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Everything posted by TallGuyJohninBKK

  1. The poster you're responding to essentially called DePape "delusional," which IMHO he clearly is, for all of his MAGA beliefs, along with Jesus and faeries and whatever. The prior poster didn't use the term "insanity." Only you did. Insanity is a legal term, and one that's a basis for not being held accountable for criminal charges... Almost like you were trying to build a defense for the hammer attacker. Maybe you should give his public defender a call!
  2. Per USA Today: "Pelosi then sat back down on the bed and asked why DePape wanted to see his wife. “Well, she’s No. 2 in line for the presidency, right?” DePape allegedly said. “We’ve got to take them all out.” (more) https://autos.yahoo.com/autos/news/details-emerge-paul-pelosi-attack-090058873.html
  3. Yep, a guy who left Canada for the U.S. many years ago after he graduated from high school (he's 42 now)... But who only went far off the deep end lately when he got involved in...we all know what.... "And then, most recently, an apparent obsession with pumping right-wing conspiracy theories into the internet — spending hours and days in front of a computer, filling web pages that had no apparent audience." ... He published multiple blogs laced with statements about the QAnon mass delusion, whose adherents believe former President Donald Trump stands against an alliance of Satan-worshipping Democratic pedophiles. The blog also included bigoted commentary directed at people of color, women, Jewish people, Muslims, members of the LGBTQ community and immigrants." https://www.sfchronicle.com/crime/article/What-we-know-about-David-DePape-man-accused-of-17542056.php
  4. Everything DePape had posted about in the past year or so was like a check list of MAGA / extremist right-wing issues -- stolen election, COVID vaccines, Capitol riot, gender rants, Jewish rants, etc etc... Which seems to kind of beg the question -- is he just mentally ill, or is he just a true believer like the other true believers? Or are the two really one in the same?
  5. "Taub, 53, said her onetime boyfriend — who appears to have spent recent weeks posting right-wing conspiracy theories onto personal websites with no apparent audience — “is a broken child in an adult body with serious mental problems.” Taub spoke in an hour-long phone interview from the California Institution for Women in Corona (Riverside County), where she is serving time for attempting to abduct a 14-year-old boy in Berkeley with whom she had become obsessed. ... The couple kept in touch intermittently after they broke up for good in 2015." https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/Ex-girlfriend-of-suspect-in-Paul-Pelosi-attack-17545968.php Apparently, Taub has her own issues as well.... Woosh!
  6. I'd certainly agree. People who spout the same kind of fake, unfounded conspiracy theory nonsense as DePape, and who violently attack others, probably are in need of some serious treatment. Hopefully he'll get plenty during a long stint in federal prison.
  7. DePape and Taub separated in the mid 201Xs.... And she's currently in prison. Any thing she had to say lately about DePape and his opinions is based on her connections with him years ago... DePape's more recent opinions have been very clear: "The man who allegedly attacked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband early Friday posted memes and conspiracy theories on Facebook about Covid vaccines, the 2020 election and the January 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, and an acquaintance told CNN that he seemed “out of touch with reality.” ... DePape’s social media presence similarly paints a picture of someone on a worrying trajectory, falling into conspiracy theories in recent years. Last year, David DePape posted links on his Facebook page to multiple videos produced by My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell falsely alleging that the 2020 election was stolen." And a lot more of the same in the same news report, but fair use quoting prevents me from being able to recite all of it here. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/alleged-paul-pelosi-attacker-posted-multiple-conspiracy-theories/ar-AA13uLaM
  8. Ohh... I dunno about that...ignoring the known facts again... The suspect himself has made his motivation pretty clear in an interview with San Francisco police, as reported in the federal affidavit related to the federal charges filed against him.: "If Nancy [Pelosi] were to tell DEPAPE the “truth,” he would let her go, and if she “lied,” he was going to break “her kneecaps.”... In the course of the interview, DEPAPE articulated he viewed Nancy as the “leader of the pack” of lies told by the Democratic Party. DEPAPE also later explained that by breaking Nancy’s kneecaps, she would then have to be wheeled into Congress, which would show other Members of Congress there were consequences to actions." https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/man-charged-assault-and-attempted-kidnapping-following-breaking-and-entering-pelosi-residence https://www.justice.gov/opa/press-release/file/1548106/download
  9. Actually, minor side effects -- the usual kind of post vaccination reactions -- are not necessarily a bad thing, and may even be a good thing. A study the other day reported that people who have noticeable vaccine side effects tend to have stronger vaccine-induced immune responses to COVID than those with no side effect reactions. In other words, the minor side effect stuff often can be a telltale sign that the vaccine has spurred a fighting immune response in your body to the COVID-related parts of the vaccine. Covid-19 vaccine study links side effects with greater antibody response (CNN) -- People who reported experiencing side effects to the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines such as fever, chills or muscle pain tended to have a greater antibody response following vaccination, according to new research. Having such symptoms after vaccination is associated with greater antibody responses compared with having only pain or rash at the injection site or no symptoms at all, suggests the paper published Friday in the journal JAMA Network Open. “In conclusion, these findings support reframing postvaccination symptoms as signals of vaccine effectiveness and reinforce guidelines for vaccine boosters in older adults,” the researchers – from Columbia University in New York, University of Vermont and Boston University – wrote in their paper. (more) https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/24/health/covid-antibody-response-vaccines/index.html
  10. As I said in my prior post, more than Trump, yes, indisputably.
  11. Biden's highest responsibility, as president, is to protect the country and its Constitution, institutions and people. If he sees a real threat to those things including the U.S. system of democracy -- as evidenced by the election denyers and insurrectionists and would-be election stealers -- then he'd be failing in his responsibility as president to not warn against such things. I'd rather a president who tells the truth, much more often than Trump, as opposed to telling people what he thinks they want to hear or making up unsubstantiated rubbish, as often was Trump's custom.
  12. Yes, Republicans and a lot of independents (3 in 5 Americans overall) apparently don't want to hear the truth Biden is telling about election denyers and insurrectionists led by former President Trump, saying those claims will further divide the country... But there also are polling results that support the truth of what Biden is warning about, including those in response to the similar threat of MAGA speech he gave back in early September: --"84% say political violence is unacceptable" --"52% of Americans say that American values are under assault by Trump-led extremists" --"58% say MAGA Republicans are threatening the foundations of American democracy" https://www.ipsos.com/en-us/news-polls/americans-bidens-speech-further-divide-country
  13. None of them tried to overthrow the results of the 2016 election by armed force, unlike Jan.6... And perhaps you deliberately chose to ignore the part in your cited ABC report about....."in mostly peaceful gatherings." "Tens of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets in cities across the country Wednesday to protest Donald Trump's election victory, in mostly peaceful gatherings that nonetheless resulted in at least 124 arrests and reports of damage, vandalism and injuries in several locations."
  14. As the various reports above have explained, the insurrectionists first plan was to pressure VP Pence to block and/or delay Biden's certification by Congress (anti-democratic) and perhaps go down the fake electors road (anti-democratic). But then if that failed... they were waiting for instructions/action from Trump (anti-democratic) that never came: "Alpers said that during the meeting Rhodes typed out on Alpers' cellphone a message for Trump, in which Rhodes urged Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act to remain in power." "As part of the alleged plot, prosecutors presented evidence that the Oath Keepers stashed guns at a hotel in Virginia just outside Washington, D.C., for a quick reaction force to speed into the city on Jan. 6, if necessary. https://www.kedm.org/npr-news/2022-11-03/prosecutors-rest-in-jan-6-seditious-conspiracy-trial-of-oath-keepers-members
  15. And therein lies an excellent example of why MAGA election denyers are anti-democratic. To them, it doesn't matter who actually, really wins an election based on the ballots cast... It's who they BELIEVE wins elections that matters, regardless of the facts and realities. And those people seem to believe they're entitled to do anything they want -- including criminal offenses and interfering in elections and obstructing the seating of a president -- based on those unfounded (debunked by every court and judge) beliefs. If they have their way, the actual votes won't matter. It's who they believe should win that will matter, and they'll try to decide for the entire country.
  16. In fact, what it's actually called is "seditious conspiracy," a federal criminal offense: Prosecutors rest in Jan. 6 seditious conspiracy trial of Oath Keepers members After a month of testimony, the government rested its case Thursday in the seditious conspiracy trial against Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes and four other members of the far-right group. The trial is the most consequential yet to emerge from the Justice Department's sprawling investigation into the deadly Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. Rhodes and the other defendants are accused of plotting to use force to prevent Joe Biden from taking office as president. ... In one snippet, Rhodes can be heard saying: "If he's [Trump] not going to do the right thing, and he's just gonna let himself be removed illegally, then we should have brought rifles. We could have fixed it right then and there. I'd hang f****** Pelosi from the lamppost." https://www.kedm.org/npr-news/2022-11-03/prosecutors-rest-in-jan-6-seditious-conspiracy-trial-of-oath-keepers-members
  17. Key facts to know about the Jan. 6 insurrection Experts say it’s challenging to accurately estimate the crowd size because of the absence of aerial imagery, but they put a broad crowd size estimate at “several thousand.” More than 140 law enforcement officers were physically harmed during the insurrection, according to a special congressional committee investigating the attack. Rioters left behind feces, blood, bullet holes, graffiti and bear repellent. https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2022-01-05/by-the-numbers-jan-6-anniversary
  18. https://news.yahoo.com/jan-6-capitol-riot-arrest-numbers-one-year-later-180035360.html "75 The percentage of Trump voters now convinced the election was "rigged and stolen" from him, according to the most recent Yahoo News/YouGov poll 84 The percentage of American adults who are worried about the future of democracy, according to the poll 60 According to the poll, the percentage of U.S. adults who believe an attack like the one on Jan. 6 could happen again"
  19. They tried, and failed, in 2020. And now they're back again in 2022 with different approaches: Judge restricts how right-wing group can patrol drop boxes When armed, masked men and people with long telescopic camera lenses showed up at ballot drop boxes in Arizona to stalk voters, many public officials were appalled. Voter intimidation complaints were filed and sent to the Department of Justice. https://edition.cnn.com/videos/media/2022/11/02/arizona-conspiracies-voting-ballot-drop-boxes-donie-pkg-cnntm-vpx.cnn
  20. They had their weapons stored nearby...waiting for Trump's call... as cited in the prior news reports here. And as I said above, ONE gun is all it takes.
  21. MAGA democracy: https://youtu.be/b3_O91gyj9o And, some 40% of Republicans (and 41% of so-called independents) surveyed believe violence against the government can be justified: "While a 2015 survey found no significant partisan divide when it comes to the question of justified violence against the government, the new poll identified a sharper rise on the right — with 40 percent of Republicans and 41 percent of independents saying it can be acceptable. The view was held by 23 percent of Democrats, the survey finds." https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/01/01/1-3-americans-say-violence-against-government-can-be-justified-citing-fears-political-schism-pandemic/ That's NOT democracy... And people who support that kind of action, as many Republicans do, are ANTI-democratic.
  22. I think it was more of a comment on the quality of the "election denying" candidates the Republican party is fielding in the current election: "In one ad, Minnesota secretary of state nominee Kim Crockett is shown calling herself the “election-denier-in-chief.” In Michigan, an ad shows secretary of state nominee Kristina Karamo saying that casual sex can lead to demonic possession. And in Arizona, an ad highlights Mark Finchem’s ties to QAnon, a conspiracy theory about a Satanic-worshipping cabal." People deserve to know just who's being put on the ballot.
  23. How many guns did it take to kill Abraham Lincoln or JFK, and thus remove democratically elected leaders? In each case, just ONE was enough to accomplish their ends.
  24. More MAGA "democracy" in action, so a judge had to step in. Judge restricts how right-wing group can patrol Arizona drop boxes A federal judge in Arizona imposed new restrictions against a right-wing group after voters complained about aggressive patrols of ballot drop boxes in the state. The judge blocked members of the group, Clean Elections USA, from openly carrying guns or wearing body armor within 250 feet of drop boxes. ... An Arizona voter testified at Tuesday’s five-hour hearing about his encounter with right-wing “bullies” at a ballot drop box, describing how they “terrified” his wife by filming them and falsely accusing them of voter fraud. (more) https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/01/politics/arizona-voter-intimidation-ballot-drop-boxes/index.html Biden is right. Democracy is at stake.
  25. Under the American system of democracy, disagreeing is fine. BUT (regarding the documented activities of MAGA folks): Armed insurrection to prevent a lawfully elected president from being certified to take office is not. Threatening to hang your political opponents is not. Subverting elections with illegal schemes is not. Harassing and intimidating election workers and voters is not. etc etc etc.
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