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Posts posted by DaoDao

  1. Not only not die for [any country...] but aswell giving up your rights, lets face it as much as I love Thailand, you're better of with almost any other pasport...I can't imagine someone would concider this only to avoid 'Immigration hassles'...

  2. The farang men in Chiang Rai are what's disgusting........That's why I will move to Chiang Mai. I would seriously consider a Thai man if he has a good heart and makes me laugh!

    Good heart in Thai speak means big wallet :o If you like to laugh at a downsyndrome person being abused and ridiculed on stage (popular Thai humor) then a Thai guy is sure to make you laugh :D

    Besides the fact it is offtopic,

    it's a bit to simple to state something like that, don' t you think whatsoever?

    Here we go again...NOt every Thai is the same, Im not even gonna start about how my bf and many other Thais btw wouldn't laugh about handicaped people or what makes him a person with a good heart without any money involved...

  3. Hey Girlx,

    Some titles I just finished, you might know them already...some really nice ones though!

    -Eat, pray, love

    by Elizabeth Gilbert

    -The Kite runner

    -A Thousand splendid suns

    both by Khaled Hosseini

    -Extremely loud and incredibly close

    -Everything is illuminated

    both by Jonathan Safran

    -Life of Pi

    by Yann Martel

    Also work from Haruki Murakami, the japanese writer is worth a try! [Kafka on the shore, Hard boiled wonderland and the end of the world]

  4. I am going to move my questions to the family section after this post.

    We went for our first check up and to say that my life changed in a heartbeat is an understatement. I was stood, feeling like a spare part, as my wife had her first full checkup. I expected to see nothing as I presumed that at this stage it would be an un-formed blob. I have never been more wrong.

    As a normal spanners and oil change type of person I was stunned, amazed and blown away to see a humanoid shape on the screen. I asked "what's that" and the doctor spoke as if I had just pointed at a dog and asked the same question. When he said "it's your baby" I felt weak.

    Later he said "do you want to hear its heart?" I said "it has a heart!!!" and he turned on the speaker. At that moment all the nonsense that had seemed important in my life just vanished. I have created a human and I could not be more pleased.

    Let the games begin. I am prepared and as happy as a puppy with two tails.



    :D Your post made me smile widely!

    I wish you and your family all the best and lots of happiness!!

  5. Well there's always something noisy about Thailand, IF u would really get this car to stop making it rounds [no way :o thats gonna happen soon!] it's gonna be something else...!

    Besides that there's no closing time for the beachparties going on every night in high season on the island Im living on [goes on and on till sunrise and later, I hear it perfectly living 5 km down the road!] and the fact that my neighbour has 8 roosters [they make noise all night long, who ever said they only start at sunrise??? :D ] and a few pigs in small boxes [not only making noise but also smelling bad!], horny cats making a noise that sounds as if some one is killing babies...horrible!

    and a troop of wild dogs nearby, I sleep well! [and yep indeed buy some earplugs!]

    Now when Im back in europe to visit, I wake up from the silence :D

  6. Hubbie cooks most of the time! [delicious!] makes time for me, hears me out, tries to give me all 'the freedom' I need, tries to cope with the fact that I do some travelling on my own in lowseason when he's back home in south to help out his family.

    We do have arguments but talk them thrue...never had al of this with a western guy.

  7. While we're on the topic of make-up [Ok, I'm just gonna skip the part of WHY we use make up for now :o ]

    Although at home Im a natural beauty :D ... I would like to find a good concealer and foundation but have no clue wich brand, where to get etc etc, anyone some good advice?

  8. Fair enough, how about for guys who are not going to take the piss then :D

    nice tip, never heard that one before

    Take the piss sbk? I am now convinced you are a brit in disguise.

    You can get turmeric face scrubs in Boots, Tescos, Watsons...everywhere. They are about 20 baht. They can be very yellow though so make sure you wash it off thoroughly!

    Nope, just hung out with them for the last 20 years. I am a terrible (involuntary) mimic (probably why I managed to learn the tones) and absorb speech patterns of those around me.

    Anyway, great recipes, keep them coming. I like that hair mask daodao. I have to color my hair all the time (went gray at 27 :o ) and it is very dry and damaged. I will give that one a shot.

    I read a good one for a face mask this is for oily skin, which I know we all get in Thailand from time to time

    1 banana, preferably ripe

    1 tbsp honey

    An orange or a lemon (lime)


    Mix the banana and honey together.

    Add a few drops of juice from an orange or a lemon.

    Apply to face for 15 minutes before rinsing with a cool washcloth or a steaming warm washcloth.

    Oily skin, my skin has been in every condition possible, living at the sea seems to make it dry and after that oily [sight!]

    I have the same with my hair SBK! get more and more grey hairs [maybe because I have dark hair its more obvious...and dry aswell!!

    The following is also very nice, makes it shiny and soft [even hubbie noticed!!]


    1 teaspoon of honey

    4 cups of warm water

    1 drop of your favorite essential oil or perfume

    Also just olive oil works!Wash hair as you would normally. After you are done pat dry and add this mixture to your hair slowly covering all of your hair strands. Let your hair air dry for a shiny and soft feeling.

  9. Drinking Coffee May Extend Life

    Study Suggests but Doesn't Prove Link Between Coffee and Longer Life

    By Salynn Boyles

    WebMD Health News

    Reviewed by Elizabeth Klodas, MD, FACC

    June 16, 2008 -- Coffee drinkers, rejoice. While you might be using it for a "pick-me-up," coffee may also be extending your life.

    Whether you are on a first-name basis with your barista or simply refueling from the office coffee pot during the day, new research suggests that drinking coffee, even in large amounts, might help you live longer.

    Coffee drinkers in the study had slightly lower death rates than non-coffee drinkers over time, whether their drink of choice had caffeine or not.

    The findings do not prove that coffee is protective, but they strongly suggest that drinking coffee in large amounts is not harmful if you are healthy, researcher Esther Lopez-Garcia, PhD, of the University of Madrid, tells WebMD.

    Among women, drinking two to three cups of coffee a day was associated with an 18% reduction in death from all causes, while drinking four to five cups was associated with a 26% reduction in risk.

    The risk reduction in men was smaller and could have been due to chance.

    "We can't say from this one study that coffee extends your life, but it does appear that it doesn't increase the risk for death for people who are healthy," she says.

    The evidence pointing to health benefits for coffee continue to grow, with studies linking regular consumption to a decreased risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and even health conditions like Parkinson's disease and colon cancer.

    But some studies also suggest that drinking caffeinated coffee is associated with an increased risk for heart attack and stroke in people who already have heart disease.

    The American Heart Association concludes that the research linking caffeine to health risks is conflicting. The group concludes that moderate coffee consumption, defined as one or two cups a day, "doesn't seem to be harmful."

    The few previous studies that have examined the impact of regular coffee drinking on mortality have also been conflicting, Lopez-Garcia says.

    In an effort to clarify the issue, Lopez-Garcia and colleagues from the University of Madrid and Harvard University analyzed data from 84,214 women who participated in Harvard's Nurse's Health Study and 41,736 men who participated in the companion study involving male health professionals.

    None of the participants had cancer or heart disease at enrollment, and all completed dietary and health questionnaires every two to four years that included questions about coffee consumption, other dietary habits, and smoking status.

    During 18 years of follow-up in the men and 24 years of follow-up in the women, roughly 4,500 deaths due to heart disease and 7,500 cancer deaths occurred. An additional 6,000 deaths were due to other causes.

    After controlling for other risk factors such as weight, diet, smoking status, and disease status, the researchers concluded that people who drank coffee were less likely to die than those who didn't during the follow-up, and that the risk reduction was attributable to a lower risk for death from heart disease.

    No association was seen between coffee drinking and cancer deaths.

    The researchers conclude that the finding of a "modest" all-cause and heart disease death benefit for coffee consumption deserves further study.

    The research appears in the June 17 issue of the journal Annals of Internal Medicine.

    Source: Web MD

    Thank god, Im a total addict!!

  10. The following hairmask is really nice when you hair gets dry from chloronated or sea water!

    You need:

    • 1 egg

    • 1 eggshell's worth of olive oil

    • 1 quarter of a peeled cucumber

    Blend the egg, olive oil and peeled cucumber. Spread evenly through your hair, leave on for 10 minutes, then thoroughly rinse. For the best results year-round, continue this treatment monthly.

    Works for me!

  11. As someone suggested that epilady [with icepack!] would do the trick, I tried it and I only can stand the horror if somebody else does it [and ties my hands...] what a painfull procedure wich made the red spots only worse!! Sorry not buying yours Andiamo... :D

    So I think also after reading the posts here its a good option to go for the laser, in europe these are expensive treadments, so like SBK im curious to what the rates are like in BKK! :o

  12. This is the situation,

    I have been in Thailand for the best part of 2 years, apart from the odd spell back home in England. At the beginning of January i met an 18 year old girl, im 25..she had not longed arrived in Pattaya and spoke very little english. After couple weeks of speaking to her she agreed to go out to the cinema and from there on we met up and got to know each other better. Anyway i then stayed with her for the next 4 months until end of April when i had a call from back home that my grandmother had suddenly died and the family wanted me back home asap as the funeral was the following week, next day i booked up flight back to England and after a lot of last minute rushing around i was flying off just 2 days after receiving the news, but not long before i was leaving the girlfriend told me she might be pregnant! omg i had no time to do anything but told her soon as im gone she has to go pharmacy and get herself tested.

    I arrive back in England and im tied up in alot of family grieving for a while with the funeral and everything. When i next get to speak to the girlfriend i ask her about the baby situation and she tells me she is not pregnant which is a relief, afterwards i end up staying 2 months in England before i head back to Thailand at the end of June.

    When i return and meet up with the girlfriend im not 100% convinced she isnt pregnant and buy and test from the pharmacy and make her take it..she lied and she is pregnant! i take her to the hospital the next day and im told she is 3 months and its too late to do anything (not the case if she acted 2 months before).

    Im so annoyed and i know she just thought by having baby she can now sit on her ass at my house and i will take care of her forever, when ive said i might have to return and work in England she replies ''why cant you just live in Thailand'' like everything is just that simple.

    Anyway my friends have said she has just screwed me over to try and trap me (which i agree with), i have told her i want her to return and stay with her sister for while because i want time to think (she has now told me she is 17 and not 18!) now when i say about her leaving the house she says ''im young, i will tell police!!'' what the hel_l, now what do i do? i feel so trapped and i truely believed she was 18, can i go to jail? she never worked as prostitute and i never paid her any money to stay with me (only food and some clothes).

    What i really need to know is what can happen if she reports me to the police? also if we seperate and i take care of the baby how much would it cost me per month (only take care of baby and not her) i know amount can vary depends on how much i want hand the baby but i dont want her family pocketing extra and also i do not have much money hence not planning on this situation in the first place.

    Please i need some advice...

    Suggest an abortion, up to 20 weeks is normal in other countries, may be illegal in LOS but she or her friends will know a Dr who will do the operation for the right money.

    Get all of her personal details, and those of her family and get the hel_l out of Thailand is she continues to try to blackmail you, dont warn her just go when she is out.

    Leave contact details and when the child is born arrange through a THai lawyers firm to have the DNA test done on the child, supply your own DNA sample and you will at lest know if the child is yours.

    Dont mean to be disresectful but if she caught your eye she will have caught other guys eye as well.

    Do not return th LOS until the DNA results confirm you are not the father or if proven to be the father until a legal agreement is in place regarding financail support for the child.

    Be a man and pay if you are the father,you donthave anything in common with her so dont even bother thinking you do,

    its a shit situation, but its your shit o deal with it NOW rather than let her persuade you to leave the matter any longer.

    A nice young lad like you would be very welcome on the menu of the BKK Hilton so I suggest you avoid that possiblity by

    getting her to agree to a termination, You might like to get her to do another test as those kits are not infallable, use a condom even if she says she is pregnant, the test could have been wrong but you keep doing the business without a condom and she wont by wrong for very long.

    Sort it out now, a few tears now is better than a lifetime of regret.

    Roy gsd :o

    Sorry mate, just clearing the facts about abortion.

    Abortion is legal up to 16 weeks max.!

    After that they only do it for medical reasons.

    Abortion is not illegal in Thailand, they do the procedure in Bangkok hospital.

  13. I went to Pattaya once, never again.

    There I was, walking down Beach Road, smiling at the girlies, when some b4st4rd gave me a spin kick to the back of the head.

    By the time I'd picked myself up, he was running towards Walking street with his knuckles dragging along the broken pavement.


    But true I was amazed when I saw that they put all the families who did this trip round Thailand [in 8 days :D ] out of the bus in Pattaya to spend their last days at the beach [looking in Shock when in Walking street at night...!!!]

    Jomtien would've been a better option to bring your friends to I guess...

  14. Yes,there is an English Langage cinema there,also a tesco lotus and now a Villa supermarket.

    Yes that's the one I meant. Your post sounded good news so I checked... Two of the main movies as you see are in Thai only. If you compare to say Chonburi, they have the same movies but in diff languages, not just Thai. Rak Sam Sao, being a Thai movie does have English, but that's not really what I'd like... :D Always seems to be the same when I go... I guess you've had better luck...? Not sure what country "Friendship" is from

    [Edit: just checked Friendship I think is Thai. So that's the 2 main foreign movies in Thai only, and the two Thai movies have English versions. Always seems that way. I'd rather watch a movie in original soundtrack]


    หัวหินFriendship (TH/EN)

    14:20 16:50 20:20 Hancock (TH/--)

    13:40 14:45 15:50 18:00 19:05 20:10 21:15 Rak-Sam-Sao (TH/EN)

    16:45 Wanted (TH/--)

    14:00 16:20 18:40 21:00

    ชลบุรี Ha-Gao (TH/EN)

    16:25 Hancock (EN/TH)

    13:40 14:50 16:00 18:20 19:30 20:40 21:50 Hellboy2 (EN/TH)

    22:00 KungFu (TH/--)

    17:20 Rak-Sam-Sao (TH/EN)

    14:00 18:35 21:00 Wanted (EN/TH)

    14:25 16:50 19:15

    No disrepect meant but what in gods name are you rambling on about??


  15. Hey Gisele,

    Allready sended you some messages, Kat's right, dont be alone when it hurts the most, if u see a chance to get away [to SBK] or one of the ladies do so, good to be away and might give you some other perspectives aswell.

    I'm very sorry for not being around, all the FIL and my husband are in Tha sala at the moment, again if there's anything they could help u with let me know!!

    My thoughts are with u...

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