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Posts posted by sirineou

  1. I am A US citizen

    My Thai Fiancé, had her interview at the BKK embassy 2 weeks ago, at the interview she was told to come back next week with my tax return from 2007 and more evidence of relationship. ( we had pictures together, and with her family, receipts from hotel with both our names together, emails , telephone bills etc) . at the interview she was told that they could not issue her a visa, and gave her a letter that stated that under section 221(g) which prohibits the issuance of visa to anyone not comply with the provisions of the nationality act or regulations, with the following remark " Administrative Processing"

    She was told verbally, that a new case will be opened and that some one will call her.

    ank you

    I've never run into that particular item before so did a Google for: 221(g) administrative processing

    There's lots and lots of internet hits for that Google, here's just a few of them:





    Doesn't resolve the problem with the Consulate but at least explains what may be happening.


    Thank you Mac

  2. I am A US citizen

    My Thai Fiancé, had her interview at the BKK embassy 2 weeks ago, at the interview she was told to come back next week with my tax return from 2007 and more evidence of relationship. ( we had pictures together, and with her family, receipts from hotel with both our names together, emails , telephone bills etc) . at the interview she was told that they could not issue her a visa, and gave her a letter that stated that under section 221(g) which prohibits the issuance of visa to anyone not comply with the provisions of the nationality act or regulations, with the following remark " Administrative Processing"

    She was told verbally, that a new case will be opened and that some one will call her.

    I try to call the BKK embassy to find out what is happening and why she was refused a visa? the but I was told that the visa dept. can only be reached via email, I send 2 E-mails and 1 week later, no answer.

    We are at out wits end , we love each other very much and all we want to do is get together and marry, we are very upset, my fiancé cry every time we talk ( we talk every day via MSN web cam). And I am very depressed. I wish I could come to Thailand and go to the embassy my self but my job will nor allow me the time now, If anyone has any advise it would be greatly appreciated .I would be happy to answer any questions.

    Thank you

  3. Hi

    Last June 16th I file a petition for Fiancé Visa ( K1) in the USA, after a long stressful wait we finally got an answer , my fiancés visa application was approved :o and my fiancé received a package in the mail from the US consulate to submit her application in the BKK embassy, and I guess be granted an interview and finally, upon successfully applying and interviewing, receive her Visa to come to the USA and marry.

    My Fiancé lives in Khon Kaen and has a Baccalaureate in Marketing , she speaks some English and is intelligent.

    Given the recent economic climate in the USA and the world in general , money is tight, Is this something she should attempt on her own? Or would going to a Visa agency be a better Idea? She told me that she spoke to the only visa agency in Khon Kaen and they told her that the whole process will cost about 50,000 bth,

    This sounds like a lot of money to me. All they have to do is help her fill the application , gather the necessary documents , have them translated and mailed to the US embassy.

    .I would appreciate any comments that any one might have about the " process".and any links to any information that might be relevant

      .Please advise

    Thamk you

  4. for awhile there, thai real estate prices were declining slightly to staying the same, this was during the recession fears. the last two months or so have seen the us economy make a nice solid rebound and most analysts are putting the likelyhood of a recession around 30%. i actually have not looked at thai real estate prices in 3 months or so... so what have they done during this time?

    Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :o

    My property in Palm Coat Florida, Last year was Appraised at $ 210.000. A few week ago I apply for a Credit line using that property for collateral , When I was asked by the bank what I thought the value of the property was , I said “ with the real estate situation as it is, I think probably, $ 180,000” the following day the loan officer called me and told me that the Appraisal Had come in at $ 140,000. My net worth on that property had declined by $ 70,000 in 1 year. I was lucky to had purchased that property a long time ago, but all the people that purchased properties in the Past couple of years, find them selves “ Up side down” a situation where they owe to the bank more than the property is worth, many have walked away from these properties, Others not wanting to damage their credit are making the payments, in the hope that prices will increase again soon. Part of the reason for the decline in Prices is the inventory increase ( foreclosures, builder spec homes, etc) and decrease in demand , Buyers are staying in the side-lines waiting for prices to stabilize, they too don’t want to find them selves in an Upside down situation.

    Until Inventories go Down and or Demand go up, I don’t see Home prices “ rebound” .

    And when they do they are expected to increase at a 6% per year Rate, at that rate it will take a long time for the market to regain it’s former level.

    PS: The Moro Bay Home model Built by Holiday builders was selling 2 years ago at $240,000 in palm coast, Last month my friend purchased one (new, never lived in) for $ 160,000, you deside if the real estate market has rebound.

  5. I have a female friend who has been to US before but had a bad experence while here. She would like to try again since she has met me and found someone she can trust. How hard is it to get a visa and work in US after she's here. She's 36 so she's no youngster or play girl.

    I don’t really have enough information,on your case, to give you good advice, But I will tell to this, If you want your friend to work legally in the USA, The way to go, is a fiancé visa,[/size][/font]

    To get a fiancé visa you need to apply ( application fee is $455.00) and provide all required documentation asked for in the application. You must be able to prove that you know the girl, and that you have meet in Thailand, (pictures of you and her, receipts from airlines etc), The application will take 8-12 months to process , Upon issuance of fiancé visa, the girl is free to travel to the USA , you have 3 months to marry and change her status to permanent resident, and a path to US citizenship. If you need help call your local Congressman or Senator and ask him/her for help, [/size][/font]

    Good Luck [/font][/size]

    PS : I am going thought he process of trying to get a fiancé visa for the girl I love , and I was not getting any where until I called my congressman ,

  6. Make sure you provide them with everything they require!!!!!! And more.

    I send my application for Fiancé Visa in February, April 15th I went to Thailand to visit my fiancé for the 3rd time ( I was there May of 2007, and Sept of 2007, I really love this girl)when I departed Thailand April 30th 2008 , my fiancé spend the whole day crying, it broke my heart. Told her that we were 3 months in to the Visa process and that we will be together again soon. When I returned to The States, there was a letter from Immigration waiting for me, I opened it with great anticipation , only to find that it was a denial , I did not believe my eyes, I had to read it several times, The explanation was that I did not Provide them with sufficient supporting Documentation. ( I am sure I gave then everything they require),I try to find out what was missing over the telephone, but no luck. I went to the Immigration Office in Jacksonville ( about 1 hr by car from where I live) and this is what the told me.

    The lady at the desk was very nice and very understanding and really felt sorry for me, She said “ Of the record : usually when there is a missing item they will contact you and ask for it, but some times the case worker is having a bad day, or is overworked, and just denies the application, Now I can ether appeal the decision , and wait for the appeal to go through , and maybe win, and if I loose I would have to reapply any way, or reapply now and start over.

    So my advice to you is : Have some one who knows what they are doing help you with the application, and save your self a lot of Time, cost , and heart ach. If you live near a large metropolitan area Look for Organization that do Pro Bono immigration healp.

    Good Luck

    I met my Thai GF on Thaikisses.com in January, we chatted for 6 weeks, then I went to visit her in BKK. I stayed for a few weeks, we got along great, and I gave her a ring and asked her to marry me. She has never been married, and has been at the same white collar job in BKK for 13 years. She has no criminal record.

    I would like to bring her to the USA, and if she likes it here, we will make this our permanent residence and apply for a green card for her. However, it seems that even with good credentials, she will have to wait 4 – 6 months for a fiancée Visa according to the Thai lawyer she contacted, and the lawyer will cost $1800US but they will help her each step of the way. Is a lawyer worth the money, and will it take any less time to get a fiancee visa if we use a lawyer? And as far as getting her permanent residency in the USA, is it a tough process? I want to do everything legally because I want her to be able to go back to Thailand once a year to visit family.

    Thanks for your help.

  7. Application for USA Fiancé VISA is about $ 500 usd, I applied about 3 months ago, now I got a letter from the government, saying that I did not send them all the documents required, ( I did send then everything they asked for) and denied the application for Fiancé Visa , now I have 2 options, I can appeal, which costs about $600.00 and maybe I will win after waiting 3 months for the appeal to go through, or I can re apply ( an other $ 500.00) and start over again, I am so frustrated. ( the fiancé Visa Process takes about 1 year in the USA now), I think I will re-apply, because the appeal might take as much as 3 months and I can still loose and have to start over again any way.

    My Opinion: Different county , same Shi…#*@%, All I want to do is Marry the girl I love. So very very frustrating.

    Good Luck my friend :o

    PS: I would gladly pay $ 2192.00 to have my girl here, :D

    Have just spent $2060 dollars as an application fee to get my Thai wife a permanent visa for Australia, I have been told the same application in some places is a low as 50 Euro in Europe,

    Thought it would be interesting to compare the costs to achieve this in different countries like England .... America .... Canada .... Countries in Europe etc

    Using the US dollar as a measurment

    Applcation Visa Fee in Australia is $2191.49 US Dollars

    Will be interested to see comparison costs for other countries

  8. Last time I was in BKK I went to a Flea market by the river, near a temple, and there I show and purchased ( for gifts)some insects and butterflies in Display cases, I was interested to find where I could purchase them, wholesale for the purpose of importing then in Florida,

    I will be in BKK Next week and I would appreciate any leads

    Thank You

  9. It is unfortunate that you have missed the International Jewellery Fair in Bangkok which is held twice a year--this year it was the first weekend in March.

    You should contact the Thai Commercial Office or call the Thai Embassy in your Country on how to contact them. The Commercial Office will give you a list of wholesale jewellery manufacturers who you can contact on your own.

    I import jewellery, and I find the prices of silver pretty standard from country to country. It is the finish and style that usually makes the difference in price per gram.

    Thank you for your prompt reply, and sorry for the late reply, I Have being very busy trying to take care of all the things I need to take care of , before I come to Thailand Next week. I am Sorry I miss the trade show in March,, I will try to be there for the next one ( I think it is some time in September) .

    When I am in BKK, this Month, I will go to Charoen Krung Road ,for silver, I have being told that there are many Wholesale outlets there.

    Last time I was in BKK I went to a Flea market by the river, near a temple, and there I show and purchased ( for gifts)some insects and butterflies in Display cases, I was interested to find where I could purchase them, wholesale for the purpose of importing then in Florida, I have some retail space in a tourist area and I think they will sell well.

    Thank you for your Help, if you are ever interested in importing silver from Mexico let me know and I can provide you with some leads.

  10. I will be in Khon Kaen The later part of April Visiting My Fiancés Family, we will first spend a couple of days in BKK shopping and seeing the sights , then we will spend a few days in Krabi, and after that come to Khon Kaen . I will rent a car, and I am Planning to take day trips in the surrounding areas. This is my third visit to Thailand but I Have never being to Khon Kaen. Any information as to where to Go or what to do would be Highly appreciated.

    Thank you :o

  11. I will be in BKK in mid April for 3 Days , then I go to Krabi for a few days and then To Khon Kaen to spend time with my fiancés Family., I am currently importing 925 sterling silver jewelry from Taco Mexico, and have in the past imported form Jaipur India I would like to look in to the cost effectiveness of importing silver Jewelry from Thailand , any information about the wholesale silver market in BKK , current per gram prices, and export /import challenges, would be highly appreciated :o

    Thank you

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