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Posts posted by rubl

  1. The major issue? Grassroots having been duped by some rich people and their lackeys in believing that those would fight for their "fill in whatever". Years lost because of demagogues, selfish people. Plus of course the other side not really much better at times.


    The people suffer, especially when a billionair stands up and convinces some to speak 'for the people',  'in the peoples voice'. Nothing new, not even specific Thai.

  2. " The Initial Studies are to demonstrate the formulation of strategic directions to manage existing, future and residual flood risks in selected areas of the Lower Mekong Basin. "


    Can someone translate this for me, preferably in more 'tangible' terms.


    I'm not sure of the value of demonstrating the formulation of strategic directions. Seems like some bureaucrats ran amok.

  3. 11 hours ago, eisfeld said:


    That's a minimum monthly budget as I understand. Nobody wants to live on the minimum budget. Do you have some actual numbers about how much these people are contributing to the Thai economy and how much they are "using"?


    Regarding your second paragraph about "why stay in Thailand and complain?": this is getting really silly. 5th grade style of argumentation. But let me help you: there's more to a country than work permits. And suggesting how things could be done better is a good thing.


    The Forbes article is about the best places to stay on a minimal budget, or just the cheapest places to stay without compromising what is needed (for some).


    As for the argumentation, seen nothing to suggest these 'digital nomads' are a real, valuable contribution to Thailand. They just 'use' the place for their own convenience, stay on the fringe or even outside Thai society. Interested in surviving, making money and moving off when a better place is found. Nomads. Those who settled dislike them for their 'can uproot any time' attitude when society comes too close for their comfort. Luckily they're not shot, or forced to settle in reservations like we did with the Indians.

  4. 12 hours ago, Fabricus said:


    Thanks bro, but I think I've already seen it.


    Maybe someone should make a movie about Thailand-based digital nomads. You could play the part of the fumbling Thai immigration officer; I could be the digital smart arse who manages to stay one step ahead of you. I guess Jessica Alba could be my love interest.  


    I'm afraid I've got to decline. I already have a full-time job and also 'being a movie actor' is not in the description in my work permit.

  5. 1 minute ago, eisfeld said:


    I'm not into the Digital Nomad scene but if these western folks can't make 50k THB at least per month then I dunno, they must be doing something fundamentally wrong. But no matter if it's 20k or 200k, I think they are clearly a net plus for the Thai economy. Nobody said they are a big advantages, they are miniscule compared to the tourist, car, manufacturing etc industries. Doesn't negate the fact that they are a positive thing.


    You not having any troubles to get a work permit is nice if you work for a local company. But these folks are working for foreign companies for which it is impossible to get a work permit. It shouldn't need to be made easier for them to get visa+work permit, it should be possible in the first place.


    The global trend is to make it more difficult? On a global scale... maybe. The other countries around Thailand seem to make it easier. And even if everyone was to make it more difficult, that doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. "A thousand flies can't be wrong"?


    The Forbes article of the OP has CM on #5 with

    " Total monthly budget: $1,000 per person (36,380 Thai baht) "



    If other countries make getting a work permit easy, why stay in Thailand and complain?

  6. 4 hours ago, eisfeld said:


    All the income that these folks bring into the country directly helps the Thai economy. Each of these guys surely spend tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of Baht every month. This more than balances their use of infrastructure and that's exactly also the reason why they are tolerated. And if the government gave them an easy way to get a proper visa and work permit, they'd even get more in form of taxes. Everyone would win.


    PS: marking your whole post in bold makes it a bit silly, as if it's more important than the other posts.


    Excuses for the bold setting. That was not on purpose, must have touched the button without noticing.


    As for the 'big' advantage of having these folks here in Thailand, I doubt they spent hundreds of thousands of Baht each month, or even close to hundred thousand. Low cost of living would not be an issue if they would.


    As for 'easy way' to visa and work permit, never had a problem so don't really understand how or even why it should be made easier. Do you realise the global trend is to make it more difficult?

  7. 3 hours ago, YeahSiam said:


    More asinine commentary

    How do you know they didn't pay for the laying down of infrastructure?

    What do you think VAT is if not a tax?

    Where do you think the fees paid for visas, re-entry permits, extensions, VOAs etc go if not into the government's coffers?

    Nothing you or any other curtain-twitching busybody says is going to change what digital nomads do.

    Only the Thai authorities can change what goes on and, so far, they don't consider it worthy of the effort so sit there and grind your dentures if you like; no one gives a shit.


    Well thank you for your succinct comments. Really eye opening. Somehow it suggest you're one of those digital brethren and feel threatened by reality.


    Profiting, plain and simple.


    PS I assume a slight oversight you forgot to mention the costs of acquiring a work permit 


  8. 6 hours ago, Fabricus said:


    Seriously, get a life.


    Digital nomads are just youngsters bumming around the world.  They harm no one. I doubt they earn much, but at least they're happy.


    I can never understand why people are so obsessed with digital nomads. It's not just here on ThaiVisa, either. Over on the BigLoony forum they're just as obsessed.




    first an attack then an 'innocent people'  and ending with a mere suggestion of someone being obsessed.


    Anyway, watch the movie Tron for real digital nomads and lost bits :smile:

  9. 1 hour ago, YeahSiam said:


    Who's promoting?

    It's a discussion.

    Personally, I don't give a shit if people choose to do online work to support themselves while in Thailand but then again, I'm not a Thai official so strictly speaking, it's none of my damned business.

    It's none of yours either.


    A discussion of illegal practises and even a promotion with the off-the-cuff remark that it's none of our business?


    So, stop discussing.

  10. 14 minutes ago, YeahSiam said:



    In the UK, according to conventional populist "wisdom", foreigners are responsible for taking all the jobs and all the welfare benefits.

    How they manage to do it at the same time is anyone's guess.


    In any case, this topic is to do with online work.

    Digital nomads aren't doing locals out of work since much of the time, they're working for clients and customers that Thais have little or no access to.......

    Even if they could, they'd still be competing with the same people regardless of whether those people were based in Thailand or in London, New York or wherever.


    Ah, so it's not taking away other peoples jobs, it's just illegal activities according to the law of the land here and not only here. Except in Continental Europe of course, freedom of goods, labour and movement for those with the right passport or visa and other papers.


    Coming to Thailand as a tourist and doing work? Absolutely forbidden. Even promoting such on this Thailand forum based in Thailand is borderline [sic]

  11. Interesting this topic about working in Thailand without proper papers. Silly me would have thought that to be illegal as in against the local law.


    Amazing the support for 'of course people can do it'. Might I ask if some of the members here from the UK or USA follow the news at home about 'foreigners taking all the jobs', 'illegal work', etc., etc. Equally nonsense to require people over there to have papers ?

  12. 4 minutes ago, transam said:

    Think you must admit though that there are school boys out there that risked their LOS freedom just to feeerk up POTY....Unbelievable....There are a lot of folk out here really laughing at numb-nuts.... b0211.gif


    LOS freedom ?


    Somehow I think you mean 'right of access' to TVF only.

  13. " We have witnessed those epic POTY duels "


    Not really my type of fun, ThaiVisa get's annually unfazed, or maybe more lots of members who couldn't care less. POTY stands for, well never mind, I'll stuff it in the garbage annihilating utility.


    All IMHO of course, with a smile on New Year's Eve.



  14. Interesting. On the BP website I just read a Yingluck Aide said the RPPS was necessary to stabilize the sluggish economy.


    And here I thought that the 'self-financing' scam was to benefit the poor rice farmers who got paid-out 870 billion Baht directly by the Yingluck government, at least in October, 2015 Pheu Thai said so, with a “without any leaks or without any other people benefiting from the scheme.” "


    Seems the story gets more different every times I care to check.

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