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Posts posted by hugocnx

  1. Whatever if Raleigh still excists in Thailand/China or not. The real issue for me is wether you can still buy a descent city bike for an old/60 fart like me. Not the sturdy postman's bike from China or that typical 2,500 Baht girls bike, but just an all day easy going bike to drive along the countryside. No, not an ATB...been there.

    There used to be one shop in Chiang Mai (Chiang Moi Road), that sold a Raleigh men's bike for 8,000 Baht.

    Looked really good, drum brakes, simple Sturmey Archer, front and back lights (imagine that) and most of all a 'brooks' saddle. Cool, that's the bike I want to buy after my holidays abroad.

    As things go in Thailand, you saw this bike 2 months ago and decided to buy one. Once you get to that very shop, the bike is hardly known, not available anymore or whatever exquise they can come up with.

    If you know this kind of bike and know a shop holding one in stock...pls PM me.

  2. Isu is the ultimate farmer car. Used to be low on diesel and therefor attractive. Perhaps even more attractive today.

    Peronally I go for a Toyota with petrol engine and LPG outfit. Saves alot per year and the engine is fast.

    Toyota is almost the Nr 1 in the world, and some more or less discount isn't the problem....is it???

    Everywhere your freebee is a bedliner, sunprotector, one year insurance and half or full tank.

    If there is only one Toyota family in Chiang Mai, then there is not much bargaining. A friend of mine, who is a bit stingy, bought his 4x4 Vigo at Ratchadamnun affiliate and was happy enough. Only thing was, he could choose any color and choose the blue one. Sorry, mai mee. TiT.

  3. Thanks. Typicaly Thailand again probably. This concerns the Chiang Mai Immigration I forgot to mention.

    An aquintance of mine, German by birth, with a Dutch passport went there last month. The so called left building was no longer in biss. For 90 days reporting, you had to go from now on to the so called right building where all the regular visa stuff was normally done. Only the 90 days reporting and no longer the Res Cert for which you had now to see your ambassy. This german/Dutch guy went to the German Ambassy in CNX and got a Res Cert there, which he needed for his pension bank in Holland.

    Think I'd rather go there myself and ask for a RC and find out what the hel# they are changing again in a good working team.

    Again some more grey hair.

    None of you CNX expats have any idea?

    Thing is that it only concerns people with 1 year retirement visa and do we have such a crowd of them here? I heard the reason was that there were too much applications. Wow, then rather charge a couple of hundred Baht for it rather than making it impossible. :o

  4. Hi All,

    Since Immigration no longer issues the Residence Certificate, i.e. for bying property or car in your own name, you will have to go to your Ambassy.

    Does anyone know if you can get such a paper from another ambassy than your home country ambassy.

    Same question goes for the Attesta de Vita, (proof of being alive).

    What reason is there actually for Immigration to no longer issue the Residence Certificate?


  5. What I hate about Thailand is the growing group of farang who want to change this country into something 'more civilized' if you know what I mean.

    I know what you mean and agree

    Like expecting cars to give way to you at zebra crossings???


    You got some of the picture. I mean in Thailand there are certain rules and habits. Dogs are lowest in society rank. Feet are dirty and head is holey. Pedestrains are weakest, cars are bigger and trucks and buses even bigger than.

    I would love to give you way at a zebra crossing, but both of us will eventually get hit. Why using the Zebra if you have the whole street for you to cross :o TIT

  6. What I hate about Thailand is the growing group of farang who want to change this country into something 'more civilized' if you know what I mean.

    Like everyone should conform to your idea of what is/is not acceptable ..... if you know what I mean?!

    What is acceptable for me and probably not for others is that there is 'burning' in this country as well as suicidle behaviour in traffic and many more things.

    I am not calling in the cops, like many people insinuate that should be done, in newspapers. This country can grow by itself even may it take much longer than......what some people want?

    Second world war was not so long ago, so what is time?

  7. I had a choice. Working my butt of in Europe and die in the harnas or sell whatever I owned and go for pre-pension to LOS. Been here befor and loved the country and up 2day live here for 2 years. Never been to countries like Saudi or Singapore. South America seems violent...Costa Rica maybe?

    Anyway, in fact I am a refugee with a retirement visa. Only wish immigration makes the retirement visa thing a bit easier and tranparent. I could spent the rest of my life in LOS (CNX), though I never make long term commitments. No house, no biss, no marriage. When needed I can move.

    What I hate about Thailand is the growing group of farang who want to change this country into something 'more civilized' if you know what I mean.

  8. Dang, this thread has gone far off topic. Never mind, freedom of speech is great.

    But to come back to Song Khran...what is a persons freedom to move across the street without getting hit by sneaky or non sneaky waterposts.

    Many complaint about farang going on and on throwing water from inside bars but being a 'Chiang Mai' inhabitant I am told by Thai people that it's far more worse in Bangkok than over here.

    Not only farang aren't able to stop. Thai should know first that it ends at sundown. Here in Chiang Mai you can bet your ass that you get flooded even after that time of day. There is a moment that the humourous aspect of a celebration turns against itself. I cannot believe that Thai people like this treatment all the time, but it is as always...don't worry..it's the way it goes and what can you do about it.

    OK, I admit that I still have farang attitude and would just like to lay my bike to rest and hit the stupid guys in the face. Don't worry...you cannot teach a Thai something. Same like they love to race a crossroad with red lights on their side and honk you for taking care not causing an accident.

    Whooo, before you accuse me of something...I like it here, join the Thai style as much as I can if only just to save my ass in traffic. But this doesn't mean that I have to like it all..or is that too much of topic also?

  9. Since about september 2006 the Residence Certificate is only granted to people who have a one year visa/extension. Not for non-immigrant O, multiple entry though and other visa that need border runs.

    If you need a RC, you now have to see your consulate in person and pay for it. Pitty for all people who, like me, have their consulate in BKK. Cost you two days and alot Baht.

    The Dutch consulate visits CNX several times a year. get yourself registered at your consulate or at least put yourself on their mailinglist, so you get informed about visits and other 'important' things.

    Cosulates however do not advise on visa stuff and are in no way interested to afgue the Thai system.

    I hope this driver lisence/pasport thing works, since plan to buy a car this year.

  10. I made it clear that I had a retirement extension and that I wanted the CR to register a new bike. They didn't ask to see my passport, but simply told me they didn't issue them any more. Anyone venture a guess as to what happens in the case of expats with no consular presence in CM?

    The entire thing is a waste of time in my case since I'm moving in two weeks anyway and didn't have a lease for the new place at the time I bought the bike.

    You get the paper from your BKK Embassy if you have no consul in CM or you get a Residence Book(yellow book).

    But if your conversation at CM Immigration was as brief as you described it, you might try again with some light chatting to see if you can get them to look at your passport/retirement extension and see if there is some way they could help you. Could be worth a try considering your alternatives. There have been numerous misunderstandings at CM Immigration.

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