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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. 18 hours ago, Pawel1 said:

    Yes we are in the EU, in Poland.


    We tried in London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine but they told us it's not possible to be treated there privately. Only on NHS (they turned us down).

    We didn't consideret yet Paris but we'll definetly look into that.


    The symptoms were there before treatment, also in between treatements there were long peiods of time and symptoms didn't change.

    What alternative approach are you sugesting? I'm open to anything that could help.


    Do you have covid-19 vaccines in mind? Disease started long before she got vaccinated. Nothing changed after she took the vaccine (ofcourse it was consulted with doctors).


    Before Thailand we didn't take any vaccines because we were vaccinated 1,5 year earlier (for recomended vaccines for Asia).



    OK, then there is the 'Hospital for Tropical Diseases', which is nhs. London.


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