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Everything posted by TallGuyJohninBKK

  1. I think they're still trying to work out their confusion over the difference between Australia and Austria.....
  2. Thaksin and others did a lot worse than her... Where's their lifetime political bans from the court??? " Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra's alleged lèse-majesté was one of the stated reasons for the Thai military's 2006 coup.[24][25][26]"
  3. I certainly agree with the doctor's advice above. These days, in Thailand and elsewhere, governments have pretty much left it up to their citizens to protect themselves or to ignore the risks at their peril. That's the way it is... That said, Thailand's officially reported numbers as cited in the OP have been bouncing around at fairly low levels for new COVID hospitalizations, serious condition COVID hospitalizations, COVID intubations and COVID deaths. The latest numbers released yesterday for the prior week by the Thai MoPH are a lot lower than they have been for most of this year except for a brief lull period back in Feb-March, ...and there's been no sustained upward trend lately in any of those officially reported categories. People taking appropriate precautions such as getting vaccinated and wearing a good quality mask when close around others in indoor settings will help keep the numbers down for Thailand. Keys to the chart below: --red is new COVID hospitalizations for the past week (and cumulative for 2023). --gray is new COVID deaths for the past week (and cumulative for 2023). --dark purple is current serious condition COVID hospitalizations. --light purple is current COVID hospitalizations requiring intubation. Cumulative for 2023 thus far -- 33,365 COVID hospitalizations and 804 COVID deaths. Cumulative for Thailand since the beginning of the pandemic - 4.75 million COVID hospitalizations and 34,473 COVID deaths. https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/?dashboard=main The since the beginning of the pandemic cumulative version of the above chart:
  4. I understood that some years back, the formal jurisdiction for the RTP was removed from the Interior Ministry and transferred to be under the direct oversight of the PM. "In 1998, TNPD was transferred from the Ministry of Interior of Thailand to be directly under the Office of the Prime Minister. It acquired a new name, in English, the "Royal Thai Police" (RTP). The title of its commander was changed from "Director-General of the TNPD" to "Commissioner-General of the Royal Thai Police".[7][8]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Thai_Police
  5. While BJ singing karaoke with "Minnie" the gambler is certainly an interesting detail, I think it would be more productive to hear more from the police on the following from the OP report: "According to Thai PBS, Big Joke’s financial transactions were allegedly found to involve the former president of Lamphun Warrior Football Club, Pongsiri “Tarn” Ratchawongsuek. Tarn was previously arrested for operating an online gambling site called TS911.com and for money laundering through his support of the football team." There's a familiar precept when it comes to criminal investigations -- follow the money -- and that's what the Thai police should be doing here in determining whether there's been any wrongdoing on BJ's part. Meanwhile, maybe I missed it, but I hadn't caught the notion that BJ had been sidelined from the Kamnan Nok police fatal shooting: "Big Joke has been allegedly implicated in several major cases, including the recent murder of Police Major General Siwakorn Saibua. However, the case was recently transferred to the Crime Suppression Division by RTP Commissioner Damrongsak, leading many to suspect conflict within the RTP."
  6. Wow! A very rare "name and shame" episode, especially involving those in government and/or police service, who often go unidentified by authorities in media reports here when accused of wrongdoing.
  7. For years now, he's probably been the most talented and visible self-promoter among the RTP ranks, inserting himself into various high-profile cases and widely portraying himself as a do-gooder. I'd like to hope, in the wake of the day's events, that he'll now have some public 'splainin' to do about the extent and nature of his various real estate and other assets... But his rivals in the police hierarchy may not want to press Surachate to hard on those points -- and prefer instead to focus on the alleged online gambling issues -- lest they invite public inquiry into the extent of THEIR finances and assets.
  8. And one of the very next posts in the day's news recap is: Tour Bus Full of Chinese Tourists Crashes into a Tree at Bali Hai Pier in Pattaya, Driver Blames Brake Failure ???? Welcome to Thailand!
  9. Indeed, he could perfectly well allow the doctors to provide whatever information he gave them permission to release.... That's assuming, of course, that he doesn't actually have details that he wants to keep hidden. Gotta remember, Thaksin comes from the RTP police hierarchy in Thailand (which happens to run Police General Hospital), and that police hierarchy has long been at odds with and in competition with the military hierarchy, including the coup-makers) here for power and influence in the country. It's long-time allegiances and rivalries that come into play here.
  10. It seems like the only people they're counting as "expatriates" are those working here or involved in businesses, based on the descriptions in the OP. I'm retired, have never worked here or been involved in any business venture, but as far as I know, I would still correctly be considered an "expatriate," having lived here full-time for many years now. But I guess retirees don't count in their counting or plans.
  11. Another report on the first study linked above: September 19, 2023 Umbrella review reveals what the benefits and risks of cannabis are and for whom Key takeaways: Cannabis-based medications seem to be effective for those with chronic pain, multiple sclerosis and more. In the general population, cannabis worsened cognition, psychotic symptoms and psychiatric symptoms. An umbrella review published in The BMJ provided a breakdown of the associations between cannabis and health outcomes, highlighting the uncertain potential for clinical use." https://www.healio.com/news/primary-care/20230919/umbrella-review-reveals-what-the-benefits-and-risks-of-cannabis-are-and-for-whom
  12. There have been a number of credible scientific reports lately raising medical health and mental health concerns about marijuana use: Including: How marijuana impacts pain, sleep, anxiety and more, according to the latest science September 6, 2023 ... Mental health: When it comes to easing the symptoms of anxiety, depression and other mental disorders, the analysis found no benefit. In fact, the opposite is actually true, Solmi said. ... Adolescence and early adulthood: Altering perception and reality while a brain is still developing, as is the case throughout adolescence and a person’s early 20s, is dangerous for cognition and mental health, the review found. and more... https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/30/health/marijuana-pros-and-cons-wellness/index.html AND Not Your Grandmother’s Marijuana: Rising THC Concentrations in Cannabis Can Pose Devastating Health Risks Brain changes and other cannabis side effects need more study, say Yale researchers August 30, 2023 ... "Many people use cannabis recreationally without experiencing evident adverse effects. However, for some, the health risks associated with cannabis, such as addiction and cannabis withdrawal syndrome are genuine and potentially debilitating. "Nearly one-third of regular cannabis users may develop problematic use patterns. While certain cannabis-derived products show therapeutic potential, they are not without risks,” says Joao De Aquino, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry." https://medicine.yale.edu/news-article/not-your-grandmothers-marijuana-rising-thc-concentrations-in-cannabis-can-pose-devastating-health-risks/
  13. The primary claims being made by the several hard-core anti-vaxers here have already been addressed and rebutted in several prior posts in this thread, including that the OP article comes from a dubious and biased anti-vax source: AND AND as well as a direct rebuttal cited above by the scientist, Phillip J. Buckhaults, quoted in the misleading OP article leading off this thread: "1. The DNA is real, however the risk of this DNA is theoretical. There is no need to panic about past vaccination. "5. IMO, these vaccines saved a lot of lives. Far more than the number of people who have had medical events subsequent to vaccine."
  14. Leaving aside the question of whether or not BJ shares in the corruption of the rest of the RTP, I certainly wouldn't put it past his rivals to arrange an opportunistically timed raid aimed at knocking him down a few notches and making it more unlikely he could be chosen as the new national police chief. Money and power is serious business here.
  15. Example of the required disclosures: So such things are the public's business here.... by law... even if what's actually disclosed by the various public officials is probably just a fraction of what they actually have under their control.
  16. When you work in government service, you often have both legal and moral obligations involving the reporting and disclosure of your finances and assets. Government officials here in the past have been dismissed from their posts and been prosecuted after one of the several anti-corruption agencies found them and charged them with being "unusually wealthy" -- beyond what normal, legal means would have allowed.
  17. I commented earlier that I'd read recently that BJ seemingly was going to be passed over for becoming the next national police chief. And yet several news reports here have suggested he's still in the running, somehow... Here is the prior news report from about two weeks ago that certainly made it seem as though the new government was going to pick someone else for the next national police chief. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/pol-gen-roy-tipped-to-be-new-national-police-chief/ Pol Gen Torsak tipped to be new national police chief September 11, 2023 "In a move, described as a win-win, deputy police commissioner Pol Gen Roy Ingkapairote will be appointed National Security Council (NSC) chief, paving the way for Pol Gen Torsak Sukvimol to become the new police commissioner, an informed source said today (Monday). ... If either of them is promoted to the top police post, replacing Pol Gen Damrongsak Kittipraphat who is due to retire at the end of this month, one of them will retire as the deputy commissioner. “It is likely that Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin will transfer Roy to be NSC chief and appoint Torsak as the new police commissioner,” the source said." -------------------- But I guess, it's never a done deal until the PM actually officially picks and appoints someone, and I guess that hasn't happened as yet.
  18. Yes, depending on whether they had legitimate sources of income or wealth that would allow them to have acquired them? And presuming that they didn't already work for what is basically an organized crime organization....
  19. Weird stuff about the raided house where police found BJ... From the various news reports, it seems that's where he was living, at least some of the time. He's referred to as the owner of the house. But other references say the house was "registered" in the name of someone else, a civilian, who hasn't yet been publicly identified. Wonder what's going on with all that?
  20. It was Surachat some months back who said he planned to propose to the then-incoming government a substantial increase in the financial requirements for retirement extensions and visas.... supposedly to ward off foreign criminals. His comments were reported in the BKK Post.
  21. A subsequent news report from Thai PBS indicated the police ultimately entered and searched his house, with BJ claiming nothing incriminating was found. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/raid-on-my-house-is-result-of-internal-conflicts-deputy-national-police-chief-surachate/ "The search found nothing illegal, so he said he will assign his legal team to take action against police.He claimed that the raid was the result internal conflicts in the police force, as he has been responsible for many big cases that could affect many groups of people."
  22. Some have portrayed BJ as some kind of anti-corruption hero... I don't buy that at all, and never have. IMHO, you can't rise to the top ranks of the RTP, as he and the others have, without being complicit in who knows what kind of ongoing shennanigans across the entire force... My read is, it's not about corruption vs anti-corruption. It's about who gets to run the show and who will control where the monies go and who benefits the most and gains the opportunity to advance their friends vs who's going to get sidelined and not get the bigger cut of the pie.
  23. AFAIK, BJ just got passed over for promotion to be the top national police chief. I believe he was among four finalists, but wasn't selected. Perhaps the chosen winner is now trying to clean up some loose ends with his former rivals. Again, more than a bit peculiar that the raid and investigation of all this bursts into public view just after BJ loses out on the top police job.
  24. I know he's a high ranking RTP exec, but it seems more than a bit odd that he's got 4 other houses he owns beyond his own that he's supposedly using to provide housing for members of his "team"??? One might ask, how's BJ earning enough money to buy and own 5 houses in Bangkok... And are the other officers getting to live in his houses for free or are they paying rent to him for the accommodations?
  25. As for your other claim: "The World Stroke Organization found that ischaemic stroke occurs in 1.4% of patients hospitalised due to COVID-19.17 18 The risk of thromboembolic events as a complication of COVID-19 infection has been shown to be significantly higher than the risk following administration of an mRNA vaccine, as highlighted by a narrative review conducted by Abrignani et al.4 These findings strongly suggest that the protective effect of the COVID-19 vaccine outweighs the potential risk of stroke compared with the disease itself, even without consideration of the other complications of COVID-19." AND "Preliminary studies from Israel and the USA have not reported an increased risk of stroke following these vaccines,9 and there is insufficient data from other studies to determine the causal link between mRNA vaccines and stroke." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10163425/
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