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Posts posted by Tod

  1. I have no dog in this fight and find the Thai's lack of unity somewhat amusing, until the point when people start to die for a "cause"...

    The only message the world can see & hear is to STAY AWAY... Yes, tourism is "reported" to be only 6% - 7% of Thai GDP, but that is still several billion baht... This figure does not consider "soft" dollars that funnel their way into the Thai economy... Whole segments of the Thai economy are withering to nothing and all that people care about is who will get their turn at the trough next...

    Amazing Thailand... NOT...

    Yes, I asked spouse about this today and was told Thai people don't give a toss about tourist 'dollars' right now, they care more about getting themselves a proper corruption free democracy in place. Well, can't argue with that.

    Oh, well if your wife said so it must be the opinion of everybody in Thailand. She must be qualified to speak in the name of a all population. Thanks for sorting that for us.

    More seriously, I can tell you that all thai's working in tourists areas don't give a <deleted> about all these ploys going on in Bangkok. The thing they care about the most are the 50% cancellations in their hotels, bars restaurants empty,TOURISTS DOLLARS...That's what makes them live. The bunch of corrupted politicians from all boards and all parties are secondary.

    I do rather think that my spouse is more competent to comment on matters concerning Thailand, being Thai and all, speaking the language, sharing the culture, conversing with like minded compatriots, than some boorish expat who doesn't speak a word of Thai except for ordering a beer and negotiating the night's entertainment. Don't you?

    Well if your wife comes to the conclusion that "Thai people don't give a toss about tourist 'dollars' right now, they care more about getting themselves a proper corruption free democracy in place." The answer is NO she is not competent to comment on that matter.

    I don't know about you and your wife's entourage. Maybe that's the number one priority were you live. But if you speak on behalf of Thai people in general, this is not a priority. There is more than 60'000'00 peoples living in this country.

    Anyway, if you or your wife believe that Thailand will be a "proper corruption free democracy" when this government is ousted, then you must be really naïve.

  2. I have no dog in this fight and find the Thai's lack of unity somewhat amusing, until the point when people start to die for a "cause"...

    The only message the world can see & hear is to STAY AWAY... Yes, tourism is "reported" to be only 6% - 7% of Thai GDP, but that is still several billion baht... This figure does not consider "soft" dollars that funnel their way into the Thai economy... Whole segments of the Thai economy are withering to nothing and all that people care about is who will get their turn at the trough next...

    Amazing Thailand... NOT...

    Yes, I asked spouse about this today and was told Thai people don't give a toss about tourist 'dollars' right now, they care more about getting themselves a proper corruption free democracy in place. Well, can't argue with that.

    Well "thai" people. The educated one, they southern one, YES. But a lot of the buffalos don't care anything but the Baht.

    Dude, not only you are ignorant, but comments like that shows that you are also elitist and racist...Perfect!!! You're a good little recruit for the PAD.

  3. I have no dog in this fight and find the Thai's lack of unity somewhat amusing, until the point when people start to die for a "cause"...

    The only message the world can see & hear is to STAY AWAY... Yes, tourism is "reported" to be only 6% - 7% of Thai GDP, but that is still several billion baht... This figure does not consider "soft" dollars that funnel their way into the Thai economy... Whole segments of the Thai economy are withering to nothing and all that people care about is who will get their turn at the trough next...

    Amazing Thailand... NOT...

    Yes, I asked spouse about this today and was told Thai people don't give a toss about tourist 'dollars' right now, they care more about getting themselves a proper corruption free democracy in place. Well, can't argue with that.

    Oh, well if your wife said so it must be the opinion of everybody in Thailand. She must be qualified to speak in the name of a all population. Thanks for sorting that for us.

    More seriously, I can tell you that all thai's working in tourists areas don't give a <deleted> about all these ploys going on in Bangkok. The thing they care about the most are the 50% cancellations in their hotels, bars restaurants empty,TOURISTS DOLLARS...That's what makes them live. The bunch of corrupted politicians from all boards and all parties are secondary.

    the southerners can live without tourists. just their Isaan staff get the problems. And they know well where the money the corrupt politicians steal come from.

    It comes from them, it is their money.

    Well, with all the stupid things you say, we can see that you are not part of "the educated ones".

    The southerners are the ones who own the hotels, the major tourists related businesses, so actually they are the ones who need the tourists to come spend their money, not the isaan staff.

    Anyway, you seem so blinded and convinced by everything the PAD does that there is no point discussing that with you.

  4. Tod,

    I am sure you are aware that correlation and causation are not the same and that the cause of something cannot be ascertained from a correlation.

    (In other words ... that anything in BKK is affecting tourism in the south to a large degree is iffy ... far more likely that people's finances are a bigger issue)

    I agree that the economic crisis is affecting tourism in Thailand the most. Even tho, news channels such as CNN or BBC showing what seems to be violent riots in Bangkok doesn't help either. Some peoples are scared to travel in an unstable country.

    Anyway, that's not the point I was trying to make. I was just saying that it's completely false to say that the #1 preoccupation of Thai peoples is the political situation in Bangkok and they don't care about "tourists dollars".

    Most Thai peoples actually don't care about all these rivalries and fights for power between politicians. Their lives won't be improved in any ways if the government is overthrown and replaced by another one.

  5. I have no dog in this fight and find the Thai's lack of unity somewhat amusing, until the point when people start to die for a "cause"...

    The only message the world can see & hear is to STAY AWAY... Yes, tourism is "reported" to be only 6% - 7% of Thai GDP, but that is still several billion baht... This figure does not consider "soft" dollars that funnel their way into the Thai economy... Whole segments of the Thai economy are withering to nothing and all that people care about is who will get their turn at the trough next...

    Amazing Thailand... NOT...

    Yes, I asked spouse about this today and was told Thai people don't give a toss about tourist 'dollars' right now, they care more about getting themselves a proper corruption free democracy in place. Well, can't argue with that.

    Oh, well if your wife said so it must be the opinion of everybody in Thailand. She must be qualified to speak in the name of a all population. Thanks for sorting that for us.

    More seriously, I can tell you that all thai's working in tourists areas don't give a <deleted> about all these ploys going on in Bangkok. The thing they care about the most are the 50% cancellations in their hotels, bars restaurants empty,TOURISTS DOLLARS...That's what makes them live. The bunch of corrupted politicians from all boards and all parties are secondary.

  6. CAT is kinda pricy about 2600/month but I hear the service is pretty good and I also heard that if you have a problem that they will take care of it right away.

    What kind of package do you get for 2600 Baht ?

    Actually the price for the 2M/1M premium package is now down to 1,890 Baht (+7% vat) from 2,600 Baht a few months ago.


    It's still 2,600 baht if you can't read Thai. :o


    Guess they have so many websites they can't keep track of updating them properly :D

    I can personally confirm it is now 2023 Baht/month as that is what I pay now. I did have to go into a CAT office and apply for the new price, don't do that and you'll be paying the higher price till eternity :D

    ADSL 2 megs with cat is 1890Baht SHDSL 2 megs also with cat is 2600Baht

  7. So, Thanh-BKK, if some guys fire slingshots at you, do you think it's OK, to detain, harass and assault their grandparents?!

    The ones they managed to get, seem to be a little on the elderly side of things.

    You know that a slingshot with a ballbearings ball can kill someone.

    I wouldn't harass people who try to kill me, I might brake their nose.

    And as you see today, they came back with grenades today.

    h90, why do you seem to be such a ardent supporter of PAD, whatever they are doing?

    I assume as like many sheep he is fixated on Taksin, so anything that opposes him is holy. He is unable to see past that or objectively evaluate the situation. He even gives money to them, as if they need it. Thais, I and others speak to, say a lot of the PAD are paid, the more enlightened here like to think all those people have nothing better to do month after month after month. PAD are above the law, it doesn't take that much mental effort to wonder why.

    Every post of h90 about the PAD, is justifying anything they do. Being opposed at Thaksin and the PPP is one thing, defending all the shit and abuses that is going on from their side is different.

    If they made a wall with dead bodies in front of the parliament to protest, I'm sure he would find a justification as well :o

  8. So, Thanh-BKK, if some guys fire slingshots at you, do you think it's OK, to detain, harass and assault their grandparents?!

    The ones they managed to get, seem to be a little on the elderly side of things.

    You know that a slingshot with a ballbearings ball can kill someone.

    I wouldn't harass people who try to kill me, I might brake their nose.

    And as you see today, they came back with grenades today.

    h90, why do you seem to be such a ardent supporter of PAD, whatever they are doing?

  9. i dont know for tot but for tt&t , you can break your contract at any time and pay a penalty of 1000 bath.

    With Tot, when you break your contract you have to pay 2000 baht. I just have 3 more month to go with them so I don't want to do that.

    A contract is supposed to be between 2 parties doing their part, as they don't do their part I would normally be legally authorized to stop paying for them. But as we are in Thailand, who knows... :o

  10. Do you know if it's possible to break the 1 year contract with ToT by putting forward the fact that they are not able to deliver what I pay for ( 1000baht/month for 2 megs)

    Did anybody just stopped to pay them? If yes what happened?

    I called them several times to complain about the speed, but they really don't give a sh*t.

  11. Don't you PAD preachers get bored of repeating your ideology?

    Just because a dozen members of this forum and a couple of hundred yellow T-shirt wearers in Bangkok think they are 'democratic warriors', doesn't make it so.

    The vast, vast, vast huge majority of Thais have nothing but scorn for the PAD. They have close to zero support from the Thai populous.


  12. i have been in thailand now five years ,three in nakhonSawan and two in Pattaya. I am married to a thai and in December we will have a baby. I wonder what i need to do to ensure my boy will be able to visit his brother and sister and other relatives in the UK . I want him to grow up in thailand as a thai and i have no intension of moveing back to England but i wonder in time as he gets older he might want experience

    liveing in England as a lot of thai i have talked to have indicated. Does he as my son have any rights in the UK ? Or do i have to regester the birth with the UK .Any advise would be appreciated. I took my wife last year for five week and although she enjoyed her trip and the things she saw and did she couldent wait to get home and i have to say neither could i Thanks

    Pete in Pattaya

    i really hope you aren't an english teacher

    No, he is a self made usd millionnaire

  13. if you are smart you teach your kids how to be comfortable around guns and how to respect and love a gun otherwise your shelter kids stumble upon it looking for cum magazines they end up blowing their brains out like a two bit moron

    i was expert marksman by my 7th birthday and sawed off my own double barrel shotty by high school


    Oh boy, you really seem to enjoy humiliating yourself. I have to admit you're doing a pretty good job

  14. i am a self made usd millionaire

    sorry if that makes you angry but i thought you would already be used to people being more successful than you

    You mean: I push trolleys at Tesco in England and fantasize about being a millionaire in Bangkok?

  15. Thanks guys for your answers.

    I see quite controversial opinions about living on the salary I will get... I suspect that people here have very different standards of life...

    Anyway, my boss would be offer me a condo fairly close to Chong Nonsi skytrain station, I should get to Skytrain's, Victory Monument station, 15 mins from faculty. Uni covers up to 8000 bahts per month in rent, this flat is 6800 so that would be fine. I think having a landord you can communicate with, and beiong your boss (he is from USA) would be better than a Thai who doesnt speak English. Moreover, uni seems to get me medical insurance covering as well.

    These 30000 bahts a month would be before tax, by the way.

    I would like to know your opinions and understand that I have never been there so obviously I cannot guess what is suitable or what is not as long as I am not a future teller and I dont have pals who have lived there, that is why I am asking for help here.

    Finally, about the GF, I still don't know, as I don't think she would like to do such a move, now she has an stable job in Spain and that is some kind of luck, as here we are about 4 million unemployed people. I might have plenty of thai women, but I won't be rich (may be I will for them), but I have never been up to women who like me for my money rather than for myself, although I am ugly as hel_l, gotta say... lol...

    Thanks again folks.

    30'000baht and rent paid is not bad at all.

    I don't know exactly how much taxes you will pay in your case, I might be wrong but I think it's 6.5%.

    So not more than 2000baht/month.

    That leaves you almost a thousand baht per day for food and leisure.

    As I said in a previous post, if you lived in Madrid with 1000euros a month you will live A LOT better in Bkk with 30'000 baht.

  16. if u want to give or not is your choice but 6k a month is like spitting in their face. its just rubbing it in. even english teacher make about 60k a month. come on. you are saying, oh here is 1/10 on that. come on! if you want to care for her atleast do it right.

    My girlfriend works for a hotel and makes around $6000bht per month, her rent on her room is $1600 baht per month.

    Another friend works in Admin for the Thai government she is on similar money.

    You have no idea what you are on about.

    if you care about her why would you want her to maintain leading a hand to mouth existence. perhaps you might say to yourself, "i love her. i want her to know what indoor plumbing is like". but most of you are just looking for a child-father relationship where you fuc_k the child. so yes, pay her as little as possible, since pay is the key word. then in a couple of years you can send your luek krungs to the local public school system because afterall, that is where her own children would have gone if she hadnt met yuo. you dont even have to buy them shoes. just send tehm barefoot.

    This guy is definitely the new S.Freud, great analysis, he shoots right on target in every post.

  17. I usually don't bother to respond to posts like that but this guy is to much,

    In just 24 hours of posting he dropped these 3 mythic statements:

    "The truth is that Thai's actually prefer dark skin to white skin...If you are a black male, you can more or less expect to come to Bangkok and be in a relationship with a beautiful medical Thai Chinese student in a few days or less"

    "For the female Thai Chinese students, this is a simple a self control precautionary. They do not want to study in a school with many Indian or black males because they know that they will likely end up pregnant and will be unable to physically function in a classroom...No, they will get their education and then find a dark male to mate with later on"

    "if u want to give or not is your choice but 6k a month is like spitting in their face. its just rubbing it in. even english teacher make about 60k a month. come on. you are saying, oh here is 1/10 on that. come on! if you want to care for her atleast do it right....Are we talking USD here? I am only 23 and live modestly and I still spend between 150-200k baht most months."


  18. if u want to give or not is your choice but 6k a month is like spitting in their face. its just rubbing it in. even english teacher make about 60k a month. come on. you are saying, oh here is 1/10 on that. come on! if you want to care for her atleast do it right.

    Lifeisrandom is the personification of "it's not because you have nothing to say that you should shut up!", and he shows that to us post after post.

    Dude, you have no idea of what you're talking about. I don't know how long you have been in Thailand for, but obviously not enough.

  19. I've seen on more than one occasion a woman with my skin tone say, "We same same" but the SAME EXACT lady go to a white man and say, "I like your skin, I don't like mine." It's all a game. And there was this Italian teacher that would hang with me and he was pretty shabby while all the girls were clinging to me. Why? Because I used cologne and looked like I had money.

    MONEY NUMBA 1!!!

    You sound truly like an enlightened individual and I applaud you for tricking those bar girls into thinking you had money. That fat english teacher was a loser and you showed up him and his white skin! Well done!

    You to lifeisrandom, you look like a "truly enlightened individual", a subtle and perceptive analyst. Thanks for sharing your priceless knowledge with us.

  20. The fact that the Chinese have been able to pass themselves off as Thai (even whilst manipulating the economic system to the detriment of ethnic Thais) whilst Indians who've been here just as long are still classed as khaek says quite a lot about Thai attitudes. One example of prejudice: when in the past I've been giving advice to my students on where to study in England (and this is all post-grad students), the fact that a town has a significant Indian, Pakistani, or Bangladeshi population has been enough to rule out the university, however good it might have been. That being said, I certainly wouldn't expect open hostility but I think that it's unrealistic to anticipate that all Thais are going to treat you as they treat whites.

    For the female Thai Chinese students, this is a simple a self control precautionary. They do not want to study in a school with many Indian or black males because they know that they will likely end up pregnant and will be unable to physically function in a classroom.

    Ok, enough drinking for tonight lifeisrandom...Go to sleep dude, you must be really tired...

  21. They will ask for all they can get. I hear about Farangs paying 20-50,000 bht per month for their "ladies". But, that's for a full-time GF. I think these are outrageous amounts, unless you are wealthy & have the money to throw away. If I were you, I would try to determine if your relationship is based on more than money. Does she love you or would she be with you, if you did not give her money? Unfortunately, in my experience here, the answer is usually no.

    Are you serious?

    Yeh He is serious a friend of a friend met a bar girl, he goes back home and she promises to stay out of the bars he sends her $200au a week, after a short period of time She ramps up Her demands to $500au a week he happily pays, he marries the Lady and spends maybe $15000au on dowry and wedding and at no time do alarm bells ring in his mind.

    WOW that's crazy...Never heard a story like that in Thailand, not the style of bargirls to do such things.

    Maybe your friend should write a book about his exceptionnal misadventure :o:D:D

  22. Let's see: -Mom's medicines: 10'000

    -Mom's motorbike accident with chickens from the neighbour: 10'000

    -Dad's Honda wave reparation: 10'000

    -Daughter's school fee + furnitures: 5'000

    -Buffalo's special hemorrhoid cream: 20'000

    -reasonable amount of papaya salad + other unexpected expenses: 25'000

    Sub total: 80'000baht/month

    I think you could start with at least 80'000 per month, but let's say 100'000 just to be sure. :o

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