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Everything posted by TallGuyJohninBKK

  1. The Republican elected officials in Texas (Paxton included) should be proud of themselves.... They've succeeded admirably in helping Texas have one of the highest per capita COVID death rates (top 10) among all states since the start of the pandemic... While at the same time, leaving Texas with among the lowest rates of COVID vaccination with the new monovalent COVID vaccines. Per the U.S. CDC: Provisional COVID-19 Death Rate per 100,000 Population (Age-Adjusted) Reported to the CDC, by State/Territory – United States "This shows the number of deaths since January 1, 2020 for every 100,000 people, allowing for comparisons between areas with different population sizes and age distributions." The chart excerpt below shows states ranked from highest to lowest for per capita COVID deaths, with the graphic showing just the top end of the full chart listing 50 states. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#maps_deaths-rate-total And regarding vaccination rates with the newest COVID vaccine, compared to the latest nationwide rate for adults of 15.7%: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/imz-managers/coverage/covidvaxview/interactive/adult-coverage-vaccination.html Compared to other states from the same source above: TOP: Vermont -- 33.2% Dist of Columbia -- 30.1% Minnesota -- 26.8% Massachusetts -- 26.7% Colorado -- 23.1% BOTTOM: Mississippi - 5.4% Louisiana -- 8.2% Florida -- 8.3% Alabama -- 10% West Virginia -- 10.4% https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/imz-managers/coverage/covidvaxview/interactive/adult-coverage-vaccination.html
  2. Texas and Florida... leading the political right-wing anti-vax movement in the U.S.: How lawmakers in Texas and Florida undermine Covid vaccination efforts State legislatures and politicians are pressuring public health officials to keep quiet about Covid vaccines. Nov. 7, 2023 ... "A rule added to Texas’ budget that went into effect Sept. 1 forbids health departments and other organizations funded by the state government to advertise, recommend, or even list covid vaccines alone. “Clinics may inform patients that COVID-19 vaccinations are available,” the rule allows, “if it is not being singled out from other vaccines.” ... As in Florida, the Texas health department initially promoted Covid vaccines, warning that Texans who weren’t vaccinated were about 20 times as likely to suffer a Covid-associated death. Such sentiments faded last year, as state leaders passed policies to block vaccine mandates and other public health measures. The latest is a prohibition against the use of government funds to promote Covid vaccines." https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/lawmakers-texas-florida-undermine-covid-vaccination-efforts-rcna123866
  3. Well, I guess they'll have to go up against findings like these: Two Years of U.S. COVID-19 Vaccines Have Prevented Millions of Hospitalizations and Deaths "From December 2020 through November 2022, we estimate that the COVID-19 vaccination program in the U.S. prevented more than 18.5 million additional hospitalizations and 3.2 million additional deaths. Without vaccination, there would have been nearly 120 million more COVID-19 infections. The vaccination program also saved the U.S. $1.15 trillion (Credible Interval: $1.10 trillion–$1.19 trillion) (data not shown) in medical costs that would otherwise have been incurred." https://www.commonwealthfund.org/blog/2022/two-years-covid-vaccines-prevented-millions-deaths-hospitalizations And this: COVID vaccines saved 20M lives in 1st year, scientists say June 24, 2022 "Nearly 20 million lives [worldwide] were saved by COVID-19 vaccines during their first year, but even more deaths could have been prevented if international targets for the shots had been reached, researchers reported Thursday. ... The researchers used data from 185 countries to estimate that vaccines prevented 4.2 million COVID-19 deaths in India, 1.9 million in the United States, 1 million in Brazil, 631,000 in France and 507,000 in the United Kingdom. An additional 600,000 deaths would have been prevented if the World Health Organization target of 40% vaccination coverage by the end of 2021 had been met, according to the study published Thursday in the journal Lancet Infectious Diseases." https://apnews.com/article/covid-science-health-england-54d29ae3af5c700f15d704c14ee224b5
  4. A dedicated public servant ( ), let off the hook (for now) by his fellow Republican elected officials... Republican Texas AG Ken Paxton is acquitted of corruption charges at historic impeachment trial September 17, 2023 "AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Republican Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was fully acquitted Saturday of corruption charges in a historic impeachment trial, a resounding verdict that reaffirms the power of the GOP’s hard right and puts an indicted incumbent who remains under FBI investigation back into office. The outcome demonstrated Paxton’s lasting durability in America’s biggest red state after years of criminal charges and scandal. ... The outcome far from ends Paxton’s troubles. He still faces trial on felony securities fraud charges, remains under a separate FBI investigation and is in jeopardy of losing his ability to practice law in Texas because of his baseless attempts to overturn the 2020 election." https://apnews.com/article/ken-paxton-impeachment-texas-871fb9c57b38fbda5bec5c2e5f280755
  5. Apparently, other that posting the one chart above, you didn't bother to read what the report actually says about the data you posted: "COVID-19 vaccines are very effective in preventing the severe impacts of infections with the virus. Over 95 per cent of people aged 16 and over in NSW have received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine, while more than 70 per cent of people eligible for their third dose have received it. With such high vaccination coverage in the community, a high proportion of people admitted to hospital or intensive care unit (ICU) with COVID-19 are now vaccinated with two or three doses. However, people who are not vaccinated remain more likely to suffer severe COVID-19. Note that some people with COVID-19 who are admitted to hospital or ICU are admitted for conditions unrelated to their COVID-19 infection, and these admissions will not be prevented by vaccination." There have been numerous reports and studies throughout the pandemic that have showed the COVID death rates of the unvaccinated have been multiple times higher than the COVID death rates of the vaccinated. For example, from Feb. 2023 per the U.S. CDC: The chart you posted above does nothing to change that, since it isn't comparing the COVID death rates of a vaccinated population group vs an unvaccinated population group.
  6. From the above CDC website, as of mid-Nov., also has the new monovalent COVID vaccination rates by state/district. From my perusing the list, the following appear to be the top and bottom vaccination rate states among all adults: TOP: Vermont -- 33.2% Dist of Columbia -- 30.1% Minnesota -- 26.8% Massachusetts -- 26.7% Colorado -- 23.1% BOTTOM: Mississippi - 5.4% Louisiana -- 8.2% Florida -- 8.3% Alabama -- 10% West Virginia -- 10.4% https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/imz-managers/coverage/covidvaxview/interactive/adult-coverage-vaccination.html
  7. From the U.S. CDC: COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake and CDC’s Commitment to Vaccine Equity November 22, 2023, 9:00 AM EDT "COVID-19 is still an important cause of hospitalization and death, especially for older adults and people with certain underlying medical conditions. COVID-19 vaccines don’t prevent every infection – that’s true of lots of vaccines – but they can reduce illness severity in people who get vaccinated but still get sick, helping to save lives, reduce hospitalizations, and prevent trips to the doctor." https://www.cdc.gov/respiratory-viruses/whats-new/vaccine-equity.html U.S. Vaccination Rate Estimates for New Monovalent COVID Vaccines: "As of November 18, 2023, 15.7% (95% Confidence Interval: 14.9%-16.5%) of adults reported having received an updated 2023-24 COVID-19 vaccine since September 14, 2023." "Vaccination coverage increased by age and was highest among adults 75 years and older [34.2%, (30.4%-38.1%)]." "As of November 18, 2023, 6.3% (95% Confidence Interval: 5.3%-7.4%) of children were reported to be up to date with the 2023-24 COVID-19 vaccine." https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/imz-managers/coverage/covidvaxview/interactive/vaccination-dashboard.html On the following website, the CDC also has charts that break down the vaccination rates by varying groups and geographies, including: --a 33.4% vaccination rate for all adults age 65 and older. --a 17% rate for adults age 50 to 64 --a 10.9% rate for adults age 40 to 49 --a 10.8% rate for adults age 30 to 39, and --a 4.5% rate for adults age 18 to 29 https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/imz-managers/coverage/covidvaxview/interactive/adult-coverage-vaccination.html
  8. Thailand MoPH Weekly COVID report for Nov. 19 - 25: --480 new COVID hospitalizations, up 90 from the prior week --2 new COVID deaths, up from 1 the prior week --82 COVID patients hospitalized in serious condition, down 1 from the prior week --45 COVID patients hospitalized requiring intubation to breathe, up 5 from the prior week https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/?dashboard=main
  9. More than 1,000 Americans have been dying from COVID every week since late August until the latest complete weekly reports shown below in BLUE, according to the CDC's tally. A good reminder that Americans who have access to the latest COVID vaccines, and especially the most vulnerable being older people and those with chronic health issues, ought to get vaccinated and greatly reduce their risks of serious COVID health issues. "Provisional data are non-final counts of deaths based on the flow of mortality data in NVSS. Deaths include those with COVID-19, coded to ICD–10 code U07.1, as an underlying or contributing cause of death on the death certificate. Death data are displayed by date of death (event)." "Data during recent periods are incomplete because of the lag in time between when a death occurs and when a death certificate is completed, submitted to NCHS, and processed for reporting. This delay can range from 1 week to 8 weeks or more, depending on the jurisdiction. The most recent 3 weeks of mortality counts are shaded grey and mortality rates shown as dotted lines because NVSS reporting is <95% during this period." https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#trends_weeklydeaths_select_00 AND https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#maps_new-admissions-rate-county https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#trends_weeklyhospitaladmissions_select_00
  10. Sheryl, I've never heard that they do... But on a related issue, they have recently expanded to serving several other sending countries beyond the U.S., and their roster now, I believe, includes Germany, France, Australia and the U.K. https://www.facebook.com/WeShippingUSA/photos People can see their rate cards for the different sending countries in their Facebook photos catalog. One difference, though, is that with the U.S., they offer BOTH the inexpensive and slower sea shipping method and the more expensive and quicker air shipping method. Whereas with the other non-U.S. sending countries, they appear to only be offering the quicker and more expensive air shipping method (plus/minus 1,000 baht per kilo), but NOT the cheaper and slower sea shipping method. This is a video they posted to their FB page recently showing the volume of packages they're handling via their Virginia sea shipping warehouse: https://www.facebook.com/WeShippingUSA/videos/1109180083401769/ Lotta Amazon, Walmart and Target on display there... :-)
  11. 1. Also per the AP: "Halderman told The Associated Press in a phone interview that while he’s seen no evidence the vulnerabilities were exploited to change the outcome of the 2020 election..." https://apnews.com/article/technology-business-science-voting-election-2020-6755cf1c409f4aab613df8891b84272d You want an insecure voting system. Try this one that was hatched and carried out by allies of the former president and allegedly with his knowledge: "It also led to the exposure of a breach of election equipment in a rural south Georgia county, which has resulted in criminal charges for several people as part of the sprawling Fulton County indictment against former President Donald Trump and 18 others." ... "Halderman ... has said the risks presented by those vulnerabilities were exacerbated when a computer forensics team hired by Trump allies copied data and software from election equipment in rural Coffee County in January 2021 and distributed it to an unknown number of people." https://apnews.com/article/voting-machines-georgia-lawsuit-cybersecurity-d8a4653211bf19c21d3b9dc2d59a7a61 "The plot to breach voting systems in Coffee County, coordinated by members of Trump’s legal team including Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, is part of a broader criminal investigation into 2020 election interference led by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis." On January 7, 2021, the day after rioters stormed the US Capitol, two people walked into an elections office in Coffee County, Georgia, a rural part of the state that voted overwhelmingly for Trump in 2020. A local election official helped them gain access to sensitive voting data which they downloaded onto a portable hard drive.     ... Last year, a former Trump official testified under oath to the House January 6 committee that plans to access voting systems in Georgia were discussed in meetings at the White House, including during a now infamous Oval Office meeting on December 18, 2020,  that included Trump.  https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/21/politics/trump-georgia-senate-breached-voting-data/index.html Which led to criminal charges against the aforementioned Georgia county elections official: MISTY HAMPTON "She was the elections director in Coffee County. Hampton was present in the county elections office on Jan. 7, 2021, when a computer forensics team copied software and data from the county’s election equipment. She also allowed two other men who had been active in efforts to question the 2020 election results to access the elections office later that month and to spend hours inside with the equipment." https://apnews.com/article/trump-georgia-fraud-defendants-201d73d2a6b165d06230961af9f21b61
  12. Hmm... what could the reason be? Nothing particular comes to mind, except perhaps:
  13. Rishi Sunak denies saying it was ‘OK’ to ‘just let people die’ of Covid "Rishi Sunak has denied saying it was “OK” to let people die of coronavirus. The Prime Minister was asked about a diary entry by Sir Patrick Vallance, who was the UK Government’s chief scientific adviser during the pandemic, that was shared with the UK Covid-19 Inquiry. The extract from October 25 2020 read that Boris Johnson, when he was prime minister, had argued for “letting” Covid “rip” through the population as ministers debated a second lockdown in England. The same entry has Sir Patrick recording that Dominic Cummings, Mr Johnson’s most senior adviser at the time, as having said: “Rishi thinks just let people die and that’s OK.” (more) https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/rishi-sunak-denies-saying-it-was-ok-to-just-let-people-die-of-covid/ar-AA1kIQSZ?ocid=mailsignout&pc=U591&cvid=2024619585b148dedfa2d12263e5b394&ei=5
  14. Now the only question will be... are the balls found to be on offer made of pork and beef, or horse meat or something else? From 2013: Horsemeat scandal: Ikea withdraws all meatballs from UK stores Furniture company stops sales of meatballs in more than 20 European countries after batch tests positive for horse DNA https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2013/feb/25/horsemeat-scandal-ikea-meatballs-uk
  15. "...provisional statistics show there have been about 3,000 registered COVID-19 deaths in Australia from January to July 2023. Older people and those with weaker immune systems are expected to remain at greatest risk of developing severe COVID during this current wave. ... ...by the end of October 2023, it was estimated only one-quarter of Australians aged 65-74, one-third of people aged 75 or over and fewer than half (45 per cent) of people in aged care had received a COVID vaccine in the past six months." https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/a-new-covid-19-wave-has-hit-australia-heres-what-you-can-expect-this-time/86sr64u7r
  16. The Australia COVID stats in the OP covered the period thru Oct. 24... Below is a more recent update thru mid Nov. just for New South Wales (NSW): November 23, 2023 "NSW is in the grip of its eighth COVID-19 wave as the latest NSW Health data reveals that infection rates have doubled since the beginning of October. Released on Thursday, the data shows a 16 per cent increase in community infections in the fortnight to November 18, compared with the previous reporting period, for those who have tested positive for COVID-19 via PCR testing. ... The total number of people presenting at emergency departments in the past fortnight was also higher than for the previous two weeks, NSW Health said, but the proportion who required admission remained stable, indicating that the severity of the virus circulating in the community remained unchanged. https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/what-you-need-to-know-about-covid-and-vaccines-now-20231123-p5em8v.html
  17. Hey, there's no longer an official "pandemic" and COVID isn't an issue any more, so some people keep saying.... (sarcasm alert!)
  18. Note: "The number of deaths occurring in August and September 2023 is not reflective of the true total and will increase as additional death registrations are received by the ABS. Other time periods may also change if the death registration process has been delayed." https://www.abs.gov.au/articles/covid-19-mortality-australia-deaths-registered-until-30-september-2023
  19. Regardless of the overstatements by Biden, per Reuters, many others made clear to the public just what was and wasn't known at the time: "As clinical trial data on vaccine efficacy against the main endpoints – symptomatic and severe disease -- began to be released in November 2020 (here), researchers and regulators made clear in public statements that the vaccines’ effect on virus transmission remained unknown (here)." However, as it turned out in the real world: VACCINE DID REDUCE TRANSMISSION "Within months of the vaccine hitting the market, researchers in the UK (here) and Israel (here) began publishing studies suggesting that the Pfizer vaccine was reducing transmission of the virus." AND "Evidence continued to build in 2021 that the mRNA-based vaccines prevented infections and onward transmission of the virus (here). But with the advent that year of the coronavirus Delta variant, plus waning immunity from vaccines delivered at the start of the year, protection against infection and transmission was seen to be dropping, although not eliminated, as previously described by Reuters Fact Check (here)." https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-pfizer-vaccine-transmission/fact-check-preventing-transmission-never-required-for-covid-vaccines-initial-approval-pfizer-vax-did-reduce-transmission-of-early-variants-idUSL1N31F20E/ So even though the vaccines were not approved on the basis of clinical trials that evaluated reducing transmission, that's in fact what the vaccines did do and accomplish in the real world, particularly in the pre-Omicron period the pandemic. Not 100% prevention of transmission... but sizable factors of prevention, depending on the varying details involved. So yes, when people got their COVID vaccines, they were doing so BOTH to help protect themselves, AND to help protect others around them. The anti-vaxers here love to focus on Biden's vaccine overstatements, but somehow they don't much like to talk about the millions of lives saved and the many many millions more worldwide who avoided serious COVID illness and hospitalization by being vaccinated. Just the U.S. as one example: Two Years of U.S. COVID-19 Vaccines Have Prevented Millions of Hospitalizations and Deaths ... "From December 2020 through November 2022, we estimate that the COVID-19 vaccination program in the U.S. prevented more than 18.5 million additional hospitalizations and 3.2 million additional deaths. Without vaccination, there would have been nearly 120 million more COVID-19 infections. The vaccination program also saved the U.S. $1.15 trillion (Credible Interval: $1.10 trillion–$1.19 trillion) (data not shown) in medical costs that would otherwise have been incurred." https://www.commonwealthfund.org/blog/2022/two-years-covid-vaccines-prevented-millions-deaths-hospitalizations
  20. You're reading the meaning of the two charts wrong. The first chart is DAILY NEW COVID CASES based on a 7-day rolling average. The second chart is total numbers of COVID cases then in hospital (not daily new COVID hospitalizations) on a 7-day rolling average. The COVID hospitalized being counted in this tally could have been in hospital at that point for one day, one week, one month or longer. Thus those are two different kinds of figures that aren't comparable with each other.
  21. Hi... Regarding your questions... 1. I dunno why WSUSA messes around with their Amso request (I don't know what it even means)... When I set up my service with them, I asked them via FB Messenger to just use my regular first and last name as the addressee on my account, and they agreed and that's the way I've been doing it since my very first package with them. I'd imagine, they'd be willing to do the same for you if you asked. 2. In my case, when I set up my service with them, they asked for, and I gave them, my Thailand delivery address (home address), which is always the same. And then whenever I have a new sea or air shipment that's arrived, they automatically just use that address... Though before they send the EMS package to me here of the things that have arrived in TH, they always send me a FB Messenger message confirming the delivery address at the same time they send me the payment amount to pay via bank transfer. If a customer were regularly going to be sending the packages to different or more than one address in Thailand, I'd imagine you could inform them of that upfront, and see how they want to handle it.... If I wanted to send to some different address in Thailand sometimes, I know they can/will accommodate that.... But, I just haven't done it myself thus far. As I mentioned previously, you pretty much transact all communication and transactions with them via their FB Messenger account. And the lady handling that here in BKK can write in passable, transactional English. Hope that helps....
  22. 21 Nov, 2023 New Zealand’s fifth Covid-19 wave appears to be driving the largest spike in infections seen all year, an epidemiologist says - and offers a glimpse of our long-term future with the coronavirus. Health officials yesterday announced 7881 new reported Covid-19 cases over the week to Sunday, of which 1474 were “probable” cases – that was up from 5947 and 1047 respectively on the week before. Hospitalisation numbers, too, had ticked upward, from 284 to 349 week-on-week, as had virus detected in wastewater surveillance. (more) https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/fifth-covid-19-wave-looks-to-be-driving-biggest-bump-since-january-michael-baker/DRONCSVWAZGXXEENRSRBA6EIMA/
  23. Herd immunity and a ‘bamboozled’ PM: what we learned at the UK Covid inquiry this week The inquiry heard evidence of threats against scientists, and more metaphors from Jonathan Van-Tam Fri 24 Nov 2023 ""It has been another busy and often enlightening week at the UK Covid inquiry. Here are some of the things we learned – or in some cases relearned. Herd immunity was not government policy This has been said before but it was significant to hear Chris Whitty, England’s chief medical officer, set out how a nuanced epidemiological concept used primarily for modelling became so widely misunderstood – including by ministers – that it was widely mistaken for a policy goal. Whitty said he urged people in government to stop publicly discussing a subject that they “half understood” at best, and explained how herd immunity as misunderstood by some – letting a virus run unchecked through a population – would have caused “an extraordinarily high loss of life”. (more) https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/nov/24/what-we-learned-at-uk-covid-inquiry-this-week
  24. "It was the first time the Covid inquiry had heard directly from Rishi Sunak and things went immediately awry for the prime minister: his claim in a witness statement that no one had raised concerns about a flagship pandemic policy was immediately contradicted by the government’s former chief scientific adviser. Monday’s tussle over the “eat out to help out” scheme, in which Sir Patrick Vallance responded to an extract read out from Sunak’s statement, which has yet to be published, was arguably more embarrassing than damaging. But with the prime minister scheduled to appear in person soon, the dangers are piling up. More and more details are emerging about the role of the man referred to disparagingly by one scientific adviser as “Dr Death the chancellor”. (more) https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/nov/25/matters-of-life-and-death-sunak-faces-mounting-danger-at-covid-inquiry
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