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Posts posted by Jandajoy

  1. Good Lord. what garbage.

    A person suffers from a mental affliction. You go in, beat him up and then it's OK!

    You see bullying as only a physical manifestation. You obviously have no concept of how people, include yourself in this, bully, intimidate and manipulate others throught their tone of voice, a look, a grimace or glare, or simply standing too closely.

    I'm intrigued with your terminology.

    "I had 10 minutes in the psych hospital with him. We had a good scrap and he was allowed out the next morning."

    was this in a UK hospital? More details might be illuminating.

    "an arrogant, egotistical thug." I'm sorry to say but that does sound a bit like your own CV

    "Nobody has threatened violence or verbal action"

    Read the the whole thing again. They, the mob, have certainly threatened verbal abuse and on various occassions suggested physical violence or, at the very least hoped for it.

    Finally, your bizarre comments about me being, or having been a teacher. What the xxxx has that got to do with anything? I've had to deal with bullies in the Army, Schools, Refugee camps, Oil Rigs, Pubs, etc etc.

    So, I don't get your point on that one.

    Still, never mind. I'm sure we can have a beer and a bit of a crac over it all some time down the track

  2. Good advice Cat.

    They might also like to check out Thai trains to Chian Mai from BKK. There's loads of info on the web.

    "Hotels2thailand" - google it , is good for accommodation.

    Watch out for the VIP buses from BKK to Surat Thanni, they're a nightmare.

    If you buy tickets for anything at the agents in the train station you'll be paying way over the top.

    Have a good one guys

  3. I'll start;

    Remus Rodham, was hanged for horse stealing and train robbery in Thailand in 1889.

    I'll finish;

    changing a minor historical detail to provide some relevance to thaivisa.com/forum

    Was there a point to this point?

    I didn't realise that every posting to ThaiVisa had to have a Thaivisa relevance?

    I though the thread could promote some interesting / amusing discussion and or debate.

    Especially given the upcoming elections in the US.

    What was the point of your adulteration?

    I'm confused. Are you a Clinton supporter?

    Any form of clarification would be appreciated as long as it's in the public arena.

  4. I always stay at the Orchid. Clean cool and helpfull. Walking distance to everything. Based purely on objective observation external consultants are free to come as they will. As are the customers. Errr I'm loosing myself in bad puns.

    No seriously. it's good. en suite, cable tv, AC, fans. Night guards.

    Laundry service (bloody slow, you're better off going outside.)

    Free coffee & tea, free internet, but only one station and it's bloody slow. But it's ok.

    Friendly people.

    End of story

    I expect to be staying there in about 3 days time.

    Oh, I forgot, between 350 and 450 a night depending on the way the wind blows.

    cheery o

  5. Baan Bua Guesthouse on Jet Yod (the Bar Street) is a nice, clean and cheap place. It has a very nice and quiet garden where you can have breakfast and talk to other guests.

    Popular place and you cannot find a place more central.



    Clean and comfortable and very nicely decorated for such an inexpensive place (around 200 baht). You are almost wasting your money staying anywhere else in a more expensive place.

    You might want to check current prices. Last week it was 350 - 400

  6. I get the impression he really wants a place where a professional loneliness counselor can attend to his needs without being harassed by the management.

    That's quite amusing. Ok then "very".

  7. Baan Bua Guesthouse on Jet Yod (the Bar Street) is a nice, clean and cheap place. It has a very nice and quiet garden where you can have breakfast and talk to other guests.

    Popular place and you cannot find a place more central.



    Clean and comfortable and very nicely decorated for such an inexpensive place (around 200 baht). You are almost wasting your money staying anywhere else in a more expensive place.

  8. Is it now all over?

    Maybe the week end has come around and you've all found something better to do.

    Pick vegetables or clean cars.

    Watch old movies.

    The frenzy slowly dies down...

    The cafe concerned is bemused by the banter but silently assesses the income lost. 5 years, 5 times a week, 150 -250 bht a day - errrr that's how much?

    " He was a grumpy bugger, but he did turn up every day for 5 years (alledgedly) and payed his money."

    Well never mind, the thoughtful caring considerate collegues of Thai Visa have banded together and succesfully banned the guy. Excellent, because he was very rude (for 5 years) but was it that bad?

    Mai pen rai. the good folk of TV are all feeling good about themselves for having done absolutely nothing.

    The orgasmic feeding frenzy is over.

    For a couple of days there the group sex was positively tangible. All the old military mob were at arms and all the young "wish they'd been rambos' were planning "black ops" and " strategy" for a poor olf grumpy bloke that you all decided to ravage.

    I swear to God I 've never see such lunatic frenzy and such half assed justification in 50 years of working with adolescents, primary kids and adults.

    What got into your heads?

    A bit of fun?

    "Sorting out a rude bloke"

    "Stopping someone hogging a table"

    I am truly amazed.

    Finally, be warned, if this does go to the press it could really back fire.

    There's no real story in a grumpy old bloke.

    There's a hel_l of a story in a mass of moronic, bored expats beating up on individuals that don't fit.


  9. I'll be watching this topic with great interest.

    My in-laws have done something similar, also to finish a house and are now being squeezed for payment every month by the loan shark.

    I know the money went for the house completion, there is no gambling, alcohol, mia noi etc. involved.

    I helped them out once--with a loan, to make a monthly payment and it was eventually repaid--but said I would not do it again.

    Now they are putting pressure to the tune of 9,000 baht a month on my bf which is half his salary. He pays it. Of course I end up taking up the slack from this in a roundabout way.

    He is becoming quite resentful of them, and I am letting it play out for the time being, saying it is none of my business.

    The lack of ability to manage money and to forecast the consequences of financial decisions is something I just cannot get used to. I like the family very much and they have been kind to me, but I can see a constant bailing out in the future and just won't go down that road. (Excuse the mixed metaphor!)

    Go really, really slowly. Are you Thai? Is your BF Thai? More info please. If, as I suspect, you are are Falang then do nothing.

    Listen, nod head sagely but do absolutely nothing. They'll work it out with out you for sure.

  10. in bangkok without going to bars. just wondering. and do most guys speak thai?

    In foreign places.

    Lord, forgive them for they know not what they do. Troll...................

  11. From a source not to be named:-

    "We, the department, have taken out a world wide patent on parties, particularly Moon parties, Sun parties and planet parties in general. Any such parties can only be organised and held with the express written permission of the

    aforementioned patent holders.

    Failure to - buy - (delete buy and substitute "be granted") - said permission will result in severe penalties.

    You have been warned.

    All applications can be submitted to the "porkys' cooking show, fun for all the poor. Unless it's been banned in which case see your local constabulary."

  12. I have a friend in the UK who is married to a Tai girl. They have only been married for a year, but have been living together for about 5 years or so. He never corrects his wife's English and as a result she speaks very poor English (grammatically). She still says things like 'I happy very very". I made a point of correcting my wife, and still do ten years on (except when she's blowing her stack of course - that'd be suicidal!!!). Her English is excellent now.

    I did make a point of making my voice monotone (mid tone) at first and speaking slightly slower without sounding overly derogatory. I do not need to now.

    Having said this, it is one thing correcting your partner in private, its a whole different ballgame doing it to a stranger or even a friend that has not asked you to correct them.

    I think that some westerners have their own reasons for not wanting their gfs/ wives speaking good English. I would say it is even more true for those westerners, married to Thais who live in the west, where this lack of communication ability can act as a form of control. Maybe some people ex-pats in Thailand are not really interested in developing a clear means of communication with their partner because they are not really that interested in what they say.

    you make a very good point.

    " In essence all communicative experiences are nothing more and nothing less than essential examples of manipulation, cohersion and power play" GDW 1986.

  13. Having sat there drinking Gin and tonics or other top shelf drinks in a group,return the round they are in with a bloody Singha or Chang ...

    Tight gits.....

    Annoying as it may be I don't hate them , the only thing I hate in life is marmite.....to the OP life is to short to hate particularly over small annoyances :o chill

    Thank you for your profundity. It's been great learning what a complete waster you are. Cheers M8

  14. Well, and there you have it!

    Thanks to the OP for an extremely entertaining prose style; reminds me of Charles Bukowski.

    As a polite note, let's not lead this discussion into the Forbidden Zone, etc.

    Good luck and sweet dreams.... :o

    What do you know about Bukowski?

    Other than the fact that you spell his name right.

    I'm intrigued. Are you a fan or a ...... whatever

    Remember; "just a small atom bomb, just a small one"

  15. I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the ones who wear yellow shirts - idiots.

    Or the ones that speak English with "na" at the end.


    What on earth can you have against yellow shirts. Is this all yellow shirts or just yellowshirts with an emblem of the king? What about light blue shirts?

    You're bonkers.......

    No offence mind.

  16. I think that what tends to get my goat is when a farang assumes that just because you both happen to be foreigners, you're automatically going to hit-it-off, a sort-of "Thank goodness; you're the first friendly face I've seen all day" and then proceed to tell you their life-story and generally run the place down. I had the great misfortune to be sat next to one of these knob-jockeys on my last flight back from England. Still gives me nightmares... :o

    On the spot.

    Absolutely. I live in a remote village that we deliberately picked as there were no other Falang. But, guess what, there is one. Some Swiss bloke who pitches up for a week every year. The trouble is that all the villagers, bless em, assume that 'cos he's Falang I/we'll want to meet. Cue very embarrassing 15 minutes as we stood outside my place wondering what the heck to say to each other. I offered beer, tea, coffee but to no avail.

    Could you really not find something to say to another European in a remote village in Thailand? Seems you both have a social ineptness.

    Or was you trying to make a point to the villagers 'bless em' that farangs are ot so alike (especially not a village expat and a tourist!), they can't even find a word to say to each other. The Thais must have thought you was both mad.

    Well I've tried to make sense of your post and I assume that you're suggesting that because I meet another European I should go beyond the acknowledgement of his existance and actually have something in common with him that would propogate social chit chat.

    Answer "NO"

    I'm happy to acknowledge that he exists but it doesn't mean we have anything in common, other than the colour of our skin. as it turned out there was nothing but a void between us. A black hole that I didn't feel like jumping into. Incidentally, there was and is no reason why I should.

    As far as the Thais (people in the village) are concerned they weren't bothered a bit. Since the event many have said that they like to come and sit at our place 'cos we talk. (gibber is more like it as my thai is attrocious) Whereas they consider the Swiss bloke a blow in tourist that they see once a year for a week and, whilst they don't dislike him, he's called "the ghost" (my wifes' interpretation).

    So there you have it. I'd suggest, and no offence meant, that you might like to re-evalluate your views on "people" and your fundamentally rascist view that like should stick with like.

    Happy Christmas

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