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Posts posted by enfield951

  1. If you turn off sukhumvit at the Huay Yai junction (Na Jomtien traffic lights), go about 500m and take a left immedeately over the railway line, you will see a sign for "the pirates of Pattaya" used to be the pattaya shooting club, now advertises archery, fishing etc. too.

    This place has been on the go for a lot of years, check it out when you arrive, give me a call if you get lost - you have my number.

    Also Winchester Gun Club on Soi 11 or 12 Jomtien.

    Can you buy airguns or rifles freely, anywhere in Pattaya ?

    That's a knocking shop you tool

    Sorry for that then,somebody told me you could get your weapon out there,and also have a great Sunday lunch !!


  2. If you turn off sukhumvit at the Huay Yai junction (Na Jomtien traffic lights), go about 500m and take a left immedeately over the railway line, you will see a sign for "the pirates of Pattaya" used to be the pattaya shooting club, now advertises archery, fishing etc. too.

    This place has been on the go for a lot of years, check it out when you arrive, give me a call if you get lost - you have my number.

    Also Winchester Gun Club on Soi 11 or 12 Jomtien.

    Can you buy airguns or rifles freely, anywhere in Pattaya ?

  3. Non capish

    Habla Espanol?

    I live next to one of the local immigration officers, do you have a work permit? (While taking photos)

    All appropriate replies.

    Do I need a work permit to photograph two humans on a motorcycle who I suspect of criminal intent upon an innocent citizen?

    Glib responses are always noted by Libya 115, particularly senior posters in the 2K club.

    With respect: I think you have misunderstood Chang Paarp's post.

    The way I read it is - he is offering 3 suggested responses you could have given to the "scammers", the last one being to tell them you live next door to an immigration officer and asking if they have a work permit.

    I don't think he was suggesting you need a work permit to take photos.

    Why so sensitive?

    What the heck is this all about then ?

    Scammers without a scam ,or are they TEFL people who want to teach others English ?

    The mind boggles ! :o

  4. Does anyone know why some websites are unavailable on your own PC ,but available in Internet cafes.

    I refer to one in particular which is the Coventry Building Society where I have an Internet Account.

    I have tried all ways of accessing from home to no avail.Yet go to a shop and no trouble(I have asked and they say they use the same ISP).

    Not much good as I wouldn't dare use a public PC to access my accounts.I have no trouble in other countries.

    Can't imagine they have offended the Thai Government.

    I have being getting by on the telephone for transferring money in and out,but when I phoned last week they pointed out I get higher interest for running an internet account,and for the last 3 months I have phoned them 4 times. The gypsy's warning I think.

    Is there a cheap dial up ISP I could use that may be able to access it ? Or any other helpful suggestions.

    Thanks :o

  5. I was very surprised when a friend sent me a youtube link that the video actually played yesterday.

    For months it has just said this vdeo is unavailable.I tried others and they all worked OK.

    I have just tried it again, early in the morning,and it's still OK.Long may it last.

    A change of heart obviously.

    Happy Viewing :o

  6. I have TOT 1MB/512K package which is costing me 2700B/month, I see from the maxnet link that for slightly cheaper I could be getting 4M/1M from them, anybody know what the service is like from Maxnet in terms of how frequently it drops out ?

    Also does anybody know if I would have to have a new TOT telephone line or if they would be able to connect to my existing TOT line that I'm using currently with TOT ADSL ?

    Monty sounds like your a bit of an expert on this am I correct in thinking that If TT&T don't have a DSLAM within 2Km of my home then download speeds of 4M would not be possible ?

    Is it possible to find out from the web or TT&T office where their DSLAM's are located ?

    Why does your TOT ADSL package cost 2,700 baht; do you have a business package? I have TOT GoldCyber package (2 gigibyte download, 512k upload) and I only pay slightly over 1,000 baht.

    Yes it's a business package but it still uses goldcyber as the username in my modem setup, so to be honest I don't really know what benefit I'm supposed to have with this business package as it's slower than your goldcyber account. Are you limited to a certain amiunt of downloaded data per month or something ?

    BTW my TOT has been dropping in and out terribly over the last 2 or 3 days, usually only for a few mins to 10 mins but very annoying, be interesting to know if this has only been limited to TOT or if other companies have been dropping in and out which would suggest that there is a problem with CAT as I beleive all internet in Thailand eventually connects internationally via CAT.

    I think that the primary advantage of the business package is that there are fewer connections sharing a server so you shouldn't experience as much of a slowdown or dropouts, but what you have written, it doesn't seem to be working very well for you. Actually, my TOT ADSL has been working much better over the past few days. I got great connection and download speeds this morning. Yesterday morning was fairly good also, but after around 11:00 AM, there is a serious drop in speed and I begin to get internet dropouts. Videos have been downloading over YouTube this past week, but sometimes they won't play, hangs up after a few seconds of playing although the bar at the bottom of the video window indicates that downloading is progressing. Other times, videos play nicely as they are downloading; I really don't know why they play sometimes and at other times they do not. Can anyone tell me if they experience the same symptoms viewing YouTube with other ISP's such as TT&T?


    I don't believe it !!! After months,someone sent me a news item with a link to Youtube .Oh ! I thought waste of time ,but to my surprise it worked.Went on to my account ,favourites worked,no problems.

    Usually it allows me on to the site,one up from last year when it just said 'site unavailable',then after selecting a video,'sorry this video not available'.

    Lets see what happens tomorrow !

    Try it out (TOT user)

  7. I have the same problem,that the serever don't except my username,many times.However saturday night my tot adsl worked as usual.(please read clear usual,it does not mean satisfying).Don't know where in pattaya you guy's are located,I'm at soi khao talo.

    I'm in Soi Nernplubwaan, anyone had a problem located on the light side or was it only on the dark side?

    Same problem for me at Pratumnak.Tried all evening to find out how Lewis Hamilton had done in practice.

    BBC World came to the rescue.(No dish ,just Sophon)

  8. Recently found great English muffins in Foodland.This got me thinking are there Crumpets (besides the obvious) ,

    Pikelets (almost same thing,different name),or Oatckes available anywhere in Pattaya ?

    Mouth Watering Query

  9. Finally it seems that the big screen will be installed soon, as I noticed some works going on last weekend.

    Anybody got more information?


    I've seen them working on it too, but have no idea when it will be ready. Once it is complete, though, people crossing Beach Road near Walking Street should be very, very careful. Drivers coming along Beach Road will be transfixed by the colourful new sign, and will not be paying much attention to pedestrians (as if they do now :o ).

    It's more likely an animated advert that says 'Shop at Mike Mall,or buy one of his houses' or possibly

    'Go to to Tony's Gym or his Club,or his Bar'

    maybe even one that says 'Watch out there's a Mugger/Pickpocket about '

    Forget the EPL !

  10. JAFN!

    Item 1: Where, in the store employees actions that you have described, is there any evidence of clear intent to overcharge you?

    Item 2: Is there any store anywhere in the world where there is a separate sign-off for 'Received' versus 'Inspected'?

    Item 3: As already pointed out, at this point in time you have committed a fraud.

    Item 4: Maybe we have another criminal moving in to Pattaya?

    As I said before, JAFN.

    1. price rung up almost 50% higher, took over an hour just to get my money back. their attitude was that I was a crook. offered nothing for the inconvenience of helping train them to sort out their theiving.

    2. absolutely. their delivery document is all in Thai so i really don't know nor can be held accountable for what i'm signing.

    3. my credit card company allows me to dispute charges when I don't get what is promised. where is the fraud? just because i take advantage and am smart enough to choose a credit card that offers this policy/service, you think I am a fraud? perhaps you're jealolus your card doesn't offer that to you.

    4. yes, and most likely those that accuse others of being frauds, with no evidence, and more likely the ones that could be charged with slander and libel.

    Have you never dealt with MFI ? That's the furniture mob,by the way, not an arm of the British Secret Service.

    They operate in a similar fashion,but it all gets sorted in the end.

    Just chill out,and look at the temperature and price of petrol etc. You will realise things are not so bad. :o

  11. I am a regular diner at the Caddy Shack,and have noticed in the local press pictures of Golfers from Caddy Shack 2.

    Can anyone enlighten me as to where it is and what it's like ?

    Cheers :o

  12. Dear Moderators,

    Can we update the Pattaya forum Pinned items with;

    a ) Driving License information

    b ) Bank account information

    These appear to be two items with very heavy interest and

    to give Kees5 his due, the TV search engine is seriously


    Many thanks,


    PS. Kees, someone will be along shortly to answer your query.

    Thanks for your patience.

    The answers to these and many other 'standard' questions regarding everyday life in Pattaya can be found on the excellent Pattaya Ex-pat Clubs website. wwwpattayaexpats.com

    This is an excellent forum for digging out the 'finer' points about life and anything else in Pattaya.

  13. I bought four ceiling lights/fans from Homeworks, four weeks later one packed in, went to the store and they sent the guy from the shop floor round, he fixed it then asked for payment for his motorbike and time, my partner insisted we pay him (it was only 400 baht). about three weeks later the same fan packed in again so I went to homeworks and complained, they sent the same guy around again who repaired it and again asked for money as I was alone I refused citing the guarentee he asked to speak to my partner on the phone which I obliged and explained that under guarentee there should be no charge. The excuse I was given was that he would have to remove the whole unit and take it back to the store for repair and it would take around six weeks, fine I said do that! He left having repaired the light/fan without payment and its worked fine ever since! Since then I have not purchased any major articles from that store.

    If your Partner is Thai, then I would question his action too. I don't think if a Thai would be in the same situation he would hand over his money. But as it was your money, your Partner did not care as much.

    I have used Homeworks for large and small purchases , fairly regularly,since they opened around 2 years ago.

    I have had items delivered etc. and never had cause for complaint.I find them superior in their range to Homepro.

    If you don't know it ,it is between Tesco Lotus and Big C on Sukhumvit Road.

  14. Has anyone got up to date information regarding foreigners opening Thai bank accounts ?

    I know these vary from time to time and from bank to bank.

    Sometimes it's just Passport and Money required ,others it is Residents certificate,House Book,Work Permit,letter from Embassy etc.etc.

    Just looking for the easiest way for my son to open one , to have the rent from his Condo paid into.


  15. Will be sadly missed, i watched him perform on numerous occasions at the Captain's Corner where he always gave great entertainment!

    My sincere condolences to his family & friends. R.I.P

    I can only echo what others have said.

    Only saw him perform once a couple of years ago,but great artist and a nice guy to talk to.

    There but for the grace of God go ,we.

  16. Simply amazing! There are hundreds, if not thousands, of unlicensed motorbike drivers, many of them well under legal driving age out there; as well as the thousands driving without helmets, some carrying infants with them. So what do the BiB do? They dedicate their men and equipment to confiscating bikes for being illegally parked. F***ING BRILLIANT!!

    It's like pinching somebody for littering, while an assault is going on a few feet down the road!

    Do these fools have any sense of appropriate priorities at all?!

    I park my hired bike on the private car park adjacent to our house.

    On Thursday,sometime after 11 a.m. the ignition lock was interferred with enough to render it out of action.This was despite a padlock on the wheel.

    As Mr. Pao ,whom I rent it from said 'Ooh la-la you velly lucky,usually take bike,anyway'.

    I didn't feel too lucky when I paid him 100 bahts for the new ,fitted, ignition lock !

    I do realise it could have been much worse and we could have been haggling over the value of a 3 year old Nuovo.

    What with having my wife's chain snatched whilst on the bike at midday on Sukhumvit 4 weeks ago ,my next door neighbour being broken into last week ,and so many reports in the papers of thefts, am I alone in thinking things are a lot worse than they were say 2 years ago ?

    Mr. Pao offered the explanation that 'Thai people very poor,have no jobs' !

    Keep on Smiling :o

  17. ####Hash####hasH###hAsh###haSh###HAsh###hASh###haSH###HasH###HASh###hASH###HASH#


    (just me and my #hash# key, rubbin' it in, rubbin' it in) :o

    Cheers for that, copied and pasted into notepad. I had a guy mess with my keybord as ther was no £ sign on it. The # is now £, and the " and @ have swapped places


    As I started this topic off, just thought I'd say thanks for all your comments which I have reviewed.

    In the end I went to Tukom last week and bought a new 1-2-Call SIM Card (199 Bhts.) valid for 1 year.

    Put 100 bahts on it to kick off.

    It means I will loose my original no. after 2 + years ,and which is on my business cards.

    No matter it will save me over 3000 bahts putting extra months validity on.


  18. Its good to support small restaurants with good food and low prices, especially when they are new and in not in the best location.

    So I sincerely suggest you drop by JITS restaurant and try out their Thai food.

    I found it to be quite above the standard for its area in Jomtien where the Thai food choices run from OK street food to mediocre casual restaurant Thai food. After all, this is a big tourist area, so many places can do quite well and just be sorta OK.

    Jits serves British and Thai food. I am talking about the Thai food here.

    The presentation of the food was pretty (more elegant than you would expect at this kind of joint), the portions were above average, and most importantly, the taste was delicious. And most dishes except for things like pomfret fish were 100 baht or less.

    This is a casual shophouse place with fans, but it seems to me a really worthy addition to the Thai food options in this area, so why not support them?

    Location: Hanuman Statue area

    Going from Pattaya on Thappraya turn left at the Hanuman statue. This road would take you to the View Talay Residences (not condos) and also Soi 5 immigration.

    You will pass Ace Cafe on the left and Thai kitchen on the right.

    Keep going a little ways and notice the new Thai/British restaurant in a new block of shophouses called JITS, over a dirt field. I think the new construction condos near there are Jomtien Shining Star.

    Jit's unfortunately seems to have bit the dust!

    Sign etc. gone shutters down.I spoke to her some weeks ago and she said it nhad been a dreadful season ,shame.Lovely lady.

    We used to go when she was in the car park in front of 7-11 by Hanuman Statue.

    By the way what is a 'casual eatery' ? If a table,knife and fork are provided, plus alcohol as per Jits,I consider that pretty serious.

    McDonalds or Insect stalls at the roadside are more of a casual nature I feel.

    Have a great time

  19. For cash deposits it's now £35k (last year was £31,700).

    This is per investor, and also per institution, so if you have more than £35k (or £70k between you) you could always put the remainder in a different bank. Joint accounts would only be entitled to one payment.

    Edit - my apologies, they have changed the scheme, and a joint account would qualify for 2 payments


    Thanks so much,you told me all I need to know,and where to find it.

    As for the investment advice from others ,I look at it ,and make my own decision.

    I must add that this forum is brilliant as you can challenge it with anything from everyday life and get some valuable and relevant answers.

    Long may it thrive

  20. With all the financial disasters around e.g Northern Rock,Bradford +Bingley etc as well as the USA ones,I am getting worried about my UK savings which provide 50% of my retirement income.

    Does anyone know the limit of a financial institutions liability in the event of a crash ?

    I know that prior to the Northern Rock fiasco it was £30,000 per investor (so presumably with a joint account it was £60,000?) but the Government,to allay panic, announced that this was to be increased.

    Do we know if it was, and if so to how much.

    If not any ideas where to find out?

    I have tried various financial sites to no avail.Any info gratefully received. :o

  21. If you are in Pattaya you can get another at Pattaya City Hall on Pattaya Nua ,opposite Tesco/Lotus .Costs 30 baht and takes about 10 minutes .Bring your passport plus Condo ownership papers .I just got one last week there .
    ... These two documents plus my passport i brought to City hall for the house book ,which is also called the Blue book .( it looks like a Bank book and has a blue hard cover )

    A "blue" book ? So I suppose the condo is not in Your name ?

    My understanding is that you can get :

    - a "yellow book" with your falang name if the condo is in Foreign name

    - a "blue book" with your wife's name if the condo is in Thai name

    Is that ok ?

    And for Basil B:

    This book can be used in place of a "Proof of Residence"

    to get your Thai Driving License or to buy a Bike or a Car in your name.

    Maybe can be use sometimes to get the Thai price when double pricing...



    Thanks for the info, just to clarify things, I purchased the condo in my name and had the blue book passed on to me.

    Only page 1 is filled in, date above the dotted line is year 2539 and the date at the bottom is year 2541.

    Presume you only need to register if you are staying at the address for some time, as I am renting out my condo do tenants need to register?


    I have a blue book ,just like a bank book,came with my house,and issued by City Hall.

    If you are a Farang it doesn't need to be filled in.

    Only Thai names go in if in Thai ownership.

    Acceptable at Immigration for residency certificates needed for purchasing vehicles,acquiring driving licences etc.

    Happy Days

  22. A very nasty story in today's Pattayta People about a bar owner at Jomtien beating a fellow lady bar owner senseless with a pool cue.

    Worse still this 31 year old guy is an well built Englishman who spends a lot of time in the gym.

    I am not going to name him as it might upset his Mum.She will be going round telling all the neighbours how well 'Our W...es' done for him self ,owning and running a bar in Thailand.She won't be relating how this 15 stone bully beat up a 7 stone Thai girl with a weapon,until she was unconscious.

    It amazes me how people like this get licences to run bars.No doubt he will already have a 'record' ,if he behaves like this.

    In Britain ,Police and other checks would no doubt render him unsuitable to hold a licence,and that would be that.

    Certainy an episode like this would lead to the revocation of his licence ,as it should here.

    If the Police don't sort it out,no doubt the 'local lads' will.If he is still in charge in 3 months I'll be very surprised.

    No harm in naming the bar,it's all over the paper, the Scooby Bar, best keep away,there could be trouble !!

  23. I have a friend coming at the end of the month for a few days.He is looking for a basic room ,centrally located,around

    300 Bahts,any ideas ?

    All contriutions gratefully received. :o

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