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Posts posted by BangkokHank

  1. I just got back from Mega Bang Na, and by coincidence I went into the stand-alone Samsonite store there. Maybe it's new, as I don't think I had seen it before. It had quite a large selection of suitcases on display.


    From the Samsonite Thailand website:






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  2. On 2/28/2024 at 9:12 PM, Foxx said:


    The fact that he's followed by millions of people around the world simply shows that there are millions of scientifically illiterate, gullible people who are prepared to believe any old nonsense with a pseudoscientific presentation.

    And the fact that he is an inveterate liar about health benefits, there is no reason to presume he's right about anything (except, perhaps by accident).  According to him:


    - microwave ovens are dangerous

    - HIV doesn't cause AIDS

    - sunscreen causes cancer

    - homogenised milk is dangerous

    - If you constantly wear materials like rubber or 'plastic' shoes you'll be disconnected from the natural energy that flows from the Earth.


    And that's not even touching on his ludicrous beliefs about vaccines.

    The FDA sent him a warning letter about his COVID pronouncements.  https://www.fda.gov/inspections-compliance-enforcement-and-criminal-investigations/warning-letters/mercolacom-llc-607133-02182021


    Still, he's done very well for himself, now being worth $100 million on the back of his clueless supporters.

    The fact that millions of people around the world still use Wikipedia as a source simply shows that there are millions of scientifically illiterate, gullible people who are prepared to believe any old nonsense with a pseudoscientific presentation. Wikipedia has been totally discredited as a source for truthful information. 




    From this article:


    Many Wikipedia manipulators are editing articles almost all day and every day, indicating that they are either highly dedicated individuals, or perhaps operated by a group of people.


    Moreover, articles edited by these personae cannot easily be revised, since the above-mentioned administrators can always revert changes or simply block disagreeing users altogether.


    Many of these covert campaigns attempt to promote establishment and industry positions and destroy the reputation of critics. Because of its influence, German watchdog group WikiRadar described Wikipedia as “one of the most dangerous websites on the internet”.


    Particularly affected by this kind of systematic and covert manipulation are Wikipedia articles about political and geopolitical, commercial, societal, medical and some historical topics as well as biographies of non-compliant academics, journalists, and politicians.


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  3. You can buy the tickets on this website: https://12go.asia/en


    Enter your route and dates, and it will tell you what options are available on that date, if any.


    I used this website a few months ago to book train tickets in Uzbekistan, and it worked just fine.


    As for the trains in Vietnam, you can find information on this website:




    Actually it was from this website that I learned about the above one for booking/buying tickets. I wish I had known about it earlier. It would have saved me a lot of hassle buying my train tickets in Sri Lanka last year.


    Good luck.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Foxx said:

    An article by Mercola has absolutely zero credibility.  He's a quack and a snake oil salesman.  So, you've actually learned nothing from "this article".

    More about Mercola:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Mercola

    So you're saying that this doctor, who is followed by millions of people around the world, is wrong about EVERYTHING - even coffee? Your ridiculous statement says a lot more about you than it does about him.


    P.S. - Am I correct in assuming that you are "vaccinated" for COVID? Sucker.

  5. 49 minutes ago, khunjeff said:


    Vietnam requires a declaration when taking over 5k USD or 15 million VND (about $600) either in or out of the country. I was aware of the USD 5,000 rule, but not the 15 million VND rule. I'm glad you mentioned that because I'm going back again next month and I'll be carrying the 34 million VND that I brought out of the country with me. Interestingly, the customs officer who stopped me was not interested in the 34 million VND when I brought it out. So I wonder if that rule has been relaxed? I'll ask my Vietnamese friends.


    And the person who questioned the OP wasn't a security guard, it was a customs officer. Correct. In Vietnam, customs officers sit next to the security screeners (you can see the different uniform) and look for cash and contraband. Right. There were two guys sitting next to each other (wearing different uniforms), and the one who questioned me appeared to have been a customs officer (who, incidentally, spoke very good English). As you say, the screeners themselves are only looking for items that pose a danger to aviation.


    (Anyone who ever flew to VN years ago may recall that customs used to have its own x-ray machines just before immigration - they have since streamlined the system by having customs share a checkpoint with security.)



    I wonder whether we have the same friend, because the exact same thing (with the same amount of money) happened to a friend of mine. To this day I have no idea why they happened to talk to him when he came through the green lane, something that virtually never happens. My friend was a Chinese-American fellow by the name of Frank. How about your friend?

    My responses in bold above.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Prubangboy said:

    What's the air quality like? We nixed India for April for that reason. 


    Last year, we did The Cameron Highlands. Pretty and mellow, but very dull, Just a strip of samey S.Indian chapati joints. But very cool for most of the day.

    (I'll be in Borneo and Sulawesi this year).

    As I'm sure you know, India is a big country with varying conditions throughout. The air quality in the mountains was always fine when I was there.

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