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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. On 12/5/2019 at 9:09 AM, yogi100 said:

    Apparently you have to apply for that 2 month SETV on line in some countries and it's not as straight forward as it was. Some older blokes do not even know how to turn a computer on let alone apply on line for a visa.


    Then you've got to chase down to Jomtien and hope you can get another month's extension.


    People want to be able to relax for the 3 or 4 months, not have to go chasing about or flying in and out of Thailand while they're on winter break or a long holiday. It's bad enough having to fly for hours on end and half way round the world just to get to Thailand.


    Then you have to contend with ever rising prices prices, a lousy exchange rate and the worsening and increasingly mercenary attitude of the locals once you've arrived there.


    As others have said I also know a couple of regular visitors who are calling it a day and one of my ex pat chums who has been in Pattaya for 12 years is going back to the UK in February and may not come back. He says it's not the Thailand he knew before and he's had it with the place.


    Some people simply don't want the aggravation, that's why fewer falangs will be coming to Thailand for long holidays in the future. I'm in Pattaya right now and it's the quietest I've ever seen it at this time of the year. It can and will only get worse.

    It is indeed a right faf getting into Thailand, I have to consider Spain or Italy next year,

    cheap short flight, cheap accomodation, how difficult can it be? Might even try Russia.

    • Like 1
  2. 7 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

    Alright, geez, this reminds me of a joke.


    Little Johnnie and Suzie were playing together one day and, being curious as children are wont, they decided to see what they each looked like.


    So little Johnnie drops his drawers while little Suzie divests herself of her skirt and there they sit in the grass across from each other staring.


    Little Johnnie espies little Suzie's pudenda, a bit taken aback at a certain absence, and pointing his finger to his little protuberance mockingly remarks, "Why you haven't one of these!!!"


    Unperturbed little Suzie proudly responds, "Well, my mother told me that with one of these," pointing to her little muffin, "I could have as many of those as I want!!"


    Now I'm not so sure this is a joke as much as it's just a statement of absolute truth.  The Power of Pussy.


    Man's sad fate in this world; his life begins by emerging out of a woman's pussy and he spends the rest of his miserable existence trying to get back in.



    Yeah indeed, can be a sad fate, as proven by the number of divorced blokes hitting Patters..

    me included. Bear in mind the old saying 'If you want to sleep at night marry an ugly woman'..

    which I did by accident. Turned out to be a different sort of beauty..like this music.....


    • Haha 1
  3. 7 hours ago, SheungWan said:

    Populist Conspiracy Theory gibberish. 

    Surely, there is no such thing as Conspiracy Theory.

    This is confirmed by an article in the INDEPENDENT.


    We already know that AI can be used to manipulate

    public opinion. Massive swarms of political bots were

    used in the 2017 general election in the UK to spread

    misinformation and fake news on social media. The

    same happened during the US presidential election in

    2016 and several other key political elections around

    the world.


    These bots are autonomous accounts that are programmed

    to aggressively spread one-sided political messages to

    manufacture the illusion of public support. This is an

    increasingly widespread tactic that attempts to shape

    public discourse and distort political sentiment.

    Typically disguised as ordinary human accounts, bots

    spread misinformation and contribute to an acrimonious

    political climate on sites like Twitter and Facebook. They

    can be used to highlight negative social media messages

    about a candidate to a demographic group more likely to

    vote for them, the idea being to discourage them from

    turning out on election day.

    No Conspiracy here, just government business as usual.


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