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Everything posted by TallGuyJohninBKK

  1. Claim that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines contain DNA contaminants based on study of vials of “unknown provenance”; no evidence COVID-19 mRNA vaccines can alter DNA in people Published on: 23 Jun 2023 "Inadequate support: Neither the preprint by McKernan et al. nor the other studies cited in the article provided evidence for the claim that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines contained significant DNA contamination or that the vaccines can alter DNA in people." https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/claim-covid-19-mrna-vaccines-dna-contaminants-study-unknown-provenance-no-evidence-covid-19-mrna-vaccines-alter-dna-people/
  2. Thanks for addressing yet another of Red Phoenix's ongoing anti-vax tirades of misleading info and misinformation.
  3. Further from Buckhaults' posted comments, from your link above: "5. IMO, these vaccines saved a lot of lives. Far more than the number of people who have had medical events subsequent to vaccine. So overall, these vaccines were a win. However, those who experienced harm deserve to have scientists and regulators look carefully at possible causes. Even if the adverse events turn out to have nothing to do with the vaccine, these people deserve to be heard with dignity and respect and have their concerns investigated by competent and caring people."
  4. More COVID vaccine misinformation from familiar anti-vax misinfo providers: Brownstone Institute "We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to a failed fact check and the promotion of misinformation regarding Covid-19. ... During the covid-19 pandemic, they promoted vaccine hesitancy, such as why I Will Not Take the Second Dose. They have also promoted misinformation and made false claims about vaccines (see fact checks below)." https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/brownstone-institute-bias/
  5. News flash - Boss cited for "minor role" in death of Thai motorcycle policeman he allegedly ran down and killed with his fancy car driving at a high rate of speed and while UI. ????
  6. When it comes to COVID conspiracy theories of all sorts, they're at or near the top of the heap, and various members here are continually echoing their spurious, unsubstantiated claims, as with the OP in this thread.
  7. You mean like the Republican right-wingers in Congress? For me, I like to weigh the actual evidence and the varying opinions of actual experts on the issues of what to make of that evidence.... something the Republican conspiracy theorists on this issue seem to avoid like the plague. "All U.S. intelligence agencies rejected the allegation that participants in a clandestine Chinese biologic weapons program intentionally developed SARS-CoV-2. Yet a report issued in mid-December 2022 by Republican members of the House of Representatives still credited that theory." https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp2305081
  8. "Most scientists refute this theory because there is considerable evolutionary distance between the two viruses." That kinda makes the physical distance issue irrelevant, at least in terms of the COVID lab leak theory, given the substantial divergence between the bat virus in the lab and the virus that ended up as COVID.
  9. Here's a look at his menu of the Bread Street Kitchen in Liverpool, with prices listed that I'm assuming are in GBP... Bread St Kitchen Liverpool menu.pdf Interesting that Ramsay has a series of hamburger focused eateries in the U.S. and some other countries, but they're apparently not bringing that particular concept to Thailand.
  10. New England Journal of Medicine: June 22, 2023 "Proponents of the accidental laboratory leak theory stress the geographic location of the WIV in the city where the pandemic began. They point to the presence of the bat coronavirus RaTG13 strain at the laboratory, arguing that genetic manipulations such as gain-of-function (GOF) research may have produced SARS-CoV-2. Most scientists refute this theory because there is considerable evolutionary distance between the two viruses." The Origins of Covid-19 — Why It Matters (and Why It Doesn’t) https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp2305081
  11. Actual scientists with expertise in the field lean more toward the natural cause theory, unlike right-wing Republican politicians who have been drum-beating on the issue but have no expertise (or credibility) on the issue whatsoever. What does the science say about the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic? February 28, 2023 "Virologists who study pandemic origins are much less divided than the U.S. intelligence community. They say there is "very convincing" data and "overwhelming evidence" pointing to an animal origin. In particular, scientists published two extensive, peer-reviewed papers in Science in July 2022, offering the strongest evidence to date that the COVID-19 pandemic originated in animals at a market in Wuhan, China." https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2023/02/28/1160162845/what-does-the-science-say-about-the-origin-of-the-sars-cov-2-pandemic
  12. The HHS letter you linked to above makes absolutely no mention of the coronavirus outbreak or anything specific regarding any causal role of WIV in it. The rest is just unfounded speculation on your part, as usual. There remain divided views among both federal agencies and the scientific community on the origins of the pandemic, with the scientific community especially leaning more in the direction of a natural cause. The HHS action re WIV doesn't change that, especially given that a good part of the rationale for the HHS's action was WIV's refusal to cooperate in the inquiry and provide requested documentation. Newly declassified report shows U.S. intelligence community remains divided over likely origin of Covid June 24, 2023 "A long-anticipated government report on the origins of Covid-19 offered new details on the U.S. intelligence community’s findings but did not state definitively whether the source of the coronavirus was exposure to an infected animal or an event at a laboratory. ... “All agencies continue to assess that both a natural and laboratory-associated origin remain plausible hypotheses to explain the first human infection,” the Office of the Director of National Intelligence said Friday in a 10-page declassified report. ... While the National Intelligence Council and four unnamed agencies assessed that natural exposure to an infected animal was the most likely scenario for the first human infection, the Department of Energy and FBI’s assessment was that a laboratory-associated incident was more likely the cause." https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/us-intelligence-agencies-remain-divided-likely-covid-origin-rcna90914
  13. And further: The presence of titanium dioxide in face masks hasn’t been associated with toxicity or any health problems "Titanium dioxide is a naturally occurring mineral used as a whitener, matting agent, sunscreen, and more recently as a nanomaterial. ... Its classification as a “possible carcinogen” to humans was a precautionary measure based on data from studies in rats. However, no studies so far have shown a toxic effect of this compound in humans, even at high levels of occupational exposure." https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/titanium-dioxide-face-masks-hasnt-been-associated-with-toxicity-health-problems/
  14. The article you quote above, according to its credits, was written by a bunch of people who have no professional expertise in the subject of the article, including a surgeon/independent researcher, a veterinarian, and a psychologist, among others. And of course, no indication the article in question was peer reviewed by anyone with actual expertise. As for the supposed masks and CO2 issue, per Reuters fact checking: "Firstly, there is no evidence to suggest face masks cause oxygen deprivation that is “dangerous” to adult brains or that prevent a youthful brain from developing properly. A study from U.S. researchers in July found an average face mask did not limit the flow of oxygen to the lungs – and even in test subjects with severe lung diseases.... Reuters has previously debunked claims that face masks cause hypercapnia, a condition that develops after inhaling too much carbon dioxide." https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-oxygen/fact-check-face-masks-do-not-cause-terrible-damage-to-the-brain-by-depriving-it-of-oxygen-idUSKBN2761ZW And as for your cite about titatium dioxide particles being found in some face mask materials, the article you cited included the following: "No assumptions were made about the likelihood of the release of TiO2 particles itself, since direct measurement of release and inhalation uptake when face masks are worn could not be assessed. The importance of wearing face masks against COVID-19 is unquestionable." And the full article continues: "Face mask have an important role in the measures against the COVID-19 pandemic1. So far, no data are available that indicate that the possible risk associated with the presence of TiO2 particles in face masks outweighs the benefits of wearing face masks as protection measure." https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-06605-w#Tab1 It's also worth noting, that NONE of the dozen Europe sourced masks examined by those researchers were NIOSH certified by the U.S. government agency that regulates masks for safety. And Reuters further commented on the research in a fact check report: Fact Check-No evidence titanium dioxide in face masks is dangerous to wearers "Some face masks contain minute quantities of titanium dioxide, a mineral that has been flagged as a possible cancer risk when inhaled, but there is no evidence that mask users inhale it at all, or in harmful quantities." ... study co-author Jan Mast confirmed to Reuters in an email that his team did not test whether people could actually inhale titanium dioxide from wearing the masks examined in the study. “We did not test this." https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-masks-titanium-dioxide/fact-check-no-evidence-titanium-dioxide-in-face-masks-is-dangerous-to-wearers-idUSL1N32L11T
  15. IMHO, they're all criminals in some way or another... Just not all of them have actually been prosecuted and convicted yet. Same as their predecessors.
  16. But I'm guessing, the drugs you're using are over the counter variety and not among the many that only hospital pharmacies are legally allowed to dispense here. For example, back in my home country, various antibiotic medications (pills) are by doctor's prescription only, but you can fill those at any regular pharmacy. Here, antibiotics don't require any doctor's order. You can just walk into any pharmacy and buy whatever you want. However, there are many other kinds of drugs that can only be dispensed by a hospital pharmacy, and not an outside retail pharmacy.
  17. And I'd guess, overall, they're long on domestically sourced or generic drugs that can be acquired and used relatively cheaply, and probably short/shorter on imported drugs, including those for which there are no generics, that are going to be more expensive and harder to obtain here.
  18. "He and other suspects who were not yet fully identified by the CIB embezzled 41,045,966.67 baht from the foundation." That would be interesting, to learn who else was in on the Buddhist foundation scamming/skimming -- not that we're likely to hear more about it from the police anytime soon.
  19. I'd say the claim above is quite a bit of PR puffery... IKEA, among others, might take issue with that. I'd never heard of this group before, and when checking, see they're a relative newcomer in Thailand and have just a handful of mostly fashion brand related ventures... and not much in restaurants at all. https://www.tanachira.co.th/ "TANACHIRA Business Overview TANACHIRA Group is the leading Thailand retailer importing world-famous lifestyle and fashion products. We manage three international brands and one self-owned brand." From my reading, their most notable local holding seems to be the local rights for the Finnish home/lifestyle brand Marimekko.
  20. I liked his modern Italian place that used to be on the ground floor of Siam Discovery (I think). Not cheap, but moderately priced for farang, and the food quite nice. Seems though it, and many others (Outback Steakhouse and International House of Pancakes among them), fell victim to the COVID related loss of tourism income and drop in dining out. The wife and I were passing thru Central Embassy in BKK lately, and noticed that the former Harrods restaurant there,which was relatively more expensive, also seems to have disappeared.
  21. Thailand doesn't seem to have a medical prescriptions system... except insofar as doctors order/prescribe drugs for patients that only their own hospitals will dispense. When was the last time anyone here got a written prescription for a controlled, non- OTC drug, took the paper to a retail pharmacy outside the doctor's own hospital, and got it filled by some retail pharmacy somewhere?
  22. I suspect his offer to the authorities is -- just give me the deal Thaksin got, and I'll be in to surrender in a heartbeat! ????
  23. Plus, by my count, there appears to be more than TEN various police / government / military folks in the OP's first photo surrounding that very dangerous looking couple sitting in front of them... It's a wonder they didn't call out the SWAT team as well!
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