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Posts posted by growe237

  1. Apple TV. Got it. Love it.

    Stream Netflix, Hulu Plus, HBO GO, news, sports, weather, music and tons more..... and of course you can buy entertainment from iTunes.

    You can also download movies and entertainment from your favorite torrent and stream it from your computer to the TV wirelessly through Apple TV.

    Of course you can do all this stuff with memory sticks, cables from your computer etc... but at only 99bucks for an Apple TV, why would you?

    How to you convince Hulu Plus or Frontline, etc. that you are in the US so you can stream or download?

    • Like 1
  2. I had this years ago in Kanchanaburi at Jolly Frog - had not come in contact with any plants and finally determined it was a reaction to pesticide or herbicide being sprayed. Very similar to my poison ivy reactions except this was even hotter, skin eventually peeled off, area was about 8" by 2".

  3. Da's Bakery on soi where Somphet Market is my favorite - good omelettes, wholewheat croissants, coffee (not to my liking so I have tea and get my coffee elsewhere), plate of fresh fruit. A great healthy bakery, moving up the street to larger location.

  4. American Breakfast for only 59 baht.... best deal in Chiang Mai.

    Don't know the name of the place we just call it the "American Breakfast Place".


    Starting at Taepae Gate walking or riding NORTH to Soi 7. Turn LEFT. Approx 100 meters. Soi 7 directly accross from the Eurana Boutique Hotel.

    For 59 baht you get 2 eggs (cooked to order I normally get scrambled), becon or sasage or ham, toast, orange juice with coffee or tea.

    (TV not letting me add map)

    Northland GH/Hotel

  5. Most of the time it is not taken correctly anyway. Either the arm band is put on to tight or loose .They do not understand when you show them the correct fitting.

    That is in most cases but not all that I have experienced here.

    I had my legs crossed at ankles when a nurse came to take my blood pressure in a crisis situation and she never even asked me to uncross them.

  6. I just bought a toshiba portege z935 and pleased with battery life - yesterday, I unplugged it after fully charging, and with on and off wifi usage throughout the day, it lasted 5 hours. Probably 2.5 hours of that was usage with bright screen. Definitely preserve battery life by fully charging and fully discharging.

    Am going to check your link out for sure - http://www.notebookreview.com/default.asp?newsID=3597&article=wireless+and+battery+power

    And check this out, too. http://www.friedbeef.com/top-15-ways-to-extend-your-laptop-battery-life/

  7. I'm 34, my partner will be 35 when we get there.

    We have looked at condos for rent and seem to only cost 10,000 baht per month. We were
    hoping that another 10,000 per month would be enough for food and water.
    By the sounds of it so far I get the impressive this isn't enough?

    We didn't plan on taking part in the usual tourist activities of eating out and drinking in bars every night. Also we would bother with cars or scooters etc.

    My partner and I live on about 25,000 eating cheap good local thai food and drinking beer (from shops not bars) every night. You could get by on less if you don't drink. We use bicycles, green buses and some hitching (have made some life-long thai friends this way, altho they all tell us not to do it - lol - we have not had problems) for transport and love our uncomplicated life in the chiangmai/lamphun area.

  8. 'Tourist Court'. Should be as genuine as Judge Judy or The Peoples Cour

    Stand here, say that, the verdict will be ...

    I went to court once when they caught the teenager or grabbed my bag. It was the bizarre experience I have ever had in thailand. I wish I had taken better notes. At the end, the judge asked ME what I wanted the punishment to be. Wha??? No idea if he ended up in juvey detention or what. The judge told the boy to ask my forgiveness and he crawled on his knees across the aisle to me with palms raised in subservient wai.

    • Like 1
  9. My Thai wife was recently a victim of a motor bike bag snatch in Malaysia and it happens in seconds. I had always said if this happens don't fight back & she didn't. Nobody in the street came to our aid. The Malaysian police said it's an increasing problem in the past few years and that tourists have been injured. Here in Pattaya there are obviously bag snatch incidents, as we know also Thai on Thai. Difference is that the Thai's in the street will assist and a few have been chased, caught and beaten by Thai's (at least in the Soi Nernplubwan area).

    My bag was snatched by off a small table in a tiny sidewalk cafe in Chiang Mai where I was having coffee. I yelled tuukkamoi! and thai shopkeepers came pouring onto the street, chasing the kid. By the time they caught him, there were 15 thai people handing me back my bag and patting my shoulder. The police came and I ended up going to court later - VERY interesting situation - but my point is that Thai people, at least in northern Thailand, DO help tourists who have been victimized.

    • Like 2
  10. We make sauerkraut in Maine and let it work (ferment) at room temp. until it's ready, then put it in fridge or cool area when you want fermentation to stop. Just made a quart last week and didn't use any sugar as we just read that cabbage had enough natural sugar. The key to keeping it is to keep the sauerkruat covered with the juice so air doesn't get to the kraut and make it spoil. Since it was such a small batch, we used the cuisenart to shred it and a wooden spoon to pound it. Later this fall, will make a big batch will use sugar with five gallons with sugar and one with three gallons without sugar and see which we like better and which lasts better.

  11. My husband has traveled all over Thailand, top to bottom, hitch-hiking, usually alone, sometimes with me, for the last sixteen years. Sometimes driver is driving too fast for comfort and we get off at next stop. One driver asked us for money for gas which we gave promptly. Have never had a problem and, although most of you will say we are insane, I have to say that some of our closest Thai friends today are folks who picked us up years ago. The police have always been super friendly and helpful to the point of bringing us chairs on the side of the road, taking us to next good spot, and sharing their whiskey and food and watching soccer with them.

    In response to OP? Thai people, other than those above who picked us up and are now friends, say it is way too dangerous to even think about hitching. We can afford public transport but prefer bicycles locally (CM, CK and Lamphun) and we find older buses too crowded and uncomfortable and newer buses, too cold and too boring. Hitching is NEVER boring. Except maybe when waiting for a ride. If no luck, we hop a bus.

  12. I am planning to fly standby out of BKK this week. Does anyone know what happens, if I go through Passport Control and security, etc., and then am denied a seat because flight is full? I will have departed Thailand with no more entries altho my tourist visa doesn't actually run out until Mar8. Is there a procedure for leaving the airport which means getting back into the country - and trying again to leave the following day after having been stamped out.

    Any ideas or suggestions are much appreciated!

  13. << The given fact that this is a breaking news story says either a lot about the editors here or about the criminality in Thailand. >>

    The same thing happened to me in Chiang Mai in broad daylight on a quiet, empty soi while sitting at a coffee shop with my bag sitting next to my coffee cup. The coffee shop owner and I jumped up, chased the thief, yelling, "Kamui! Kamui!" Thais poured out of shops and homes and chased the kid down several blocks away. A small Thai woman nailed the thief using Tae Kwon Do. There were probably fifteen of us involved in the chase plus a motorcyclist and possibly a sawngtao who could have been only marveling at the sight. Soon a half dozen police showed up - more than I have seen all winter.

    It is my impression that most thieves who rob tourists are not caught and if so, are not prosecuted successfully because the tourists go home. I went to court last week to testify even though the thief confessed. Kind of a sad story, as I guess many are when resorting to thievery to get what you want.

    I love Thailand and will return next winter but I think petty crime of this nature could be markedly reduced if there was a more visible police presence on the street.

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