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the gentleman

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Posts posted by the gentleman

  1. Gentleman has to do his homework, and the war movies form a big part of that. He is doing The Bridge on the River Kwai tomorrow, and Bridge too far Away on Wednesday. :D

    :D , You see the work that goes into becoming a senior member :D

    All of the movies you mentioned Doc, is where the Yankees get their historical facts from - watch Tears of the Sun as well, It is "factual" by the way, except the Yanks werent the ones doing anything and never came to pick any one up :o

    Thursday Pearl Harbour I think, great "romantic war movie" :D

  2. OK, what BIAS are you talking about, bias because I'm a yank or the bias that I'm tired of people killing other people in the name of some imagineable GOD. I don't care what country I'm from or anyone else is from, it's these muslim radical that are doing this and there has to MUSLIM people that KNOW who they are. Some people believe in GOD (what ever name), OK just not cup of tea, don't want to bring this on that tangent but people are people and WHOEVER no matter the religion are killing people for assinine reasons. It's just got to STOP. The people in IRAG are, were threatenning to BURN Japanese people ALIVE for what, FRICKIN religion. The muslim radicals are killing innocent people all over the world to accomplish what, a sepparate state or just stirring the frickin muslim pot. What the police did with the muslim lawyer was and is wrong and I hope they don't get away with it. I also don't think there is much chance the guy is still alive or the wittnesses will either live to tell or they will say that they can't remember, but when is this BULLLSHITT going to stop? There HAS to be a time when this "great muslim religion" takes a stance to STOP this. Granted the US doesn't have the best policies (not by a long shot) but frick man, these muslim radicals are everywhere and doing (KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE) this everywhere.

    reread your post sir, the bias I am talking about is within your own words>>

    This is not the bear pit, so I will just leave you with this.

    The reason the Japanese are being held captive, is because they are in Iraq, helping the USA - not religion!

    The............. ok nuff said :o

  3. As with a few people on this forum, I have made more money here, than I brought into the country - does anyone have a legal way of taking more out, than you came in with?

    Also... I have heard that if you have been out of Australia for more than 5 years, you are classed as an expat??, with that, I have heard that after you have gained expat status, as long as you stay out of Aus for 200 days a year, you do not pay tax on what you bring in?

    Has anybody had experience in this - any ideas/info appreciated.

  4. Religion is the cause of all the evil in this world, that be christians, jews, muslims or whatever, so far the only non violent faith I have seen is the Bhudist's

    Amen :D , or is that Idi Amen :o

  5. He don't have the button no more...

    between you me and the gate post = I think he could be admin in there - I hope so, as you can say what you want about him, but he loves my posts and that equals an informed unbiased admin - psss, dont tell him I said that though, we might become mates :o

  6. The ball is in your court sbk, the biggest question is, what is your question?  :D

    let's see that poll  :D

    Hmmm.. well the title of the thread is who is the sexiest poster but lets face it, we all have differing standards.

    Tough one tukyleith! But you would always top my list :D

    Mine too..

    hiss hiss IT - welcome to the forum :o

  7. <<Innocent people being killed - turn on your TV mate - no religious slander needed.

    oh the naive black and white boys! >>

    Make sure it's tuned to Fox News though. You want to get the unbiased truth! :D

    just go to the bear pit - you dont need a telly :o

  8. Mostly a matter of the muslims themselves have got to start doing something to stop this bull. I'm tired of the crop of fools. They want us to do something to help the muslim down south but then the same religion kills innocent people but then they don't want us to down people because they're muslim. If it's such a good frickin religion then why don't THEY do something about their own frickin people.

    The muslims in the south KNOW who these people are and do NOTHING! It's a great big pile of CRAaP. I believe in some kind of GOD (don't care what name) in the person. I know it's not the majority but there are people who know who's doing this but still do NOTHING. (Repeated myself, I'm just :o ) I'm glad I'm not FRICKIN muslim. :D

    This might get me a ban but I don't care, frick em if if they cannot face the truth!

    This might get me a ban but I don't care, frick em if if they cannot face the truth!

    well :D - lets guess your country of origin :D

    Innocent people being killed - turn on your TV mate - no religious slander needed.

    oh the naive black and white boys! :D

  9. Its strange I have been overlooked :o , no contest! :D

    Hard to do that, Gent...BTW, your alter-ego, a guy who calls himself Gop 4 life! is stirring things up a bit over in the "Pit"! :D

    with all these supposed nicks, its a wonder I have time to be in this sexiest poster contest :D - its not me mate, Ill go have a look at his posts - by the way you refer to him as my alter ego - it must be a new welcomed friend - set Georgie on to him :D , then you will never get rid of him.

  10. It might be just "fluke" timing, but today/yesterday, 5 Malaysian soldiers were found across the border in Thailand. The Malaysian armys excuse, was that they had "lost their way". They were returned to Malaysia today :o

    I see the BBC has just got hold of the story - last Thursday they were detained.

  11. I have a sat radio here in LOS, it is f*cking ace mate, I even fitted it in my truck (along with a gun rack and cooler box) :o with the small dish on the dash. I can now drive to good music, in digital sound, superb!

    www.worldcom.com is a site, by the way it was only 4500 Baht, money well spent


    oh the satellite dish in the truck is a "radio" is it? and with stereo sound? :D:D

  12. AK still works tho Gent :D

    with of Killing range of 1,350m, yes it works well, but the L86 has a cyclic Rate of fire 610-775 rounds per minute and still a 1 thousand meter effective range - thats a weapon - sorry was getting a bit excited then. :o

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