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Posts posted by jcsmith

  1. 1 hour ago, patsfangr said:

    The fact that Americans rejected socialism by electing a President who truly wants to put AMERICA FIRST is proof that the country is headed in the right direction. President Trump is leading America to precisely what Samui Bodah described. 

    So many of the posters here have no idea about what is happening in America. They get their information from the extremely left wing American media; which uses a combination of lies, exaggerations, and biased speculation to hide the truth. The FACT is that the American economy is reversing the path to disaster that Obama's socialism had created. The unemployment rate is nearing an all time low, and that INCLUDES black Americans! Businesses are returning manufacturing plants from foreign countries. Taxes are lower, giving all Americans more money to improve their quality of life. And for the fool who said that "the rich pay no taxes", do a little research. The top 10% of income earners in the USA pay 75% of the taxes! Stop reading the lies from people like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the rest of the George Soros funded Democrats. America is doing MUCH better than it ever did under Barack Obama, the man who truly divided the country and incited the discontent and violence that grew during his 8 disastrous years in office. If the country can keep its borders secure, and prevent the invasion that the Democrats want, the REAL Americans will see improvement continue under its modified capitalist economy, with real opportunity for ALL  citizens continuing to rise. America will continue to be the bright shining light in the darkness that threatens to destroy the world. 

    How exactly is he putting America First? By picking fights with the rest of the world and tearing down alliances? The stock market has continued to rise out of its slump from the recession created under Bush, but it was trending that way already under Obama. Corporate profits have skyrocketed but it hasn't trickled down to most American's, wages are completely stagnant while entitlements are being decreased, and the cost of living is rising. You mention unemployment, it was already trended down from 10% to 5% under Obama. See attached image to illustrate that. 

    How can you say America is doing better now? We've been condemned by the U.N. over human rights violations. Our allies world wide are wondering if they can trust us? The U.S. image around the world dropped from 48% to 30% favorable, and unfavorability rose from 28% to 43% in Trump's first year in office. To put that in perspective that's 4% lower than it was after the invasion of Iraq. He's started trade wars, imposed tariffs on allies, attacked the justice system, and made a mockery of the office of president. Hyper-partisanship. Family separations. Increasing wealth distribution gap. Neutering of healthcare and entitlements. That's winning to you? 





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  2. 13 hours ago, liberty9133 said:

    Bill was a total nerd in school. Now , it's pay back time for him. He is not the kind of person one should follow. Why does he want to lower the population by billions? More important, when and how?

    Population control is a reality that we need to face. Not by executing people or starting wars. But it starts with not having families of ten. Reducing unplanned pregnancies. 

    Honestly I lived in Seattle in his heydey. Was not a fan of the guy or of Microsoft's shady business practices. But in recent years he's done a lot of good. 

  3. 1 hour ago, hobz said:

    Found this translation of the lyrics on Facebook. Not sure how accurate.


    The country that government is untouchable. 
    The police use law to threaten people. 
    Though you're enlightened, you have to pretend to sleep.
    และถ้ามึงไม่อยากอยู่ ถ้าเกิดเขาบังคับ มึงก็ต้องอยู่
    Even you don't wanna live, they will force you to live. 
    The country that people read less, especially the leader. 
    ประเทศที่บอกให้อยู่เฉยๆ ถ้าไม่อยากนอนเรือนจำ
    The country that asks you to stay quiet, or stay in jail.
    The country that corruption's always safe for the rich. 

    [ ประเทศกูมี ประเทศกูมี ]

    Seems pretty accurate to me. They have shown that the anti-corruption doesn't extend to themselves. They have flung around attitude adjustments as a weapon. Banned gatherings and speaking out. Forced a vote on a constitution that only they could speak about. Stretched out elections for years. Etc. That's the harsh reality.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Destiny1990 said:

    Bottom line they need all go home building  up their own country..

    If they want to go to Europe then they must apply for a tourist visa same as we need one for Thailand ! 

    Comparing the situation of someone from a wealthy country who chooses to retire or travel the world getting a visa to someone who is a refugee, coming from a violent and impoverished area is a good illustrates a complete disconnect. Some people hit the lottery when it comes to where they were born, others get a raw deal. This is tribalism. Nothing more.

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  5. On 10/14/2018 at 8:18 AM, lovelomsak said:

    This is the Swan song. Or to put it another way the last harrah. Germany like the rest of the world will go right in the not to distant future. The times they are a changing.

    There are too many smart people in the world for that to happen. Sure there are a bunch of lemmings who will seek to blame people for all of their woes, and politicians who will capitalize on that. Not everyone hates blindly. The makeup of the right extremists is primarily old white men. How is that sustainable as those guys die out?

  6. I went there recently. It may not be packed but the food was good. I still prefer the Salsa Kitchen in general but I thought the food here was good and the two have very different styles. The enchiladas and quesadillas were better than the Salsa Kitchen's imo, but hard to touch the Salsa Kitchen's chicken (which is stellar). I'll definitely go again as it's near the house and pretty tasty.

  7. 6 hours ago, sirineou said:

    Manafort will spend 883 days in jail which is how much time Trump has until his term is over. 

       Trump has litle to gain and a lot to lose from a pardon now,IMO a end of term pardon has being promised and will be delivered.


    But there is also  the State charges wildcard  that Trump can not pardon.

    I do agree on the pardon. If Trump pardons him now it will be political suicide. But I do bet that is one of his last moves as president will be to pardon him. As you said though, he can't pardon state crimes.

  8. 40 minutes ago, riclag said:

    You have been watching to much MSNBC and CNN,your mimicking all their  anti Trump narratives.He hasn't committed a crime ,it's all accusations to sway the public opinion! No evidence! No sitting down with  Comey's friend! You do recall Comey's interview with ABC news?Steffanoplis asked did you tell the POTUS at his first intel briefing that the Opp research  was paid for by the DNC and Clinton Campaign"No that wasn't my goal"Some boy-scout!

    If that's your best response to that mountain of evidence, then there isn't much else to say. All accusations? There is an actual email from Russians to Donald Trump Jr. that was also forwarded to Kushner and others where they clearly state in the email that it is about the Russian Governments effort to aid the Trump campaign and that it was about dirt on Hillary Clinton. After that email he responded, "I love it!" and took the meeting. That isn't accusations. That is pure fact.


    The Dossier was also funded originally by republicans to get dirt on Trump. Then later taken over by Hillary Clinton.

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  9. 13 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

    Time Mueller stops wasting tax payers' money. He and his enormous team have been paid more than enough already. Corruption beyond belief.

    They've spent FAR more on Trump's trips to his own properties (which he profits from). Where is the corruption from the Mueller team? Where was this concern over length of time when investigating Benghazi? You do realize there have been 32 indictments already and multiple guilty pleas. This is far from a witch hunt. Trump knows that and he's in meltdown mode.

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