what you consider "harming people" means. To me, it means 'preventing people from doing what they want to do'. One could further argue that 'doing what one wishes to do' could harm people. In this case, buying/using computers is in no way contributing to any "harm" that is not already being done by countless others. I guess it's the same as smoking.

    Not only is it stupid to put others on a pedastal, it is dangerous. Reference: history.

    The word "sheep" comes to mind. But I am more than willing to allow the "sheep" of society to exist without interference, providing they do not cause or support "harm to people".

    BTW, "their business" becomes "our business" eventually. We are all intrinsically connected.

    Hmmm, not sure I follow you here.

    So if harm is being done by others it's ok to propogate and continue?

    " Harming people is preventing them from doing what they want to do" What an extraordinary statement.


    Child abuse,




    No, sorry you've lost me but I'd love to be enlightened. In the meantime I think I'll have a beer.


  9. "Religare" - "to bring together". What a sick joke. Everybody spends most of their time keeping people segregated from others of a differing religion.

    I'll NEVER EVER buy into this man made religion stuff. Monks are human & as such, deserve the same options as every other human.

    Spot on. But......... If a society has come to the conclusion that it likes to venerate a mob of blokes dressed in orange sheets as a symbol of their beliefs, why not.

    If it gives my wife a nice warm feeling to put out food and gifts every morning, who am I to complain.

    In every society people have their crutches to lean on. I'm not going to knock it but I'm not getting up a 05.30 to put out a bowl of something. It's their busines and I say good luck to them as long as it doesn't harm anybody else.

  10. Hi

    The GOM is full of his own self importance, maybe his is an exec or CEO but that does not give him the right to belittle other people in private let alone in a public place.

    As far as I am concerned he is getting some of his own medicine, perhaps he will think a bit more about his own actions in future. Being a good exec or CEO also requires generating respect from ones subordinates and colleagues something his present actions seem incapable of doing.

    Maybe this is for his own good, just wish I could be there to witness his awakening!

    TBWG :o

    How does that expression go?

    People in glass house shouldn't throw stones.... I don't know, but it's something like that.

    I look forward to the next post in a month or whatever when some bored twit takes umbridge over some attitude or approach that you demostrate in public. The full wrath of the mighty "THAI VISA FORUM committee of what's allowed or not allowed" will fall upon you and life will never be the same. LOL

    It really does sum up the attitude of so many of the people on this forum. So reminiscent of school days long past. I'd refer you to another thread about "what you hate about expats" or something like that. It kind of sums up the arrogant exclusivity of the Forum genre.

  11. If monks don't have computers, how else are they supposed to meet chicks online? :o

    They don't need to go on line. They pitch up at your front door at the crack of dawn, when the wife and kids are still in their jymjams and ask for food. "We're here for food" ......... brilliant chat up line. A lot better than " I'm delivering a couple of pints of Gold Top and a 1/2 dozen eggs. Is the husband in?"

  12. I concur with razor but could this be a typically Eurocentric viewpoint. Myself, I always imagined that monks spent most of their time under a tree meditating not purchasing red bull and fags, or in Pantip……it would seem in Bangkok that this is not the case.......

    Is there some kind of rule book in the monkhood that states that you cant hang out in IT malls?

    This is what you imagined is it?

    A couple of questions for you. Answer at your will if you can get the beer mug out of your face.

    What are Monks for?

    What is Buddhism about?

    If you are here, why are you here? Other than fornicating with with women 'cos you can't find any at home.

    Don't you think it'd be worth finding out a little bit about the country you visiting, invading, abusing.?

    Rant over - Any time you fancy beer just PM me. cheers

    No seriously is there anything written down to say that monks cant drink booze and surf the net?

    Maybe its cool in the gang……I guess so.........

    .....as long as they’re available to receive cash or food in exchange for some good karma…..

    Just keep drinking mate, just keep drinking.

  13. I know I'm going to get absolutely flamed for this but..............

    Having read the entire topic a couple of times I have to say that this so reminiscent of school.

    We find a weirdo.

    He's got a bit of a personality issue.

    We find it amusing.

    We all gang up in what ever way we can to confront, embarrass, abuse, humiliate, and probably enhance this persons own sense of ill-being.

    You people are gross. A bunch of arrogant, self satisfied, better than thou, egotists.

    OK the initial thread. A bit of a weird bloke in a cafe. But this is a feeding frenzy. What is wrong with your lives that this is the only entertainment you can get out of life?

    If your objective is to alter the guys behaviour ,the OP could, if he'd had the courage, done it quite simply, by talking. Not just once maybe but how ever many times the OP thought it neccessary. Given that we're assuming the OPs right to condemn this man.

    But this frenzy is appalling. It's a tad like the tv shows that are so popular now. You know the ones;

    small child falls of bicycle.

    man falls over

    ladies dress falls off

    dog jumps on kid

    etc etc etc

    Brilliant tv for dumb assed wasters.

    Is what you're doing any different.

    I sense that the pack has smelt blood, and for no other reason that that there is nothing better to do, we'll all attack.

    Did you read all of the posts on all of the previous 9 pages?

    The OP convinced me that the guy is a total rissole.

    Sympathy for the fox, but this is no fox.

    Yes, I read it all, a lot.

    So, the guys a "rissole" you put it. I'm not quite sure what that means but there you go.

    You then say " Sympathy for the fox, but this is no fox."

    What the hel_l is that meant to mean?

    1. Fox hunting is good?

    2. Fox hunting is bad?

    3. The guys a Fox. i.e you think he's "foxy"?

    4. You're the Fox?

    I have no idea.

    The fact remains that it's a feeding frenzy for no other reason that that you're all bored and have got nothing better to do.

    Why would anyone wonder why modern media is as it is.


    happy days all :D

    Fox hunting is a whole gang after one victim.

    BUT in this case GOM is the one doing the bullying. He bullies the staff.

    That makes OP the guy in the white hat, and GOM black hat.

    Peace, love and more power to the OP's elbow :o

    And this forum is not a gang ?

    The fact that he's bullying the staff, alledgedly, is the staffs problem.

    White hat vs Black hat ? What is this classic John Wayne politics?

    OPs elbow/ Yes, Do what you feel is right OP but what's it to do with the rest of you?

  14. I hate it when they think they can take my stool or sit near me when they're clearly aware that it is my stool, and my space,

    I try to stare them down to indicate my displeasure but some just don't get it,

    Lately it's gotten really bad, this one guy is actually waiting evryday now to take my stool and my personal buffer space, :D:o

    LMAO well done mate

  15. I think that what tends to get my goat is when a farang assumes that just because you both happen to be foreigners, you're automatically going to hit-it-off, a sort-of "Thank goodness; you're the first friendly face I've seen all day" and then proceed to tell you their life-story and generally run the place down. I had the great misfortune to be sat next to one of these knob-jockeys on my last flight back from England. Still gives me nightmares... :o

    On the spot.

    Absolutely. I live in a remote village that we deliberately picked as there were no other Falang. But, guess what, there is one. Some Swiss bloke who pitches up for a week every year. The trouble is that all the villagers, bless em, assume that 'cos he's Falang I/we'll want to meet. Cue very embarrassing 15 minutes as we stood outside my place wondering what the heck to say to each other. I offered beer, tea, coffee but to no avail.

    You're absolutely right.

    In Chiang Kong last and we're sitting having lunch and this American guys walks up to us and sits down at our table. Errrr , ok "how are you?" etc. etc. We then get his entire life story, achievements and so on. Completely unsolicited and completely undesired. He then gives me his businesscard! WHY.

    Fortunately I'd been given another card a couple of weeks earlier by anoher American in Chiang Rai so I gave him that, thanked him for his time and left.

    OK the arguement.; He's lonely, fair enough but try not to dominate everything and everyone. Secondly, I don't need your whole anti-black rascist views. I've had this so many times from American ex-pats in Thailand. Thirdly; use a little discretion, don't just barge in asuming you're wanted, ignoring the Thais at the table and monopolising the conversation in English.

    I don't speak Thai. My wife and I have developed our own pigeon thai/english/lao/gobbeldygook. It works for us.

    Errrrr. I'm ranting sorry. But I agree with you entirely.


  16. I know I'm going to get absolutely flamed for this but..............

    Having read the entire topic a couple of times I have to say that this so reminiscent of school.

    We find a weirdo.

    He's got a bit of a personality issue.

    We find it amusing.

    We all gang up in what ever way we can to confront, embarrass, abuse, humiliate, and probably enhance this persons own sense of ill-being.

    You people are gross. A bunch of arrogant, self satisfied, better than thou, egotists.

    OK the initial thread. A bit of a weird bloke in a cafe. But this is a feeding frenzy. What is wrong with your lives that this is the only entertainment you can get out of life?

    If your objective is to alter the guys behaviour ,the OP could, if he'd had the courage, done it quite simply, by talking. Not just once maybe but how ever many times the OP thought it neccessary. Given that we're assuming the OPs right to condemn this man.

    But this frenzy is appalling. It's a tad like the tv shows that are so popular now. You know the ones;

    small child falls of bicycle.

    man falls over

    ladies dress falls off

    dog jumps on kid

    etc etc etc

    Brilliant tv for dumb assed wasters.

    Is what you're doing any different.

    I sense that the pack has smelt blood, and for no other reason that that there is nothing better to do, we'll all attack.

    Did you read all of the posts on all of the previous 9 pages?

    The OP convinced me that the guy is a total rissole.

    Sympathy for the fox, but this is no fox.

    Yes, I read it all, a lot.

    So, the guys a "rissole" you put it. I'm not quite sure what that means but there you go.

    You then say " Sympathy for the fox, but this is no fox."

    What the hel_l is that meant to mean?

    1. Fox hunting is good?

    2. Fox hunting is bad?

    3. The guys a Fox. i.e you think he's "foxy"?

    4. You're the Fox?

    I have no idea.

    The fact remains that it's a feeding frenzy for no other reason that that you're all bored and have got nothing better to do.

    Why would anyone wonder why modern media is as it is.


    happy days all :o

  17. jandajoy, maybe you need to read the postings for a 3rd time.

    The OP did ask the GOM to come and speak to him, twice I believe, So he has made the effort to resolve the situation in a civilized manner, but the GOM declined the offer to talk with him.

    So the OP failed and you all resort to this. Come on, mate.

    You know as well as I do that this is a classic frenzy of bored people out to get at something they know they can't lose.

    It's bullying in the classic sense and you should all, every one who's posted supporting the guys villification, should be ashamed.

  18. It has to be the brain-dead creeps who think that when they speak Pidgin English, they are speaking Thai, so they go around leaving all the pronouns out and throwing in the two Thai words they know in every sentence and act all cool like they really know how to communicate here.

    Even worse are the morons that speak Pidgin English to other foreigners. I have a really hard time not telling them what I think of them.

    The other day, I heard a new one, this fellow was speaking with his girlfriend who spoke English very well, but when he answered her in English, he would imitate her Thai accent and all the mistakes that she made.

    He wasn't doing it to make fun of her as he did it for 45 minutes straight. Somehow he thought that they were speaking Thai and he was a really cool guy! :o

    Maybe they're just trying to communicate. Maybe they're not as clever as you obviously think you are and they have to resort to whatever communicative tactics they have at there dispossal. This, as we all know, can become a habit. But should it be denograted in such a way?

    Your complaint is, essentially, that you occassionally come across people that don't speak Thai as well as you do. I'm sorry but you present yourself as an insufferable boor. Tolerance makes the world go round.

    No offence meant and I hope none taken.

  19. I know I'm going to get absolutely flamed for this but..............

    Having read the entire topic a couple of times I have to say that this so reminiscent of school.

    We find a weirdo.

    He's got a bit of a personality issue.

    We find it amusing.

    We all gang up in what ever way we can to confront, embarrass, abuse, humiliate, and probably enhance this persons own sense of ill-being.

    You people are gross. A bunch of arrogant, self satisfied, better than thou, egotists.

    OK the initial thread. A bit of a weird bloke in a cafe. But this is a feeding frenzy. What is wrong with your lives that this is the only entertainment you can get out of life?

    If your objective is to alter the guys behaviour ,the OP could, if he'd had the courage, done it quite simply, by talking. Not just once maybe but how ever many times the OP thought it neccessary. Given that we're assuming the OPs right to condemn this man.

    But this frenzy is appalling. It's a tad like the tv shows that are so popular now. You know the ones;

    small child falls of bicycle.

    man falls over

    ladies dress falls off

    dog jumps on kid

    etc etc etc

    Brilliant tv for dumb assed wasters.

    Is what you're doing any different.

    I sense that the pack has smelt blood, and for no other reason that that there is nothing better to do, we'll all attack.

  20. I concur with razor but could this be a typically Eurocentric viewpoint. Myself, I always imagined that monks spent most of their time under a tree meditating not purchasing red bull and fags, or in Pantip……it would seem in Bangkok that this is not the case.......

    Is there some kind of rule book in the monkhood that states that you cant hang out in IT malls?

    This is what you imagined is it?

    A couple of questions for you. Answer at your will if you can get the beer mug out of your face.

    What are Monks for?

    What is Buddhism about?

    If you are here, why are you here? Other than fornicating with with women 'cos you can't find any at home.

    Don't you think it'd be worth finding out a little bit about the country you visiting, invading, abusing.?

    Rant over - Any time you fancy beer just PM me. cheers

  21. <deleted>, Why on earth shouldn't Monks use modern forms of communication? Mobiles, lap tops etc etc.

    I consulted my wife and her family on his and they all concurred. It's the 21 century. even, and maybe especially Monks need to be in touch.

    Look at the insanity of evangalism in the states.

    Would the Burmese monks have achieved any kind on international recognition if it hadn't been for modern IT.

    Seems to me that anybody who's got a problem with this just wants their reliogion "gladwrapped" in a nice secure place where they can consult it at will and ignore it at there convenience.

    But that's just my view.

    Pip PIp

  22. Self satisfied, arrogant, self indulgent know it alls, who presume to place themselves above others purely on the basis of their financial situation, their "connections" or their Bangkok based bias against all that doesn't "fit" their way of thinking.

    "I've got connections. I'm Ok."

    I've got money. I'm Ok."

    I've wallowed in my expat world for so long that I've established an identity and nobody is going to destroy my new /old found sense of well being. Which i failed misearably to do in my home country.

    I'm "superior" 'cos I've been here longer.

    I'm "superior" 'cos I've got more money.

    I'm "superior" 'cos I've been on this Forum for longer than you.

    If people displaced ego with care, maybe we'd all get along a little better.


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