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Posts posted by McGinty

  1. I'll be honest, I have always coveted beautiful women. I am not a bad looking guy myself, a 6.5/7 out of 10 maybe, but I have never seriously considered staying with any women that was lower down or even on the same step of the ladder of attractivenss as myself.

    My women now is a stunner, actually better than what I am used to, but if anything it has made my discerning taste even more refined. Another poster wrote this on another thread.

    In fact, once you get it out of your system and seeing beautiful women becomes commonplace, it stops being of such importance. Hopefully, if I get married some day, it will be to someone that I can trust who actually cares about me, instead of some pretty airhead

    This is so far away from my thinking that I wonder how many others think this way too? I don't mean that I dont value personality it's just that without great looks I dont stay interested. Actually to be honest I am surprised by how often I see men with very mediocre looking women. Especially in Thailand where any, well nearly any, decent man can get a real looker. Now this makes me sound shallow, but I am just being honest. Afterall, how often do you see a pro footballer or an actor with a 4/10 on his arm?

    Aren't we in Asia partly to avoid having to put up with some sour faced donut in our bed?

    Afterall, how often do you see a pro footballer or an actor with a 4/10 on his arm?

    David Beckham obviously dosn't rate beautiful as important, neither did Tom Cruise when he was married to Nichole Kidman.

    But they DO think these women are beautiful. Obviously, you don't think so, and as I said before....beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  2. vrsushi

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and although you think you've got a "stunner", others might see her as just okay, or even plain or too boyish or whatever. How many times have you looked at the girlfriends of other falangs and wondered what he sees in her - well maybe other men think the same about you :o


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