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Everything posted by pmarlin

  1. That data breech affecter over 75 million Americans and also I was one of them. I was told that only SS in Embs in the PI can change your direct deposit while living in Thailand. It can't be done online.
  2. and so is Military retirement, VA disability and other Government pensions.
  3. Came in the mail today 17June. Nong Chang, Uthai Thani.
  4. From the form SECOND REQUEST OCT. 17 , 2023
  5. The date was on top of the form. Live in Nong Chang, Utha Thani. Central Thailand 250K north of Bangkok.
  6. You're right this is the 2nd notice dared 16Oct. Never got the first one but I did download one and mailed it in the end of Jun. Tracking shows out for delivery middle of July. Either it was never delivered or wasn't good enough for them. This time it's going EMS.
  7. My 7162 came in the mail today. Looks like the first one.
  8. Double Taxation Agreements in Thailand (attorneysinthailand.com) Thailand has tax treaties with 59 countries. which would mean a lot of new tax treaties. I think the author is wrong on this and if this is done will only apply to Thai citizens.
  9. For Americans the US and Thailand have a tax treaty since 1997 that prevents double taxation. Double Tax Agreement between the United States of America and Thailand (including examples) |HLB Thailand
  10. That was not an escalator, but a moving walkway.
  11. With what is going on in the U.S. southern border American gave its right to judge any country on human smuggling. America is now the greatest violator.
  12. found the problem. When you do the face scan, they give you instructions to do certain face movements. I have to wear glasses when using my phone and need to remove them for the scan. I couldn't read the instructions when I was asked to smile or blink my eyes. Thanks to the wife this was pointed out to me, so I have her stand to my side and tell me when I need to smile, etc.
  13. When I got the SMS from BBK to go in and do the face scan did it right away and updated to the new app and doing the face scan to make over 50,000 THB transfer the face scan won't recognized my face. Tried several times. They are not ready with this. Curious has anybody else tried to make a transfer over 50,000THB using BBK.
  14. Those F16 and F15 are still in production and kept current with updates. Many advance air forces around the world fly then including America. It made no since that Thailand wanted to order only 2 F35. That would have been worthless in combat. very suspecious and I think America is being very kind and diplomatic in response.
  15. When I sis the face scan Monday at my local Bangkok Bank I was told the same thing.
  16. You need more than a passbook and ID/passport. Thai Banks use biometrics. They have the account holders' picture and fingerprint on record.
  17. According to MY SSA site the forms 1099 will be online after 31Jan23.
  18. And all this time I used the word CURB. KERB is new one for me.
  19. good topic. I'm going to do the same after 12 years doing the income method. Just too much of a hassle of getting the documents together and last time the bank charge me almost 1000 baht for the credit advice letters cover letter and bank account ownership letter. Next one will be only 200baht for the bank letter. Also, it cost me $45 every time I did a wire transfer and Wise is not dependable so now, I will only move money when I need it.
  20. Bet it's all about oil. Must be buying Russian oil as are most of the Asian nations are doing. Helping Russia pay for the war.
  21. I stay away from this kind of stuff and my money is doing fine.
  22. Did it back in May 2022. It was easy and fast While it says free at Uthai Thani Immigration I was charged 500THB with no receipt.
  23. I do know that the quote can't be proven. Just how did they know what happened in the past like 125,00 years ago.
  24. "We are living in the hottest period for 125,000 years, according to the UN's climate science body, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)." I know this is made up bull and that makes the entire article a joke.
  25. Here in Uthai Thani not yet but then again getting mail here is a <deleted> shoot. That one of the reasons I didn't wait did it my self and mailed in one early.
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