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the gentleman

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Posts posted by the gentleman

  1. I would like to ask you Khun Boom, what you expect to gain from every thread you post about being anti Islam and Islamic Terrorists?

    Every Topic you post has these terms and rhetoric towards Muslim people in Thailand. How many Thai Muslim people do you actually Know and what have they done to deserve your waffle?

  2. "America has the brave young men and women and I'm sure would would do what is neede to protect Thainland and her people.

    Wow, would this high season be good in Patong!"

    The US Navy has been banned from Patong I think as last year a man raped, bashed etc a fellow US Navy woman, the year before that 6 men raped and killed a Thai lady that thought she was going to a room with one man, but 5 more were waiting, the year before that there was an all in brawl in Patong with Expats and sailors (expats won by the way - 27 US soldiers in hospital, 2 expats in hospital.

    Basically we dont want them and neither do the girls - the girls say they dont pay and treat them like <deleted>!

    Go to Bali - they might need you there!

    Then again you shouldnt have enough time to come to Patong with all the "war against terror peace keeping work" :o

  3. Phuket is as safe as any other tourist destination in the world and a lot safer in many cases. Where this has happened is 5+ hours south by car. It has been happening down there for ever. It is on the Malaysian border and beleive me this is not like any other part of Thailand - in fact its like its own country down there.

    The Phuket people be it Muslim or ortherwise are not into blowing people or buildings up - they are easy going people!

    Phuket didnt have a high season last year due to sars (not that there was any cases in Phuket anyway) and we are looking forward and currently having a great high season!

    Rest Easy and come to Phuket - (by the way, if you would like to buy a house, land, villa etc, Pm me! :o

  4. Go home change your name, get a new passport and come back!

    If I were able to do that, I will agree to be blacklisted in the whole world. But that not realy my style.

    Thai policemen and immigration officiers themselves already told me that, both in Phuket and Bangkok.

    Well, by the sounds of it mate, you might not have another choice.

    Can I ask what you were black listed for?

  5. Very harsh butterfly - the majority of the worlds countries had people die in that tragedy - I personally think that was a super low blow!

    I agree but reality is a lit of bit more than a big fairy tale for the masses.

    The truth hurts because it's harsh

    A lot of people died on 911

    A lot of people die of cancer too (more than 911)

    A lot of people die of car accidents, do we get rid of cars because of it ?

    I think the only reasons Americans are so mad about 911 is because it was a "spectacular" act being broadcast live on the news while it happened. This for me was far more shocking and impressive than the rest. Without the broadcasting of the 911 events, most people wouldn't have care much about the terrorist act for more than a few months. I think this kind of humiliation is what brought the whole situation after 911. I can't blame US citizens to be mad and hurt about this because I would be too. However, they need to learn where 911 is coming from. This is the only way to move on.

    unfortunately most of the victims are just being used by both sides. Is it good or bad ? I don't know. I think each side is to blame: AQ for killing innocents, and the US for stimulating terrorism using passive aggression techniques

    I agree with what more people died in accidents and cancer - the point is you quoted something like you would like another 911 - that was the low blow.

    George Bush is one man! I definately cant stand him, but saying something like that wins you no support anywhere!

  6. The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time TV were Fred and Wilma Flintstone.


    Every day more money is printed for Monopoly than the US Treasury.


    Men can read smaller print than women can; women can hear better.


    Coca-Cola was originally green.


    It is impossible to lick your elbow.


    The state with the highest percentage of people who walk to work: Alaska


    The percentage of Africa that is wilderness: 28%

    (now get this...)

    The percentage of North America that is wilderness: 38%


    The cost of raising a medium-size dog to the age of eleven: $6,400


    The average number of people airborne over the US any given hour: 61,000


    Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.


    The world's youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910.


    The youngest pope was 11 years old.


    The first novel ever written on a typewriter: Tom Sawyer.


    Those San Francisco Cable cars are the only mobile National Monuments.


    Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history:

    Spades - King David,

    Hearts - Charlemagne,

    Clubs -Alexander, the Great

    Diamonds - Julius Caesar


    If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle.

    f the horse has one front leg in the air the person died as a result of wounds received in battle.

    If the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes.


    Only two people signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, John Hancock and Charles Thomson. Most of the rest signed on August 2, but the last signature wasn't added until 5 years later.


    "I am." is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.


    Hershey's Kisses are called that because the machine that makes them looks like it's kissing the conveyor belt.


    Q. What occurs more often in December than any other month?

    A. Conception.


    Q. Half of all Americans live within 50 miles of what?

    A. Their birthplace


    Q. Most boat owners name their boats. What is the most popular boat name requested?

    A. Obsession


  7. The Campaign for Popular Democracy yesterday lashed out at Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra's comment that his wife is the only critic he listens to.

    CPD secretary-general Suriyasai Takasila said Mr Thaksin should not mix his family's business with the country's administration.

    ``The premier should understand that the nation is not his company and Thais are not his employees. Checks and balances are required by the constitution and he must adhere to these rules. He has to listen to all parties, not just his wife.''

    Mr Suriyasai said Mr Thaksin's comments showed he was incapable of separating national interests from those of his family's.

    --Bangkok Post 2004-01-04


  8. Hi Nam Kao,

    Well everyone got into you early, but I understand that you were more asking an opinion than slandering Thais - I would agree with The Dr as you do have to watch out for Farangs more than Thais and I also agree with penelope's post, that roo mark is a good thing from business people, but no a good thing when sitiing at a bar.

    It sometimes is like walking on egg shells, but losing face here is part of the country, Thais have so much pride in King, country and themselves - maybe rephrase your words better - good luck to you.

  9. You may fill in the dots with Thailand, USA, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Australia or what ever you want. The xxxxx replace with Bush, Blair, Chirac, Schroder, Berlusconi or (help me, what's his name)


  10. I think if it is actual discussion, why not, but it all seems to end up being slanging matches - give it its own thread and let them go for it as I tried to do yesterday. I understand you stopping that thread IT as it Will turn into a flaming war, but at least it is one thread and maybe people will get bored with it all and get back to normal discussion/crap, instead of threads being highjacked with the same stuff.

  11. Phuket Town - Jammin, timber hut, jammin 3 - clubs with Thais and farangs, but not the same sort as Patong.

    Restaurants aplenty, every budget, every style - Phuket view in sarm kong, good view and food - pure Thai food at ok prices. To many to list!

    If you are intetested I have a few Thai friends educated overseas in the early 30s in Phuket, we go out once a week, you surely can tag along if you like - PM me if interested and Ill give you my number (dont worry I am not hitting on you).

    These guys know all the great restaurants and places you would probably like.

  12. I actually want to begin collecting proper dvd's, not pirate ones. We watched it last night..awesome film.

    I am also a major movie buff, I have a massive tv, surround sound, woofers, dolby etc and now over 1000 dvd and vcd movies - All mine are sound and picture perfect. I would guess 80% are pirate! I actually would buy original dvds, but they take such a long time to get to dvd - so i will keep buying perfect pirates..

  13. Meanwhile Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said the problem of underground gambling dens would disappear if the government legalised casinos.

    "Illegal gambling would automatically decrease after such complexes were opened. This has happened in several countries," Thaksin said

    I wonder who the owner who will be of the first Thai Casino!?!?!

  14. it still bewilders me that an 8 year old kid on a motorbike can drive past a police officer and nothing is said, it bewilders me why they havent done some TV advertising about looking left and right before merging with traffic, it bewilders me that parents have not educated there kids about road rules, it bewilders me that two police on one honda dream patrol the streets, it bewilders me that licences are given out like bus passes, it bewilders me why no one indicates with a blinker, it bewilders me why side cars are allowed on the road as they ARE against the law. it bewilders me why someone with no lights would drive towards you on the wrong side of the road at night, it bewilders me why there is a whole family on one motorbike, it bewilders me why foreigners who have never ridden bikes, rent bikes. I am bew...................................................

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