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Everything posted by TallGuyJohninBKK

  1. Regarding the allegations in this case -- just when you think they've hit the bottom, they surprise you by showing that there's far farther for them yet to fall... and they're working their hardest to do so.
  2. When I first moved to Thailand years ago, P&G was selling their standard Downy fabric softener packages in 700 or 800 ml volumes for a certain price. Today, many years later, the individual package price is pretty much the same.... but the quantity per package has decreased to 600, then 580, then 550 and I think lately down to 500 ml standard packages. Just one example among many.
  3. They're starting with the BIG stuff, and then working their way down the list of priorities... Next up... what color paper towels to use in station bathrooms -- regular white or neutral beige...
  4. Thailand's legal system on full display in all its glory.... One of a couple things likely to happen: --the guy will be out on bail and abscond to a neighboring country before ever serving a day of his sentence, or --perhaps he'll actually start serving his sentence, and will end up being released or pardoned or commuted before you can blink an eyelash. Thaksin and his hospital scam should be considered the new role model for all these guys.
  5. And you might have wondered what happens to all the drugs when the RTP periodically announces they've seized X million pills of this or that....
  6. In my various dealings with them in recent years, they've been pretty miserable in numerous respects... I would try to avoid them as much as possible.
  7. In my experience at BKK CW doing the 800K annual retirement extension with a single normal bank savings account, they do NOT normally ask for formal bank-issued statements UNLESS for some reason they're not satisfied with receiving the other normal things, which include: --the bank letter confirming the balance in your account --examining your bank passbook and finding a transaction recorded earlier that same day. --receiving normal signed photocopies of your bankbook pages covering the past 12 month period. But sometimes there might be a gap in transactions as printed in your bankbook or maybe you got a new bankbook during the year and depending on how the banks handle that, it may lead to Immigration asking for a formal printed 12-month statement from your bank. But that's not been the norm there.
  8. And in recent years now has a Central Mall there that provides additional shopping and eating options.
  9. I was just browsing their menu as listed on their U.S. website... I didn't see anything remotely resembling an apple fritter, old fashioned or bear claw... Just a lot of traditional cake type donuts will all kinds of different icings and toppings layered on top. https://www.duckdonuts.com/menu/fan-favorites/
  10. What is true is Netflix and Amazon Prime Video have taken tech steps in recent years that have made it increasingly hard to use their services via VPNs... When that first started, a lot of VPN providers were basically locked out... But over time, various of them have adjusted to get back in the game... But still, sometimes, it can be a hit or miss proposition as to whether any particular individual VPN server is going to work with either of them. A lot more problematic than it used to be.
  11. Uhh.. nice try... but NO! "It all began on the sandy beaches of the Outer Banks in Duck, North Carolina." https://www.duckdonuts.com/about-us/
  12. Can you translate just what exactly you're saying about the Tim Horton's chain?
  13. From the OP news report regarding the new Thailand branch: "The company also plans to expand its range with local specialities, including Thai tea, matcha, pink milk, mango, and salted egg flavours." Personally, I'm holding out for the som tum, larb and moo ping flavored donuts!
  14. One of my favorites -- a well-made apple fritter, dark and crispy on the outside, soft and moist on the inside, sweet apples and cinnamon.... And probably enough sugar to last you for a week. I had a wonderful one on my trip back to the U.S. earlier this year... not at Duck's... But it was a one-off excursion to excess! ????
  15. DD seems to be a pretty small operator in terms of corporate donuts: https://www.duckdonuts.com/locations/ Looks like predominantly an East Coast and Southern operation. So their niche is customizing donuts? "It all began on the sandy beaches of the Outer Banks in Duck, North Carolina. There, Founder Russ DiGilio and his family would enjoy relaxing and fun vacations. But something was missing – there was no place to get that sweet staple of happiness – a warm, fresh donut! So, they decided to create their own which led to the first Duck Donuts opening in 2007. Now, you can enjoy the taste of the Outer Banks in your backyard by visiting one of our 100+ locations across the country!" https://www.duckdonuts.com/about-us/
  16. But I always get a kick when I see a Thai person on BTS carrying home a bag with like 2 or 3 large boxes full of their donuts.... I'm never quite sure if they're planning on trying to resell them somewhere that's KK deprived, or they're just for personal consumption. PS - I think "sugar bomb" is probably the more apt description. ????
  17. Which the rest of the world recognizes as "Krispy Kreme"....
  18. Good time to be shopping for a VPN service and/or deciding what ones to renew. Last few years, just as Amazon has been expanding their Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales, it seems a lot of the major VPN providers have been starting their promotions up to a month or so ahead of the big days... Will have to see whether that pans out the same this year...as we head toward the end of October.
  19. Then they ought to frickin' adjust their policies and procedures because "it's not working." ????
  20. For the record, I've never paid or sponsored anyone here in Thailand. But that said, I remember in my early days here meeting and knowing several really lovely university students who were basically open to being sponsored as part of a single relationship. The notion was... live together or live apart, the guy would support their studies and other needs with some monthly amount, and they'd be like a ongoing GF or wife for whatever period of time ensued. I would not have considered those young women prostitutes, even though there obviously would have been a financial element to the relationship.... just as there often is with regular marriages here....
  21. From one of the prior news reports here: "Arresting officers found a 15 centimetre knife in his pocket, along with a quantity of marijuana." The plot, or should I say "pot", thickens.... ????
  22. Bingo! I'd wager, no living being associated with AN writes that way.... ????
  23. I'm familiar with a fair number of different YT content creators who basically make their entire incomes off of YT ad revenue shares on their videos... But of course, you need to reach a certain level of viewership, I believe, before YT will so-called "monetize" a provider's videos... And then from there, the more views, the more money... But FWIW, I also know of one Thailand based YTer who over several years had built quite a following and was earning very good money... until one day in the past year when YT decided to permanently "de-monetize" his account, leaving him in the lurch.
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