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Posts posted by jcsmith

  1. 1 hour ago, marginline said:

    I can only hope President Trump can reestablish the FBI's reputation because it saddens me to see what I once truly believed to be the crown jewels of law and order - to be in such disarray.

    Considering it is Trump who has been the one leading the charge to tarnish their reputation, I doubt that is what he is interested in. He's interested in tarnishing the reputations of those who will be making statements that will be used against him in the Mueller case.

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  2. This was an interesting turn of events. While it seems it may have been another fly by night decision with the state department saying earlier in the day nothing like this was planned, it has the potential to go either way. They could come to a mutually beneficial agreement, and I wouldn't discount that. Trump needs it. Kim needs it. Or it could also turn really bad, really fast when you put two very volatile guys into the same room. It's worth a shot though.

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  3. 4 hours ago, Lungstib said:

    Didn't the big U.S. corporations freely choose to move their factories out of their country for cheaper labour costs? And doesn't the average American buy much of what they own from another country?  Are we really going to see Apple bring all its manufacturing into the U.S. and sell its then expensive product to happy consumers?  I dont see this trade war ending well especially for the average consumer who will only end up paying more.

    It will benefit Trump's business buddies who are likely contributing to him...

  4. 1 hour ago, Justfine said:

    Name 5 people who changed their votes.


    And officials meet officials ALL THE TIME.


    Your analysis is CNN level. 

    The name 5 people, you can't defend against the things said you come with something ridiculous like that. Name 5 people who changed their votes?

    1) What people are you talking about? Are they supposed to be broadcasting their vote somehow and I'm supposed to pick that up? 
    2) People don't have to change their vote, all they have to do is not show up to vote because they think neither candidate is worth voting for. In this case, I didn't like either candidate. But Hillary was the lesser of two evils. Some people though may think why bother voting I don't like either person as a result of that push. In a state with nearly 10 million people, and an election decided by 10,500 votes, that means basically if 1 in every 950 people decided not to vote the state just swung. 

    3) There are what 330 million Americans? The election was decided by about 75,000 votes in three states. You can't possibly believe that the propaganda campaign, and the all the email hoopla right before the election couldn't have affected some of those. It doesn't have to be a very large percentage. But as I said before the election is really irrelevant here. Trump is president you are the one adding all that other stuff in an attempt to change the subject rather than make an argument.


    As for the second bit, that officials meet officials all the time. You can get away with a one liner in a drunken bar conversation when you quickly switch the subject, but you can't get away with that here. Officials meet officials all the time... okay... But do they do that after an exchange of emails where they promise to give dirt on Hillary Clinton (after they have stolen the emails) and to which Don Jr quickly forwards this to Manafort, Kushner and company and they respond to take the meeting with an, "I love it!" Officials also don't typically leave those meetings off their security applications. They don't lie about the contents of the meeting to the public. They don't leave who was in the meeting. Once again, those are facts. If you dispute those facts then let's hear it. If you try to change the discussion again to another subject like, "but Hillary" then it will be pretty obvious to everyone what you are doing. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, Justfine said:

    False. HC harmed herself. Nothing to do with Russia. People saw her as a liar years before.


    It's sad when a losing team can't accept reality.

    I've never been a big fan of the Clinton's. But to try to say the Russian influence had no effect on the election is silly. The election was won by razor thin margins in battleground states that were targeted by their campaigns. It's all a moot point, Trump is president. But if he was cooperating with the Russian effort he belongs in prison. That's what the investigations are about.

    These Russian girls may not have anything of value. They may be lying. But that is something that needs to be determined. To try to shoot that down on an assumption, or to try to shoot down the investigations into Russia is silly. When you have a trail of convictions and indictments, along with a whole lot of suspicious activity, it's no longer a witch hunt. If you are continually trying to dismiss any damaging info shows that you care more about justifying that you elected the guy than you do about the state of the country. If Trump colluded or exchanged with the Russians knowingly, then he is still compromised which damages the country. That is something people should be concerned about. Instead they are concerned with having hung their flag on this dude, and now trying to keep him in power so they don't look bad.

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  6. 32 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

    One question that bugs me about alleged Russian involvement in the US Presidential Race is motive.  Why would Putin want a right-wing Republican in the White House rather than a left-leaning Democrat?

    Because he's their right-wing republican. There was captured chatter of russian intelligence mentioning Trump's name before he declared himself as running. He likely has a long history with some of the oligarchs possibly in things like money laundering, whatever the case they used to talk up their Russian contacts then suddenly they have no contacts with Russia or Russian investments. I think most likely Russia wanted to target Trump because if they already either had compromising information on him, and realized that he may be more amenable to a quid quo pro than other candidates. They also probably also realized his ego and incompetence would damage the United States.

  7. 20 minutes ago, Justfine said:

    A hooker who can't even organise a visa cannot sink a potato let alone someone with power. This sink Trump nonsense has been going on for ages.


    Fake news.

    You may well be right, but none of us know what she does or does not know. However I think anything that comes to light you'd call fake news. I'd like someone from the state department to contact her and see what it is that she is selling and if it is legitimate and worth trading. It's hard to imagine that happening though with Tillerson and Trump.

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