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Posts posted by phetpeter

  1. From chatting with Thai's up here in the bush! It is coming clearer that they are waking up to the fact they have voted in a bunch of self serving bigots! We are still in some areas having revotes because the people don't like or want the fools and crooks who are standing.

    Just like the father in law when I build a pig farm. told him to dig a pool for the crap. No don't need the old way is best! six months later with the place full of crap, he confirmed that the old ways are not the best! and build the pool!

    Now his thinking for government He's rich so put him in and I will be rich too! he is waking up to the facts thanks to TV and news both good and bad. have shown him how they got rich. and what they really think of him!

    Next coup will be the last and hopefully perhaps finally with the working classes finding people who will think of them and not themselves.

  2. here you all go again! perhaps it is the teacher who should be standing in the corner? You spell this wrong or is it me and her or her and me? It doesn't matter! English is a fluid language. It changes daily, most new words in the world are in English. There are NO barriers or rules to how it is used. your jobs as teachers is to encourage it use!

    So! Shut up , sit down and come up with ways to make the work easier and pay more, and how to get the Thai's to treat us as welcome workers.

    (Class over!)

  3. Whats differcult to understand? I have worked 3 yrs starting 4th yr working for gov schools. To work legal is a simple process! Aletter from gov ed office, contract Both similar staing where, what and when including salary details. plus one more letter requesting extension or replacement of visa, make sure all have big rubber stamp!

    Receipt for WP or currant WP. and if renewal or replacement make sure you have tax form payment.

    If starting a new school ask for all docs before you start work. if renwing refuse to start work until done and make sure you get the school to start them one or two months before end of contract.

    Don't wanna pay you for a month or two in Apl or May tell them OK, but they must backdate letters etc. for to stop having any gaps in service.

    If they want you and like you they will do there best! If they won't perhaps you should look around before you get on their 'rocky' road!

    By the way, it's not the paper that makes a good teacher, it's the person.

    If its grates you soooo much, perhaps you are not good! can you anywhere, anytime pull a group of young students around you willing to listen and interact? i think thats the sign of a good teacher.

    Remeber the job of a teacher is to point the student in the direction of knowledge. to encourage them to work it out not to spoonfeed them!

  4. There you got mandate every school not to allow the motorcycles to leave school if they are not wearing a crash hemlet or there are more then two on the bike, do monthly checks on lights, tyres etc and licence checks. Perhaps use one period all bikes to be lined up and checked using M6 students trained to check the bikes. Use vol police at each school. Surely the education should start at the schools. and in time it will get better.

    I believe in US you have driver ed? wot ever that is, bring it in Thailand schools could issuse temp liences to student and their bikes, revoke if there are failings etc etc blah blah blah.......

  5. You forgot the wife - don't leave home without her. Also believe they will want to see tax payment paperwork

    I am on 'O' visa and this year I will for the first time be taking my wife, Tax return for last year, school contract, and Education area letter confirming employment, plus going down a month early with current work permit.

    althrough when i asked they didnt mention bank accounts were needed I will take with me, as back up but on purpose with only 200,000 showing salary in and monies out.

    we will see if things go well?

    Have been he for 5 yrs, but as is normal schools i have worked for in the past, seem to dely paperwork to try and save paying for one month. but, this year(2nd yr with same) school is much more friendly and much more helpfu. Has backdated contract to start 1ts of April (no pay) helping continuation of WP up to 20th June my visa renewal datel So I will go down 20th May to complete renwal for the 20th June.

    Wish me luck and fingers crossed. It will be sooooooo nice for everything to flow on.

  6. If your visa has an expiry date of 31st April then it will never expire!!! 30 days hath September April June and November etc , get it?

    90 day reporting is purely an administration requirement to show yoru address and has no connection with your visa they are two seperate things. My permission to stay expires on 29th April but my next reporting date is 18th May, the lady in Immigration went to some length to point this out that they are seperate and I need to renew permission to stay by 29th April AND come back two weeks later and do my 90 day reporting.

    I am certain you are wrong when renew your 1 yr visa, the first date you apply means the same as leaving and entering the country again. The 90 day reporting starts anew from the first stamp in your passport. It does for an 'o' type visa. when you have to return 1 month later as for 'b' visa I would assume that it starts from renewal date stamp. unless you renew up to one month earlier which is allowed. if in Bangkok after renewal just pop upstairs and deal direct, then you can't be wrong. Ever ???????????

    Plus they are very helpful now adays also have a written note stating when the next time I report or reminding me to renew my visa.

    Just remember the most important stamp is your Visa stamp and end date. 90 days is just confirming your address, and changes each time you leave and reenter the country. B visa are only valid while you are contracted to work. 1900b will get you only a 7 day extension to leave. if waiting for new school contract or renewal delayed to save paying you for a month (normal) go over for a tourist visa cheaper (can do that for 3 times). and start again.(get the school to assist with costs) be warned you had better have tax cert saying you or the school has paid or you are exempt or they might not let you leave till you have??

  7. If your visa has an expiry date of 31st April then it will never expire!!! 30 days hath September April June and November etc , get it?

    90 day reporting is purely an administration requirement to show yoru address and has no connection with your visa they are two seperate things. My permission to stay expires on 29th April but my next reporting date is 18th May, the lady in Immigration went to some length to point this out that they are seperate and I need to renew permission to stay by 29th April AND come back two weeks later and do my 90 day reporting.

    I am certain you are wrong when renew your 1 yr visa, the first date you apply means the same as leaving and entering the country again. The 90 day reporting starts anew from the first stamp in your passport. It does for an 'o' type visa. when you have to return 1 month later as for 'b' visa I would assume that it starts from renewal date stamp. unless you renew up to one month earlier which is allowed. if in Bangkok after renewal just pop upstairs and deal direct, then you can't be wrong. Ever ???????????

    Plus they are very helpful now adays also have a written note stating when the next time I report or reminding me to renew my visa.

  8. The Tesco store (Supersize) is up and running. running their own food kitchens. with pizza company, Mk and Chesters grill all will be open within 4 weeks. No firm date on Major cinema (4 screens) but, it will be soon. Big C running late should be open with 8 weeks.

    Sorry , but it is like a breath of fresh air (Not forgetting the A/C down on freezing point). everybody (Thai's) are putting on the Sunday best to shop, just sit and have a lite lunch, :o The eye candy is perfect. And we are bumping into everybody we haven't seen for a long time!

    Sure like Tesco UK some prices are higher, But not having to listen or deal with Chin mum/pop stores or the uncover market, with restricted goods, out of date products and who cares attitude. is great!

    All we need know is the coffee shop to supply beer and become the new farang corner! Maybe the Big C will sort that one out!

    As for Top land, I can see big changes coming to Phetchabun centre in the near future! This is going to shake up the live in shop owners who have strangled the town centre for too long with their T shirt shops and mobile phone outlets.

    Just my thinking! LOL

    :D and of course the wives will be able to keep an eye on the weekly golfers across the road! :D

  9. The Tesco store (Supersize) is up and running. running their own food kitchens. with pizza company, Mk and Chesters grill all will be open within 4 weeks. No firm date on Major cinema (4 screens) but, it will be soon. Big C running late should be open with 8 weeks.

    Sorry , but it is like a breath of fresh air (Not forgetting the A/C down on freezing point). everybody (Thai's) are putting on the Sunday best to shop, just sit and have a lite lunch, :o The eye candy is perfect. And we are bumping into everybody we haven't seen for a long time!

    Sure like Tesco UK some prices are higher, But not having to listen or deal with Chin mum/pop stores or the uncover market, with restricted goods, out of date products and who cares attitude. is great!

    All we need know is the coffee shop to supply beer and become the new farang corner! Maybe the Big C will sort that one out!

    As for Top land, I can see big changes coming to Phetchabun centre in the near future! This is going to shake up the live in shop owners who have strangled the town centre for too long with their T shirt shops and mobile phone outlets.

    Just my thinking! LOL

  10. What we must remember, is the southern states are very large, most people living in peace with each other.

    The newspapers are scare mongels, police man shot! What about the policeman in Phetchabun hacked for trying to stop neighbours fighting? hardly a mention!

    Pull the reporters out of the south, no news then whats the point? it worked in the end in Northern Ireland, They had to admit they weren't getting anywhere with their killing, so they came to the table and started talking.

    I think some of the police and miltary patrolling skills are very bad! Bit like the movies, bunch together not spead out, vehicles 100 metres apart etc. reqular change of timings and routes.

    Forget the center, patrol and restrict movement in and out areas and across states. Close schools that are attacked for good. Ship the students to home stay schools. Assist families to move. WHEN THERE IS NOTHING OPEN TO ATTACK, NO BARS TO BOMB, NO NEW MOTORCYCLES, CARS AND TRUCKS FOR SALE, NO BROOZE BEING DELIVERED, NO MOVEMENT OF PERSONS WITH CRIMINAL RECORDS TO RELOCATE, NO TEACHERS TO KILL, PERHAPS THEY WILL START KILLING EACH OTHER!

    Given time, they too will want to sit and talk.

  11. Blame for the lack of land lines, falls on the telephone companies, in the UK when new buildings go up the telephone company gives materials free to install to the builders. (saves them going in later to put a cable in).

    The truth is whereever there are power lines so should there be telephone cables into every village and hamlet! and there is! every village head has a government telephone installed ( exceptions noted then it is a radio system). Of course if there is a payphone then....well theres the answer, wouldn't wanna bore you with the tech specs!

  12. Till the government and towns give them the pleasure we can enjoy in Europe, such as leisure centers, swimming pools, cinemas that are modern, clean inside with A/C, etc.

    Are we in the same Thailand? Bangkok has extremely up to date cinemas that are clean with A/C as well as leisure centers and swimming pools. Maybe you should walk outside the bar area.

    Oh! Dick, not all of us live in Bangkok! We love Thailand and the Thai people, the fresh air and thankfully Bangkok is only a place to visit once in awhile, don't need to stay in the big city, if I did that I might as well go back to London. In fact too much money is spent on pleasure in the city! Remember the workers come from the country because they are given nothin to make them wanna stay, 'cause the govt keep it down there for their own selfish reasons!

    Now where is that bar? Walk? Don't think so! 'cause its not next to my place! Must be next to you?

  13. "and the bus lost control"

    The bus did not lose control, the driver lost control !! :o

    I think as a tour bus owner for nearly 20yrs in the UK, My observations here make me feel I should comment! Never delay a bus journey till the last minute, leave yourself options to wait for the next bus!, if the driver (s) look tired, or unkempt attire or their vehilce as previous damage. should you consider waiting? I might! I would if the journey involves late night driving. plus you could scream at the driver if he acts in a dangerous manner more than once! Don't just sit there, same with the vol of the movie! most Thai's are cowards scared to say anything, but you will be their hero if you open your mouth! just be firm not act like crazy farang!

    if up north going to BKK. treat yourself...fly or by train.....just hold back on the beers for a few days!

    By the way lets name some of the worst companies, I know 99 group killed at least three people here in Phetchabun-Lomsak with stupid danergous driving.(under and overtaking)

  14. "and the bus lost control"

    The bus did not lose control, the driver lost control !! :o

    I think as a tour bus owner for nearly 20yrs in the UK, My observations here make me feel I should comment! Never delay a bus journey till the last minute, leave yourself options to wait for the next bus!, if the driver (s) look tired, or unkempt attire or their vehilce as previous damage. should you consider waiting? I might! I would if the journey involves late night driving. plus you could scream at the driver if he acts in a dangerous manner more than once! Don't just sit there, same with the vol of the movie! most Thai's are cowards scared to say anything, but you will be their hero if you open your mouth! just be firm not act like crazy farang!

    if up north going to BKK. treat yourself...fly or by train.....just hold back on the beers for a few days!

  15. So wot's new? If a Thai can't stick a mobile in their ear every five minutes, I think they might die on the spot!

    As for internet use just visit something like Camfrog, where thousands of them spend both awake and asleep glued to the internet! WHY?

    Because there isn't anywhere and anything to do!

    Till the government and towns give them the pleasure we can enjoy in Europe, such as leisure centers, swimming pools, cinemas that are modern, clean inside with A/C, etc.

    The poor buggers only have their motorcycles to drive round and round, can't even rely on a decent local bus services!

    Life is easier to chat on mobiles and internet, and sit around just look at their backsides going the way of the USA. even their TV is mind numbing!

    Everyday all morning Chat shows about nothin! or chinese movies! haaa! mmmm? Ooooo! Blah blah blah lipstick blah T shirt blah cotton bag ughhhh! ohooo!

  16. You let us down , all the items can be got elsewhere. Just had a very big Tesco open here in Phetchabun , with cinemas and next month our Big C will open right next door!

    Spoke to the english manger overseeing everything, when we asked he supplied cheese! not just one hard cheese but, a complete range!

    Just spoke to him about Fray Bentos tinned pie range, doesnt promise but, if its possible he will get, due to the fact they are tinned, long expiry date, he said it is possible that the big bosses might ship in a container and see how they go! So we wait and see!

    As he said! Ask, give information and you never know?

    By the way told him about the companies in Pattaya who sell frozen pies. BuT I still go Foodland and villa and the TOPs stores to get a side of T-bone for the freezer thro. never touch Tesco own packed beef always looks as if someone as slept with it!!

    So in answer to Thaivisa, go on make my day, import something that I can't get here, (Hmm Adsa fresh bread!! just kidding!) and on behalf of the EU members, something for them as well!

  17. Edwinchester You have the correct notion for Songkang! Thats what we should remember is one of the Joys of the festival, the rest can spinkle a splash of water on their grannies. Just give me the shirt ripping jet fire hose of the truck anyday, but never at the face! LOL

    And remember the idiots on the motorcycles! you don't think they don't know whats going to happen when the go out on the bloody things? or is it just the stupid farang popping to the 7/11 for a packet of Wonder reds and another four pack of Elephant piss has forgotton its that time of year?

    As for boy racer with his super slim micro tyres, drilled out exhaust and dropped handlebars, isn't he doing his best to show off to the folks and pull! don't worry he will get his admirers! (You seen what they look like when have come off and rolled down road a few hundred feet and do the party trick, feet facing opposite way to head! Clever!)

  18. Sure I agree that people should control others who are doing dangerous acts while drunk! such a stopping them driving for their safety and that of others!

    But, when do we get off telling Thai's to become westeners, I left the UK because of the lack of freedom, to park my car where I want! to drive my bike with the wind in my hair! I have life I can make my choices. I know there are idiots who could take my life. But, I have the choice.

    If I feel the event is too risky, I don't go! On Songkang Hols I inist my wife takes her car to market not a motorbike, shes not worried, but I want my dinner! LOL

    I came to live here with her because I wanted to have some control in my life, and I have learnt to live with "stupid" acts from Thai's, and I will scream at them as will my wife!

    But I give the bikes 2sec longer before moving off the the lights, blow my horn at most junctions and warn bikes that I am behind them if they wobble more than 3 ins, or more than 2 up or have 50kilos of rice balanced on the back of the bike.

    Chance will come in time, but, please don't let them change to western ways. Where is the fun in that?

  19. WP 7 can be got from the work permit office. You will find it most suitable for your employer to go with you if he wishes you to work at different locations.

    You will only be excepted if the different locations are on a reqular basis. If the agency you work for aren't willing to comfirm these extra locations in the same manner as your base location, you will have a problem.

    Plus of course it also depends on the offical behind the desk! You could also try for more than one work permit for each location! (But! who's paying for the WP?)

  20. I understand. Closer to the truth than many like to acknowledge - but develop a thicker skin. Winding people up is a bit of a sport on TV - even though it's against forum rules - it's a rule that gets ignored by and large!

    I agree that sometimes wind ups can be fun, when placed withsubjects that deserve them! But! When people want to give /remind or ask for advice from hopefully people who do more or know more, than making stupid one line comments, or worst change a serious tread into a slanging match, Then I hope others will comment.

    As for a thicker skin I have lived up north now for five years in the outbacks of Phetchabun! You can't get any thicker skins than round here, Opps! thats a joke (sic).

    Still the place and time for wind ups are for forum dealing with wives, visa, bars, Police and Bangkok. NOT murder of other persons because of their lack of understanding of what could be wrong in Thailand. Advise for the next lovestuck, etc.....( I would use other comments after lovestuck but, not in this thread.)

    But, for the grace of God, It could have been me! you or you!

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