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Posts posted by laphroaig

  1. Can someone please advise me why the link I posted in message 2 on this thread needed to be edited and the link removed. I was not aware i had broken any rules but need to know in case I do it again



  2. HI Everyone,

    I am going to be in Bangkok in the near future, before leaving thailand for good and was wondering what your thoughts are on who the best Dentists are in Bangkok?

    Any help would be great!

    Thanks, Jason

    Hi Jason

    I have limited experience but have used the below dentist on a number of occasions and always found their work and service to be of the highest quality. Their charges seem reasonable to me (although I have never done a comparison with other Thai dental services.)

    Bookings online gain a 10% discount (or at least they always have done so.)

    Good luck

    Google thantakit

    T :o

  3. When reading signs or posters, maybe on trains or driving and even on TV I very quickly count the number of words and divide by four. Done it all my life and whilst it doesn't make me fed up if it is not divisible by four, I just have to do so.

    Same as the others with money. I always put it down to my Myers Briggs ESTJ personality (apparently 8.7% of the worlds population) where such people tend to live their lives by logical sequence. Not really what I would call an obsession but maybe a character trait that borders on it.

    I guess the GOM was ESTJ :o anyone had the balls to ask him?


    By the way, this post was not divisible by four unless you choose to uinclude smileys :D

  4. I joined , just over a year ago. I found that Thaivisa members held my hand through, what I would name as a 'Major Decision Time'. Now. I find myself helping others in here. No harm in that.

    Doesn't that just signify the reality of internet though. It is a basic human instinct to want to impart knowledge and share information for the good of others. It only seems to get weird when opinion come into the picture.

    I openly seek help through such forums in areas where I want to expand my own knowledge and offer help to others in areas where I have the necessary experience.

    As for time, we all probably move forward and what was of interest in the past may no longer be, either due to our own individual change in personal interest or alternatively, the forum changing its structure/content to one we have grown out of. Usually another will take its place :o

    I am very interested in Thailand and Thai culture so for now it is a good place to be. Just got to avoid the few 'egos' which exist all around us and pick out the good stuff.

  5. Police suspected that Yuwayama, who stayed alone there, might be under stress because prior to the incident, Yuwayama was seen drinking alcohol, crying and knocking on neighbours' doors

    very sad, and the person or people who saw this did not help?...may she RIP

    I'm sure you would help if a drunk crying stranger came knocking on your door.

    Maybe Thailand is different, maybe I am naive, but I sure would help if I was able to do so. It wouldn't be the first time I have helped strangers who were drunk or in need.

  6. I am planning my next trip to Thailand and am wondering whether a motor cycle would be a cool idea for transport. My plan would be to start and finish at Bkk but I like the idea of travelling North East through Issan, into Laos, down through Laos into Cambodia and back to Bkk. I plan maybe one month for this.

    My questions concern the motor cycling aspect of it and would appreciate any guidance or advice. I guess a motor cycle reasonable able to take long distances wold be good but not a large bike. I ride here in NZ and the style I like are the off road styles which I anticipate would be better in rural areas. Maybe 250-400cc maximum.

    Ok, what I need to know at present can be categorised as follows.

    • Is a bike hire in Bkk possible and if so any advice on where to go.
    • If not possible, I wondered about an outright purchase with a commitment from the dealer to rebuy at the end of the month (reflecting a return on the fact that I have used the bike to the seller.) Is it likely that anyone would go for this option? If so is it likely that their commitment could be trusted?
    • What do I need to legally ride a bike in Thailand in respect of licenses or tests
    • Any advice on crossing the borders on a bike?
    • Am I being stupid and unrealistic to consider this in the first place as a means of transport?

    Thanks in anticipation


  7. Ok, I need some practical help here regarding the issue of the feet.

    I am blessed with a pretty stocky frame, but specifically my legs. The result of this is that although I am a very fit guy, I find it practically impossible to sit with my legs crossed. The lower and upper leg muscles just get in the way.

    On reading other threads concerning this I want to know how serious the pointing of the feet actually is. What prompted the question was a thread about what mistakes were made when we first integrate in Thai culture.

    Last visit in February I attended a cultural show in Chiang Mai and was one of those who was given a bit of carpet to sit on for my meal rather than at a table. I had no option other than to tuck one leg underneath me but the other had to point straight ahead :o . I tried kneeling but that was really uncomfortable. Without doubt, my foot was well and truly aimed at the next group of people. Nothing was said and in fact I only think about it now so they may not even have noticed or been concerned but I would like to know the reality of this situation so I don't stuff up.


  8. Whatever we say, whatever our Myers Briggs profile tells us about ourselves and how we approach life, please understand that Mental illness is a real condition and should not be taken lightly.



    Hi Tony,

    that's a sad story, and I apologise if I offended you or your family. I guess I was just brought up differently not to believe in these things, most of which have only been invented in the last few decades.

    Hope your daughter gets better.


    No worries, I was not offended. In fact I was very much of a mind prior to our own experiences that mental illnesses can be dealt with by pulling ourselves together. I have never been one for sympathy. It took my own family experiences to educate me that mental illness is more than a mood which can be 'sorted out. In the early days of her illness I was less than sympathetic however this caused me to change my outlook. I guess I want to share that with others and let them know that it can be a 'real' condition and cases should be treated with caution.

    As for the daughter, the reality is that these conditions do not 'get better' in so far as they do not recover like one recovers from a cold or a broken leg. The condition is always likely to be there but through the mixture of lifestyle, medication and work on herself it is controlled so that a normal life should ensue.



  9. Hi Guys

    Being new here i am not sure whether this post will be viewed as going off topic. If so I apologise but I do want to make a point on this issue of mental health and OCD.

    The inference in more than one post is that OCD and mental illness can either be self inflicted or self generated and can be dealt with by way of a good slap.

    Firstly, I do not believe that the GOM has OCD through his actions. There would liely be more evidence from his habits than wanting a specific seat.

    My daughter suffers from clinical depression and OCD. The OCD has resulted in one suicide attempt through the absolute frustration of the condition, made worse by the depression.

    The depression is diagnosed now as a chemical imbalance in the body/brain. No amount of slapping or telling her to pull herself together would correct the imbalance. Thankfully now, through a mixture of medication(which rebalances the chemicals) and good counselling, supportive family and friends, things are pretty well under control for the most of the time.

    Whatever we say, whatever our Myers Briggs profile tells us about ourselves and how we approach life, please understand that Mental illness is a real condition and should not be taken lightly.



  10. like Farma, I think the OP means "fun dee na ka" (ฝันดีนะคะ), which means "sweet dreams".

    fun (ฝัน) = dream(s)

    dee (ดี) = good

    na ka (นะคะ) conveys a meaning along the terms of "ok?" or "I believe/hope it's that way"...

    Many thanks to you all. Yes, 'sweet dreams' would sound correct given the context. I appreciate your help


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