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Posts posted by BangkokHank

  1. 16 minutes ago, Prubangboy said:

    What's the air quality like? We nixed India for April for that reason. 


    Last year, we did The Cameron Highlands. Pretty and mellow, but very dull, Just a strip of samey S.Indian chapati joints. But very cool for most of the day.

    (I'll be in Borneo and Sulawesi this year).

    As I'm sure you know, India is a big country with varying conditions throughout. The air quality in the mountains was always fine when I was there.

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  2. 38 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    Carrying legitimate cash of any amount is not illegal so why would anyone worry about "being caught"?

    Yes, you can carry any amount into Thailand. But if it is above a certain amount, it has to be declared. I have a friend who once entered Thailand with $100,000 cash that he didn't declare, and the Thais confiscated it all.

    • Confused 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Furioso said:

    I wonder how much cash you can stuff in your pockets and money belt without being caught? 


    Maybe stick $5,000 in your carry on and keep $10,000 in your pockets?

    They always make me empty by pockets before I go through the scanner.

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  4. You have to consider that in addition to all of those family members you mentioned, she also has to support an expensive, lazy boyfriend - with whom she laughs about you when they're in bed together.


    If I were you, I would give her 5,000 per week - on the condition that she visits you every weekend. No honey, no money.

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  5. 4 hours ago, newbee2022 said:

    Your first 2 sentences I can agree. But l then it is extremely confusing.

    Who is invading??

    Here the common sense definition:

    verb (used with object),in·vad·ed, in·vad·ing. to enter forcefully as an enemy; go into with hostile intent: Germany invaded Poland in 1939. to enter like an enemy: Locusts invaded the fields.

    Did I miss something? Or Biden keeps something secretly? Covered up?

    I suppose you will enlighten this forum, won't you?🙏


    Really? Have you not noticed the millions of military-aged men flooding across the southern US border since Biden was installed as President?

    • Confused 1
  6. 12 hours ago, still kicking said:

    George, I do have a runny nose all the time mostly when I have a meal, yes very annoying when I have a meal outside my place in a restaurant.

    It's the same for me. My nose runs most of the time, but it's especially bad when I eat. I found out recently that this runs in my family. My father suffers from this as well, and he just told me that his father did too. In fact, my grandfather used to joke that his nose runs and his feet smell (rather than his feet running and his nose smelling). Still, I find this very bothersome - and I hope to find a solution to it - a solution that doesn't involve medication.


    I don't think this is in any way related to vitamins because it happens to me whether I am taking vitamins or not.

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