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Posts posted by craigt3365

  1. I went to the Venue some time ago. I would have gone regularly, as I can walk there!. However, the English guy told me they don't do food - it wasn't worth employing a chef.. Has that now changed?. If so, I would treat it like my local restaurant.

    Owners have changed recently, but not sure how that has effected the place. I hope to be there soon to find out!

    But so far, the new owner seems to be a really nice guy.

  2. Just Curious.........what price was on your Ticket?? I came up with that same situation in Kao Yai, my ticket said Forty Baht, I paid forty baht and drove away..........a guy came after me waving the ticket, saying '400 baht, 400 baht!!" he had drew another zero on the ticket price.............I just said "My Mi Tang, Pohm mai hai suka baht eek" He turned around and drove back to his desk.

    Oh, sorry for the barroom Thai, thats the only way I know to say "No Way Jose, I aint paying a single baht more"

    Now a poster says the Thai Govt has directed the 10 times the price tickets?? I would like to see an decree to that effect.wai2.gifwai2.gif



  3. Here's an interesting way to beat the breathalyzer, DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE! I don't have any sympathy for drunk drivers.

    Good point. But many times, when "arrested", you just pay a small (or large) fine and are allowed to continue on your way. Strict enforcement is critical. Something that's lacking here.

    Plus, who knows if these machines even work properly. Interesting article here:


  4. Still Swiss made as well and not China. There is a store in Cent. World , The Tank Store. a must visit for a knife collector. They also carry Surfire products and cool hi

    quality outdoor/camping gear.

    Interesting. Can you tell us where that store is located? I've got a Surfire torch. Fantastic.

  5. For those living on the "dark side", there will be some great live music on Wednesday at The Venue. The Gypsy Lou Blues Trio will be performing. Great musicians and something different than what we normally get here in Pattaya.

    The Venue is a very nice place with a new owner. Good food, easy parking and a large area for enjoying the band. It's on Soi Siam Country Club, on the right, just before you get to the lake.


    P.S. I don't know the owner and don't have any association with the bar. Just like live music and thought some of you would like to know about this. I really like this bar. The layout is very good. Just wish it was closer to my home!


  6. I was at a well known park last year and could have walked in without paying. Our hotel was partly inside the park boundary. But, wanted to do the right thing. Paid 400B, 20B for my wife.

    The trails were NOT maintained. Signs were missing and we got "lost" a few times. Actually gave up trying to find one waterfall. There were bridges that had been washed out for years. Hand rails that were falling apart. Sections of steps were missing and you had to be very careful how you proceeded. When we got to a viewpoint, it hadn't been cleared in years. You could see absolutely nothing. The toilets were disgusting. And on the "walking" trail were lots of scooters going back and forth. The walking trail was basically a dirt road.

    Compare this to parks in Europe and the US, where you pay about the same amount of money. You can't.

  7. I've gotten into some parks with my Thai DL and got the "local" price. Other times, no way. So, I just drive off.

    Great idea. So when you go with wife, son in law, his wife and child, grand daughter and grandson, after a 2 hour drive, you just turn round.

    I only paid Farang price twice in three years.

    Don't travel with an extended family like that, so can't comment. But in your situation, I'd just pay. Not that big of a deal.

    We were at some obscure park in Eastern Thailand. They refused to give me the Thai price. It was late in the day and we would have only had an hour or so to explore the place. Wasn't worth it, so we kept driving. I think they wanted 200B, or something like that. Wifey tried to get them to relent. But no deal.

  8. I met a guy last week who says that happened to his friend. 30 days, then off to the airport and kicked out. I'm trying to get more info and when I do, I'll try to relate it back on this thread. I hope to be meeting with the guy again on Friday.

    I've heard many reports of people being stuck in the slammer for the entire weekend. Bribes were not accepted. You just never know.

    My friend was at a checkpoint recently and the cop showed him how the device worked. It blew positive! He knew he was stuffed....

    If they're going by the book, I think you have to pay 20,000 bail (not a bribe) to be released and appear in court the next day. If you can't / won't pay, you're locked up until the court appearance. So, if it's Friday night you'll be there until Monday morning.

    I do believe you are right! I remember a thread from several years ago about this. Did a search, but can't find it. A guy was arrested on Friday and spent the weekend in jail. Not sure why he couldn't get out. The post was quite detailed about his arrest and time in jail. Scary.

  9. Is there any basis to the rumor going around that if you fail the test you go straight to jail for 30 days ?

    I met a guy last week who says that happened to his friend. 30 days, then off to the airport and kicked out. I'm trying to get more info and when I do, I'll try to relate it back on this thread. I hope to be meeting with the guy again on Friday.

    I've heard many reports of people being stuck in the slammer for the entire weekend. Bribes were not accepted. You just never know.

    My friend was at a checkpoint recently and the cop showed him how the device worked. It blew positive! He knew he was stuffed....

  10. Every time you exchange money, you lose a bit. If you are coming with dollars, bring them with you to Myanmar. Change what you need there, what's left you can change back into Baht when you come back.

    I've heard you need to be a bit careful with exchange rates in Myanmar. I get the best rates from ATMs and have a no fee card.

  11. A friend of mine was stopped at Pattaya Tai and 3rd road a few months ago. He had a bad cold, so hadn't been drinking, but he had to blow. He was in a car.

    I hear there's one on Tai and 2nd road quite often also. I've seen them at a variety of places around town. Went through one Saturday, some where on Khaonoi, but only scooters were being stopped.

  12. Anyone know what happens if you don't pay the fine or, the notification goes astray in the post? In my case the named owner is a family member in Bangkok so they could possibly just ignore the letter and not advise the vehicle user.

    Presumably this may get identified when the yearly registration fee is settled at the local traffic office.

    I've not bothered to pay the two I had, I went to pay them and the guy in the post office basically told me not to bother :-)

    Tax'd the car a few weeks ago too - no problem.

    At least 3 months had elapsed between fine being mailed and taxing the car.

    I got a ticket back home and just ignored it. It was for jay walking. 3 years later, got a speeding ticket. Guess what? Had to go to court to clear the outstanding ticket. Including the penalty, it was a lot of money.

    Not sure it's worth 500B to potentially have this happen to you. Sometimes, these things take a long time to come back and bite you.

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