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Posts posted by Tod

  1. Thanks a lot for your report BigBikeBkk, I'll go check redbaron next time I'm in Bangkok and see for myself what they have.

    I thought that the VTR was new; 350'000 for a 2nd hand bike already scratched is not that cheap after all.

  2. Mmhhh... It's true that the 2009 model looks way better than the previous ones. It's still not a design that I really like but nicer than what I thought.

    I have always driven sportsbike in Switzerland, but I'm not sure it would be a great idea to drive that everyday in Thailand.

    The ideal compromise for me would be a Kawa Z750, probably to expensive though :o

    Anyway if you can have a look at that VTR tomorrow and ask why it is so much cheaper than all the other bikes they have, that would be great. :D

  3. Dunno- that VTR's been sitting there a LONG time. Not sure why- I never looked at it closely. I've heard mixed reviews on this bike. Going to Red Baron tomorrow, I'll be happy to check it out for ya :o

    Yes, that would be nice...

    I'm actually very interested. I was planning to buy one of these (quite ugly) ER-6n in january, but if I can have a VTR for almost the same price I choose the VTR for sure.

    It's really strange though...In Switzerland a VTR costs about 20'000 swiss francs which is about 13'000 euros.

    There must be something wrong...

  4. as for some of the other posts . . . come on guys grow up a bit!

    I didn't meant to be insulting, but I've seen so many farangs in Thailand bowing down so much to step families and wives...

    Things that they would never accept in their countries, are ok in Thailand.

    In brief, do your best, be nice, but respect yourself, and don't give in all the bullshit they put you through.

  5. I am not pro-government and Somchai has proven theses last few days his complete uselessness to manage this situation. On the other hand I fully understand all these pro governments supporters throwing grenades at PAD protesters because of all the humiliation they have to endure everyday.

    So if the government supporters feel "humiliated" it's OK for them to throw grenades?

    What would be OK would be for the police to disperse this illegal mob, they have been breaking almost every possible law in the past few month in complete impunity.

    I understand the anger growing among these pro gov. supporters, they are ridiculed, and disrespected by a pretentious, anti democratic group everyday. PAD are committing illegal and violent acts on a daily basis and are currently ruining the country.

    I'm not saying it is good to throw grenades on them, but I do understand why they are doing it.

    They feel robbed and humiliated, the PAD clearly don't want to negotiate about anything, so when you can't talk anymore, you fight.

    Again, If the police was doing their job, this wouldn't happen.

  6. These PAD thugs have said they will not negotiate so there will be no peaceful resolution. Violence is a certainty and you know it, yet you're in denial. They've already stated that they will not back down and prefer to die in this struggle to achieve their goal. It's pretty obvious there are only 2 choices here. Give in to the PAD thugs, or suffer a violent struggle.

    Tropo, before you overheat too much and do yourself some damage, step back a second and ask yourself if the grenades hurled into the PAD assembly at Government House early this morning were hurled by "PAD thugs".

    If you draw up a score sheet of acts of thuggish violence committed by either side, who's the winner by a country mile?

    Violent actions and violent speech are the first resort of the ignorant and the last resort of those under attack.

    We know the DAAD and other anti-PAD forces like violence. It's a reflection of their view of how the world should be run.

    That's a joke right?

    Some of you peoples seem to forget that movements like DAAD and UDD are simply a response to all the illegal acts and complete disrespect of PAD for a big percentage of thai peoples these last months.

    For reasons that we are not allowed to discuss here, the police refuses to do their job. Understand that their would be no reds if the PAD didn't started all that mess. Calling a all part of the country stupid and to ignorant to vote is incredibly pretentious and disrespectful.

    I am not pro-government and Somchai has proven theses last few days his complete uselessness to manage this situation. On the other hand I fully understand all these pro governments supporters throwing grenades at PAD protesters because of all the humiliation they have to endure everyday.

    Just open your eyes and stop justifying every action of PAD...They are the ones abusing power...I'm not going to enumerate one more time all the crimes they commited. DAAD, UDD is a reflection. If the police would do their job, their wouldn't be any attacks on PAD and the airports would be cleared by now.

  7. government in "full control"...

    PAD closes Suvarnabhumi

    The Suvarnabhumi Airport has been ordered closed after PAD protesters seized key entrance and other areas.

    The Airports of Thailand has decided to close the Suvarnabhumi airport after PAD protesters entered passenger terminals.

    Now, there will not be out-bound flights. In-bound planes are being allowed to land for now, but can be diverted to key provincial airports if situations deteriorated.

    The order was issued by AOT chief Serirat Prasutanont. He made the decision after PAD protesters penetrated some passenger areas.

    - The Nation

    Lets hope this will finally be the "click" for police and government to crush this mob once and for all. This comedy as lasted long enough.

  8. The fighting began when the government supporters began throwing rocks...

    And of course, the proper answer was to shoot back with guns in the streets and to burn motorbikes.

    Didn't you say you were part of what happened in Geneva?

    Was it an appropriate response? scroll up .. already answered

    You're right jdinasia, it's a good time to change the subject for PAD fans.

    I was living in geneva and was a spectator of what happened there, yes

    But I don't see what this has anything to do with the situation right now in Bangkok as nobody in Geneva pulled out guns to shoot on other peoples on the street.

  9. By The Nation

    Five people were injured when of the People's Alliance for Democracy battled pro-government taxi drivers on Vibhavadi Road Tuesday afternoon.

    Reporters saw some 20 PAD guards running down from a sound truck when it reached in front of Soi Vibhavadi Rangsit 3 to chase after the taxi drivers.

    The clash occured at about 5 pm.

    The taxi drivers used red headbands threw objects as vehicles of the PAD when they driving past to the Suvarnabhumi airport.

    Seeing the guards armed with knives and sticks coming to them, the taxi drivers fled into the soi.

    The guards then damaged properties at the scene and set fire to three motorcycles.

    The guards also attacked a taxi motorcyclists and threatened to harm a cameraman of Thai PBS, who ran for his life.

    A taxi driver alleged that the PAD guards also fired at them.

    The taxi drive said PAD guards from a six-wheel truck and pick-up truck also joined the first group of guards to go berserk at the scene.

    Police were later deployed to check the scene for evidence.

    "Police came to check the traces of gunfire. They emptied their guns on us. Those injured were not taxi drivers but were passers-by and had nothing to do with the fight,"...

  10. That is a lie and you should be reprimanded for it. I'm no supporter of PAD, but using lies as arguments won't win you any debates and it's really disingenuous to base your argument on the fact that not everyone in the forum is 'in the know' on current events.


    Actually, most of the shops destructions were done during the night by small groups of well organized anarchists.

    The use of teargas and water canons was done during daytime and against groups of several thousand people who were not breaking shops, but simply throwing bottles and other things at cops.

    Anyway, that is not really the point. I was just saying that contrarily to what jdinasia stated before, police do use teargas and water canons against demonstrators in many develloped democraties.

  11. If you are in a country where they use watercannon against people partaking in civil disobedience than I would agree with you. I am unaware of that being used against civilians here though. The actions against the G8 summits more resemble riots quite often. Which g8 summit was it so we can look and see if you are comparing apples to oranges or not? (That a person that would protest against the G8 would apparently support this government strikes me as very odd!)

    The G8 summit of Evian a few years back, but the demonstrations took place in Geneva.

    It was way more soft than what PAD are doing right now

    "That a person that would protest against the G8 would apparently support this government strikes me as very odd!"

    I dont especially support this government but I think a few elitists, backed by a bunch of middle class reactionaries and a few other retards who don't even know what they are fighting against, who won't accept defeat in a democratic election and create a complete mess in a all country for month are way worst.

    Hmmm I read the reports on the riots in Geneva


    and at several other sources .. and learned that the police used tear-gas AND watercannons. They were never used against the large group just small groups of 500 or so at a time. This may seem offtopic but it shows that perhaps watercannon are not a great option when used to attack protesters in large numbers!

    Ok, well instead of correcting spelling mistakes from other peoples you should start to learn how to read first

    Police used teargas and water cannon in an attempt to break up the groups of protesters - and the thousands of locals who swelled their numbers - as they clashed in the heart of the city.

  12. If you are in a country where they use watercannon against people partaking in civil disobedience than I would agree with you. I am unaware of that being used against civilians here though. The actions against the G8 summits more resemble riots quite often. Which g8 summit was it so we can look and see if you are comparing apples to oranges or not? (That a person that would protest against the G8 would apparently support this government strikes me as very odd!)

    The G8 summit of Evian a few years back, but the demonstrations took place in Geneva.

    It was way more soft than what PAD are doing right now

    "That a person that would protest against the G8 would apparently support this government strikes me as very odd!"

    I dont especially support this government but I think a few elitists, backed by a bunch of middle class reactionaries and a few other retards who don't even know what they are fighting against, who won't accept defeat in a democratic election and create a complete mess in a all country for month are way worst.

  13. Watercannon are less acceptable imho ... UNLESS you are using it to disperse crowds that are carrying indendiary devices etc. Watercannon are powerful enough to push water through the skin. Knock people onto the ground and move them many meters etc...

    Seriously jdinasia you are getting more and more pathetic post after post, european countries such as France, Switzerland, Germany and probably many more use watercannons to disperse illegal mobs that A LOT less violent, invasive and abusive than the one from PAD...

    I got hosed by a water canon at a G8 summit and didnt died nor complained.

    You were partaking in civil disobedience ... which G8 summit was it. to say "didn't died (sic) nor complained" is disingenuous

    :o As another poster said to you before, you really read things in the way that suits you.

    Sorry if I was was not clear, English is not my first language that's why I usually don't post to much on these little TV political debates.

    What I meant was that when you are part of an illegal demonstration (like the G8 one I was refering to, or the PAD one) you have to expect to get hosed by water canons, tear gassed, arrested and so on by the police.That's their job.

    In the case of the PAD I think they are just a bunch of provocative thugs, and that the police has been way to soft with them, letting them doing whatever they want with complete imputy is a big mistake...

  14. Watercannon are less acceptable imho ... UNLESS you are using it to disperse crowds that are carrying indendiary devices etc. Watercannon are powerful enough to push water through the skin. Knock people onto the ground and move them many meters etc...

    Seriously jdinasia you are getting more and more pathetic post after post, european countries such as France, Switzerland, Germany and probably many more use watercannons to disperse illegal mobs that A LOT less violent, invasive and abusive than the one from PAD...

    I got hosed by a water canon at a G8 summit and didnt died nor complained.

  15. Yes, they should fill the trucks with only Volvic or Evian water to make sure that all these brave protesters don't get any kind of infection.

    Hahaha :o , Maybe not Evian however as its a foreign spring water. The firetrucks have to be filtered spring mountain water from Thailand for them not to riot.

    Mmhhh... I'm not sure the purity and general quality of Thai mineral water is high enough for these "gens de qualite" and so well educated PAD protesters to be hosed with.

    It would have to be discussed and debated among the highest ranks of Thai parliamentaries before...

  16. I have a 1 yr business visa just issued ,passport expires a couple of months before visa does so the lawyer tells me the visa can only be issued for the length of time left on the passport.

    Anyone know if thats correct or more Thai B.S.

    Normally, one of the conditions to obtain a 1 year, multi entry, Non imm B visa is that the passport has to be valid for at least 6 month after the visa expiry date...

    So they must have made a mistake at your consulate

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