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Posts posted by comeondoit

  1. 19 hours ago, from the home of CC said:

    As the only folks I see out and about not wearing masks are foreigners so I don't blame the Thais for staying away. The selfish foreign knobs think just because their country is a diseased cesspool due to a total lack common sense, that they can carry on with that bs here..

    Do not start with this <deleted>. Thais are anyway now fueling separatism. I just read that they are not allowing foreigners on the longhaul buses, because they have no Thai ID. It is a fact that this governemnet is fueling the bad treatment of foreigners as they would be made guilty of everything (one of the worst is Minister Anutin). Actually the governemnet are killing the Thai economy (I am sure they are prolonging the emergency state, because they are afraid that they might get some protesters in the city which now the military and police can shut down easily) and the poor Thais pay the price. The well off Thais with good jobs in the city and in governement are practically not hampered by covid 19, they are surviving merrily. By the way the masks have good effect in crowded places, but on the beach with the wind from the sea (where would the covid 19 come from out of the sea?, be more reasonable)

    • Like 1
  2. i am running a.tricity since 5years. it is perfect  braking never a problem. 20000km so far. had to repair the front chocks. new tires. all regular services done. i would like to buy a 300 a new 155 does not mske sence since the 125 engine is still strong and fast enough to leave most of crowd behind at the green light. fell down once at the beginning trlavelling a bad road slowly with a case of ber. since then i feel save. will never buy a new two wheeler

  3. Do not worry, there will nothing change, it is what it is.  No official THAI will ever listen to a not so well loved foreigner (even if there should be more than 10000), he might loose his face. It is a basic problem of the official society in Thailand....they are superioir!!!! they cannot discuss , they order and thats it!!!! The richer and higher up (BIG BOSS as my girlfriend uses to say) has to be followed (own thinking not allowed)

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    • Thanks 1
  4. sorry but the previous governement was much worse than what we see now. They were spending money, taxpayers money and did not bother to rise money. The political memory is so short living, all already forgotten?. The problem is that the Thai people are not knowing what is democracy and need therefore a strong hand. So strong hand or not there are always fails and errors when doing things...the balance is what counts, more good than bad?? Judge by yourself but based on facts not on statistics.

    Obviously one lack of the actual governement is its unability to accept and try to learn from contradicition. However that is a lack of the Thai society in general and I fear that no one coming after will be better in that

    • Haha 1
  5. Mrs Popkarn is no big loss, but I doubt if somebody better is coming up??  Why? Because Thai tourism and the governement do not seem to see the whole picture?. There is that wonderful slogan "Amazing Thailand", but nobody seems to think about why is it so amazing? Amazing because every kind of tourist can see and find his own Amazingness and that can be anything and it is incluiding, to give you some examples: "the streetfood and colorfulness of unorganised markets, or the nightlife with its many facets, massage parlors and go go bars" are and have a right and must be part of the picture of "Amazing Thailand". Obviously Mrs Kobkarn never understood that truth.

    Now some stupid activistics laws like no drinking and smoking on beaches just divert from the serious waste problems on many tourist islands and the waste problems in the sea. Things like that do not get better by denouncing and punishing...instead start a serouis education of Thais, who are the most waste producers....how many times have you seen Thais throwing cigarettes buts and waste everywhere where they go and drive? How many times did you see tourists doing it? Give it an honest thought!!!!

  6. 3 minutes ago, oldcarguy said:

    there is a place that they "cleaned up" and stopped street selling ,


    so no more food that was there forever......


    What to do......????


    They found a small place off the pavement to cook , parked a bunch of Motorbikes on the street where the tables were before , and mounted small tables to the seats of the motorbikes :)


    Now you have a place to eat , and its "legal"


    I hate to think of all the other areas of BKK that I like to walk around that will also be "cleaned up" soon ,

    making   'Hunting" for interesting things  much harder since you are not going to walk into 50 small shops but would inspect what they were selling as you walked down the street......


    All in the name of Progress :(

    This again is one of the typical green table decisions of people with the power and money ( there have been numerous examples recently, e.g. the beaches, the pick up carrying passengers, a tourist minister saying to ban the sex industry and so on ) , who never are eating street food and once more again they are empting the bath including the child in it. Why they cannot do something by just fighting the abuses, giving some rules and enforcing these rules? That is pure dictatorship, the bad results of losing the job is not hitting those well paid people.....I am sorry for Thailand, they slowly dismantle the country from things which are unique and may tourists are coming for

  7. It is again one of these unreflected Thai shortcuts (we say, "saddle the horse from the back"). Before one can reduce time in classes the school must be able to offer other activities. To be able to develop these actiuvites teachers must be teached/trained how to do and need incentives for it. This needs a well thought longtime planning.

    Critical thinking might be the goal, but again to reach it, the teachers must be trained and get tools to teach the children how to think. Can somebody tell me how you can think critically, if you never learnt to think!!!. So the sentence of Mr Ochoa should read like that: "Spend less time in classrooms learning by heart, spend more time learning how to think and use the free time out of the classroom to develop other skills (which could be theater, marching bands, music, sports, painting and so on).

    There should be a longtime program starting with teaching the teachers.

  8. New Experience

    I just changed the original shocks with YSS ones I bought from Bikerzbits. Bikerzbits did a very good and

    fast service, I can recommend. The shocks cost me mounted about 5000BHT

    But it is worth it, the riding is like day and night, so much more stiff and safe, I should have done it

    already longtime ago. My Tricity has 10000km on the odometer and I have to say the motor

    now seems to be delivering best power. Acceleration up to 80kkmh is fantastic for a 125ccm machine

    with that weight. Topspeed is not more than 90kmh (only in very good conditions), but I do not need more.

    I am still happy with the motorcycle.

  9. I have been asked to give some English in a Matayom school (it is one which has only first to third grade) out in Isaan. I was just there to make some fun with them. I prepared pics for me and was drawing them myself at the board. The first day I had about 20 interested kids, the second there were 50 coming and on my third day about 100 kids were sitting in rows on the floor before me. The girls on one side and the boys on the other. Some had some paper but most had nothing. The teacher there could not provide me with a book, or some plan what to learn in which session.

    What could I do???? I learnt them to sing "Mac Mac doodely had a farm" which was a big fun for them and all helped with it.

    and then we worked on the words, so they could understand them. I am speaking some Thai and I am a Swiss national speaking and writing German, French and English.. After that the teacher said they learnt something from me. I do not know what (:-. They wanted me as a regular teacher (I do not need money and do not get paid). However I am retired and do not want to work and need my freedom, so sometimes I am just doing there some hours for the fun of everybody and some English my be sticking with them.

    It will be very hard for you, forget everything you have been trained for, follow your instinct and do not forget, if you blame a kid for not beeing able to do something you have been asking......That is the worst to do, the kid will loose his face. And you must know most of them are very shy, not only the girls the boys too. To overcome that shyness is the hardest task you will have. Another advice, speak as simple as you can. Never ride on grammar things like an "s" if they do not say it, so what? they knew the word, then they can speak it !!!

    Thai language has no declination and conjugation...so do not loose your time with explaining them such things. Later when they got more familiar with English they still can learn it. Try to overcome shyness and make/let them speak. Our daughter is now Mathayaom 4, she can read English and understands most of it, but she cannot speak and is to shy even to me her stepfather to talk. The English teaching Thais teach them writing and reading...but speaking, no, because most are not able to speak.themselfs

    I wish you good luck. Thailand needs passionate teachers, who understand how different their culture is.

  10. That is one of the bullshit articles written by a redshirt hardliner. My Buddha, generous subsidies, ridiculous, if only 20% of the spent money coming from all Thai people, arrived here. That money was many times used with no sustainability in mind, like for improving the yields of the crops (Vietnam farmers are having twice the yield per rai as Thai farmers), no, they bought a new car (the populist car scheme was incenting them to do so) even if they have now no money to pay the car loan back,,,,,and so on...and so on.

    But on the other hand people are quite happy here...the police is working better, excessive bribes are not paid anymore, for the people taking Yabah (a real problem out here) some well organised correction camps at some wats are working with the help of monks and many people to resocialise them, paid by the governement. So what I am hearing here and around midden in the Isaan is not what is stated in this article. By the way the agricultural support helping the farmers got really active as I could see from outside, consulting them, helping analyse the ground, talking about other crops, but it is difficult if you have hardly finished Matayom three and know nothing else than how farming was done by generations. Another problem is luring in the future, driving through the fields I am seeing new rubber plantations everywhere being planted instead of rice, coming to produce soon, every year the Thai rubber production is rising....and guess what happens with the price. And every rubber farmer will be crying for help, (most rubber farmers here a rich farmers with many rais of plantations) as happened not so long ago, so cry for rice subsidies will be followed by cries for rubber subsidies. That task is for any governemnt unsolvable without harming some people.

    There are things the governement is doing well, without filling deep pockets, like rising the monthly payments for the old people. But one has to look around not through red tainted glasses, to see it.

    Hopefully these brainless egoistic redshirts just filling their own pockets will never come back on power, only then we might have the possibility of a real civil war, since the rest of the Thai people would uprise. against using tax payers money again for people who anyway are already rich.

  11. The problem of the Prime Minister is to not be able to accept critics and deal with it by looking into his own doings and say yes we will take it into account to the one who is critizising. Instead he is giving these critics much more weight than what they really deserve. Sounds sometimes a little childish to me. My daughter used to react like this when being critizised. Overall he is doing a good job and he does not need to react like that especially since he has the power to overlook that kind of critics.

  12. That title is absolutely wrong. Peaceful demos, any kind of demos are not needed in a functioning democracy. The function of the democracy depends from the people to be willing to discuss problems (and have the tools and the means to discuss installed) to find for a majority a suitable compromise. No decision/compromise in no country will ever be accepted by everybody. The real issue here is to learn and understand for everybody what a real democrat is. The real democrat shows when he is willing and able to accept decisions of the majority without going to the streets.

    The problem of the Thai society is that they never had a culture of critically discussing problems (in discussions the fear to loose the face is barring any positive outcome). Somebody who would publicly say that he made a mistake will in this society loose his face...so that never happens and the rate of common learning is therefore very low.

    The actual governement has a military background. Discussing orders of a military leader for a soldier is a no no, he would be jailed or shot, he has to do it blindly.. That is the background of the PM, that is why he is acting so harsh on any critic of his doing and what I fear is, that constructiv discussion and fighting for compromises cannot happen with a military governement. If the governement is not learning very fast how to discuss something before issuing an order, coming unrests are unavoidable, even if until now the majority of the Thais are happy with the governement. As I mentioned before, tools and means to dicuss things must be installed and the inability to install these tools is why all the governements in Thailand failed so far

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