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Posts posted by jcsmith

  1. 3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

    I think it will be borne out that Pence and Trump DID KNOW about Flynn making back-room deals with the Russkies - during the transition.  The reason everyone is bleating that Pence didn't know - is to shield Pence.  Even the press corps is sucked into that one.  If it's proven that both the prez-elect and VP-elect knew, then they're in on the violation of the Hatch Act.  They're all 3 guilty.  Mark my words.


    Quite possibly. Time will tell. 

    What we definitely know though is that Pence knew about the foreign agent dealings and lied about it on TV. He was the head of the transition, and the transition team was notified about this fact both from congress, and from Flynn's lawyers himself. Then went out and acted shocked like he had no idea. 

    Trump is the opposite. He's too dumb to cover it up. 

  2. 36 minutes ago, Rancid said:

    Hmm, so laying waste to Iraq and Afghanistan with hundreds of thousands dead (including children) was perfectly acceptable to the State Department, but child soldiers aren't? They don't seem to have a problem with drone assassinations, the destruction of Libya and Syria, or the genocide in Yemen either, guess moral stands are selective as to who is in power at the time.

    Not to justify any of the negative things that the U.S. does, but what does that have to do with trying to prevent kids from going to war? 

  3. 2 hours ago, BuaBS said:

    Trump has been dismissive of fabricated CIA inteligence from the beginning .

    Fabricated? Considering part of these things have been independently verified by foreign intelligence, and since Twitter and Facebook have began admitting to the extent, that isn't going to fly. The CIA didn't fabricate Little Donnie and Kushner's email chains. They both admit to them. They didn't fabricate Flynn's involvement. They didn't go out in front of the TV and say, "Hey Russia if your listening, please find the rest of Clinton's emails." They didn't get caught time and time again lying in an effort to cover things up. 

  4. 3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

    Trump refuses to believe all top US intel agencies - which conclude that Russian agents interfered majorly with US election campaign.

    He knows they did it because his campaign and likely he personally aided. Otherwise why would he go through this elaborate process that changed from outright denials, to collusion isn't illegal, to the people who colluded weren't major parts of the campaign, to its only opposition research, to hey Putin denies it that's good enough for me.


    What I would say here is that the Republican party, Fox News, and a whole lot of posters on these forums know in their hearts that something isn't right here. Yet they will deny, change the subject, and do anything they can to deny it ever happened until there are convictions. By then it will be too late because they will have lost all credibility.

  5. 11 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    Shameful, but not surprising, to see Trump and the right politicizing a terrorist attack.

    Yeah, it's a shame. This is the same group of people who kept saying that it wasn't the time to talk about climate change during the hurricane season... And that it wasn't the time to talk about gun control in the aftermath of what happened in Vegas. But now is apparently the time here...

  6. 4 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

    Does anyone even look at internet ads? Whatever Adblocker doesn't catch my eyes seem to automatically screen out. And isn't Facebook primarily populated with a demographic too young to even vote?

    This is wrong on pretty much every point. Yes many people do look at internet ads, in fact the number of people who get their news from social media has skyrocketed in recent years. The news that gets shared here is sharing articles from fictitious groups, people simply share it, and much of that is not blockable. And just about everyone is on Facebook of all ages these days. 

  7. 22 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

    The losses are for Democrat voters...and they're getting a belly full!

    This move will cost tax payers, it will raise insurance premiums, and it will dump a million people off health care. Who exactly is the winner here? The only winner here is Trump being able to say he did something to hurt Obamacare, and his desperate legion of mindless minions who desperately need something they can claim as a positive. But if this is your positive, you're in a dark place.

  8. 18 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

    As for timing:  When Mueller's team are ready to release their first tranche of findings, that's when Trump will tell his top brass to go for it.

    This wouldn't be surprising. I mean we're just over a year past the anniversary of the day when:


    1. The U.S. government announces that Russia is trying to interfere in the election to aid trump.
    2. (30 minutes later) The Access Hollywood tape is leaked.
    3. (30 minutes after that) The Podesta emails are released on wikileaks.
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